Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

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How to speak Khazalid 101
由 Poison 制作
Have you ever wondered what that dwarf in your team is talking about throughout the game? If you have, then this is the answer for you:
A guide about all the words our mighty dwarf calls out during a game.
First of all: I am no warhammer lore expert. I do have a little bit of knowledge, but not nearly as much as many people on the forums of this and other games. I'm also not one of those admirable dudes who is able to speak a fantasy language fluently. I do, however, have a big interest in the warhammer fantasy lore which is why I wanted to make a guide related to it and gain some knowledge aswell. If any of you experts are out there reading this: I'm thankful for your help and criticism.

I'm also not a native english speaker, so if you encounter any mistakes: Please let me know! I'd be very thankful for it.
Basic Khazalid
Khazalid is known widely as the secretive high language of the Dwarfs. They seldom speak this ancient tongue before other races, deeming outsiders unworthy to hear it. Dwarfs naturally have loud, rumbling voices, and when they speak Khazalid, their speech is like thunder rolling amidst the mountains or the scraping of rock against rock. It is a hard, forceful, and sometimes guttural sound. The language reflects dwarfish passions and contains hundreds of words describing different types of rock, tunnels, and gold.

The first principle of the dwarf tongue is that almost all of its words represent solid physical things. There are surprisingly few specific words for abstract concepts. As a result many words double up as both a physical thing and an abstract concept strongly associated with that thing. For example, the root word for 'big-stone' is kar and the most common word for a mountain is karaz -- the 'az' ending denoting a single material thing or specific place. The same root word, kar, is also used to mean enduring in the form 'karak' - the 'ak' ending denoting an abstract concept. Thus Karaz-a-Karak, the name of the dwarf capital, means 'enduring mountain' or literally 'big stony stone place', though the name is more attractively rendered into human speech as Everpeak.

Curiously, the dwarf word for the race of men is umgi, whilst its abstract form of umgak means 'shoddy' - the dwarf word being equivalent to 'man-made'. To many, this demonstrates how important it is to look at the end of dwarf words - for it is these special 'signifiers' which usually tell you what the word actually means. There are many types of signifiers, some of which are given below, and by combining the different signifiers with root words it is possible to expand the basic Khazalid lexicon given here.
Bardins commonly used quotes
These websites were used for many of these translations, plus the in-game descriptions of some items while also using some more logical translations in some cases. For example:

Wazzok in Khazalid means something like: A Dwarf who has exchanged gold or some other valuable item for something of little or no worth; a foolish or gullible Dwarf; an insult.

Wazzok in english 'slang' can be seen in many ways: There are thoughts of it being an adaption of 'oiseau' which is french for 'bird'. In french there are many types of birds which are used as an insult, so hencewise this could originate from being picked up there. The more commonly translations translate into: foolish, stupid, daft, which seems to be the meaning our good friend Bardin has aswell.

Comrade (the Khazalid word for 'Dawr' literally translates as 'like dwarf' which further implies good and reliable things.)
Companions ('Dreng' means 'to slay, to kill', while 'baraz' translates into 'bound by the oath of slaying'.)
Kruber, respectively 'Sturdy Man', or even 'Waraxe Man', ('Az' stands for 'Warxe', and 'Umgi' for 'Men, humandkind'. But since we know that 'Az' can also point out a specific place or material it could also point out a specific person. So 'Azumgi' is probably a charming name for Kruber. 'Az' could also be a variation of 'Azul' meaning: 'Sturdy'.)
Kerilian ('Wut' standing for 'Wood, sticks' and 'Elgi' for 'Elf'.)
Saltzpyre (A salty boi, 'Grim' standing for 'Harsh, unyielding'.)
Sienna ('Zharr' for 'Fire' and 'Rinn' for 'Lady'.)
Weakling (A candle which blows out unexpectedly plunging the tunnel into darkness.)
Thagi (or Thaggoraki)
Assassin ('Thagi' stands for a murderous traitor.)
Warpfire Thrower ('Zharr' translates into 'Fire' and 'dum' into 'doom/darkness'.)
Chaos Warrior ('Kazak' translates into 'War of battle' or roughly into warrior.)
Klad Kazaki
Armored Warrior ('Klad' meaning 'Armour' and 'Kazak' translating into 'War of battle' or roughly into warrior.)
Lifeleech ('Guz' means to consume or eat something, while 'dum' stands for 'doom', respectively 'chaos'.)
Blightstormer ('dum' stands for 'doom', respectively 'chaos'. 'Zilfin' stands for 'windy', hence ziflaz points out a thing, respectively a noun because of 'az'. It stands for 'wind'.)
Warpfire Thrower ('Raki' is 'Skaven/Ratmen' and 'zharr' is 'fire'.)
Now we are getting into the substance: Bardin has many weapons, with very interesting names which I will now try to translate as precisely as possible. In some cases I was able to translate each word in the weapon, but not put it into one fitting name:
Two Handed Hammer
Great Hammer ('Grund' meaning hammer and 'Reugi' meaning great.)
Strollaz Grundreugi
Wander's Great Hammer ('Strol' stands for: 'Travelling leisurely'.)
****crusher ('Dongliz' roughly translates into: 'The parts of a Dwarf’s body impossible for him to scratch', while 'Rikkaz' is another word for hammer, respectively 'Crusher'.)
Headbutt Contester ('Stok' means: 'To hit or strike', daw is an adaptation of 'Dawr', 'Az' means 'War axe' and 'Bak' translates into: 'Fist, punch'. The ingame description goes as follows: "Headbutting contests are not unknown between drunken dwarfs, although Brokk Snorrisson's practice of wielding his warhammer as a proxy combatant was soon frowned upon.")
Shadowstriker ('Mhorna' meaning: 'shadow' and strok probably standing for an adaptation of 'strike'. While 'to strike' is normally 'stok', this could possibly be a synonym.)
Rinnaz Grundreugi
The Queens Greathammer ('Rinna' stands for 'Queen' and the description of this weapon points out that it is the hammer of a dwarfen queen.)
Rikaz Grundreugi
The Kings Greathammer ('Rik' stands for 'King' and the description of this weapon points out that it is the hammer of a dwarfen king.)
The Great Sun ('Zon' stands for 'Sun' and 'Reugi' for 'Great'. The description of the weapon in-game mentions the forging of this hammer in the rays of the rising sun and describes it as a beacon of hope in even the darkest places.)
Wutrothzan Drekmaraz
Redwood Crossbow ('Wutroth' is the wood from ancient mountain oak, 'Zan' is blood or the colour red. 'Drek' stands for 'Far distances' or 'Great ambitions' and 'Maraz' for 'Splitter'.)
Moon Lady ('Lhune' stands for 'Moon' and 'Kvinn' means 'Lady'.)
Eye Splitter ('Dok' stands for 'Eye'.)
Vengrynaz Drekmaraz
Grudgesettler ('Vengrynaz' stands for 'Vengeance'.)
Elf-Slayer ('Marazok' in this case meaning 'Slayer'.)
Zakiaz Drekmaraz
Hermits Crossbow ('Zaki' stands for an isolated hut, hence 'Zakiaz' is the personification of that. The in-game description mentions that this weapon belongs to a hermit.)
Great Axe
Waraxe ('Az' stands for 'Axe' and 'Dreugi' for 'War'.)
Skarrenruf Maraz
Sky Splitter ('Skarrenruf' translates into the colour bright blue or 'The day time sky'.)
Death Axe ('Uzkul' means 'Bones, death'.)
The Axe That Strikes The Unworthy ('Makaz' means 'weapon', while 'Skruff' is either 'A scrawny beard' or an outrageous insult. This example shows how difficult the language is to interpret, because the in-game translation means something hardly similar to the individual translations.)
Defeater's Waraxe ('Drung' stands for 'Defeating or vanquishing'.)
Bozdokaz Az-Dreugi
Madman's Axe ('Bozdok' roughly translates into madman, but the precise translation is: 'Unhinged as a result of constantly banging one’s head on low roofs and pit-props'.)
Ghullaz Az-Dreugi
Again, not so sure what this one stands for. The description of the in-game weapon notes some sort of redemption and guilt involved by expulsion.
Maraz Ungor
Cave Splitter ('Maraz' translates into 'Splitter' and 'Ungor' into 'Cavern'.)
Grudge-Raker ('Thrund' stands for 'Handgun' and 'Dammaz' for 'Grudge, grievance'.)
Thundergun ('Dron' standing for 'Thunder'.)
Winners Call ('Drung' translates into 'Deafeat, Vanquish' and 'Rorkaz' is a 'Informal Shouting Contest'. The description of the weapon in-game mentions a proverb: 'he who shouts loudest, wins.' I didn't manage to come up with a smooth name for this weapon.)
Dronak Ginit-Barag
(I interpreted 'Dronak' as the 'colossal black powder charge' from the in-game description, while 'Ginit' stands for: 'Small stone which works its way into your boot causing discomfort.'. 'Barak' is used for describing a 'War Machine'. The description of this weapons mentions it being able to shoot many small things, which are probably improvised, with a massive black powder charge. Again, I did not manage to come up with a smooth name.)
Ancient War Gun('Gromdal' means 'Ancient Artifact'.)
Hammer and Shield
Hammer and Shield ('Karin' is translated into 'Shield, temporary protection'.)
Karak Smakit
Enduring Breaker ('Karak' stands for 'Enduring', while 'Smak' stands for striking something, hence 'smakit' could be translated into 'smack it' aswell.The in-game descpription calls this one 'Mountain Breaker', however, 'Karaz' is the Khazalid word for Mountain, so there might be an error.)
Old Shield ('Dal' is the equivalent to 'Old, good'.)
Throngdrengiaz Karingrund
King's Champions Weaponry ('Throng' means 'Army, huge assembly of dwarfs or a clan', while 'Drengi' referrs to 'Slayers'. The in-game description of this item refers to the king's champions and their weaponry. Again, a smoother name doesn't come to my mind.)
Grundalaz Karak-Skaud
Battlesong Shield ('Grundalaz' roughly translates into 'Shield', while 'Karak-Skaud' referrs to 'Battlesong'. You gotta help me out with names.)
Challenger's Shield ('Dar' is the equivalent to 'Challenger'.)
Handgun ('Thrund' is translated into 'Handgun'.)
Ongrunaz Thrund
Mercenary's Handgun ('Ongrun' translates into 'Ally, mercenary'.)
Dronvarfaz Rork
Shouting Thunderwolf ('Dron' stands for 'Thunder', while 'Varf' stands for a 'Wolf'. 'Rork' is probably an adaption from 'Rorkaz', which stands for 'A informal shouting contest'.)
Zarazaz Kantuzthrag
'Zarazaz' roughly translates into 'Poison, venom', while 'Kantuz' is the number 100. The weapon description mentions something about the massive size of a wound this weapon can make, so 'Kantuz' must have something to do with that.
The Punisher ('Thrag' stands for 'Wound'. While I couldn't find any translations for 'Thryn', I did find the word 'Thrynaz', which translates into 'Rules, laws or a codex', hence the combination of them both would lead to believe that it symbolises some sort of punishment.)
Old Gun('Ald' meaning 'Old'.)
Drakefire Pistols
Drakefire Pistols ('Drakk' means 'Dragon' and 'Tuk' is 'Two'.)
Zintiaz Drakktuk
Tinkerer's Drakefire Pistols ('Zin' stands for 'Tin' and 'Zinti' means 'Tinsmith, Tinkerer'.)
Naggrundak Drakktuk
Devastation ('Naggrund' stands for 'An area of great upheaval, devastation or industry'. 'Ak' signifies that the word represents a concept, similarly to 'Az'.)
Rhuni Drakktuk
Runic Drakefire Pistols ('Rhun' stands for 'Rune'.)
Nornak Drakktuk
Earthscorcher ('Norn' stands for 'Barren Land'. Again, the use of 'Ak' seems to point towards a concept of the barren land, a symbolization of some sort. The in-game description leads to believe that it has something to do with dragon bones and the translator points out Karak Norn aswell. Karak Norn is a dwarfen fortress set out in the grey mountains and first to be ruled by a queen. It also seems to be the poorest in terms of minerals, hence the aspect of 'Barren Land'. 'Nornak' could mean something along the lines of 'land burned beyond recognition'.)
Ferocious Drakefire Pistols ('Grim' stands for 'Harsh, Unyielding'.)
Gods (W.I.P.)
Thank you and a little reminder
Thank you for reading this far. I hope you enjoyed my guide and again: if there are any mistakes, I'll gladly correct them and add missing quotes, if you've encountered any.

I also need help with the bold weapons: I can't come up with any fitting names for them, so if you are a creative mind feel free to write something down in the comments :)
The guys noted below helped me out with a few translations and other lore-related stuff, and I thought they deserve a special thanks. Props go out to:

Business Casual Sauron
Deja Vu
Mr. Citrus
Julius Seizure
79 条留言
Bom'Thrompson 4 月 3 日 上午 2:54 
Let me know if you need any Gods but lots of words stem from Gods rather than into i.e. Grimnir, The Slayer God shares the prefix with Grimgi "stalwart, determined one" and Grungni, The Forge God lends it's self to Grung meaning Great
Bom'Thrompson 4 月 3 日 上午 2:36 
Umgi means "Foreign, Not Dwarven" hence the derivative Umgak "Not Dwarf Made, Shoddy", therefore Azumgi literally (and we're dealing with dwarves & language so it's the only way) means Umgi worth of carrying and Az "Dwarf Made Axe", not sure where you got "Sturdy Man". Other than that it's all spot on!

I wish GW made Khazalid a full language, then the runes in my back tattoo could have been a story!
krumlin 2023 年 12 月 21 日 上午 1:46 
this is so dwarfpilled dude
rylan 2022 年 10 月 23 日 上午 5:29 
What are his battle cries, when he does his special ability as the slayer subclass jumping into the fray? cool guide btw!
Kazrindal Irkhonkonk 2022 年 8 月 24 日 下午 11:20 
I approve of this.
Suzuka the Vampire 2022 年 6 月 11 日 下午 10:31 
This is the best thing ever, thank you!
Ozzman181 2022 年 6 月 2 日 上午 10:38 
Ghullaz Az-Dreugi = Banishment war-axe.

The runes on the haft say: Gromthi (Ancester), Gorm (Old / wise / powerful), Gromdal (ancient artefact), Drung (vanquish / smash)
Poison  [作者] 2021 年 12 月 24 日 上午 11:55 
Hello Vanushka :) I pray for the day it will be finished. Thank you for your kind words. Hopefully, it will be finished soon, but I'm currently still very busy with studying.
Vanushka 2021 年 12 月 24 日 上午 11:46 
Can't wait for the Gods section to be written :)
Poison  [作者] 2021 年 9 月 30 日 上午 5:12 
Hello, I can't recall it either, but the next time I'll play as Bardin I'll try to listen out for it. If you find it, you can post it here and I'll add it.