Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

169 értékelés
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Challenges
Készítő: germundson
Work in progress! Currently being updated with screenshots from my second playthrough. This guide contains information about challenges in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. SPOILERS, obviously. If you find this guide helpful, please give it a thumbs up to help others find it. If it's important to you to complete the challenges, I recommend getting the [] skill, which makes challenge objects glow when using survival instincts.
Cozumel - Whistle in the dark
Find five blue/teal/turquise ceramic whistles hanging from rope. They are shaped like skulls. Shoot them with your bow and arrow to complete the challenge.

1 - After climbing through a small horizontal crevice in the wall, go down the stairs to enter a slightly larger chamber. This room has a monolith (too deteriorated to read) and a mural. Continue straight ahead, use your bow to rope pull some wreckage out of the way, then cut the rope near the ground to trigger the spear trap. Crouch under the spear trap. As soon as Lara straightens up again, the whistle is hanging from some beams near the ceiling ahead of you.

2 - Crouch through the narrow, rat-filled cave to the right. As soon as you exit, the whistle is hanging from a structure on Lara's right, quite high up in the air.

3 - As soon as you escape the narrow underwater path and climb ashore, turn Lara to the right to see the whistle hanging at head-level slightly ahead of you.

4 - Enter the room with the pyramid. Follow the path across the first of the climbable bell platforms to the section of solid ground where you push a cart to weigh down a bell platform. After you've done this, jump to the first of the platforms and then to the second. Looking straigt ahead, you should see the next whistle.

5 - Continue your climb along the path of bell platforms until you get to the second cart puzzle. The final whistle is hanging in the center of this area, above wooden platform you can rotate.

Thanks to user szzlbscts for providing information about the locations of some of the challenge items for this challenge.
?Peruvian jungle - Flower picker
Pick five blue flowers from the canopy. These flowers are spread throughout the highground near the plane wreckage camp. Note: You can come across these flowers in the canopy other places in the Peruvian jungle as well, but I do no know if picking them counts towards the challenge. If you have information about this, it would be great if you would share it.

Note: This section of the guide is missing some screenshots. If you have good screenshots it would be great if you shared them.

1 - Climb up on the central rock structure near the pond where the plane crashed. Jump onto the nearby branch and pick the flowers.

2 - South of the pond where the plane crashed, jump up to grab some vines twisted around a tree trunk. Jump again to reach the branch above, where you can find the flowers.

3 - From your position when picking up flowers 2/5, jump to the curved vine ahead and swing to the branch beyond. Jump onto the next branch to find the flowers. This branch is very close to the yellow crates with your gear.

4 - From your position when picking up flowers 3/5, jump to the curved vine ahead and swing to the branch beyond. There is a nest on this branch. Jump to the branch ahead of you to find the flowers.

5 - From your position when picking up flowers 4/5, jump to the curved vine ahead and swing to land on a small raised platform. Balance on the log protruding from the platform and jump to the branch ahead to find the flowers. This location is close to the location of the first optional challenge tomb.

[Second image coming soon.[

Other locations

- Note: It is not confirmed whether this flower counts towards the challenge or not. In the area where Lara defeats the empress jaguar (the one she turns into an outfit), there is a branch with flowers on them.
Peruvian jungle - Ruffled feathers
Shoot down four oropendola nests to complete this challenge. The nests are brown, drop-shaped clusters of twigs, and can be found hanging from high places. Note: There are more than four oropendola nests spread throughtout the Peruvian jungle, and they can all count towards the challenge. The screenshots are taken with Lara standing directly under (or as close as possible to) the nests.

1 - When standing where the crates with your gear fell down, face south east to see the nest hanging from a branch ahead of you.

2 - When standing where the crates with your gear fell down, face west to see the nest hanging from a branch above an abyss.

3 - When standing on top of the central rock structure near the pond by the wreckage (where one of the ropes holding your gear up was), face south east to see the nest hanging from a branch in front of you.

4 - When standing on the top of the central rock structure near the pond by the wreckage, face north east to see the nest hanging from a branch ahead of you. You can jump onto the branches ahead to get closer if you want to, or you can shoot it from where you are standing.

Other locations
Thanks to user itsjorge for confirming that these also count towards the challenge.

- As soon as you regain control of Lara after the cutscene where you encounter the jaguar, there is a nest hanging from a branch above you.
- Shortly after you regain control of Lara after the cutcene where you encounter the jaguar, there is a nest hanging from a branch close to a large log overhanging the path.
Croft Manor - Bullseye
Hit every target with a ball. Find one of the black balls scattered around the playground (they look like kettlebells) and throw it at each of the four archery targets.

1 - As soon as you gain control of Lara, the three first targets are to your right. Target 1 is hanging on the trunk of a tree.

2 - As soon as you gain control of Lara, the three first targets are to your right. Target 2 is hanging from a branch on a tree.

3 - As soon as you gain control of Lara, the three first targets are to your right. Target 3 is standing on a tripod.

4 - This one is in a slightly different location than the other two. In the back of the garden (behind Lara when you first gain control of her) there is a hammock. Target 4 is hanging from a tree branch above the hammock.

?Kuwaq Yaku - Bottom feeder
Harvest five aquatic plants. Kuwaq Yaku is located near a body of water, so simply jump in and start exploring. Most of them are located close to the docks. Aquatic plants glow when using survival instinct.

The easiest place to complete this challenge is in the large body of water located south of the bar, see image below.
[Image coming soon]

Note: If you are already full up on various plants, you will have to either craft some herbal mixtures to empty your storage, or sell some plants to a merchant to make room in your inventory.

Note: There is more than five plants in the water. Collecting any of them will count towards the challenge.

As this challenge is very easy to complete, I wil not include specific directions to each plant.

?Kuwaq Yaku - Nam deus
Destroy five sacreligious jungle totems. Shoot the totems to destroy them. They can be found hanging in the air throughout Kuwaq Yaku, more specifically in the northern part of the hub. Note: The totems will sometimes still glow when using survival instincts even though you have shot them down and they are on the ground.

Note: This section of the guide is missing some screenshots. If you have good screenshots it would be great if you shared them.

1/5 - Near the entrance to the challenge tomb north in Kuwaq Yaku, find the totem hanging from a branch just at the tomb entrance.
[Image coming soon]

2/5 - When exciting the tomb north in Kuwaq Yaku, find the totem hanging from a branch near the tomb entrance.
[Image coming soon]

3/5 - When standing on the elevated rock structure in the clearing north of Kuwaq Yaku, face east to see the totem hanging from a branch in front of you.
[Image coming soon]

4/5 - When standing on the elevated rock structure in the clearing north of Kuwaq Yaku (same as above), face south west to find the totem hanging from a branch.
[Image coming soon]

5/5 - In the clearing in the norhternmost part of Kuwaq Yaku (before entering the challenge tomb), find the totem hanging from the big tree in the center of the clearing.
[Image coming soon]
Kuwaq Yaku - Crude awakenings
Detonate five oil barrels. The barrels are red and can be found scatter throughout the northern part of Kuwaq Yaku. Shoot them to detonate them.

Note: If you stand too close to the barrels when detonating them, Lara can get injured.

1 - Start out at the Kuwaq Yaku Ruins basecamp. Instead of taking the path to the left, through the mud, head up the stairs to the right. The barrel is located between two flights of stairs, you might actually see it when standing by the basecamp.

2 - From where you detonated barrel 1, move up the second flight of stairs. Follow the path to the left first, which soon takes a right turn, leading you to a pit with some shallow water in it. The secoond barrel can be found to the right in this pit.

3 - From where you stood when shooting barrel 2, head back to the top of the stairs. When looking towards the hunting ground (sunfilled meadow full of animals), there is an elevated path to the right. Follow this path to the end, then drop down and follow the wall of foliage as it makes a right turn. Barrel 3 will be visible to you at this point.

4 - From where you detonated barrel 3, follow the path straight ahead to find barrel 4. You can see a muddy pick-up truck at the end of this path.

5 - When standing where you detonated barrel 3, instead of heading straight ahead towards the pick-up truck, head down the path on your left to find the last barrel. It is located close to a basecamp called Hunting Grounds.

?The Hidden City - High diving
Jump off all four high dives. The high dives look like makeshift diving boards. To swan dive, press [spacebar] followed by [C].

Note: There are more than four high dives. Jumping off any four of them will unlock the challenge.

Note: This section of the guide is missing some screenshots. If you have good screenshots it would be great if you shared them.

1/4 - As you first enter The Hidden City, after completing the section where you have to grapple axe and swing.

This screenshot was taken after diving and climbing out of the water.

2/4 - In the north west corner of the area with the abandoned huts, there is a wall you can scramble up. Shoot a rope arrow to the platform across the water, complete the climb to the high dive, and swan dive into the pond from it. Note: There is a crypt here, the crypt icon on the map might help you find the right location.
[Image coming soon]

3/4 - This one requires some serious exploration to find, but hopefully the images below will help you.

4/4 - When standing by the altar by the rice fields in the northernmost part of Paititi, you can see a barrier to your left. Break the barrier to gain access to the high dive. Note: This requires the enhanced knife which can cut braided rope.

Other locations:

?The Hidden City - Keep Calm and Carrion
Find and collect condor feathers from three nests.

Note: This section of the guide is missing some screenshots. If you have good screenshots it would be great if you shared them.

1/3 - When you first enter The Hidden City and roam around a small area with abandoned cabins, there is a wall in the north west corner of the area you can scramble up. The nest is located slightly ahead on this platform.
[Image coming soon]

2/3 -

3/3 -
?The Hidden City - Speak of the dead
Uncover four crypts in The Hidden City.

Note: This section lacks images. If you have good screenshots of this challenge, it would be a great help if you would share them!

1/4 - The first crypt is in the abandoned village, the first place you come to when you enter The Hidden City. The crypt is by the lake to the north; the entrance is close to a High Dive - instead of jumping off it, turn around to find the crypt.
[Image coming soon]

2/4 - The second crypt is in the albino capibara territory, aslo near a lake. The entrance to the crypt is close to the challenge tomb in this area. The entrance is close to another High Dive, so climb up and go through a crack in the wall.
[Image coming soon]

3/4 - During "Rebellion lives" (Reach Unuratu's prison cell), after swinging across to the prison and landing by the "The Winged Serpent" mural, instead of following the beacon to the right, climb to the left instead. The crypt entrance is by another mural, "Uturunku, The Ferryman".
[Image coming soon]

4/4 - After freeing Unuratu you are going back to Paititi. When you cross the bridge (where the guards stopped you earlier), the crypt is to the left). The entrance is easily visible before crossing the bridge.
[Image coming soon]

Thanks to user nachan87 for help with the locations of the crypts.
?The Hidden City - Dropping decimals
Grapple attach to three hanging quipus. Find them, jump into the air and grapple attach to them.

Note: This section of the guide is missing some screenshots. If you have good screenshots it would be great if you shared them.

1/3 - When you have the opportunity to return to the abandoned part of the city (where you first arrived), the quipus is hanging very close to the Abandoned Village basecamp. Find some high ground to jump from.

2/3 - Located above the monolith south in Paititi. Climb to higher ground to jump to it.

3/3 -
?The Hidden City - Changing the weather
Rope pull five purple frog totems. The totems are frog-shaped rocks with purple paint on them. Shot a rope arrow at their wall attachment to complete the challenge.

Note: This section of the guide is missing some screenshots. If you have good screenshots it would be great if you shared them.

1/5 - In the south west of the main village, there is a bunch of red tents and a preist talking. Take the stairs down to the east, and look near the window of the house on your left.

2/5 - A bit southwest of the marketplace fire, near a mural and a drum circle by the side of a house.

3/5 - At the same place you first meet the "dead" trader (blind woman), take the stairs up the
fabric dying house.

4/5 - South of the bridge entrance to the cult, in an alleyway/stairway to the right. If you pass two men talking, you passed the alley.

5/5 - If you go to the southernmost Monolith and follow the stream down TWICE, on your right is a barred door with a frog.

Thanks to user [TG]CTR-Drexxel for providing information about the locations of the challenge items.
?The Hidden City - Dunkin' bones
Knock down three skeletons.

Note: This section is missing images. If you have screenshots of this, it would be greatly appreciated if you would share them.

1/3 - During the Rebellion Lives mission (Reach Unuratu's prison cell), when you reach the bridge blocked by the guards, follow the beacon along the climb until you have to rapel down. Instead of rapeling all the way down to the white mark, stop slightly above it and swing towards the skeleton on the left.
[Image coming soon]

2/3 - After having hit the first skeleton, swing right. The second time you have to rapel, there is a skeleton right below you, slightly to the left.
[Image coming soon]

3/3 - After swinging across to the prison, when you land by the "The Winged Serpent" mural, go right. When you have to jump right to the overhead axe wall, instead of continuing right, rapel down and find the skeleton.
[Image coming soon]

Thanks to user nachan87 for information about the location of these challenge items.
Cenote - Sunken treasure
Pry open five underwater treasure chests. The chests are all located in the body of water in front of the temple entrance. I have included pictures of where the chests are located underground, as well as pictures of Lara's above surface position in relation to the temple entrance, for good measure.

Note: This section of the guide is missing some screenshots. If you have good screenshots it would be great if you shared them.

1/5 - When you first dive into the body of water in front of the temple, the chest can be found slightly to the left of the temple entrance.

2/5 - In the right corner closest to the temple entrance.

3/5 - In the right corner farthest from the temple entrance, located on a piece of protruding rock.

4/5 - Close to the right corner farthest from the temple entrance, at the bottom of the underwater pit full of human skeletons.

5/5 - Slightly to the left of the temple entrance, some distance away.

?Cenote - Respected
Rope-pull five effigies down. Shoot an arrow at the rope part of the effigies to pull them down.

Note: This section of the guide is missing some screenshots. If you have good screenshots it would be great if you shared them.

1/5 - When jumping into the body of water in front of the temple, head to the right side of the temple to find an effigy. Shoot an arrow at the rope section of it to pull it down.
[Image coming soon]

2/5 - This one is close to where you cut down the soldier to upgrade your arsenal (where you get the shotgun). Thanks to user nachan87 for providing information about this effigy's location.
[Image coming soon]

3/5 - After your first encounter with these strange new enemies in the pit, climb out of the pit (where the objective beacon is taking you). You encounted the effigie right before going into a partially flooded cave.
[Image coming soon]

4/5 - When entering the room with the big door where Lara suggests the box could be behind this door, follow the objective beacon into a smaller room with a lot of blood, dead bodies and a burning altar. The effigy is in your left.
[Image coming soon]

5/5 - After having opened the first of the doors to where Lara thinks the box is, swim through the now moving wheel to get to the other side. Upon climbing out of the water (near a barricade you can rope-pull to destoy to get back to the main area), there is another effigy.
[Image coming soon]
?Mission of San Juan - Raise the flags
Cut the release pulley to release five flags around the mission.

Note: This section of the guide is missing some screenshots. If you have good screenshots it would be great if you shared them.

1/5 - When you first arrive at the mission, turn back to see two cars parked behind you. The flagpole is on your left.

2/5 - In the southern part of the area, near the hunting ground, not far the Ruined Tower basecamp.
[Image coming soon]

3/5 - In the western part of the area, where Isabella and her archeologist friends reside.
[Image coming soon]

4/5 - North in the mission, up a set of stairs where a small girl seems to be diciplined by her father and a nun.

5/5 - North in the mission, close to a large gate being examined by two men.

42 megjegyzés
Cyberdejy 2023. aug. 2., 11:56 
I'm stuck at the Path of Fear... those things that I have to push to raise the drums just don't work except two of them... She can barely push them to the end but then they just refuse to fit in the gap... any ideas? It looks like a glitch to me...
Main-Plague BR 2021. dec. 14., 11:55 
Space_Girl_DFTBA 2021. aug. 16., 11:17 
Got some screenshots for Dunkin' Bones
first one (unfortunately at this point I hadn't quite figured out what to do with them, so screenshots are from a bit more distance, and then forgot to take a screenshot whilst rappelling down)
second one:
third one:

They're probably not the best screenshots, but at least for now I suppose they should help out more than no screenshots at all; feel free to use whichever ones you think are useful
iranarmy 2021. máj. 18., 0:04 
wow everyone need this guide this is awesome!
ramo 2021. máj. 16., 4:37 
thanks for the guide:ZAT_Correct:
RevCarl 2019. dec. 4., 19:39 
Hey germundson I am at the perfect part of the game where i can help with some wcreenshots for this guide. so I sent a freind request and I am working on getting screenshots and descritpions
germundson  [készítő] 2019. máj. 16., 13:45 
@Nexus Thank you, I'll add them next time I update the guide!
germundson  [készítő] 2019. márc. 1., 11:51 
@Gamerfss86 Thank you, that's great! I'll be sure to add them the next time I update the guide!
Gamerfss86 2019. febr. 28., 15:54 
got some screenies for you that you do not have in the guide.

the mission place cutting those flag poles near the ruined tower campsite