Green Hell

Green Hell

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Brazillian Guide Translated to EN
By Reifel
[without spoiler, spoiler censored] I translate my guide in portuguese to english, because I like the result
Basic course on how not to die - Prof. Reifel
My original guide in Brazillian Portuguese:

Hey people, im Reifel your professor at this course, i made it looking for teaching to you the basic WITHOUT SPOILERS, if i need to spoiler it will be black tag censored.
I did not mention a few things here because these things go beyond the basics, and it need to be your discoveries. Enjoy, its free.
Module 1 - Take care your body and mind
It is your First Priority
  • There are fixed spots on map with the plant required to craft bandages
    spoiler of that fixed place: there is a broken elevator which have 3 plants there
    spoiler of exact location: the entrance is cave between rocks at 40'W 18'S
  • Keep 3 or more bandages inside your bag

Learn how to read a compass
To locate yourself, build a sense of guidance, to avoid getting lost in the forest, to be free to explore.
  • you can acess the compass while using watch (F) and scrolling down mousewhell 40'W 22'S (readed by 40 minutes West and 22 minutes South)

TLTR: to the upper number W-> +1 | E-> -1 and botton number S-> +1 | N-> -1

long explanation: that means if you set W to upper center and walk straight line, the number goes to 41'W and keep 22'S,
if you set E instead W, the number goes to 39'W. Conclusion: W means plus 1, E subtract 1 at the number on top. the same to the bottom number.

Be Aware To Magnifier
if it shows, that means you felt something URGENT on your body, FAST Check-up every body's parts (with bag open make it easy).
Module 2 - Hungry and thirst + balance nutrition
Place any kind of meat turn into soup of meat. Herbal's soups have medicinal effects, and to treat issues inside body need to ingest something (eating or drinking). you can fill canteen with soup, by place canteen on ground and filling it with soup.

Store Water, improvise a bottle with handle
make a way to carry coconut to places, more easy way to hold.
use waterfall, mud, water spout between rocks or rain with someking of bowl in your favor to fill your canteen.

Can't reach coconut
throw rock (G button) or weak torch (middle mouse button) (stick+ rope)

Hunt with spear
it is more easy than arrows, and the hint is: doesn't need to fit inside your bag to be able to craft it.

Smoked = luxury life
  • smoked meat need more time cooking, but lasts longer consumable time. choose high nutritious meat to do that. you need to explore map to learn how to do that.

Balancing nutrition
the watch shows your levels of: Protein, Carbs (Fructose), Fat and Water.
keep a minimum level required (YOLO) or at max (to confort and HP)
  • Protein is found at meats from river, land or air, some animals have more nutritious meat
  • Carbs
    (Fructose) are found at fruit and plants (veganism)
  • Fats are found at nuts and coconut
  • Water is found at cooconut, treated water (boiled or filtered) or collected at rain
Module 3 - Fire
Protect your Fire
You're at RAINFOREST, that means rain ASF, cover your fire with something you made it or natural places.

Do you have a lighter?
I know you don't, so let some leaves to dry or search to dead/dry vegetation.

save dry leaf using weak torch
use torch to transport fire between firepits

used as fuel and medicinal at curatives and digestive (true at real world too, trust me)
Module 4 - Read researcher's annotations
Get knowledge from who studied that place, there is a picture gallery with that annotations
wild annotations gallery[]

Resin rare and almost useless its found at same tree with beenests, white without leaves

I hope you liked that course, and now you are prepared at basic level to survive at jungle, good adventure. ~Reifel
Norm MacDonald 27 Feb, 2019 @ 4:50pm 
resin isn't useless, it can be used to make a better torch
Reifel  [author] 8 Oct, 2018 @ 11:20am 
fill canteen with soup
Reifel  [author] 3 Oct, 2018 @ 4:09pm 
Reifel  [author] 3 Oct, 2018 @ 3:38pm 
update module 2, reach coconut using weak torch