Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny

Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny

43 ratings
Spear of Destiny Cheats
By Ov3RT4K3R
Spear of Destiny Cheats
Like in Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny has a similar debug mode. Start the game with the parameter of -debugmode, then during gameplay press Left Shift + Alt + Backspace to activate it.

Once activated, you can press key combos:

Tab + B - Change border color
Tab + C - Display number of items, actors, and doors
Tab + E - Skip level
Tab + F - Gives you the coordinates you are currently in
Tab + G - Activates God Mode
Tab + H - Takes away health
Tab + I - Free items (100,000 points, restores health, gives extra lives, and lots of ammo)
Tab + M - Display how much memory is in use
Tab + N - Turn clipping on and off
Tab + Q - Quit Game
Tab + S - Turns on and off slow motion
Tab + T - View GFX and play sounds
Tab + V - Add Extra VBLs
Tab + W - Warp to level
Tab + X - Extra Stuff

God mode is accessible in Spear without the use of the -debugmode command line parameter. Hold the keys Tab + G + F10 down together to toggle it.
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jdileone27 4 Sep, 2023 @ 1:12pm 
It works for me if i use spear.exe -debugmode, but how would I run the second and third mission? It doesn't work with the m1-sod m2-sod or m3-sod
ReverStar 10 Feb, 2020 @ 2:02pm 
Go to local files then base then SOD conf file and edit it with notepad. Go all the way down to "[autoexec]" Then paste this DIRECTLY under "mount c .\base
SOD.exe -speardebugmode
Then save and exit then you should be good to go and use Tab + G to use god mode.

Ps. If you're using Tab for any bind, this will not work unless you remap the bind to something else. So yeah, make sure Tab is not binded to anything.
Lord Remiem 4 Aug, 2018 @ 2:07pm 
Cannot make it work :( also tried to edit the Spear of Destiny .bat file, removing the shortcut to the M1-SOD.exe file, just to mount C: manually and specify -debugmode manually... but this does not work.

EDIT worked :) I typed "spear debugmode" instead of M1-SOD.exe
Kitty Pryde 30 Dec, 2017 @ 6:36pm 
That link doesn't help. Adding -debugmode on the bat file shortcut or on the steam properties dialog command line options field does nothin. I also trtied to add it on the 3 .bat files right after the exe file with a space in between and it has no effect. In wolf I got it working by adding it on the .conf file but because of the way SOD is started, the conf files have no launch commands like wolf, the autoexec section on both conf files is empty. The launch command is in the bat files, yet on the final window that launches the game, tit is clearly coming from somewhere else too :(
RetroVHS 17 Jun, 2017 @ 1:58pm 
I am a little late to the comments here, but I am not understanding where or how to add the -debugmode command line parameter. I purchased SoD and Wolf3D, but Wolf3D actually had a cheat mode available in steam. Can anyone help me out here?
lord_of_hell 17 Oct, 2015 @ 9:59am 
Forgot the MLI combo)))
JDK319 12 Jun, 2015 @ 6:38pm 
redknight4 ﴾Σ﴿ 3 Aug, 2013 @ 1:57pm 
configure the 3 dosbox bat files to launch in cheat mode or do 3 new modified bats and config files need to be made since the steam arguments and the argument being added in the bat file seam to fail when strait up modifing them