Cube Life: Island Survival

Cube Life: Island Survival

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Hints, Secrets, Resources on each Island and EASIEST way to get MOTOR killing only 6 natives!
By CrystalMarsh
Best Islands to Find those Needed Resources! (like COAL, GOLD, DIAMONDS, EBONY...etc) And some of the safest Islands, with info on how dangerous cannibals are, Native Isle info and what they trade. Along with a few tricks of the trade! (And save game often!)

*Each Island has it;s own section, just in case you are looking for a specific resource. I will only put resources & other Info in section title's , it;s up to you if you wish to see which island the resources are located at, which will be blacked out by the ''spoiler'' format. You must highlight the black spoiler box to see the Island.
Like This! lol
*I will include info on how to conquer certain Isle's, so you can always have safe havens throughout the map.
*But first, the EASIEST way to get the MOTOR for the motorboat by killing only 6 Natives and RULING their isle!
*See sections in Guide

Good Luck!

(guide still under construction, but MOTOR info is done!)
Easiest Way to Get the Motor for MotorBoat by killing only 6 natives and RULING the Isle!
Get the Motorboat Motor Easiest Way!
(sorry bad pic!)

This is the first of many pages about each Island and what they contain: Animals, Loot, Trees, What Stones (Diamonds, Coal, Gold, Iron .... Etc.) each Isle holds, Landscape, Good or Bad Natives, Isles where Cannibals are the meanest and so on. I will make each Island seperate, just in case you only need help with finding a certain item, as to not spoil other clues and tips.

But first, this is the best way to get the Motorboat Motor.

Island F07 is a small friendly Native Island. If you prefer to first visit and dig around, some tips:
Save often
There are only 5 natives with one person to trade with
There ARE tons of sharks, which make this Island GREAT for shark hunting. It's good to create a ''U'' shape built out from the Isle, since the Isle is round. Go to the edge of one of you built out portions and as they swim to you, hit em', they will turn around and get caught in the other built out portion and swim back to you. Just watch out when you dive to get their dropped item, b/c other sharks may be swimming up. After 5 or six kills, they seem to stop for a little bit so you can collect.
Do NOT dig, take ANY grass, or cut trees, take tree items at the very upper portion of the island, or take any of their torches, or they will get mad, and you can't come back for three days (this is why I saved often, in case I hit a ''no no'' spot
Contains sand, rock, dirt, grass,trees like Oak, but NO fruit trees, but you CAN plant your own tree (any), as well as plant crops from your inventory
They have no crops of their own, and only trade items like sailboats, explosive powder, brick

Make sure you have plenty of arrows and a bow, and make SURE you have some explosive arrows (Also have water in your backpack, so as to have when you are done fighting, in case you lose some life)
Build a tower of stone on part of the land where they allow. SEE BELOW PS. ( If you have them, set mine traps, or TNT boxes that would lead to your tower, which they would walk on) but far away enough as to not damage your towerSee below
From a higher piece of land build a ramp leading to the top of your tower. When you are on the ramp, go backwards and break each stone until you are on ''your fighting post'' so they can;t access you
Save Game
Shoot an explosive arrow toward there area, I shot it by the trading area where you would trade the native, but not at or near the chests of loot
The Fight is on! Explosive arrows are the best if you have them, just don;t shoot any of your standing blocks!
One native should run up from the lowest part of land (all have arrows only, no explosive ones). Shoot him, 3 (or 4) others follow on the lowest part of land. It will get quiet a moment, then one more peaks out, usually from a HIGHER level. Get him and wait a minute.
If none come out, stand in the middle block, break all the blocks around you, then look down and break each block, which will slowly take you down to the ground.
Get ready for one more native, the trading guy. Go over to him, finish him off and you are done! YOU NOW CONQUER THE ISLAND!
Just found more LOOT! See pic below in black spoiler box.

Now you can claim everything here! This can be a safe haven in the middle of the map where you can shark hunt, build and plant wherever and explore the Island

I have not yet dug at the top of the Isle to see if anything is of value hidden, but even if not...

Good Luck and More to come on other Islands!
LOTS of IRON, also coal,Chickens,Pigs,UNDERWATER CAVES

Island G06

  • [/listterrain]
Full of Iron, Coal and even some gold
chickens, pigs, eagles and lots of sharks
if you have your DIVING HELMET- be sure to bring it! There are underwater caverns with a few hidden GOLD to dig out, a sunken chest with a few items, shells (so far i found 5 pearls)
BUT BEWARE! The sharks can dive down to you even if you have a barrier blockade at the surface!
you need to manouver to the top of the statues and arches, but WATCH OUT FOR EAGLES! they will swoop down and knock you off!
450+ COAL! Gorillas, Tropical Plants, Bird's for Feather's

Island H01

Over 450 Coal! I'm cooking Tonight!
Tropical Trees, lots of Grass for Ropes
Gorillas - they are docile UNLESS you attack them for their hide or meat, also monkeys here
Tropical Birds for feathers to make arrows
Huge Underground native/Cannibal lair with TONS of Coal and hyroglyphic native/cannibal drawings
make sure you have plenty of torches b/c it's dark down there! as well as plenty of picks for digging!
you can make a hideout home in the underground cavern to hide at night w/o being caught
low cannibal activity at night
Rubies and Turtles

Island C02

A few very very low islands with palm tree, some rubies in rock beds. Turtles (you have to hit the turtles only when their head is peeking out to cause any damage, and will take a while to fully kill one) Also, Lots of sharks and Eagles!
Claim 4 Islands as Yours after you kill all Natives - safe haven's for YOU
4 Islands you can claim as yours after killing all natives, some easy, some not!
Gamerfss86 13 Oct, 2018 @ 6:57am 
NICE! i did try scouring that area for a easier way and closer way to get the motor there (also tried E4)

devs added it or its RNG
i think the devs added it

another hard way to get the motor is kill shamans (A11 & K1). drop rate is low tho
Bah Bah Bearam 19 Sep, 2018 @ 11:27am 
Looks like a very cool guide, I will check it out later, you want to help make the guides I started to make? I've only got two days worth done but I will add on more later.
Very nice work :)