Space Engineers

Space Engineers

66 人が評価
FSZ - Faction Safe Zones ~Updated 12/23/19~
Type: Mod
Mod category: Script
1.345 MB
2018年9月8日 20時44分
2022年7月8日 11時04分
31 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

FSZ - Faction Safe Zones ~Updated 12/23/19~

If you plan to remove the mod either because of bugs or just don't want it anymore, you need to disable all safe zones first in the world (/config.enablesafezones.false). If you don't, any saved safe zones will continue to exist in your world and you'll have to manually delete them.

-Changes - 12/23/19
- Added new config "disableProductionOnRestart" this will only disable all production on session restart, also if enabled, it will override "disableProduction".

Changes - 9/29/19:
- Added new chat command /pasteconvert which will convert stations not in voxels to ships by cutting/pasting them back into the world as a ship (been lots of weird clang issues with vanilla convert).

Changes - 9/14/19:
- Added new config option with feature "disableProduction" which will turn off all production blocks when faction logs out. With the exception of the survival kit.

Changes - 6/21/19:
- Fixed new grids NOT getting a safe zone due to the power check not working properly.
- Added new config option (not yet implemented, check the config options discussion link).

Changes - 3/14/19:
- Added new chat command /forceremovezones to forcefully remove your faction safe zones.
- Added 90 sec delay to recheck any active zones to online players on mod load.

Changes - 3/7/19:
- Fixed admins being added to zones not created by this mod(manually added). Thanks Splen!!

Changes - 3/5/19:
- Fix zones not despawning due to manually added safe zones. Thanks Splen!!
- Removed delay when using cut/paste command.
- Reworked method of safe zone removal. Sometimes zones wouldn't despawn when player logs in.
- Added new chat command (/rename NewGridName). Details below.

Changes - 3/1/19:
- Fixed Errors due to new survival patch.

Changes - 12/30/18:
- Zones will now get removed (on server reload) when grids get removed.
- Fixed null exception crashes.

Changes - 11/13/18:
- Admins can now cut/paste any grid reguardless of ownership (except if grid is inside a safe zone). And admins can be around other players when player tries to cut/paste a grid.
- Fix /disablezones command (again), was only saving the last faction that ran the command.
- Fix /config.enablesafezones.true not saving in the config file xml sometimes to 'true'.
- Added new chat command /ownership, while looking at a grid (mostly used while grid is inside a safe zone), this command will tell the player what faction the grid belongs to. Raycasting range is 2km from player to grid.

Changes - 10/26/18:
- Fix crash when players login.
- Reworked method of getting existing safe zones on world load. Sometimes there would be duplicated safe zones on same grid.

Changes - 10/21/18:
- Safe Zones no longer get removed/readded upon world reload. This should fix exploit of players camping at enemy zones until server restart and could attack those offline players after server reboot. Also, if a grid doesn't already have a safe zone, if there is an enemy nearby, a new safe zone will spawn in. Safe zones will STILL NOT spawn if allied grids are nearby.
- Fixed Cut/Paste command not working when the alert system was disabled.
- Fixed /disablezones command, it should now save after server reboot. Also, it now generates an XML file with all excluded factions.

Changes - 10/12/18:
- Added new chat commands for both player and admins (please read below).
- Added alert system (still working out the bugs on this feature)
- Added safe zone currency option
- Added tags for grids CustomNames if safe zones are unwanted [nozone].

Changes - 9/18/2018:
- HUD notification no longer spams players that are not in a faction. The notification will display for ~30 seconds and disappear.
- Fixed rare server crash when several grids are close to each other and a safe zone tries to spawn in.
- Added more config settings (see Details Description below) these new settings are not yet functional.

Welcome Admins! Kamikaze here to bring you some assistance with a few admin tools for QOL purposes. First, this mod was inspired upon FowlPlayChiken who is an admin for the server Guardians Vanilla PVP. The main purpose of this mod is the offline faction based safe zones. This feature will spawn in a safe zone around your faction's stations when all the faction's players go offline. If there are any grids within the same faction within 500m. of each other, they will be grouped together and only 1 zone will spawn around the whole group. This WILL include small/large grid ships. For example, if there is a station by itself, the zone will only cover the station. But if there is ship within 500m of that station, the zone will extend beyond the ship so that your ships can get covered as well. Don't have a station nearby your large ship, no problem, just convert the ship to a station before you log off so it will get a safe zone. REMEMBER, only stations will be the center point of a safe zone.

If multiple stations are within 500m of each other, the largest station of the group will be the center of the safe zone, so keep this in mind.

If enemy grids are nearby, default 800m, that faction station/surrounding area will not get a zone because of nearby enemy grids. THIS ALSO INCLUDES FACTION ALLIED GRIDS. This is to prevent rage quiting when being attacked by enemies in hopes to protect their stuff. If a station is unable to get a safe zone because of nearby
enemies, it will continue to try until threats are gone.

There are some options that can be configured by the server admin, these settings can be found inside your SE save folder under Storage/1507368483.SBM_Anti_Grief_Systems/DynamicSafeZones_Settings. An XML file will be generated whenever you load the mod for the first time.

You can change the values directly on the XML file or you can now change config values ingame.

See this guide to view config values

Chat Commands for Players:

/ownership - can be ran by any player. While targeting a grid inside a safe zone, this will tell the player what faction the grid belongs to. Raycasting range is 2km from player to grid.

/checkzones - can be ran by any player in a faction. This will tell the faction memebers via chat if a ship/station will NOT be covered by a safe zone and why. It is best to run this before you logout to see if all your grids will be protected or not. Remember this is faction based so it will include ALL faction grids.

/disablezones - can be ran by any faction Founder/Leader to disable all their safe zones and keep them from spawning.

/enablezones - can be ran by any faction Found/Learder to enable safe zones to spawn again for their faction.

/un♥♥♥♥it - Cut/Paste faction owned grids back into same location in an attempt to fix bugged grids. Can also use /keen!

/convert - can be ran by any player and used to convert any faction owned grid either from a ship to station or vise versa. Must be in a seat.

/rename NewGridName - can be ran by any player to allow any faction member to rename a grid while in a seat.

If there is any grids that you don't want a safe zone to spawn, just add [nozone] anywhere in the grid's custom name.

If you like my work, please donate to my paypal
人気スレッド 全て表示 (8)
2021年4月8日 5時00分
Ignore creting Safe Zones for NPC owned grids.
2018年10月27日 14時42分
Tie safe zones to one block per faction?
2018年10月27日 11時13分
Crash in major update.
214 件のコメント
Alexis(Mssun21) 4月15日 10時23分 
@DRAKCORE As long as the Safezone is up it will not let them do almost anything till it drops.
DRAKCORE 4月13日 11時13分 
Am I missing something?
While they are online and their safezone is still active/ticking down, are they able to build/grid/weld?
Seems like they are unable to do so.
Alexis(Mssun21) 3月17日 14時37分 
Can we have a settings to change the safe zone size?
Kamikaze  [作成者] 2023年12月21日 11時52分 
@Heavyweapons, we use this on our server, and NPCs are not getting SafeZones
Heavyweapons 2023年12月21日 6時37分 
I would like to know if you do end up ever touching this mod again, making it so that NPC grids do not receive a SZ, Thanks!
ThePropheticWarrior 2023年4月27日 17時47分 
I think the Title needs updating now...
Kamikaze  [作成者] 2023年4月26日 19時31分 
@EverGoodHunter, its been a long time since i messed with this mod so I cannot remember the exact behavior of this. But I know changing faction names does mess with existing safe zones. If there are existing safe zones present, you might have to manually admin remove them. I can't remember when them will recognize their new name...maybe after the server reboots? Sorry I haven't touched SE in a long while.
EverGoodHunter 2023年4月26日 12時52分 
So I have a faction on my server who renamed their faction and now they don't have safezones spawn for them. Is there any way to fix this issue?
The_Yrri 2022年12月7日 20時13分 
Thank you Kamikaze, appreciate coming back on this to me. It makes perfect sense now and aligns well with my own tests last night. Thank you for this amazing mod - it would alleviate a lot of issues with griefing!
Kamikaze  [作成者] 2022年12月7日 19時46分 
@The_Yrri, so someone added the currency function in for me. But what i recall, in the config file you have to turn on to use currency then there is also a tag for what you want your currency to be... once thats enabled and when all faction members log off, that item is deducted 1 for every time it spawns. Make sure to have that currency in any block that has an inventory on your largest large grid (the grid where the center of the safe zone spawns from). If you have multiple locations, you will need that currency on all locations on the largest count grid. Hope that makes sense.