La-Mulana 2

La-Mulana 2

85 ratings
Viceroy's Hint-Based Guide to Eg-Lana
By ViceroyOfMonteCristo
Remember Cheshire's Hint-Based Guide to La-Mulana? I figured the best option would be to make one for the sequel, since it can be just as cruel in some of the puzzles.
General Hints
First things first; I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say you've probably finished or at least played the first game, meaning that you're aware of most of the general requirements of this series. If not, then you should head back to the original Hint Guide written by Cheshire_1 and read the General Hints section located here. Overall, this game plays very similarly to the original, with one main exception; you can now grab and drop from ladders at locations other than their top and bottom. This allows for a lot more mobility, in addition to some much-needed movement overhauls that aid in jumping momentum.

Also, regarding some hints in this guide: Any map coordinates are listed as a letter followed by a number. Each letter is a column in the map, and each number is a row. For example; if a coordinate is listed as B-4, that means the room is 2 blocks to the right and 4 blocks down from the top-left of the map. By top-left, I mean even if there isn't a room in the top-leftmost space, the top-left would be either above the leftmost room, or to the left of the topmost room.
Village of Departure
Seriously? There's hardly anything difficult up here.

What items do I get in this Field?
Right now, the only items you should have are these:
  • Hand Scanner (Shop in E-4)
  • Xelputter Software (Received from Xelpud)
  • Yagoo Map Reader Software (Shop in C-4)
  • TextTrax2 Software (Shop in C-4)
  • Pepper (Shop in E-4)
  • Pistol (Shop in E-4)

Eventually you'll come back and get these items:
  • Beherit (Received from Alsedana after defeating Vritra)
  • Sacred Orb (Chest in G-4)
  • La-Mulana Talisman (Received from Giltoriyo after Alsedana's funeral)
La-Mulana Ruins
Welcome back to the ruins! After Lemeza trashed them during the first game, they're looking a bit worse for wear, and a lot of locations just aren't accessible. However, the areas still open will have a few necessary items tucked away in them.

I can see something glowly tucked away behind a tarp on the top-right corner of the screen, but can't get to it!
That's a very important item for solving a late-game puzzle, but you shouldn't bother grabbing it yet. Wait until you've got more mobility.
That's the Bronze Mirror, necessary for a puzzle in Eternal Prison. You'll need the Feather to get to it.

When does this shop in Gate of Guidance open?
After you talk to Fobos and open the Eg-Lana ruins it should open. There's a VERY important item here called the Codices that allows you to see boss and miniboss health bars, so I'd recommend grabbing it as soon as you can.

What's this "cursed tablet"?
Congrats, you found this game's Hard Mode tablet. Don't read it again unless you want to activate it, which you REALLY shouldn't do on your first playthrough.

What the hell was that giant squirrel-looking thing???
Yeah, that's Ratatoskr. Get used to him, he'll be a rather annoying miniboss who shows up a couple times throughout your adventure. No need to worry about him yet though.

I'm standing here with Fobos in front of the Child Statue; now what?
What would your instincts tell you to do?
You gotta destroy the statue, much to Fobos' chagrin. Just whip it a few times.

I finally got into the Inferno Cavern, but nothing's here!
There's something hidden here, but you'll need to chant some Mantras to find it. There's a hint on a tablet in Hall of Malice.
Chant Scream and Wish to reveal a Mantra mural.

What items do I get in this Field?
Right now, all you should have are these items:
  • Shell Horn (Chest in Gate of Guidance D-2)
  • Holy Grail (Chest in Gate of Guidance B-4)
  • Ruins Encyclopedia Software (Received from Fobos after opening Eg-Lana)
  • Codices (Shop in Gate of Guidance B-4)

Later you can come back and get these items:
  • Skull Software (Received from Fobos after defeating Fafnir)
  • Bronze Mirror (Hidden behind a tarp in Gate of Guidance B-4)
  • Freya's Pendant (Received from Freya in Endless Corridor)
  • Child Mantra (Mural in Inferno Cavern)
Roots of Yggdrasil
Congratulations! You've finally managed to enter the true setting of the game. This area acts similarly to the Gate of Guidance, teaching you everything you need to know about getting around.

I found one of those blocks that holds a subweapon, but how do I open it?
The solutions for subweapon block puzzles are always in the room with the block. Try looking around for anything hidden.
Directly below the subweapon block there's a destroyable wall hiding a dais.

I opened a chest, but every time I try to get to it, I get crushed!
Even if you got to the end of that hallway, there's a breakable wall there. Couldn't you take it out from a distance?
Use your newly-found shurikens to destroy the wall.

I found a weird room with an 8x4 set of tiles in the middle with symbols on them.
Yep, that's a clue for a puzzle waaaaay down the road. Just remember where it is for now. You'll find more of them around.

What are these 3 statues with glowing eyes?
They're part of the puzzle for fighting this Field's Guardian. Look for similar statues, and read the tablets near them.
Whip their eyes.

I beat Ratatoskr again and now I'm in a room with a locked gate.
That leads to another Field, but it's locked for now. Try using a subweapon to interact with that button in the center of the room's floor.
It requires something that can be thrown downwards, such as the Rolling Shuriken or Earth Spear.

There's a blue beam thing here that I can't pass through.
Those light barriers can be turned off by solving puzzles. Normally there's a dais in the room hidden behind something, or just a raised part of the floor to step on.

There's some kind of diagonal line of stones on the back wall, I can't interact with them though!
This game has stairs! You can climb them by pressing up at the bottom, or down at the top. Some of them are pretty will hidden though, so always be on the lookout for diagonal lines in the background.

I just got crushed by a golden rock.
That's the Golden Rock. Its only purpose is to crush you... for now. Come back once you're a bit better equipped.
That Bust of Mimir up there will be useful, once you learn the right Mantra to incant in front of it. Aside from this, you'll also need one of the Sigils.
Chant Earth in front of the Bust of Mimir to make a platform appear. However, you'll need to break the pillar holding up the rock to get to it; and even after that, you'll need to break the wall next to the platform to get what it's holding. Your whip's attack is too slow to do all that, but another weapon might not be...
You'll have to use the knife's faster attack speed to break both the pillar and the wall in time. However, you'll also need the Life Seal.

What's this Seeress' Prophecy tablet?
That's a piece of lore, but also something VERY helpful in the last puzzle of the game. If you see any more of these tablets, you should definitely either write them down or save them in your TextTrax2 program.

I just deactivated one of the statues and now Nidhogg is killing me a lot.
Sometimes it's not a good idea to fight a miniboss just because it's appeared. You can drop out of the room using the holes on the left and right, then come back later once you have more firepower and health.

There HAS to be some easier way to kill Nidhogg, right?
Ha, I wish. No matter when you come back and try to fight this idiot, he'll always be awkward to damage. Best option you have is to stock up on a LOAD of Shurikens and just chip away at his health from afar. You could also try to hit him with your whip after he dives, but that'll require tanking some heavy contact damage from him.

So what do I do now that all 3 statues are deactivated?
Head back to the room where all 3 statues are next to each other, and see if anything's changed.
See that guy in the room that just opened? Talk around with some of the NPCs in this Field and see if anybody has info on him.
Stop the poison by destroying the statue above him. He'll spawn the Field's Ankh and then warp out.

Any advice on the Guardian?
Fafnir's the first boss, but that doesn't mean it's a cakewalk. Stay out of the range of its fireballs, and watch the range of its flames when it's above you. It's only vulnerable while attacking, so aim for its mouth every time it opens. It'll start getting faster the more you damage it, and eventually start shooting homing needles at you, so make sure to get the Codices from the shop in Gate of Guidance if you haven't already, so you can track its health.

Fobos told me to visit him.
Fobos will take your crystal skull "for a while". Just head back into Eg-Lana and return and he'll give you the Crystal Skull back, along with the Skull Software.

What items can I get from this Field?
On your first pass, you should have these items:
  • Sacred Orb (Chest in E-4)
  • Shurikens (Subweapon block in C-3)
  • Guild Software (Shop in C-5)
  • Crystal Skull (Defeat Fafnir)

Eventually you'll get these items later:
  • Knife (Subweapon block in B-2)
  • Pyramid Crystal (Chest in E-6)
  • Mantra Software (Mural in D-2)
Divine Fortress
Now that you've beaten Roots of Yggdrasil's Guardian, you can enter the Soul Gate and head into the second Field. This is honestly one of the easier areas for now, though it does contain a puzzle necessary for fighting another Field's Guardian. Otherwise, there's not much to do here yet other than fight a miniboss and head into another Field.

What are these two rotating doors, and who are the guys inside?
They'll be integral to a later puzzle. Just remember where they are for now, as well as their names.
Eventually, you'll come back here and they'll help you collect Frey's Boat, which is a required item to fight the Guardian of Annwfn.

There's a huge boat blocking my way!
That's part of a puzzle in another Field. Eventually you'll be able to collect it as an item, but first you'll have to talk to some other people.

What's with this giant chalice?
It's full of Soma, a liquor that, when picked up with the Vessel, allows you to be revived once with 32 health. However, in order to access it, you'll need to incant some Mantras in a specific order, as told by the tablet to the right of it.
Chanting End, Wind, Wish, Eternity will open the chalice. Then, chant Night, Eternity, Child, Road, Mother to pour it.

What items can I get in this Field?
There's not much you can collect on your first pass through here, but this is what you should have before entering the Gate to the next Field:
  • Origin Seal (Defeat Hugin & Munin)
  • Sacred Orb (Chest in B-3)
  • Alert Software (Shop in B-5)

Eventually, you'll come back and get these two as well:
  • Heaven Mantra (Mural in D-5)
  • Death Village Software (Chest in C-2)
  • Frey's Boat (Talk to Brokkr after reading the tablet in Annwfn F-2)
Surprise! You're already in the Backside of the Ruins! Remember in the first game how long it took you to get to the Backside Fields? This game kind of gets rid of that entire concept and makes everything more fluid in terms of frontside/backside layout. Still, this place is full of complex puzzles befitting of a lategame Field. You'll be here often.

I can't warp to this Field's Grail Tablet!
I mean, it's a Backside Field. Did you really think you could? Go grab the same software from the first game that let you warp to them.
You'll need to find Future Development Company. It's available in a shop in this Field for 100 coins.

What's with all these thrones?
They'll be important soon. You'll have to find out which of the thrones is the "true king's throne", then chant a specific combination of Mantras in front of it.
The true throne is the one in the chamber where you fight Jalandhara. The Mantras you need to chant are on a tablet in Divine Fortress.
Chant Earth and Fire to open a passage beneath it.

Why is there a huge bloody door here?
That's the entrance to the Corridor of Blood. Right now, you shouldn't worry about it, but it'll be INCREDIBLY important soon. Just know that you'll soon need to learn about how it works, and that you'll need to use it to get to some areas in other Fields that are impossible to reach otherwise.
If you've already defeated this Field's Guardian, you can use your newly-acquired Beherit to rotate the arrow above the door and change where it leads.

How do I get to that area with the 4 Seals on the statue?
That's a very late-game item in that chest. You'll have to drop down from above, which requires the ability to chant Mantras, as well as an item that allows you to pass through special barriers.
The Flail Whip is in there. You need to use the Clay Doll Outfit to pass through the Spiraling Light barrier in the room above this one.

How do I get this Subweapon block open?
Obviously the dais opens the chest, the only problem is getting to it without getting fried by the laser. Check that tablet down there.
Crawl under the laser and it'll stop once you get to the dais.

How do I get to the Sigil on the wall in D-1?
You can walk through part of the wall to the left of it.

I found that guy I freed in the Roots of Yggdrasil!
Yeah, this is where he warped to. If you talk to some of the NPCs around here, they'll tell you he's trying to activate the Guardian of this area. Just attack him a couple times and he'll move to a new room. Try following his blood trail to track him down. Keep doing that and he'll eventually give you the Ankh.
After you find him the first time, he moves up to D-2, to the left of the statue with the 4 Seals. After this, he moves one room down to D-3, behind a fence. Finally, talk to the NPC in this room to open the door to the Ankh.

How do I get to the Ankh room?
For that, you'll need to fight the miniboss in C-3. Check out the tablet in the corridor above it for a hint.
Kill the two golden enemies, Zipakna and Cabracan, in the Field to spawn Vucub-Caquix.

Any advice on the Guardian?
Vritra's not that hard once you learn the patterns. Stay up on the top platforms and keep whipping the head, dodging the fireballs and its arms when it destroys the platform you're on. The main things you should work to avoid are its jump attack, which requires a well-timed jump to dodge, and accidentally getting into its head's hitbox, which does a lot of damage.

What items can I get in this Field?
On your first pass through, you should have these:
  • Caltrops (Subweapon block in C-4)
  • Future Development Company Software (Shop in D-4)
  • Scalesphere (Defeat Vritra)

Later, you can come back and get the following
  • Flail Whip (Chest in D-2)
  • Crystal Skull (Chest in B-5)
  • Fire Mantra (Mural in D-1)
Now that you've got the first Sigil, you can come to Annwfn (it's pronounced ann-un), which is your next step into Eg-Lana as well as the location of the next Guardian. There's a LOT of useful stuff here, so make sure to explore as much as you can.

Why can't I push this block and get the Subweapon?
Surprise! In this game, you can't push blocks yet until you've gotten an item. Come back when you have the Glove.

There's a chest here, but any time I get near it I get arrows shot at me!
Check out that tablet, it's pretty literal about what you need to do.
Go up the ladder and face away from the chest for 5 seconds.

I found a raised piece of floor that looks like a pressure plate, but I can't crawl in to get to it!
You'll need this Field's Subweapon in order to activate it.

A block I pushed just opened a door, but I can't reach it!
That platform on a chain up there will be necessary to reach it. Try entering the room from the left, after beating a miniboss in that room.

How do I get up to B-2?
Try scanning some stuff around the room with the Grail Tablet; remember, some skeletons can be scanned too.
Scanning the carving on the big face statue tells you to climb the statue's "pterion". That's the side of the forehead.

Who's this guy sitting next to a rainbow colored pit?
That's Heimdall. Don't worry about him just yet. He'll be important faaaaaar later in the game. Just remember that he's here. Also, take note of that big six-pointed star mural on the wall. Haven't you seen something else that had a six-pointed star above it?

How do I activate the Ankh here?
After wandering around here, you'll meet an NPC who tells you to talk to Frey. Talk to him, then talk to her again. She'll summon the Ankh for you.
Her name's Voluspa. She's in D-4.

I'm short an Ankh Jewel!
There's a shop that you've probably already gone to that sells an Ankh Jewel.
The one in Gate of Guidance. It costs 50 coins.

How do I even get to the Ankh in the first place?
You can't get there from the main area, you'll have to come in from another Field which has an entrance.
It's in Roots of Yggdrasil. You'll need to open it using the Rolling Shuriken or Earth Spear on the button in the floor.

I opened the second entrance, but I keep getting killed by poison gas!
If only you had some way of pushing that pressure plate from a distance.
Use a Rolling Shuriken.

What's this weird thing that looks like a tiny black version of the Split Gate?
That's a Prayer Altar. Once you have the Totem Pole, you can record it as a warp point, but you can only record one at a time. Attempting to record a second Prayer Alter overrides the first.

How do I open the Subweapon block in F-5?
Check out the tablet in the room to the left of you.
Chant Earth in front of the Bust of Mimir.

I'm at the Ankh, why can't I activate it?
Check out that tablet at the right of the room. Then try and remember anywhere you've seen those names before.
You'll need Frey's Boat first. Go back to the Divine Fortress and talk to the guys in the two rotating doors. Then pick up the boat item in that Field and come back. Also, once you've talked to Brokkr about the ship, talk to Eitri again. He'll give you access to another creation of his in a chest in another Field.

Any hints on how to beat the Guardian?
Kujata isn't that tough, honestly. The biggest problem you'll have is dodging the bullets his weak spots throw around, along with dodging the meteors in the 2nd and 3rd phases. There's 3 different phases and each phase has more stuff to dodge.. Just hop around the boat and try to take out any meteors directly falling above you with your whip. The flying turrets can be destroyed, but they're more of an annoyance than anything else.

What items can I get from this Field?
You should be able to get these from your first pass through:
  • Rolling Shuriken (Subweapon block in C-1)
  • Glove (Chest in C-4)
  • Snapshots Software (Shop in E-1)

Eventually you can come back and get the following:
  • Crystal Skull (Chest in B-5)
  • Sacred Orb (Chest in E-5)
  • Djed Pillar (Defeat Kujata)
  • Earth Mantra (Mural in D-4)
  • Silver Shield (Subweapon block in F-5)
Immortal Battlefield (Part 1)
Welcome to this game's equivalent of the Twin Labyrinths. The Immortal Battlefield is absolutely MASSIVE, and will probably be where you spend most of your time in this game. That being said, it's got its fair share of puzzles to deal with.

I pushed a block and opened a chest, but now the block is in my way!
There's only one way to get to it now, and that tablet to the right should help you a bit. Think about what you'd have to do in the first game to get to that chest.
You can walk through that dragon statue above you.

I stepped on a pressure plate and a useless-looking platform appeared on the other side of the wall.
Well, nothing in this game is truly useless. See if there's anything you can do while standing on the platform.
The wall to the right of it is breakable.

There are these two doors here called Altar Gates that won't open!
Before you fight the Guardian of this area you'll need to open them. For that, you need to get an item. Check the tablet in the room with the left Altar Gate for a clue.
You'll need the Dinosaur Figure. It's in this Field somewhere.

How do I get past this huge hallway of crushers?
Even with your newly-acquired item that lets you sprint, you won't be able to just run across. You can, however, just jump over the first few pressure plates while sprinting, which will give you enough time to cross.

How do I get to the tent above it?
Once you've crossed the hallway, you can hop up and walk through a wall in the room to the left of it.

How do I open this Subweapon block in C-6?
You'll have to brave the lava in order to get it. Also, once you've opened the block, you'll only be able to get to it from another room.
Push the lower block onto the left pressure plate (you can crawl on top of it to get to the right side), then swim up through the lava and push the top block onto the right plate. Then enter the room from below and you can get to the Chain Whip.

How do I get to the chest in B-4?
Once you figure out how to get to that Sigil, you'll have to come in from the right.
Fight Ratatoskr in the C-4, then activate that socket in the wall with an item. That'll open the door between the two rooms.
You'll need the Cog of Antiquity.

What's with the inescapable pits at the bottom of the Field?
If you've read some of the tablets around here by now, you'll know you have to fill it with water. Go check for anything suspicious in rooms with water at the top of the field.
There's a pressure plate in F-1.

How do I get to that weird hot spring area in G-4?
Once you've got the water flowing, an Earth Spear button will appear under the tablet in this room which will break the wall in front of the door. Entering this hot spring will allow you to be healed beyond your current maximum health.

How do I open the chest in G-5?
There's a sigil behind a wall in an awkward spot in this room.
To the left of the chest, but you need to hit it from the side over the pit. Best done with a subweapon.

I found a dais underwater, but I can't put a weight on it!
Remember an item that let you sink in water in the first game? You'll need it here too.
The Anchor is in Gate of the Dead.

How do I open the chest in F-8?
That statue above it looks pretty suspicious, doesn't it? Try breaking it.

How do I open the Subweapon block in I-6?
The tablet is a huge hint here. You have to figure out how to activate both pressure plates at the same time.
While standing as close to the block as you can, throw a Rolling Shuriken at the bottom plate, then jump up to the top one. The timing is pretty strict.

How do I open the chest in D-2?
You'll need to get to that Sigil on the wall. Try checking the walls in E-2 for anything suspicious.
The wall above the bottom path has an indentation on it. You can walk through.
Immortal Battlefield (Part 2)
What's up with this huge boat, and how do I get to the left side of it?
That's the Spiral Boat, it'll be absolutely crucial to the last puzzle of the game. If you're looking at the left side of the boat in D-4, you'll notice a 9 Soul Gate on top of it. That'll probably be the hardest place for you to get to in the entire game.
As for getting to the left side, you probably read a tablet stating that two Sigils are hidden in waterfalls. One of those Sigils I already told you about in G-5, but the other one is in the wall in D-5. You'll need to fall from D-4 to get to it.

How do I get to the Backside Grail Tablet for this Field?
You could either double jump to it, or if you don't have the Feather yet, you could fall onto it from the room above. One of the walls is breakable up there on the bottom-right.

How do I talk to this guy in the room with the light shining on it?
For that, you'll need the Lamp of Time. You can only talk to him while time is stopped.
He'll tell you the second meaning of Mantras. Just chant one while time is stopped and then talk to him.

I can't figure out any way to get into E-7!
Don't you find it strange that all the other rooms named Mantra Altars have murals in them? The Moon Altar, F-8, has nothing, though. There must be some connection between that room and E-8.
You can break the wall at the bottom-left of F-8 to get to the Moon Altar.
An NPC tells you that you must chant Sun to reveal the mural for Moon.

How do I get into the Buried Fortress?
First of all, you can get to the chest and the Prophecy Tablet by just jumping through the top-right wall in the room to the left of it. However, getting into the rightmost shaft and actually being able to break the Sigil on the wall isn't something you'll be able to do for a very long time. The tablet that gives you the instructions for this is in the Underworld.
Specifically, in Eternal Prison - Gloom. You'll find it in the room beneath Garm.
Chant Wind, Sea, Fire, and Earth in the room where you fight Svipdagr.

This big mural just raised from the water, now what do I do with it?
It's in the room above you. Head up there and you'll get a clue from Fobos about what to do with it.
It's related to summoning the Ankh in this Field. First, you'll need to get into the Altar Gates. That's not all, though. If you remember, Fobos' hint will probably remind you of a certain Guardian from the first game. You'll need the same item.
The Pochette Key is in Shrine of the Frost Giants.

Any advice on how to beat the Guardian?
Jormungand is all about pattern recognition. He does he same things in the same order over and over again, so once you've got his cycle down you should be able to dodge him easily. Hitting him, though, is a completely different story. You don't have many options to attack him when he's behind you, so you'll mostly be relying on the few times he's ahead of you to hit his arm when he reaches back to shoot at you. If you're brave, you can get close and throw a couple Caltrops when he's behind you, but it's probably not worth the risk. If you've got the Flare Gun then you can take a few shots when he's above you, but flares only do 1 damage anyway, so probably not worth it either.

What items can I get from this Field?
On your first trip through, you can get these items:
  • Earth Spear (Subweapon block in C-1)
  • Race Scanner Software (Shop in E-1)
  • Gale Fibula (Chest in B-2)
  • Kosugi Research Papers Software (Lemeza and Shawn drop it in D-1)
  • Totem Pole (Chest in D-2)
  • Chain Whip (Subweapon block in C-6)

Later, you can come back and get the following:
  • Chakram (Subweapon block in I-6)
  • Sun Mantra (Enter the Cavern area from H-4 and scan the mural)
  • Sacred Orb (Chest in F-6)
  • Ice Cloak (Chest in G-5)
  • Lamp of Time (Chest in B-4)
  • Dinosaur Figure (Chest in F-7)
  • Ancient Battery (Chest in H-7)
  • Mjolnir (Defeat Jormungand)
  • Secret Treasure of Life (Swing onto the top platform in the Altar Gate during Ragnarok)
Icefire Treetop
I'm gonna go out on a limb (no pun intended) and say you probably entered from Immortal Battlefield. If you entered from Roots of Yggdrasil, then you're either crazy for beating Nidhogg so early, or coming here way early. Anyway, this is your standard half-ice/half-fire level, but significantly more lethal.

How come the lava here kills me so much faster?
This is poison lava, you can tell cause it has a slightly more purple glow. Even the Ice Cape won't protect you from it, so stay the hell away from it at all costs.

Where's this "shining scythe" this woman wants me to bring her?
It's in a very late-game area. I wouldn't worry about it yet, as you'll need the ability to chant Mantras first.
On the ice side of this Field, you'll meet an NPC named Modgud who tells you that it's in the Underworld. However, to enter the Underworld, you'll have to defeat Vidofnir, which requires the power of flame, which requires beating this field's Guardian... which requires the scythe... but maybe there's another way to enter the Underworld?
For that, you'll need access to Takamagahara Shrine. An NPC there will tell you how to get to the Underworld.
You can find the Light Scythe in Eternal Prison - Doom. You'll need to finish Anubis' Trials to obtain it.

What about the stuff that kills me in the room above her?
This is where you'll fight this Field's Guardian. Once you give her the Light Scythe, she'll dispell the curse.

I found a room full of doors with Nigoro game titles over them!
This is the secret developer's room! You can activate the doors with a special combination of game apps on your tablet.
You'll need to have both Miracle Witch and Future Development Company installed.

I just swam through all this lava, but there's a statue blocking my way!
The dais on the other side removes the statue. To get through the door next to it, you'll have to defeat Nidhogg in Roots of Yggdrasil. Have fun!

Alright, I got through the other entrance, now what do I do?
I'm gonna assume you already fell down and grabbed the Grapple Claw. You can now use that to grab onto those shiny pillars you've seen around the ruins. But more imporantly, you can use them on those giant icicles in the frozen half of this Field. Just hold up and the direction toward the pillar, and tap jump to flip around to the other side or the pillar.

I found another hot spring, but I can't get in!
There's a tablet at the bottom of this Field that mentions that bird statue. Check it out.
Kneel and look at the bird's feet for a few seconds. This hot spring will prevent taking damage from lava and ice water for a couple minutes.

How do I get to D-6?
This'll take some Mantra work to do. There's a tablet in this Field that mentions reaching the Underworld, and it mentions 2 Mantras you'll need for it. The room at the bottom of the Field is the "ominous, twisting swelter" mentioned on the tablet.
Chat Sun and Moon on the platform with the Prayer Altar in the lower corridor.

I can't damage Vidofnir!
You'll need the power of flame to do that. You'll get it from defeating this Field's Guardian.

Any advice on the Guardian?
Surtr is a real pain... unless you know how to lock his AI into a loop. Normally you'll have to jump around a bunch while he breaks the floor out from under you, but you've probably noticed that he only comes forward and is vulnerable when you're direclty beneath his head. If you can stay in this area when he's transitioning between attacks, he'll never actually move and you can just wail on him until he's dead. Also, one thing to keep in mind: your attacks break the blocks too. So swing carefully.

What items can I get from this Field?
These items are available here:
  • Grapple Claw (Chest in E-4)
  • Life Seal (Chest in A-2)
  • Sacred Orb (Chest in F-4)
  • Lonely House Moving Software (Shop in C-4)
  • Crystal Skull (Defeat Ratatoskr)
  • Enga Musica Software (Shop in A-1)
  • Fairy Guild Pass (Chest in G-2)
  • Flame Torc (Defeat Surtr)
Gate of the Dead
Good job finding this place, it's pretty well hidden. Regardless, the gimmick in this Field is pretty straightforward: Step into one of the special doors, and the entire Field flips upside-down. It makes for some interesting puzzles.

I just released a pushable block, but its pedestal is on the ceiling!
When you flip the room using that door, the block will flip too. Push it down to the bottom, then flip the room and push it onto the pedestal.

I'm in F-4 and I want to go back up to F-3 to get that chest!
If you already climbed the ladder in F-4, try destroying the ceiling above you.

What's with that weird door in F-5 behind a white seal?
That's the overarching puzzle of this Field. There are a couple things in here that talk about 4 white dais that seal this door. Once you find and activate them, that door will open.

I found five dais in a row, what do I do?
The room above you is a big hint.
Place a weight on the one where the statue isn't decapitated, then stand still.

I found a white dais! Why does the Eye keep shocking me when I put a weight on it?
If you've been reading this Field's tablets, you'll know the white dais are special. You'll need to put something very light on them, but what do you have that you can use that's light?
Hope you bought the Pepper.

There's a block pressure plate here, but no block!
That tablet there tells you about some blacksmiths. There's another puzzle associated with them, so solve that one first.
Once you've talked to the twin blacksmiths and gotten Frey's Boat, talk to Brokkr again and he'll summon the block.

So far I've only been able to find 2 white dais!
I'm guessing the ones you've found were the one you activate for defeating Unicorn and the one you get to by jumping up the pillar you moved with the two dais. The other two, as one tablet states, are hidden in walls. Only one of those walls, however, is destroyable. The other will require a Mantra to move.
The destroyable wall is in the room with the Grail Tablet. While the Grail Tablet is upside down, destroy the wall at the bottom of the room.
There's a tablet in this field that mentions the other pedestal; it tells you it's in the room with 5 statues.
The other white dais is summoned by chanting Sun in front of the 5 statues.

So I unlocked the door; how do I get to it now?
Unless you somehow already have the Feather, the only real way to get there will be when the room's upside down. The only problem is getting it back right side up after you're in there...
Once you're at the door, the wall above it can be broken to reveal another flip door.

What items do I get in this field?
On your first pass through, depending on when you get here, you should have these:
  • Yagoo Map Street Software (Chest in E-3)
  • Crystal Skull (Chest in F-3)
  • Vajra (Chest in C-7)
  • Bounce Shot Software (Shop in B-3)
  • Sacred Orb (Chest in B-4)

Later you can come back and get the following:
  • Katana (Subweapon block in B-2)
  • Anchor (Chest in B-6)
Shrine of the Frost Giants
There's 2 different ways you'll be able to access this place after beating 2 Guardians, both of which give you access to some different areas housing important puzzles. There's a lot of necessary stuff to do here, both early and late game. Hope you like ice physics! I also hope you brought a LOT of weights.

There's gotta be SOME way to stop sliding on ice, right?
Lucky for you, there is! Talk to Mulbruk a couple times and send her out on some scouting missions, and once you've done all of them, she'll give you some boots that prevent slipping.
There are two batches of scouting she can do. You need her to do both groups first.

What's with the Sigil on the wall in D-6?
I'm sure you've noticed by now that the amount you sink into snow is dependent on how high you fall into it. That hole you just opened in the ceiling will be helpful.
Jump into the hole from the room above and you'll fall straight through the snow and into the room below.

How do I get to the chest in E-3?
The NPC at the base of the 2 elevators will give you a hint as to how to get into the main area of this room.
Break the Sigil at the top of the room. Then go back to D-3, flip across the pillar with the Grapple Claw, and walk through the checkered pillar.

I entered this area from the Corridor of Blood, how do I beat this boss?
It can only be damaged by dropping the blocks of ice on its head. Push them onto it when it's bashing its head against the wall.

I beat the boss, now what?
Try pushing the wall on top of the part that just pushed itself out. Once you've done that, try experimenting with that statue above you, the one that looks like it's praying.
You'll have to move two praying statues under the mural. One of the statues is in the checkered pillar to the right of it.

What do I do with this giant statue in A-4?
You'll need to chant a specific combination of Mantras to wake up Bergelmir, which will melt the ice blocks in this Field. A tablet in another Field will tell you the ones you need.
The tablet is in the Hall of Malice.
Chant Heaven, Earth, and Moon on the platform below Bergelmir.

What's up with the snow pit in A-4? I can't fall through it, no matter what!
That just means you need more momentum. What about another snow pit you had to fall all the way through? What did you do there?
There may be a hidden room above you. Try attacking the ceiling.

I can't get into the main area of C-3!
Well, there's a checkered pillar on the right wall of the room, with a ladder to nowhere right next to it. See if you can't do something with that.
You can break a part of the pillar in D-3.

I defeated Balor, but the chest is still locked!
Break that bit of wall in the top-right of the room.

Why can't I damage Fenrir?
You'll need the power of flame to do that. Come back once you've defeated the Guardian of Icefire Treetop.

How do I open the Well of Mimir?
Before you do that, make sure you have the Vessel. It's in Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum. Next, you can find a tablet with the Mantras you'll need to chant in Ancient Chaos.
Chant Mother, Howl, and Missing to open the well.

What items can I get from this Field?
On your first pass through, you'll probably get these:
  • Birth Seal (Chest in E-7)

Later, you can come back and get the following:
  • Sacred Orb (Chest in C-2)
  • Clay Doll Outfit (Defeat Balor)
  • Rapier (Subweapon block in B-5)
  • Pochette Key (Chest in E-3)
  • Gauntlet (Chest in A-3)
Takamagahara Shrine
It's Japan! And it's all blocked off in a really awkward location! Perfect. This is a pretty mid-game area, and your only access to a very annoying late-game Field. Hope you like breaking walls.

How do I get to the Sigil in C-6?
You've probably already seen this room in a tablet farther up the Field, and you know you can walk through some of these walls. However, the wall that leads to the Sigil must be entered from the room to the right of this. Break open the wall on the left side of that room.

How do I open the door in C-7?
You can whip the wall above it to open it.

How do I get to the separated area in the top left of the map?
You'll need to understand how the Corridor of Blood works first. Once you've figured that out, one of its exits will get you there.
Specifically, the area in Ancient Chaos that you can only get to via the Corridor.

I managed to get into the separated area, but I can't do anything here!
First, you'll probably notice if you have the Alert app that this area is full of combustible gas. This stuff will explode on usage of fire-based attacks, so if you have any of those, hold off on using them until you find a way to dispel the gas. Next, in the second room you'll be able to destroy the top wall area to reveal a socket for the Cog of Antiquity. You'll need that to access this area's miniboss.
Belial's attacks are all fire-based, so unless you dispell the gas, you'll die pretty quickly. You can use the Egg of Creation to do this, thankfully.

How do I open the chest in B-4?
You'll need to bring a Key Fairy here in order to reveal the Seal that opens it.

Why does the minimap say F-3 has a route to another FIeld?
Because it does! You just need to incant the right Mantras to open it. The tablet that tells you about this is in the Underworld. However, that tablet to the left can give you a about the necessary ones a bit early, if you think hard enough.
What is "here", as in, what is Takamagahara Shrine? Traditionally in Japanese mythology, t's a connection point between heaven and the 4 elements. If you still need help, the tablet you need to find is in Eternal Prison - Gloom. Opening this path is crucial to getting the Cog of Antiquity.
Chant Heaven, Earth, Wind, Sea, and Fire to open the path to Heaven's Labyrinth.

What items can I get from this area?
These are all the ones available in this Field:
  • Sacred Orb (Chest in D-2)
  • Crystal Skull (Chest in D-5)
  • Egg of Creation (Defeat Daji)
  • Mekuri Master Software (Shop in C-4)
  • Flare Gun (Subweapon block in F-3)
  • Ring (Chest in B-4)
  • Power Band (Defeat Belial)
Heaven's Labyrinth
There's only one way in, and only one way out. This place has a secret that'll require Mantras in order to solve, so get ready to shout until your Djed Pillar breaks.

How do I get to the NPC door in C-5?
That tablet is pertinent to this room. Try doing what it says.
You can hop into one of the faces on the wall at the top of the room and walk out the other side.

What's with this giant statue of a face?
That's Typhon. It will only activate once you've solved a puzzle here that shines 2 lights into its room. Then, there's some interesting lore that it can tell you, but be warned; activating Typhon will awaken 4 minibosses.
Once you've defeated the Guardian of Hall of Malice, come back and activate Typhon again to absorb its Dissonance.

How do I open the chest in A-2?
The "crawling infernal fiend" the tablet refers to is in this room.
Jump into the left side of the moving pillar. There's a dais inside.

What's the big thing in the room with the Grail Tablet?
First, make sure to activate that dais in the bottom left of the room. Anyway, that's the Celestial Disk, it's what you'll use to navigate this Field. It'll rotate under a specific condition, moving walls in the area and allowing you to access different rooms. It'll also activate the lights that shine into Typhon's room, allowing you to activate it.
There's a hint on a tablet in Takamagahara Shrine.
You'll need to chant Heaven in this room to rotate the Disk.

How do I solve the puzzle in E-3?
Use the Gale Fibula to dash under the statue before it falls. Then you can activate the dais, push the statue onto the pressure plate, and break the Sigil.

How do I open this Subweapon block?
That tablet is referring to two different walls, the ones below and above the platform where the block is located. Try sitting in front of the wall below it. Try pushing the wall above it.
Push the block in the wall below a little bit out. Then push the block above out entirely, and let it fall onto the block below. Then you can walk through the door.

How do I get the chest on top of the Twin Statue open?
You'll need the item referred to by that tablet. It's in the Buried Fortress, which is over in Immortal Battlefield.
After that, the hard part is getting to the chest. For that, you'll need to do some more difficult puzzle-solving. The actual tablet that hints to this is in the Underworld.
The only way to get to the chest is to drop down onto it, which means falling in from another Field. If you've been paying attention to your minimap, you may have noticed that one other Field seems to have a transition to another Field marked in a room that seemingly has nothing in it...
Specifically, in Takamagahara Shrine. There's a tablet in Eternal Prison - Gloom that will explain how to open up this access point.

What items can I get from this Field?
On your first pass through, you can get these items:
  • Sacred Orb (Chest in C-2)
  • Perfume (Defeat Griffin)
  • Mobile Super X3+ (Defeat Griffin, then steal it from the Kosugi tent in D-1)
  • Axe (Subweapon block in B-1)
  • Crystal Skull (Chest in A-2)
  • Bracelet (Shop in A-3)

Later, you can come back and get the Cog of Antiquity from A-5.
Corridor of Blood
Surprise! If you're here because you just found the door for the first time and you're confused, then congratulations! Run while you still can. Otherwise, if you're here in the late-game, you're probably confused as hell anyway. You're gonna have no choice but to deal with this place anyway, cause there's some areas in certain Fields taht you can ONLY access via this method.

You've successfully managed to realize that the Corridor of Blood is, in fact, a corridor full of blood.

So how does this thing work, anyway?
Well, that's the complicated part. If you've been reading your tablets and talking to NPCs, you'll know that the Beherit that you got after defeting Vritra can be used to rotate the Corridor, allowing you to travel to different locations. Depending on where you enter the Corridor, you may not even be able to go to the other side due to the angle of the slope. As such, certain paths are one-way only. Overall, each access door to the Corridor can lead to one of 5 other locations. The entier thing is essentially a quick way to naviagate the Backside Fields of Eg-Lana.

How do I determine where the Corridor is going?
There's actually a Map to the corridor in an early part of the game, though it's pretty cryptic. The 6-pointed star over the rainbow pit connecting Annwfn to the Immortal Battlefield actually shows the linkages of all 6 destinations of the Corridor, though the symbols used to represent each Field are very vague, sometimes only appearing in drawings on tablets or on certain pieces of environmental design. Clockwise from the top:
  • Valhalla
  • Dark Lord's Mausoleum
  • Hall of Malice
  • Special Case - Read Hint Below
  • Ancient Chaos
  • Shrine of the Frost Giants

One of the locations doesn't have a door, no matter what Field I try to enter from!
This is a sealed area that has to be unlocked using a combination of Mantras.
An NPC in Takamagahara Shrine tells you them.
Chant Sun, Moon, and Sea to unseal the door to Eternal Prison.
Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum
Welcome to the mid-game Fields! From here on out, the puzzles get harder, the bosses get harder, and generally it's gonna be a more difficult experience all around.

I found an empty NPC room in C-5 with ominous music in it?
If you're reading this, you've come here before completing Gate of the Dead; once you've done that, this room will be important. For now, just remember where it is.

I talked to Amen-Ra and he flew off!
If you're reading this, that means you've already talked Horus in Gate of the Dead and know that Amen-Ra is headed off to fulfill his plans of becoming the Guardian of this Field. Now may be a good time to go back and talk to Horus again.
Once you've done that, there's another room in this Field with no NPC in it. Head there, and the Ankh will be summoned.

How do I beat this giant invincible frog?
The key is that device in the middle of the room. Check it out. There may be an item you have, or have seen on a tablet, that you can use to interact with it.
You can use Mjolnir to store charge from the Eyes of Retribution, then activate these dynamo tablets.

I beat the frog, now how do I open this chest?
That tablet in the bottom left will give you a hint.
What? What do you mean that following its instructions didn't do anything?
There was a tablet in Gate of the Dead that gives you a hint to this.
Destroy the false tablet, and the chest will open.

Is there anything to do in the Garden of Stars?
Check out the two tablets in the rooms below in order to learn what to do here.
Use the Pyramid Crystal in the Garden of Stars to summon Ammit.

How do I open the chest in B-3?
That tablet tells you to hold up what's in the chest, right? What do you already have, that you could get out of a chest?
Hold up a Crystal Skull and you'll get another one from the chest.

I found a giant pyramid, how do I get into it?
You'll have to come in from the bottom side. In the room below it, there's another Mjolnir tablet that you can activate.

What's the purpose of the pyramid, anyway?
This place will be REALLY important in the last puzzle of the game. That mural in the center of the pyramid will give you a hint as to how to "activate" the pyramid.
You'll need 2 items: the Pyramid Crystal, and the Destiny Tablet. You'll also need most of the Mantras.
By now, you've probably finished the Dark Star Lord's Footprints puzzle. But I'm sure you noticed that there are more symbols on the footprints. You may have already seen one on a tablet before, one that sorta looks like a compass rose. Actually, it's the Cuneiform symbol for Anu. Try incanting the mantras associated with that symbol on the footprint map, but do it all at once instead of one at a time.
Specifically, chant Heaven, Sun, Moon, Sea, and Fire in the pyramid. Then, use the Pyramid Crystal on the elevator that appears, and "enter" the Benben Stone at the top of the pyramid.

What's with this room full of different-looking tablets?
The 2 tablets in the middle of the 3rd row will give you a big hint on this puzzle. This is the one that will grant you access to the room where you fight this Field's Guardian, as well as giving you a nice item.
As you probably could figure out, this is where you're going to be "tracing the Dark Star Lord's Footprints". Remember those rooms full of big tiles with symbols on them? You probably noticed that one of the 4 symbols on the tiles was a number in La-Mulanese. Each tile cooresponds with a tablet in this room. But what do you do with them? What about the other 3 symbols on each Footprint? And what about the Footprint in Gate of the Dead, where it can be flipped upside down with the room?
Each tablet cooresponds to a certain Mantra. If you haven't learned the second meanings for each mantra yet, you'll need to go do that in Immortal Battlefield. It will require the Lamp of Time, however. If you've done that, then you can start working on this puzzle. Each Mantra will need to be chanted in front of the Bust of Mimir in order, rather than all at once. You'll know if you're doing it right if the cats' eyes light up.
First, chant the Mantras located at the points on the footprints where each number is located, in that order.
Next, try flipping the footprint in Gate of the Dead upside down and chanting the Mantras in order with that one in its new location.
The Mantras that unlock the Ankh room are Heaven, Sun, Earth, Heaven, Earth.
The Mantras that unlock the scale room are Heaven, Sun, Earth, Heaven, Fire.

What do I do in this room with the scales?
Entering this room before defeating a certain boss in this Field will kill you instantly. Come back after killing Ammit.
That chest contains a crucial item you'll need later. Check the tablet for a hint. What does it mean to be innocent?
A man who's innocent is burdenless, and has no weight on his soul.
Jump on the other side of the scales with no weights. There's an NPC named Shennong in Ancient Chaos who'll take your weights if you still have any.

Any advice on the Guardian?
Aten-Ra is an absolute pushover, except for the fact that he has an instant-death crushing attack by literally dropping a small sun on you. Deal with the hands that come out of his body before they can cause any trouble, then whip away at his head when he moves down and make sure to dodge to the sides whenever he seems like he's suspiciously inactive.

What items can I get from this Field?
Honestly, there's no point in figuring out what you'll get on your "first pass" anymore.
  • Feather (Chest in A-4)
  • Vessel (Defeat Ammit)
  • Rose and Camellia Software (Shop in C-2)
  • Crystal Skull (Chest in B-2)
  • Crucifix (Defeat Aten-Ra)
  • Maat's Feather (Chest in B-7)
  • La-Mulana Software (Bomb the wall in the bottom right of B-3)
Hall of Malice
Most likely, you're coming into here from the Corridor of Blood. If you did, leave, cause there's nothing for you to be doing here yet. Otherwise, check out the cool statues! As you've probably guessed, this is essentially equivalent to Dimensional Corridor, and it'll be full of really annoying miniboss battles... eventually. For now, it's not active.

I found a tablet talking about Brahma and creation, what's that about?
Make sure to save any tablets you find involving Brahma, creation, and ages. They'll come into play a bit later with a very useful puzzle.

So, how do I activate this place, anyway?
Take a quick spin through the Field. There's a socket in an upper-left room that you can put an item into.
You'll need the Cog of Antiquity.

There has to be a purpose to this room with nothing but a vertical pit in it, right?
Yep! As you've learned, any room that looks suspiciously empty almost always has something hidden. Try attacking the wall on the right side of the pit, but from the ladder.
There's a Death Sigil hidden in the wall. You'll need to use a long-reach weapon to hit the wall it's hidden behind from the ladder, such as the Earth Spear.

How do I open the door in the uppermost room?
You REALLY should do this before activating the Hall, just because you can't warp out of here until you've defeated the Guardian (Just like back in Dimensional Corridor). The other side of the door has the unlocking mechanism, but it's in a different part of the ruins. Check around until you find this door, THEN activate the area.
The other side of the door is in Heaven's Labyrinth.

How do I get to the leftmost secret room?
Once you've defeated the Nemean Lion, you can jump through the middle part of the left wall.
In order to get up to the chest, you'll have to drop one of the platforms and stop time while it's falling.

How do I get to the secret room in the middle of the Field?
In order to do that, you'll have to defeat Chimera and Bia in the two rooms above it and to the right. Then, you can destroy the bottom right wall in Chimera's room in order to drop down into the Anterior Chamber.

What's with this set of downward-facing spikes seemingly pointing at nothing in the Anterior Chamber?
Yep, they're hiding something alright. You can jump up into the wall below them and destroy the wall to the left of them. However, you'll need the Flame Torc to actually destroy it. For some reason, even if you don't have it, you can still damage the wall, but it'll never actually fall apart.

I found the Guardian's room, but there's no Ankh!
Much like the Dimensional Corridor, you'll need to defeat all 11 minibosses here before the Ankh will appear.

Any advice on the Guardian?
Echidna is everything that Tiamat was, but with a little bit extra added. Never stop moving, because those 3 turrets she has will constantly keep tracking you with annoying lasers. She's pretty much impossible to hit without taking damage while doing her bullet storm attack, so just find a place where the bullets aren't flying and keep your shield up. Otherwise, the easiest way to hit her is with the Axe, given the slight boost in vertical hitbox size it has. It's possible to glance her with the whip if you have perfect jump timing, but more often than not you'll miss and just take damage.

What items can I get from this Field?
These items are available here:
  • Miracle Witch Software (Break the wall in E-5 with Flame Torc)
  • Nemean Fur (Chest in A-4)
  • Giant's Flute (Defeat Echidna)
Ancient Chaos
Oh boy, THIS place is really gonna drive you insane. It's essentially just a red Tower of the Goddess, and you're going to HATE platforming in here. Otherwise, the puzzles are pretty easy (except for one), and the Guardian is a complete pushover, so long as you know what you're doing. Also? Do NOT attack any of the Anunnaki carvings on the walls. They're everywhere, and if you do, you're going to get hit by the Eyes of Divine Reckoning.

Why is there a random empty part in the wall in D-6?
There's a room below you, and in it is one of the most broken things in the game.Break open the wall above the shaft and you can drop down to another hot spring. This one will give you infinite Subweapon ammo for a couple minutes, which combined with the gun is just absolutely absurd.

How do I open this chest in the room with the inaccessible pots up top?
The tablet tells you to abandon your desires, doesn't it? Then do it. There's only one real thing you desire in this room, other than what's in the chest.
Break open the pots full of money that look unreachable.

Oh god just please get me to the Grail Tablet why is everything so lethal here.
There's a reason that this is probably going to be the last place you get through entirely. Unfortunately, getting to the Grail Tablet will require you to climb the huge tower in the middle of the Field... which will pretty much require the Feather. Once you've climbed up to the room below the Guardian's chamber, head left through the glass tunnel and drop down to the room with the Grail Tablet.

What's with these two blue statues with the glowing eyes?
You probably read a tablet about them while climbing the tower. Try attacking them.
You'll need to damage them both at the same time.

I placed a weight on this dais, and then 9 Eyes murdered me!
Don't you remember reading a tablet about 9 eyes on your way here? It was in Takamagahara Shrine.
Don't bother with the dais. Just walk to the chest and it'll open after a while.

How do I "Pray to Anu?"
As you've noticed, there are 3 tablets in this Field, all telling you to do this, accompanied by people in various positions. Try replicating those positions in front of the areas.
In the first one, you'll need to fall from a great height.
In the second one, you'll need to push a block without the Glove equipped.
In the third one, you just need to look up.

Why is this tablet telling me "There is nothing here"?
Cause there's nothing there... yet.
Hang around in front of the tablet and eventually a dais will pop up.

Any advice on the Guardian?
If you know what you're doing, Anu is an absolute joke... but a time-consuming one. He doesn't open his hitbox up to you very often, so your best options are to pepper him with Flare Gun shots while waiting for him to dive at you. When he dives, he'll always pick a direction to swoop down from, so hop the opposite direction and get one or two hits off before he goes back up. When he does his attack with the 4 beams, the only parts that damage you are the parts directly in contact with the floor, so you can jump over them to dodge. Alternatively, if you want to avoid all of this, just spend 50 coins to get infinite Subweapon ammo from the hot spring in this Field and shoot him 5 times with your Pistol. It's really sad how much that hot spring breaks this game.

What items can I get from this Field?
These are the items available here:
  • Wind Mantra (Mural in D-5)
  • Crystal Skull (Chest in B-5)
  • Space Capstar II Software (Shop in C-6)
  • Scriptures (Defeat Anu)
  • Destiny Tablet (Defeat Anzu)
Brahma's Trials
I ran out of space in the Ancient Chaos section for this! Anyway, that big statue in Ancient Chaos is Brahma, the final boss of puzzles in this game. Good luck, you're going to need it.

How do I solve Brahma's Trials?
This puzzle is going to test all of your wits, along with how well you've been storing the info you've found on tablets. Hopefully you've been saving every tablet that has the name Brahma on it. To begin, check out a tablet in Shrine of the Frost Giants and see if you've got an item it's referring to; then, look at any other tablets you've found and see if you can find murals of the gods that Brahma is speaking to in them.
To start, you'll need two items: the Ancient Battery, and the Egg of Creation. Get those and come back here, then you can start.
First of all, you need to activate those five lights up there above Brahma. In various tablets scattered across the ruins, Brahma asks 5 gods "What is creation?". What you have to do is find murals of those gods, and use the Egg of Creation in front of them. In addition, take note of what colors are described in these tablets. The colors will be associated with what each god describes.
The 5 gods you will need to find are Ymir, Atum, Chaos, Amenominakanushi, and Abzu.The tablets you'll need are in Icefire Treetop, Takamagahara Shrine, Hall of Malice, Eternal Prison - Doom, and Eternal Prison - Gloom.
Ymir is located in Icefire Treetop. Atum is located in Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum. Chaos is lcoated in Heaven's Labyrinth. Amenominakanushi is lcoated in Takamagahara Shrine. Abzu is located in Ancient Chaos.
Next, you will need to find the tablets listing the four symbols of Yuga: the Padma Lotus, the Vedas Texts, the Kamandalu Water Pot, and the Mala Prayer Beads. Each tablet identifies a symbol, and two different virtues that are related to it. Each of these virtues is related to a color in the "What is creation" tablets.
These tablets are in Valhalla, Ancient Chaos, Shrine of the Frost Giants, and Immortal Battlefield.
Finally, you'll need to find two related things: tablets defining the "Yuga ages", which define ages of steel, copper, silver, and gold. You'll also need to find the Yuga wheels, which are those wheels located around the ruins with those 4 colors that rotate around an etching of one of the four symbols of Yuga. Whenever a weight is placed on the dais below the wheel, spikes will pop up unless the weight is placed in the symbol's associated age of Yuga. I'll just warn you ahead of time - you'll only find 3 wheels in the ruins, so you'll have to figure out the last symbol's associated age just based on deduction.
The age tablets are in Takamagahara Shrine, Heaven's Labyrinth, Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum, and Hall of Malice.
The 3 Yuga wheels you can actually find are in Takamagahara Shrine, Eternal Prison - Doom, and Divine Fortress. The last one is actually out in the fields you walked through in the very beginning of the game to get to Village of Departure for the first time. You can enter the blue area just to the left of Xelpud's castle to see it in the background.
There's one last hint you'll need from a tablet in Immortal Battlefield: "Virtue is equivalent to a number of ox hooves."
Alright, have all the info you need? Here's what you have to do: Every time you place a weight on a dais, a ball with a symbol of Yuga will drop. Match the symbol with the associated colored lights and the correct age of Yuga. You can rotate the lights by whipping them.
The more hooves the ox has, the more faith that age has. Based on this, which symbol of Yuga cooresponds with the age. Then cross-reference this symbol with the associated virtues, and what 2 colors are associated with those virtues. Confused? So am I.
Satya Yuga - Gold Age - Padma Lotus - Red/Purple Lights.
Treta Yuga - Silver Age - Vedas Texts - Blue/Yellow Lights.
Dvapara Yuga - Copper Age - Kamandalu Water Pot - Purple/Green Lights.
Kali Yuga - Steel Age - Malu Prayer Beads - Red/Green Lights.
Once you've solved this, a map will pop up with lights representing the locations of each uncollected Mantra and Crystal Skull. They will also be identified on your minimap.
Eternal Prison - Doom
You're in Hell now! Literally, and metaphorically! Eternal Prison is split into 2 very similar sections, Doom and Gloom, which both come into play in your quest to defeat the Guardian of them both. Overall, this is where all of your skills will come to be tested, whether you want them to be or not. Get ready.

I can't use my Holy Grail to warp anymore!
Just like back in Dimensional Corridor, but with an added twist this time. Talking to Neti reveals that every time you go through a door in Eternal Prison, you'll lose an item. Your goal is to make it through 7 gates in a certain order, and only then will you be able to fight this Field's Guardian.

I just dropped in front of this big statue with 5 moons surrounding it, is it significant?
Yep! This is Ratatoskr's true form, Hraesvelgr. Once you've found him 5 times, you'll need to pin down his spirit into the Eternal Prison. Doing that will require a hint in the Alfr Seeress' Prophecy.
In order to properly understand what the tablets mean, you'll first have to find and scan all 5 of them, then later in the game Freya will contact you via your tablet. She'll highlight specific words to help you.
You'll need to use Part 2 of the Prophecy to help you here. Chant Missing (Moon) in the 5 locations you've encountered Ratatoskr to summon Hraesvelgr.
The 5 rooms you need are Roots of Yggdrasil B-1, Immortal Battlefield C-3, Icefire Treetop C-1, Icefire Treetop G-2, and Eternal Prison - Gloom A-5.

There doesn't seem to be very far I can go, and some doors just send me to other places in the ruins!
You have the Bronze Mirror, right? Remember what you've heard about it? Make sure to look at the colors of the dragons' eyes on each door you enter. Ones with blue eyes will lead you out of Eternal Prison, whereas ones with Red will just send you to another part of it.

I feel like there's some secret rooms I'm missing around here...
Remember how the first game had a way to map hidden rooms? This one does too! You'll need the La-Mulana 2 app to do it, though. Conveniently, it's actually in this Field, in a pretty accessible place.
There's a very well hidden dynamo in D-4.

How do I get to the hidden room in E-5?
The wall at the top of D-5 is breakable. Careful though, you'll die instantly in this room if you don't have a certain item from Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum.

How do I solve Anubis' trials?
You'll need to deactivate each of the 3 pairs of light barriers using the riddles on the tablets at the bottom.
For the first, just attack the source of the light pillar.
For the second, jump into the pit of poison lava in C-7 ftom C-6 without the Clay Doll Outfit equipped.
For the third, stand in front of the Wheel of Yuga in the room to the left of this one, and use the Djed Pillar with no Mantras selected.

I saw a gate where the dragons had green eyes!
That'll lead you to the room where you fight Ajisukitakahikone. Normally, taking this gate would send you back to the gate above the giant pit of poison lava, but enter when the eyes are green and you'll fight them instead.
They'll do everything you do, so normally it's pointless to fight them with your standard weapons... but you do have a usable item that does damage.
Stand inside them and hit them with a fully charged Mjolnir.

I found the Grail Tablet, but I can't get to it!
Unfortunately, you won't be able to access that Grail Tablet until you've completed the 7 Gates of the Underworld puzzle. The special-looking Gate above you is the one you'll ulimately exit once you've finished the puzzle, and it'll unlock the path to get down to the tablet, along with the path to this Field's Guardian.

How do I get to the 2 secret rooms A-4 and B-4?
You'll need to get back to the Corridor of Blood gate. Once there, jump up to the top-left and walk through the wall. From there, you need to hop across the platforms carefully. Once in the room with the chest, make sure to jump down instead of falling down, otherwise you won't be able to fall into the fake wall on the left side of the shaft. Then, place a weight on the dais inside.

Any advice on the Guardian?
Hel can be tough, but so long as you keep hopping around on the rising platforms, she's not too bad. Make sure you keep range from her, as she'll be throwing her staff around quite a bit. Also make sure to dodge the vertical beams wisely, as you might have no choice but to jump back onto a platform that's in the range of one of her attacks. Also; make sure to pay attention when she's "dead".

What items can I get from this Field?
These items are available here:
  • La-Mulana 2 Software (Chest in D-5)
  • Light Scythe (Solve Anubis' Trials)
  • Crystal Skull (Chset in A-4)
  • Spaulder (Bring a Key Fairy to C-2)
Eternal Prison - Gloom
Good work on braving the massive pit of poison lava to get here. As you can now see, you'll swap between Doom and Gloom every time you walk through a gate, so make sure to choose your path wisely, since you'll be losing crucial items every time.

I managed to make it here, but I can't get to some places cause the gates took my Grapple Claw!
You'll need to start planning your route carefully. Since the Grapple Claw is the second item in the order taken by the Gates, you'll need to start your trek through the 7 Gates here. Now if only there were a way directly to this Field, without having to go through the Corridor of Blood...
In D-2, there's a Soul Gate directly from Icefire Treetop. You'll need to defeat its Guardian to use it, though. The miniboss on the other side requires its item to be damaged.

Charon is asking me for one coin...
And you'll have to give him exactly that one coin. There's an NPC in Ancient Chaos named Shennong who will take your excess money.

What do I do about this stone woman?
You may recognize Euridice from the various NPCs and tablets around the ruins telling of her and a special harp. Granted, you can't play the harp to her, but there's a certain app that could probably play the song...
The app may be expensive, but finding the harp and returning it to its rightful owner will drop the price significantly.
Purchase the Harp from Hiro Roderick's shop in Immortal Battlefield, and return it Orpheus in Heaven's Labyrinth. In order to buy it, you'll need Ganesha's Talisman.
Get Enga Musica from the shop in Icefire Treetop, then play Eden in front of Euridice.

How do I move Garm?
As you probably already know, there's a specific group of Mantras you must chant to move him. There's a tablet in this Field that will tell you that there's a person who came to the Underworld, and you've probably talked to them a long time ago.
Go back to Divine Fortress and talk to Hermod once you've found that tablet.
Chant Earth, Sun, and Fire in front of the Bust of Mimir.

How do I open this Subweapon block?
You'll need to bring a certain fairy here. Thankfully, you can free her from her captor in this Field... for a price.
Bring a Key Fairy and she'll reveal a Sigil on the left side of the room.

There's something up with C-5, right?
Yep. It just looks a bit too suspicious, doesn't it? Try using a Bomb on that top wall.

How do I enter the two secret rooms on the right?
This is a really major puzzle that deals with freeing another source of Dissonance in the ruins. First, you'll need to defeat Vidofnir and speak to Hades, both of which will open the mound and remove the giant statue in F-2. Once in there, there's a clue on how to enter the grave in Shrine of the Frost Giants.
Chant Moon in the left mound to enter Sakit's grave. Once there, you'll need to find a way to communicate with him. Come back once you've defeated the Guardian of Hall of Malice.
Use the Giant's Flute to understand Sakit and hear his last request. Have you found the Well of Mimir yet? It's in Shrine of the Frost Giants. Once you've obtained the liquor from it, come back and give it to Sakit and he'll tell you how to free the Dissonance of the 2nd Children.
Go to the statue of Ledo in Mausoleum of the Giants and incant Sun.

What's the correct order of Gates of the Underworld?
You can actually solve this one of two ways: either by exploring the 2 Eternal Prisons and figuring out which gates are accessible based on what items you'll lose, or another way. There are several tablets in Divine Fortress that contain drawings of sigils and what item each sigil is associated with; and each Gate, when scanned, will reveal one of these sigils. Using this, you can identify which items must be relinquished at each gate.
This is the correct order of Gates you must enter:
  • Enter from Icefire Treetop D-6. (You'll have to enter the 5 Soul gate at the top of this Field and defeat Vidofnir, then open access to the room.)
  • Enter the Gate in Gloom E-1.
  • Enter the Gate in Doom C-7. (You can crawl through the pillar to the left of the gate you exit.)
  • Enter the Gate in Gloom D-5.
  • Enter the Gate in Gloom C-6. (Push the stone to the left of the gate you exit to escape the pit.)
  • Enter the Gate in Doom E-4. (Hraesvelgr must be defeated. To get to E-4 without the Feather, use a Bomb on the rock blocking the pillar in the top-right of D-5.)
  • Enter the Gate in Doom B-2.

What items can I get from this Field?
These items are available here:
  • Bomb (Subweapon chest in C-6)
  • Beo Eg-Lana Software (Bomb the bottom right part of the wall in C-7)
  • Mother Mantra (Mural in C-5)
And you didn't think this game's lore could get any more ridiculous. Welcome to the spaceship of the Anunnaki.

How come I instantly die when I try to enter?
You'll need something that can protect you from the vacuum of space. Do you have anything that protects you from lots of other environmental effects?
Equip the Clay Doll Outfit before you open the airlock.

What do I do with these weird blue things on the walls?
If you haven't been reading the enscriptions on the Crystal Skulls, now might be a good time to do so.
Go to each of the 12 bodies and place a Crystal Skull on each.

What do I do with the giant Crystal Skull here?
To activate the Master Skull, you'll need to place the 12 Crystal Skulls on their bodies, then activate all 3 dynamos in this room at once. (If you need charges for your Mjolnir, the turrets here will provide them to you.) Doing that will require the Power Band, which is in Takamagahara Shrine. After that's done, you'll be able to absorb the Dissonance of the 1st Children/Anunnaki.

What items can I find in this Field?
Only one, the Night Mantra. It's right there, dude. It's not that hard.
Now that you've defeated all 9 Guardians of Eg-Lana, it's time to initiate Ragnarok and finally take on the 9th Child. This is the last puzzle of the game, and required to access the last Field. So let's go through this one at a time.

Absorbing the Dissonance
Before accessing the final area of the ruins, you'll need to absorb 6 different sources of Dissonance. At this point, you should already have absorbed 3 sources of Dissonance naturally: one after defeating Vritra, one after defeating Aten-Ra, and one after defeating Hel. The other 3 come from puzzles that you may have skipped.
One is in Heaven's Labyrinth. Go activate Typhon again and select its new dialogue option.
One is in Eternal Prison - Gloom. Find Sakit and fulfill his last request.
One is in Nibiru. Place all the Crystal Skulls, then activate the 3 dynamos.

Locking in the Corridor of Blood
Now that you've done that, Beherit will now look a lot more creepy. That's your cue to finally lock the Corridor of Blood into 2 loops of interlocking triangles, forming the 6-sided star you saw when you absorbed Nibiru's Dissonance. First, make sure that each of the 6 entrances have been used, and their respective tunnels have been splattered with blood; then, rotate each of the doors until they glow and won't rotate anymore.

The Alfr Seeress' Prophecy
If you haven't done it yet, make sure you've successfully scanned and recorded all the special Prophecy tablets around the ruins. At some point after Alsedana's funeral, Freya will message you, asking you to talk to her. Check back with her at Frey's home and she'll highlight important words in each of the tablets, specifically Mantra words you'll have to chant in the locations identified by each part of the Prophecy.
Right now, the only parts you'll need are Parts 1 and 3. Part 2 you've already used whether you know it or not. Parts 4 and 5 will come into play during the final Guardian.

Bringing the End
Now that you've completed the 6-pointed star in the Corridor of Blood, go find Heimdall, as stated in the first part of the Prophecy, and complete its command.
He's in Annwfn, at the connection point between it and the Immortal Battlefield. Chant End to him in order to begin his battle.

Launching the Spiral Boat
It's finally time to enter the main chamber of the Spiral Boat in the Immortal Battlefield. Head back to the 9-Soul door in Hall of Malice, and it will take you to the door above the Spiral Boat that you activated by locking the Corridor of Blood. Once there, Mulbruk and Fobos will show up, and mention that you'll need the Secret Treasure of Life to get in.

Revisiting the Altar
Before entering the final door, head to the Altar in Immortal Battlefield from the left door. Hop up to the platform with the rope on it and swing into the cage Lemeza and Shawn are trapped in, then grab the Secret Treasure of Life from the giant skull and get back to the Spiral Boat.

Accessing Spiral Hell
Once all of that's complete, just stand in front of the door and do what's commanded in Part 3 of the Prophecy.
Chant Howl and Wish in front of the gate.
Spiral Hell
Remember the Hell Temple? It's back, and it's basically the True Shrine of the Mother now, too! This place is a disaster, and most of the things that look like minibosses you can actually just run past. Time to take down the 9th Child!

Is there any kind of shortcut here, like in the original Hell Temple?
Yep! About halfway though the gauntlet, you can open up another door as a shortcut, just in case you die at any point. Just drop down in the room with the rotating bridge, and head right one room.
There's actually also a Grail Tablet here, in a pit in the floor in the room with Ratatoskr.

How do I activate the final boss?
Check Part 4 of the Prophecy. There was a tablet that mentioned excessive power waaaay back in Ancient Chaos.
At any other location in the ruins, chanting every Mantra all at once would have killed you. But not here.

I can't damage the 3rd form of the boss!
Now's where Part 5 of the Prophecy comes into play.
Chant Sun and Moon to make it vulnerable.

The escape sequence is starting, but I don't know where to go!
There's two options here. Either go straight for the escape, or take a detour to get the Good Ending. If you want to just escape, you'll have to head for the Cliff, which is the seemingly useless area to the right of the Cavern in the Immortal Battlefield.
Alternatively, for the Good Ending, head all the way back to Annwfn and talk to Freya before going to the Cavern.
Tower of Oannes
Time for a detour! Provided you've bought the DLC, late in the game (sometime shortly after defeating your 7th Guardian I believe), Samaranta will message you saying that construction has finished on the Spring in the Sky entrance. Unfortunately, there's not much of value there... yet. Later on during Ragnarok, right after launching the Spiral Boat, you'll get a message from Xelpud saying the Tower of Oannes has surfaced. Head back to where you fought Heimdall in Annwfn and a new ladder will drop down.

So... now what? The NPC didn't tell me anything of value!
Talk with him a couple more times, and he'll tell you a hint... sort of. Check out Eternal Prison - Doom, and you'll find a new tablet, which the Race Scanner attributes to the Gyonin King. This is how you'll get to Eden.
Ixtab has been respawned in Annwfn. Die via hanging in one of her nooses and you'll see a new "???" option at the bottom of the Game Over screen. Note that you'll be stuck here unless you happen to have some way of reviving. You do have a way, right?
Grab the Soma from Divine Fortress to come back after you die. Just make sure not to have it equipped when you die, or you'll automatically use it.

How do I solve the riddle on the top-left tablet?
Throughout the course of your exploration, you may have noticed that one of the mantras has a second meaning that never gets used in any puzzle. In addition, there's a "trap" (more specifically a pressure plate) that does absolutely nothing in Ancient Chaos.
In Ancient Chaos C-4, duck on top of the rightmost pot and crawl through the wall. Stand on the pressure plate and chant Tremor.

How do I solve the riddle on the top-right tablet?
Fish catching time! There's 3 pools of water (and 1 pool of poison lava) throughout Eg-Lana that now have a fish swimming around in them; swim into them in order to catch them and add them to your Encyclopedia.
The fish are in Annwfn, Valhalla, Icefire Treetop, and Ancient Chaos.

How do I solve the riddle on the bottom-left tablet?
Basically every NPC you talk to throughout the game gives you at least SOME valuable information, be it a hint for a puzzle or lore. One man, however, does absolutely nothing. Go talk to him in Heaven's Labyrinth and see what he wants to drink.
Get some Sacred Wine from the Well of Mimir and visit Eros with it equipped.
Additionally, if you haven't caught the fish yet, you'll need to give them to him as well.

How do I solve the riddle on the bottom-right tablet?
Remember the Prayer Beads? They were part of Brahma's Trials. You may also remember that the Yuga wheel representing them wasn't actually in the ruins anywhere. Go try and find it on the surface somewhere and check out the ground near it.
Enter the blue area next to Xelpud's castle to return to the intro section. Then hold down to the left of the Yuga wheel to enter Xelpud's storage area.

...Now what?
Head back to Eden (with the Soma to revive) and receive your Rebirth Sigil. You can now head to Spring in the Sky and finally access the Tower of Oannes.

How do I get through Rooms 1 and 2?
It's Hell Temple 2! Prepare to get trolled. There's 4 daises you'll have to put weights on in order to open the ladder to the next room; all the others do nothing or kill you. You'll know you've got the right ones because of the Shell Horn noise. Additionally, I recommend scanning the Totem Poles in this Field after every right dais you find, since it will quick save your progress.
The ones you're looking for in Room 1 are inside the statue of Naramura in the top left of the room, the one on the platform on the top right, the one past all the pressure plates on the right, and the one in the third pit from the left above the pressure plates.
The ones you're looking for in Room 2 are the one underneath the fist on the left wall, the one on the moving platform in the right side of the room's center, and the 2 on platforms in the center of the room which you'll have to drop from the top to land on.

How do I get through Room 3?
That dais at the top didn't seem to do anything, did it? Maybe you should backtrack.
Room 2 has a ladder on the left side now. You'll need to climb through the 2 rooms above, and then fight a miniboss.

I'm at the top of the tower and beat a miniboss, but nothing happened?
Check back in the room with all the moving Fish Walls you just went through. There's a door to the outside in there that seems suspiciously useless. How far can you jump to the right off of that platform?
Get a running start with the Gale Fibula and jump.

I'm climbing the second tower but there's only a bottom of a ladder here and I can't progress.
Unfortunately, at this point you're back to the time-honored La Mulana tradition of "there's a wall you can jump through". It's in the second room of this tower.
At the very top on the last moving platform, jump to the right instead of the left.

How do I damage the 3rd miniboss?
The crystal is impenetrable by any of your weapons, but there may be a way you can slip inside...
Hop into the lava and jump up into the center of the crystal and start whacking.

Gyonin King said there are 4 Sigils hidden in the tower, but I can't find any!
He was very precise in his wording. Do you know your seafood? Maybe you should check out those Encyclopedia entries on the 4 fish you caught.
Each of the 4 entries on the fish also contain the name of another seafood at the bottom. Have you noticed that the walls in some of these rooms have sculptures of aquatic creatures? Most repeat, but there are 4 animals that only appear once.
The 4 breakable walls are the ones with sculptures of shrimp, squid, octopus, and scallop. These are in Tower 2 Room 1 (Bottom Right),Tower 1 Room 1, Tower 1 Room 2, and Tower 2 Room 1 (Middle Right) respectively.

How am I supposed to get to the bottom right of the moving block room in the second tower?
I'd recommend jumping on the block that covers the door as you enter, then head right and hop down onto the room's floor as the blocks move, in the area with the gap in the floor and the fist. Then, as the blocks are rising, use the Gale Fibula to run to the right and cling onto the wall. You're normally supposed to crawl into the wall with the shrimp on it, but the moving block falling onto you can sometimes clip you into the wall and right into the secret room.

Any advice on the Guardian?
Good news! Gyonin King is actually much easier than the path to get here. There's a pretty safe spot just underneath the cockpit when he brings out any of the attacks with the robot tentacle, and normally when he's stepping forward or backward you can just barely hit him with the whip, but the axe gives you a bit more reach. When you're hiding under him, you can creep to the right and spam flares for a little more damage. Other than that, just do your best to dodge the various stuff he throws at you and you're in the clear. Enjoy your reward for clearing Hell Temple 2.
Main Weapons
You start the game with it. Has average top/front range. Deals 2 damage per hit.

Chain Whip
Upgrade to the Whip, deals 4 damage per hit.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Open the Subweapon block in C-6.

Flail Whip
Second upgrade to the Whip, deals 8 damage per hit.
Located in Valhalla.
Break the 4 Sigils on the statue in D-2.

Fastest weapon in the game. Has short front/below range. Deals 3 damage per hit.
Located in Roots of Yggdrasil.
Break the Origin Sigil in B-2.

Longer front range than whip, but does not hit above/below. Deals 2 damage per hit.
Located in Shrine of the Frost Giants.
Open the Subweapon block in B-5.

Slow, but deals heavy damage and has large above range. Deals 6 damage per hit.
Located in Heaven's Labyrinth.
Open the chest in B-1.

A useful weapon for enemies or breakable walls below the whip's range. Deals 5 damage per hit.
Located in Gate of the Dead.
Break the Life Sigil in B-2.
Standard projectile, flies forward in a straight line. Up to 100 can be carried at once. Deals 1 damage per hit.
Located in Roots of Yggdrasil.
Open the Subweapon block in B-3.
Extra ammunition available at shops in Village of Departure, Roots of Yggdrasil, Divine Fortress, and Gate of the Dead.

Rolling Shuriken
Throw forward and downward, then follows the ground until it hits a wall. Up to 100 can be carried at once. Deals 1 damage per hit.
Located in Annwfn.
Open the Subweapon block in D-2.
Extra ammunition available at shop in Annwfn.

Earth Spear
Can be thrown in an upward or horizontal arc, or straight down based on what direction is held. Up to 80 can be carried at once. Deals 2 damage per hit.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Open the Subweapon block in C-1.
Extra ammunition available at shops in Immortal Battlefield and Heaven's Labyrinth.

Flare Gun
Fires straight upward, passing through most floors and ceilings. Up to 50 can be carried at once. Deals 3 damage per hit.
Located in Takamagahara Shrine.
Open the Subweapon block in F-3.
Extra ammunition available at shops in Immortal Battlefield and Takamagahara Shrine.

Thrown upward in an arc and causes a small explosion when it comes in contact with a wall or enemy. The explosion persists long enough to sometimes damage enemies multiple times. Can injure you as well, so aim carefully. Up to 30 can be carried at once. Deals approximately 8 damage, depending on length of enemy's invulnerability frames.
Located in Eternal Prison - Gloom.
Break the Life Sigil in C-6 after bringing a Key Fairy here.
Extra ammunition available at shops in Icefire Treetop and Shrine of the Frost Giants.

A boomerang weapon that, if caught, uses no ammunition. Can also be picked up if you get to it in time. Up to 12 can be carried at once. Deals 6 damage per hit.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Break the Life Sigil in I-6.
Extra ammunition available at shop in Hallof Malice.

Scatters 3 caltrops on the ground behind you, damaging any enemies that walk over them. Deals 1 damage to you, making it perfect for triggering your invulnerability frames through high-damage attacks. Up to 80 can be carried. Each caltrop deals 2 damage per hit.
Located in Valhalla.
Open the Subweapon block in C-4.
Extra ammunition available at shops in Icefire Treetop, Valhalla, and Ancient Chaos.

It's a gun. It shoots a bullet across the screen, damaging anything it hits, at the price of ammunition being hideously expensive, and only purchasable at 2 shops in-game. Up to 6 shots can be loaded into the chamber at a time, with 18 shots (3 boxes of ammunition) in reserve. Deals 12 damage per hit.
Located in Village of Departure.
Available from Modro's shop for 200 coins.
Extra ammunition available at shops in Village of Departure and Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum.

A low-health shield that will break after several projectiles have hit it. However, re-equipping the shield (or any shield in-game) resets its health.
Located in Village of Departure.
Available from Modro's shop for 10 coins.

Silver Shield
A better shield that can't be broken, but will still be knocked away after repeated attacks.
Located in Annwfn.
Open the Subweapon block in F-5.

Angel Shield
A shield that cannot be broken or knocked away, no matter how many attacks hit it.
Located in Hall of Malice.
Available from Fairylan's shop for 1000 coins.

Ankh Jewel
Used to summon the Guardian, when activated at a Ankh. There is no set order in which they are used, and an Ankh Jewel acquired in one Field can be used at any Ankh. Will also do 1 damage to enemies directly above you.
  • 2 available from Hiner's shop in Gate of Guidance for 50 coins each.
  • Open the chest in Roots of Yggdrasil B-3.
  • Open the chest in Divine Fortress A-4.
  • Defeat Vedfolnir in Icefire Treetop B-4.
  • Open the chest in Shrine of the Frost Giants B-6.
  • Open the chest in Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum E-3.
  • Open the chest in Ancient Chaos A-4.
  • Defeat Ratatoskr in Eternal Prison - Gloom A-5.
Usable Items
Hand Scanner
Used to scan and translate tablets, acquire glossary data, and solve puzzles.
Located in Village of Departure.
Available from Sidro's shop for 10 coins.

Djed Pillar
Used to chant mantras.
Located in Annwfn.
Defeat Kujata.

Can be charged up to 3 times with lightning attacks from Eyes of Divine Retribution, or certain lightning-based attacks from enemies. Upon the 4th attempted charge, will damage you and erase all stored charges. When used, will discharge all charges at once at a random angle above you. Used to activate dynamos.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Defeat Jormungand.

Used to absorb Dissonance.
Also used to rotate the Corridor of Blood.
Located in Village of Departure.
Defeat Vritra and talk to Alsedana afterward.

Ancient Battery
Used to activate mechanisms with correctly shaped outlets.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Break the Life Sigil in H-7.

Lamp of Time
When used, freezes time, traps, and certain enemies for 10 seconds. After use, must be recharged at a Candlestand of Time.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Open the chest in B-4.

Pochette Key
Used to activate your vehicle before fighting Jormungand.
Located in Shrine of the Frost Giants.
Open the chest in E-3.

Pyramid Crystal
Used to summon Ammit, as well as activating the elevator to the Benben Stone.
Located in Roots of Yggdrasil.
Open the chest in E-6.

Crystal Skull
Gives a piece of the Annunaki's messages when used in conjunction with the Skulls program.
Also used in Nibiru to free the Dissonance.
Located in various places. 12 in total.
  • Defeat Fafnir in Roots of Yggdrasil.
  • Break the Birth Sigil in Annwfn B-5.
  • Defeat Ratatoskr in Immortal Battlefield.
  • Defeat Ratatoskr in Icefire Treetop.
  • Open the chest in Gate of the Dead F-3.
  • Break the Life Sigil in Takamagahara Shrine C-6.
  • Open the chest in Heaven's Labyrinth A-2.
  • Break the Death Sigil in Valhalla B-5.
  • Open the chest in Dark Lord's Mausoleum B-2.
  • Open he chest in Ancient Chaos B-5.
  • Open the chest in Eternal Prison - Doom A-4.
  • Break the Death Sigil in Hall of Malice F-3.

Used to store liquids.
Located in Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum.
Defeat Ammit.

Used to activate the white pedestals in Gate of the Dead.
Located in Village of Departure.
Available from Sidro's shop for 50 coins.

Egg of Creation
Used to remove the flammable gas in Belial's chamber.
Also used to activate the lights in Brahma's Trials.
Located in Takamagahara Shrine.
Defeat Daji.

Giant's Flute
Used to speak with Sakit.
Located in Hall of Malice.
Defeat Echidna.

Cog of Antiquity
Used to activate mechanisms with correctly shaped outlets.
Located in Heaven's Labyrinth.
Open the chest in A-5.

Mulana Talisman
Used to remove curses from chests.
Located in Village of Departure.
Received from Giltoriyo after Alsedana's funeral.
Equip Items
Located in Annwfn.
Allows blocks to be pushed.

Grapple Claw
Located in Icefire Treetop.
Allows you to cling to walls and jump off them.

Located in Takamagahara Shrine.
Subweapons can be fired faster, travel faster, and deal more damage.

Snow Shoes
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Prevents slipping on ice.

Flame Torc
Located in Icefire Treetop.
Adds a flame effect to weapons that allows them to damage certain invulnerable subbosses. Attacking with this equipped will ignite rooms full of flammable gas, heavily damaging you and all enemies.

Gale Fibula
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Allows for an uncontrollable dash in one direction. Jumping and grappling are still available in this state.

Located in Gate of the Dead.
Allows combo attacks to be performed with main weapons, increasing their attack speed.

Located in Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum.
Allows you to double jump.

Ice Cloak
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Significantly reduces the damage done by lava, and slightly reduces damage done by poison lava.

Located in Valhalla.
Removes poison damage done by water.

Located in Ancient Chaos.
Allows immunity to bats.

Located in Eternal Prison - Doom.
Adds a residual effect to main weapons, allowing them to contact enemies longer.

Nemean Fur
Located in Hall of Malice.
Significantly reduces damage taken.

Power Band
Located in Takamagahara Shrine.
Allows for Mjolnir's lightning strikes to target enemies and dynamos.

Located in Shrine of the Frost Giants.
Increases weapon attack speed.

Located in Gate of the Dead.
Allows you to sink in water and negate currents to activate submerged pedestals.

Located in Heaven's Labyrinth.
Pots can now be destroyed in one hit.

Book of the Dead
Located in Eternal Prison - Doom.
Reduces damage from health draining attacks.
Shell Horn
Just place a weight on the dais below the chest. Hard to miss.
Plays a melody when a puzzle is solved or when a trap is triggered.
Located in Gate of Guidance.
Open the chest in D-2.

Holy Grail
Whip the bottom of the chest, as the shopkeeper said to do.
Allows warping to Holy Grail Tablets.
Located in Gate of Guidance.
Open the chest in B-4.

Fairy Guild Pass
Allows fairies to be purchased from certain stores.
Located in Icefire Treetop.
Break the Life Sigil in A-5.

Freya's Pendant
Bring to Frey in order to unlock fairy usage.
Located in Endless Corridor.
Received from Freya.

Totem Pole
Allows one Prayer Altar to be stored to the Holy Grail to be warped to. Recording another Prayer Altar will overwrite the current one.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Break the Life Sigil in A-1.

Bronze Mirror
Allows you to determine where gates in Eternal Prison go based on color of glowing lights.
Located in Gate of Guidance.
Jump up to the top right of the screen using the Feather.

Ghost enemies no longer damage you.
Located in Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum.
Defeat Aten-Ra.

Allows you to kill blue skeletons.
Located in Heaven's Labyrinth.
Defeat Griffin.

Maat's Feather
Allows you to speak to Anubis.
Located in Dark Lord's Mausoleum.
Open the chest in B-7.

Dinosaur Figure
Opens the two Altar Gates in Immortal Battlefield.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Open the chest in F-7.

Frey's Boat
Allows you to fight Kujuta.
Located in Divine Fortress.
Talk to Eitri and pick the item up in D-3.

Allows you to see boss/miniboss health.
Located in Gate of Guidance.
Available from Hiner's shop for 100 coins.

Ganesha's Talisman
Allows for carrying of up to 2000 coins.
Located in Shrine of the Frost Giants.
Purchase from Hydlit's shop for 200 coins.

Reduces cost of Enga Musica to 50 coins.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Purchase from Hiro Roderick's shop for 1000 coins.

Destiny Tablet
Required for entrance to Nibiru.
Located in Ancient Chaos.
Defeat Anzu.

Light Scythe
Required to fight Surtr.
Located in Eternal Prison - Doom.
Received from Osiris after finishing Anubis' Trials.

Secret Treasure of Life
Required to access Spiral Hell.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Reach the high platform in the Altar during Ragnarok.

Mobile Super X3
Serves as your menu and allows for software to be used.
Starter item.

Mobile Super X3+
Upgrade to your tablet that increases RAM to 2000 MB.
Located in Heaven's Labyrinth.
After defeating Griffin, speak to Baphomet and go to Lemeza's tent in D-1.
Mantras have a much more important role in this game than in the original La-Mulana, both in that you obtain the Djed Pillar much earlier, and that you can chant multiple Mantras at once. In some cases, you'll need to chant them one at a time though. All Mantras in this game are obtained by scanning murals with Snapshots, rather than reading them off tablets.

Located in Divine Fortress.
Scan the mural in D-5.

Located in Annwfn.
Break the Life Sigil in D-4.

Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Scan the mural in the Cavern.

Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Chant Sun in E-7.

Located in Shrine of the Frost Giants.
Break the Birth sigil in C-3.

Located in Valhalla.
Break the Birth Sigil in D-1.

Located in Ancient Chaos.

Located in Eternal Prison - Gloom.
Bomb the upper left wall in C-5.

Located in Inferno Cavern.
Chant Scream and Wish in A-1.

Located in Nibiru.
Break the Death Sigil in B-2.
Allows for messages from certain NPCs.
Located in Village of Departure.
Given to you by Xelpud the first time you enter his castle.

Yagoo Map Reader
If the Map item of the current Field has been located, will display it, as well as room names, in the Pause screen.
Located in Village of Departure.
Available from ♥♥♥♥♥'s shop for 20 coins.

Yagoo Map Street
Adds extra details to the Map.
Located in Gate of the Dead.

TextTrax 2
Can be used to record text for future reference. This version has no limit on how much can be recorded.
Located in Village of Departure.
Available from ♥♥♥♥♥'s shop for 50 coins.

Ruins Encyclopedia
Data ROMs located throught the ruins are stored here. Can be found hidden in the ruins, or by defeating enemies.
Located in Gate of Illusion.
Given to you by Fobos after opening the entrance to Eg-Lana.

Allows for Mantras to be chanted in conjunction with the Djed Pillar.
Located in Roots of Yggdrasil
Scan the mural in D-2.

Plays a chime when entering a room with a hidden shop.
Located in Roots of Yggdrasil.
Available from Korobock's shop for 50 coins.

Kosugi Research Papers
Allows for located Research Papers to be read.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
In D-1, Lemeza and Shawn drop this upon seeing them run away.

Enga Musica
Functions as a music player, contains the first 30 tracks of the game's soundtrack.
Also necessary for a puzzle in Eternal Prison.
Located in Icefire Treetop.
Available from Porque's shop for 1500 coins. If you bring the Harp to Orpheus, the price gets reduiced to 50 coins.

Beo Eg-Lana
Located in Eternal Prison - Gloom.
An add-on for Enga Musica, containing the rest of the game's soundtrack.
Bomb the lower-right wall in Eternal Prison - Gloom C-7 and scan the mural.

Plays a chime when entering a room with an environmental hazard, such as poisoned air or flammable gas. Displays the details on the map screen.
Located in Divine Fortress.
Available from Shuhoka's shop for 80 coins.

Can be used to scan background elements to download applications or learn mantras.
Located in Annwfn.
Available from Pym's shop for 60 coins.

Used to decode the engravings on the Crystal Skulls.
Located in Gate of Illusion.
Received from Fobos after bringing him the first Crystal Skull.

Race Scanner
Tablets will now show the race of the author in the top-right. Skeletons will also show the names of Kickstarter backers.
Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Available from Peibalusa's shop for 80 coins.

Death Village
Game app, only works in conjunction with another app.
Located in Divine Fortress.
Whip the block in C-2 a couple times.

Rose and Camellia
Game app, only works in conjunction with another app.
Located in Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum.
Available from Kero's shop for 250 coins.

Space Capstar II
Game app, only works in conjunction with another app.
Located in Ancient Chaos.
Available from Venum's shop for 300 coins.

Lonely House Moving
Game app, only works in conjunction with another app.
Located in Icefire Treetop.
Available from Mino's shop for 300 coins.

Mekuri Master
Game app, only works in conjunction with another app.
Located in Takamagahara Shrine.
Available from Ash Geen's shop for 400 coins.

Bounce Shot
Game app, only works in conjunction with another app.
Located in Gate of the Dead.
Available from Aytum's shop for 200 coins.

Miracle Witch
Game app, only works in conjunction with another app.
Located in Hall of Malice.
Open the chest in D-5.

Future Development Company
Improves the Holy Grail, allowing warping to Black Holy Grail Tablets and a Prayer Altar.
Located in Valhalla.
Available from Bargain Duck's shop for 100 coins.

Increases the drop rates from enemies.
Located in Dark Star Lord's Mausoleum.
Bomb the wall in the bottom right of B-3 and walk through to the chest in C-3.

La-Mulana 2
Increases the drop rates from enemies.
Located in Eternal Prison-Doom.
Activate the Mjolnir Dynamo in the top-left of D-4.

App Combinations
App 1
App 2
Yagoo Map Reader
Yagoo Map Street
Fully detailed map screen
Yagoo Map Reader & Yagoo Map Street
La-Mulana 2
Includes hidden rooms on map screen
Death Village
Lonely House Moving
Extended invulnerability after taking damage
Rose and Camellia
Lonely House Moving
On death, revives you once with 32 health; resets upon reloading the game
Mekuri Master
La-Mulana 2
Halves all damage from lava, lasers, and other similar sources
Rose and Camellia
Mekuri Master
Boosts damage of all non-whip main weapons by 2
Lonely House Moving
Boosts damage of all whips by 2
Miracle Witch
Bounce Shot
Guarantees a Weapon Fairy will be summoned
Miracle Witch
Space Capstar II
Guarantees a Treasure Fairy will be summoned
Miracle Witch
Mekuri Master
Guarantees a Key Fairy will be summoned
Miracle Witch
Death Village
Boosts effects from special Hot Springs to last 5 minutes
Miracle Witch
Future Development Company
Activates the secret Developer Room in Icefire Treetop
La-Mulana 2
Gives an even greater boost to enemy item drop rates
La-Mulana & La-Mulana 2
Rose and Camellia
Taking damage will cause damage to enemies in a small radius
Enga Musica
Beo Eg-Lana
Enga Musica now contains all soundtracks from the game
Fairies, Sigils, & Garb

Healing Fairy
Located in Annwfn.
Talk to Frey, then go to Endless Corridor and acquire Freya's Pendant and return it to Frey.

Weapon Fairy
Located in Shrine of the Frost Giants.
Available from the shop in C-4 for 300 coins.

Treasure Fairy
Located in Dark Star Lord's Pyramid.
Available from the shop in B-6 for 300 coins.

Key Fairy
Located in Eternal Prison - Gloom.
Available from the shop for D-6 for 400 coins.


Origin Sigil
Located in Divine Fortress.
Defeat Hugin & Munin.

Birth Sigil
Located in Shrine of the Frost Giants.
Break the Origin Sigil in E-7.

Life Sigil
Located in Icefire Treetop.
Break the Birth Sigil in A-2.

Death Sigil
Located in Eternal Prison - Doom.
Defeat Ajisukitakahikone and break the Life Sigil.


Clay Doll Outfit
Grants immunity from poison, lava, and life-draining attacks.Slows your movement, removes double jump, and replaces your attack and subweapon with a punch and a laser beam.
Also protects you from the vacuum of space.
Located in Shrine of the Frost Giants.
Defeat Balor.

Kimono Cowboy
Located in Icefire Treetop.
Open the Skeleton Key chest in F-3.

Located in Immortal Battlefield.
Open the Skeleton Key chest in the Cavern.

Little Demon
Located in Gate of the Dead.
Open the Skeleton Key chest in D-4.

Eastern European Outfit
Located in Ancient Chaos
Open the Skeleton Key chest in C-3.

Acquiring Skeleton Keys
Skeleton Keys are awarded for completing the following achievements:
  • Everyone Has Their Reasons: Visit ♥♥♥♥♥'s store 40 times
  • Treasure Hunter: Acquire all items
  • Moment of Release: Clear the game
  • Encyclopedia Completionist: Complete the glossary
Ganbatte Castle 26 Sep, 2024 @ 7:05pm 
Oh wow, I checked in at just the right time apparently! Thanks so much for the Tower Of Oannes update and your hard work making the hint guide!
moonlite 21 Aug, 2024 @ 3:57am 
Bless you.
ViceroyOfMonteCristo  [author] 30 Apr, 2024 @ 7:02pm 
Alright, I've finally gotten around to reworking some of the guide. I did another playthrough of the game and tried to fix some of the stuff that was more "telling you the answer" rather than "giving you a push in the right direction", as well as adding Tower of Oannes and reorganizing some of the information. In a little while I'll read back through it and see if there's anything else I can improve.
Miklik 7 May, 2023 @ 6:06pm 
I understand I'm ripping in to a project that was done for free and took an incredible amount of time, so I want to clarify that I do really appreciate the help that this guide has provided. Just please. please, consider doing some updates.

(Also, damn, cutting it down to 1000 characters really messed up the formatting. Sorry.)
Miklik 7 May, 2023 @ 6:06pm 
You can't just break the pillar and warp away. That must have been patched out, cause the puzzle resets when I try it. And I'm guessing you can get the Lamp of Time to do this puzzle, but I don't think that's part of the normal progression. I don't have it yet, so don't spoil me on that, lol. Either way, I hear it doesn't work for this puzzle anymore.
So since this guide wasn't helping, I looked elsewhere, and found out I could've done the Golden Rock much sooner, with a much simpler method. As long as you have the Earth Mantra, the Knife, and the Life Seal, you can just quickly cut through and into the hole before the rock crushes you.

And I wish this was my only complaint with this guide, but it's not. Several times I've just Googled where such and such thing is that this guide is being no help on.
Miklik 7 May, 2023 @ 6:05pm 
This guide is a really disappointing follow up to Cheshire's. It's very helpful (too helpful sometimes, as others mentioned), but has too much out of date information. I got stuck in the Underworld because Anubis wouldn't talk to me because I didn't do the Room of Judgement because I didn't fight the crocodile, because I didn't have the Crystal Pyramid because I couldn't solve the Golden Rock. This guide says this on the Golden Rock:
That's the Golden Rock. Its only purpose is to crush you... for now. Come back once you're a bit better equipped.
That Bust of Mimir up there will be useful, once you learn the right Mantra to incant in front of it. (No mention of what mantra, or where to get it from, or even who tips you off on what mantra to use.)
You can just break the pillar and warp away. Or use the Lamp of Time to stop the rock from falling, if you have it.
Taisetsu na Miko 25 Mar, 2022 @ 1:51pm 
This guide has a lot of flaws and may be outdated in areas. I am planning to make a better guide.
Alodo 14 Nov, 2021 @ 9:28am 
Just finished the game, and I ended up resorting to your hints quite a few times over the months. So I just wanted to give ye a huge thanks for going out of your way to write all of this up. It has contributed immensely to my enjoyment of the game. : ) Thanks!
The bachelor 8 Jun, 2021 @ 10:55pm 
why does your guide say you can acquire the life seal and the item in d-2 of the immortal battlefield if by following your guide top to bottom which i assume its how you read it but both of those items CANT be acquired until you recieve the BIRTH SEAL in the "shrine of the frost giants"
Cheshire_1 31 Oct, 2020 @ 5:41pm 
Hi Viceroy, congrats for the work!
I didn't have the courage to write another full guide for the sequel (it's hard to realize how many hours it takes to write this kind of guide), good to see someone did ;)