Dota 2
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[CT's] Teamplayer AND Giant Prick Furion (Jungle Start)
CT 님이 작성
Nature's Prophet is a very unique hero with many playstyles due to his Global TP ability. This gives you the opportunity to make plays most heros can't.

You can choose to focus on a gank-heavy build or a split pushing build and this guide covers both.

However, specializing in 1 aspect DOES NOT mean you can't do the other. You should always be willing to teamfight AND to push - choosing 1 build just amplifies 1 style, it does not diminish the other.

Nature's Prophet is a blast, so have fun guys!
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댓글 2
CT  [작성자] 2013년 6월 7일 오전 7시 20분 
V Furion haters gon' hate
Lukifer 2013년 6월 6일 오후 4시 29분 
Awful. :d2lonedruid: