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New AutomaticallyColorUnits
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6 set 2018, ore 10:02
8 set 2018, ore 6:11
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New AutomaticallyColorUnits

In 1 collezione di Kraiver
WotC Full
149 elementi
English description:
Automatically colors units according to their class and specialization.
Improved and modified version of the original AutomaticallyColorUnits.
Now you will not suffer painting dozens of soldiers. And you can always distinguish them on the battlefield.
Compatible with Vanilla, WotC, LW. All their variations.
And also added support Akimbo and Necromancer (Both versions).

- Replaced all the colors by others (most as a tribute to LW 1)(I corrected the horror when the Reapers became white).
- An incompatibility message has been removed.

Compatible with:
- Vanilla
- Vanilla with the mod LW classes
- Long War 2
- WotC
- WotC with mod LW classes (Added by me)
- Akimbo (Added by me)
- Necromancer Classics (Added by me)
- Necromancer WotC (Added by me)
- Psionic (Added by me)

BlueRaja creator of the original mod.
Kraiver creator of this improved and new version.

Русское описание:
Автоматически окрашивает единицы по их классу и специализации.
Улучшенная и доработанная версия оригинального AutomaticallyColorUnits.
Теперь вы не будете страдать разрисовывая десятки солдат. И всегда сможете их отличить на поле боя.
Совместимо с Оригиналом, WotC, LW. Всеми их вариациями. А также добавлена поддежка Акимбо и Некроманта(Обе версии).

- Заменил все цвета на другие (Большая часть как дань уважения LW 1)(Исправил ужас когда Жнецы стали белого цвета).
- Убрано сообщение о несовместимости.

Совместим с:
- Оригинал
- Оригинал с модом LW классы
- Long War 2
- WotC
- WotC с модом LW классы (добавлено мной)
- Akimbo (добавлено мной)
- Некромант Оригинал (добавлено мной)
- Некромант WotC (добавлено мной)
- Псионик (добавлено мной)

BlueRaja создатель оригинальной версии.
Kraiver создатель этой улучшенной и новой версии.
28 commenti
CountCristo 25 ott 2021, ore 9:25 
Extremely helpful mod thank you!
Kraiver  [autore] 13 ago 2020, ore 1:42 
@anduls Version 1.1 will have a huge update in the coming months.
anduls 9 ago 2020, ore 14:58 
@kraivar: checked your LW 1.1 mod, thanks very nice. Use the most mod already, but is nice to have it in a bundle. I do like Xcom EW and LW 1 still better than xcom 2
Kraiver  [autore] 20 giu 2020, ore 3:54 
Sorry i can’t tackle this mod yet. All my time is spent mod LW 1.1.
Kraiver  [autore] 20 giu 2020, ore 3:53 
anduls Check the class name (LWS_Sharpshooter). Check if the mod is on. Or there are may be problems with the new game launcher.
anduls 5 giu 2020, ore 14:51 
I changed the ini, but nothing happened. Also after promotion. Here an example:
+UnitColors=(SoldierClass="LWS_Sharpshooter", AbilityBranch=1,MainColor=22, SecondaryColor=87, WeaponColor=94, WeaponCamo=-1, ArmorCamo=-1)

So, how does this work ?
warfaced 6 mag 2020, ore 15:07 
Seems to be working with Long War of the Chosen so far
DVDV 27 apr 2020, ore 16:19 
Cool! Looking forward to it :)
Kraiver  [autore] 27 apr 2020, ore 16:14 
In the future, I will put the SDK again and add everything that came out in 2 years.
DVDV 27 apr 2020, ore 16:09 
Hmm, it seems the psionic and snipers use the same color. Could one of the colors be adjusted perhaps?