Mega Man X Legacy Collection

Mega Man X Legacy Collection

340 oy
Mega Man X Legacy Collection Achievement Guide
kage2347 tarafından
This is a guide to collect every achievement for this first collection. This guide is meant for people who want to collect every achievement as fast as possible. So if you haven't played a Mega Man X game before, I would reccomend not using the passwords if you want to enjoy the levels and the story the first time for each game. However, even newcomers can still use this guide as a roadmap to collect achievements at their own pace.
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This is a guide to collect every achievement for this first collection. This guide is meant for people who want to collect every achievement as fast as possible. So if you haven't played a Mega Man X game before, I would reccomend not using the passwords if you want to enjoy the levels and the story the first time for each game. However, even newcomers can still use this guide as a roadmap to collect achievements at their own pace.

Now first off for each game, I would recommend not turning on Rookie Hunter mode for the first run through each game for achievements as you must beat Sigma with it off for these specific achievements.

Turning it on at any point will void the achievement for that session even if you turn it off immediately. I'm not for sure how Rookie Hunter affects X4 saves, so you probably shouldnt have a save with Rookie Hunter on in X4 if you are going after that achievement.

Fortunately passwords and the ultimate armor cheats don't void all the achievements for the session, so I will abuse them in this guide. I will not describe how to beat bosses or obtain all items. There are already plenty of guides out there for that.

Later on, I might add actual screenshots, videos, and some more clarification for specific achievements. For now, I just want this guide out there. It is also my first guide on Steam, so judge it as you see neccessary.

Now for the achievements starting with the first game.
Mega Man X
The game that started it all, Mega Man X!

Go ahead and configure your controls here and proceed with the game. The controls will have to be configured every play session.

He's Actually Called Vava
Complete the opening stage of any game in both the English and Japanese versions.

You can switch the language mode of a game from English to Japanese at the Game Selection Screen. Complete the intro stage, quit, switch languages, and play the intro stage again.



This password unlocks all the weapons and items except the heart tank in an unbeaten Sting Chameleon's stage since you can find ride armor enemies here. The arm cannon is also not upgraded. Use it to get the most achievements in one run. Re-armed, Never Hearts to Be Careful, and First Armor achievements can be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ with this.


This password unlocks all weapons and items. You will start at the first Sigma Stage.

Preparation for Sigma
You can refill tanks and lives in Armored Armadillo's stage. Right before fighting Sigma, you can refill your tanks, lives, and weapons from respawning enemies. A charged Rolling Shield is helpful in both cases. The final fight thas three phases that must be beaten within one life.


In Buster We Trust
Defeat any of the eight Maverick bosses in Mega Man X.

Do this while in one of the Sigma stages or against Sting Chameleon with the first password.

Nobody Nose My Sorrow
Cut off Flame Mammoth's trunk in Mega Man X.

Use Boomerang Cutter on Flame Mammoth until you chop his nose. He will be encountered in a Sigma stage.

Just Plain Dillo
Knock off Armored Armadillo's armor in Mega Man X.

Use Spark Mandrill's weapon, the Electric Spark, on Armored Armadillo. He will be encountered in a Sigma stage.

Gimp My Ride
Destroy an enemy Ride Armor in Mega Man X.

Sting Chameleon and Chill Penguin stages has these at least.

Pretty (Devastating) In Pink
Use the Spiral Crush Buster to defeat a boss in Mega Man X.

Do this while in one of the Sigma stages with the arm upgrade.

Receive Zero's arm part in Mega Man X.

Can be obtained using the first password by going through the Sigma stages without collecting the arm upgrade.

Never Hearts to Be Careful
Obtain all Heart Tanks and max out X's energy gauge in Mega Man X.

Search the heart in Sting Chameleon's stage using the first password.

First Armor
Obtain all four armor upgrades in Mega Man X.

Can be obtained using the first password by going through the Sigma stages without collecting the arm upgrade.

In the Heart of Battle
Learn the Hadoken in Mega Man X. (Secret)

You need all the upgrades and items first. The second password will guaranteed it. You can also do this after completing the first Sigma stage. Collect the health at the top of the cliff above the boss door in Armored Armadillo's stage and kill yourself in a pit until the capsule appears. Better stock up on lives first.

It's Over
Defeat Wolf Sigma in Mega Man X. (Secret)

How Long Will He Keep Fighting?
Complete Mega Man X (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode).

Watch the whole credits. It will show up once Sigma shows up on the tv at the end.

Mega Man X2
Megaman X is back and better than ever with the release of this new sequel. With the help of X and Green Biker Dude, they will have to fight eight mavericks and save Zero from the hands of three new villains!

He's Actually Called Vava
Complete the opening stage of any game in both the English and Japanese versions. (If for some reason this was not done the first game.)

You can switch the language mode of a game from English to Japanese at the Game Selection Screen. It can be helpful to do this along with the Size Matters Not achievement.

Size Matters Not
Complete the opening stage of Mega Man X2 with a full energy gauge.

You can get hit as long as you completely heal yourself before the boss. There is a large health capsule right before the boss. Kill yourself to reset the fight if you get hit.


All passwords have the Zero parts obtained. You won't fight Zero, but it will be easier and quicker to beat the game this way.

Start in the third Sigma stage or Agile's stage with all items and upgrades.



Start in the fourth Sigma stage with all items and upgrades.



Start in the fifth and final Sigma stage with all items and upgrades.



Magna Centipede is not beaten, and the head capsule is not obtained from Crystal Snail's stage.


Preparation for Sigma
Go to Overdrive Ostritch's stage, go to the top left area before the raised bike bridge, use a bunch of charged Silk Shots to fill up your tanks, and get the Friendly Neighborhood Mega Man achievement while you are at it. You can also fill up your tanks and weapon energy with enemies at the final Sigma stage itself. With Zero saved, you will only need to fight two phases of Sigma.


Half the Sponge He Used to Be
Cut Wire Sponge in half in Mega Man X2.

Use an uncharged Sonic Splicer on Wire Sponge as the finishing blow. You can get this in the fourth Sigma Stage.

Covert Ops
Complete Magna Centipede's stage without being spotted by a single searchlight in Mega Man X2.

Can only be done with Magna Centipede alive. Crystal Snail's charged weapon can be helpful with the timing. There are certain spots that can be real troublesome to pass through. The first of these are the searchlights before the moving blocks. There are two ways to get through. Fall down and air dash from the top area or dash from the floor to the lower floor without jumping. However, the lower path is harder with timing.

After the mini boss, there are two seperate tunnels to fall through with searchlights. Just hug the right wall in the first tunnel. For the second tunnel stick to the right wall, kill the enemy on the left, and air dash to the left wall hugging it down. After that, proceed to the boss and kill him.

I'll post screenshots or a video later.

Take Your Time
Watch Morph Moth's metamorphosis in Mega Man X2 without interfering.

Just don't attack Morph Moth at all until he transforms. Do this in the fourth Sigma Stage.

Dodge This
Use Giga Crush to score the final hit against any of the eight Maverick bosses in Mega Man X2.

You need the armor upgrade from Morph Moth's stage first. Use Giga Crush when the boss is at one or two health. Do this in the fourth Sigma Stage.

Friendly Neighborhood Mega Man
Use Silk Shot to grab an item in Mega Man X2.

There is an area in Overdrive Ostritch's stage to use a charged Silk Shot. It is also a good spot to charge tanks quickly.

Second Armor
Obtain all four armor upgrades in Mega Man X2.

Use the password with Magna Centipede alive, and go find it in Crystal Snail's stage.

Zero Squared
Gather all of Zero's parts and get rescued by the resurrected Zero in Mega Man X2. (Secret)

All passwords have the Zero parts. Just play through to Sigma.

Attack Me if You Dare
Learn the Shoryuken in Mega Man X2. (Secret)

This is located in Agile's stage or the third Sigma stage. It is reccomended to have one full tank before you do this. There will be section where you need to use Crystal Hunter on a bat to reach a higher area. At the top area, you can bring a bat enemy from above to help survive the spikes by taking advantage of the invincibility frames. Charged Speed Burners and air dashing can be used to get through the spikes area. Use tanks to max out your health, and hug the left wall until you get to the capsule.

It's Really Over
Defeat the Sigma Virus in Mega Man X2. (Secret)

The Price of Peace Is Often High
Complete Mega Man X2 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode).

Watch the whole credits through.

Mega Man X3
Mega Man X is back, but now he has to fight an evil discount Wily! Zero is also playable too I guess.


Bit, Byte, and Vile should be defeated for the passwords with all Mavericks are defeated.

All upgrades, items, and weapons. Beam Saber enabled. No enhancements have been obtained.


All upgrades, items, and weapons. Zero alive. No enhancements have been obtained.


All upgrades, items, and weapons. Zero alive. All enhancements except buster obtained.


All upgrades, items, and weapons. Beam Saber enabled. All enhancements except buster obtained.


Blast Hornet, Tunnel Rhino, and Neon Tiger defeated. All upgrades and items. All enhancements except buster. Zero alive. Bit should appear in the next stage or after.


Sigma Preparation
You can grind your tanks at the beginning elevator in Blast Hornet's stage using charged Frost Shields. The last Sigma stage has enemies to give you health and weapon energy. The health enhancement and Golden Armor will also charge your tanks.


All Units Stand By
Obtain all four Ride Armor chips in Mega Man X3.


Search for the Frog Ride Armor in Gravity Beetle's stage.

Fight Fair!
Destroy Vile MK-2's Ride Armor (DRA-00) in Mega Man X3.

Speed Isn't Everything
Reach Bit without a Ride Armor and win without the aid of special weapons in Mega Man X3.

Power Isn't Everything
Reach Byte without a Ride Armor and win without the aid of special weapons in Mega Man X3.

Persistence Isn't Everything
Reach Vile MK-2 without a Ride Armor and win without the aid of special weapons in Mega Man X3.

Always Believe in Your Soul
Obtain the Hyper Chip in Mega Man X3.

Located in the first Doppler Stage. Using one of the passwords without any enhancements will prepare you for this chip.

Third Armor
Obtain all four armor parts in Mega Man X3.


Search for the helmet upgrade in Tunnel Rhino's stage.

He Wanted You to Have This
Receive Zero's beam saber in Mega Man X3. (Secret)

You only get once chance per session to beat the bug boss with Zero. If Zero dies, you will have to redo the password and the Doppler stages again.

It's Over... Right?
Defeat Kaiser Sigma in Mega Man X3. (Secret)

X-Treme Danger
Defeat Kaiser Sigma without the Hyper Chip in Mega Man X3. (Secret)

Can be done with Rookie Hunter mode on.

To Save Mankind
Complete Mega Man X3 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode).

Watch the credits through.

Mega Man X4
From the series that gave you a trilogy of games where Zero keeps dying, the series finally realized his awesomeness and gave him his own brand new game! But since X is literally in the title, X is obligated to be in this game too.

This game will take 2 to 3 playthroughs to beat. I will offer two options to get every achivement.

Option 1: Ultimate Armor X -> X (Rookie Hunter) -> Zero (Rookie Hunter)
Option 2: X -> Zero (Rookie Hunter)

Option 1 is the more easier option as you will have access to infinite Nova Strikes to use in Sigma's fight as well as all upgrades to quickly go through the maverick stages. However, you will have to beat X's story again to get every achievement.

Option 2 is harder, but you will be able to get every achievement sooner this way.

Either way, once you beat the game once, you will be able to use Rookie Hunter to breeze through the next playthroughs. It is especially helpful in Zero's run as he has a harder time to beat the game than X does.


Ultimate Armor X

X, X, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, Hold L1 + R2, Start/Options on PS4 (PS1 & 4, JP)

O, O, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, Hold L1 + R2, Start/Options on PS4 (PS1, 2 & 4, EU)

B, B, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, Hold LB+RT, START (Xbox One / Steam)

If it works, X will look more purple. Go to Web Spider's stage to find the capsule for the armor. This armor basically grants all of the Fourth Armor's abilities, but you can use Nova Strike an unlimited number of times. Nova Strike can be used as an air dash that can destroy enemies and dodging attacks. However, the weapon will default to the buster every time it is used. It is pretty effective at speeding through levels and killing bosses. You also can only use the Plasma Shot as the buster upgrade.

Black Zero

R1+(→, →, →, →, →, →), X + Start/Options on PS4 (PS1 & 4, J)

R1+(→, →, →, →, →, →), X + Start/Options on PS4 (PS1, 2 & 4, E)

RB+(→, →, →, →, →, →), A+START (Xbox One/Steam)


Pew Pew
Fire fully-charged shots using all of X's weapons in a single playthrough of Mega Man X4.

Once you get all the weapons and arm upgrades, charge and fire all your weapons. The two interchangeable arm upgrades count as separate weapons, so remember to fire a full charge shot from both.

Way of the Saber
Use all of Zero's special saber techniques in a single playthrough of Mega Man X4.

Can be done once all weapons are obtained

Fully Charged
Obtain the EX Item, and have max. lives, energy, weapon energy, and full Sub Tanks in Mega Man X4.

Self explanatory. The items in Cyber Space and Marine Base will most likely be hardest areas to get the items. I suggest practicing those levels, killing yourself if you miss an item, and getting every weapon to use the exit item.

He Brought Fists to a Mech Fight
Use a Ride Armor to score the final hit against Magma Dragoon in Mega Man X4.

You will eventually encounter the Ride Armor in the 2nd half of Magma Dragoon's stage. You need to use it to break the rocks in the bottom lava path to take the armor to battle. You only have one shot to beat Magma Dragoon with the armor. Otherwise, you will have to redo the whole stage again to get the armor into the arena. I suggest getting off the armor and lowering the boss's health low enough so you can finish him off without worrying about your armor getting destroyed. Magma Dragoon must also still be alive in his stage to get the achievement.

It Ain't Ova Till It's Nova
Use Nova Strike to score the final hit against a boss in Mega Man X4.

Easy to do with the Ultimate Armor. You need the Body Upgrade to use Nova Strike with the Fourth Armor.

Fourth Armor
Obtain all four armor parts in Mega Man X4.

This can't be done if you are doing a run with the Ultimate Armor or Zero.

It's Definitely Over
Defeat Sigma Gunner and Earth Sigma in Mega Man X4. (Secret)

True Hero
Complete Mega Man X4 as X without using the Ultimate Armor. (Secret)

Do not input the Ultimate Armor code. The Fourth Armor is not the same as the Ultimate Armor. Can be done with Rookie Hunter mode on.

Promise Me, Zero
Complete X's story in Mega Man X4.

Can be done with Rookie Hunter mode on.

Mavericks After All
Complete Zero's story in Mega Man X4.

Can be done with Rookie Hunter mode on.

Tragic Destiny
Complete Mega Man X4 (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode).

I recommend doing this with the Ultimate Armor as you can get through the game the first time fast. However, you will have to beat this as X again to get the True Hero achievement. Once this achievement is ♥♥♥♥♥♥, you can do the other runs with Rookie Hunter mode on. You can refill one life tank before fighting Sigma if you keep collecting the one large life capsule and dying. So, I would recommend having full life tanks before the checkpoint right before Sigma.

Watch the credits through.

Half the Saga
Complete Mega Man X1, X2, X3, and X4.

If this is the last game beaten.

The Rest
Reconnaissance Complete
View 20 images across all four titles, then change the wallpaper to the secret image.

Viewed 20 images for each of the Mega Man X games in the gallery, started one of the Mega Man X, and changed the wallpaper to secret wallpaper that should have showed up.

Audio Signal Incoming
Listen to 10 tracks for long enough with the Music Player, and then listen to the secret track.

First complete challenge mode to unlock the secret track called "Give it a Shot." Autoplay all the tracks in the Music Player for the Megaman X Legacy Collection section.

Identity Erased
Blast through the mystery of the staff credits and return to the future.

Play the credits and destroy as much of the names as possible until "RE:FUTURE" shows up in the bottom left corner. The credits play after beating challenge mode so try it there first to save time.

Complete an X Challenge stage equipped with only the X-Buster.

Do this on easy, and do not select any weapon.

What's Your Hunter Rank?
Check your own ranking in X Challenge.

Go to Leaderboards in X Challenge. Change difficulty if you have to, and check my rank button.

A-Class Hunter
Complete all X Challenge stages.

Do this on easy.
24 Yorum
Kenzo 16 Ağu @ 22:29 
Great guide.
Fullmetal Gamer 6 Tem @ 8:24 
@Johnny_Webb: Shoryuken?
Mewi 12 May @ 16:13 
Unless I messed up my key bindings, which doesn't seem likely. Black Zero should be:
RB+(→, →, →, →, →, →), Hold B Press START (Xbox One/Steam)
Johnny Webb 30 Ağu 2023 @ 12:30 
This is driving me INSANE!! That "????" Medal. I've gone through Mega man X2 three times, with all Zero parts, and STILL no achievement or Medal... Is this rigged or a glitch?
franQ 4 Nis 2023 @ 20:56 
Best guide :cupup::cuphead:
Caxambau 3 Oca 2023 @ 14:12 
hi, can i get the achievement for finishing the x4 with zero if i use the black armor or must i use him normal?
Scarvenger 27 Eki 2022 @ 13:11 
T4RK 12 May 2021 @ 7:39 
just letting you know that Fully Charged Achievement needs 9 extra lives to work

great guide helped me a lot
yugofire 5 May 2021 @ 19:27 
Juve 11 Oca 2021 @ 15:24 
Hi, nice guy man! I need to ask u something.. I find all for "Fully Charged Achievement" but my game dont show that achievement... any idea what can be? I found it with Zero and X (without Ultimate Armor)... pls, help :c