209 ratings
Trickery 101
By Patches
A simple guide on how to outsmart hosts and pesky gankers, brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Patches!

Hello! Patches here with a trusty guide on how to best deal with those silly hosts, cheeky summons and cocky Darkmoons in the most distasteful fashion!
The basics
The key to sucessfuly snuffing out those rotten ganks on your own is to use your wits. This means being downright dishonorable by using traps, enemies, chokepoints and cliffs to your advantage!

When facing multiple foes at once, you'll want to lure them into such hazards by simply getting the fools to follow you.

Now you may be thinking, "But Patches, what if they're too clever for these tricks?". Funilly enough, ganks tend to let their cockiness get the best of them. Knowing they outnumber you, they'll surely follow thinking that they're certain to succeed as long as they have friends to back them up!
The equipment
The looks

First things first, you want to look smashing when you're wiping the smile from that smug hosts face after taking out his backup with your ghastly methods. So be sure to have fashion ticked off the list before using your Red Eyes to spread misery!

The rings

Now that you have the style, time for the rings... well you only really need one for this.

Obscuring Ring

The Obscuring ring is your best friend for acting out these wicked schemes, the element of suprise will almost certainly assure victory! However, it should be noted that effects from buffs or regens can still be seen! In case you're unaware of what the Obscuring Ring does, it essentially makes you completely invisible to other players when far away. Its effect works around 8m (26.25ft).

The consumables

These items are essential if you aim to achieve your villanous deeds effectively, be sure to pack plenty!

Young White Branch

Young White Branches or Chameleon if you're a silly Sorcerer will allow you to blend into your environment, allowing all sorts of oportunities to get the drop on an unsuspecting victim!

Undead Hunter Charm

Every good invader knows this is essentialy to stop phantoms and hosts alike from taking a swig from their Estus Flasks. Funnily enough, they may be unaware of the effect and will stand there like a melon trying to get their flasks pouring the good stuff. Use this oppurtunity to get a cheeky backstab in.

Anything that removes build-ups!

I honestly can't stress enough how important it is to have items such as purple moss in hand when you're causing mischief in locations such as Farron Keep or the Profaned Capital. When you take damage, other players can see your health bar from miles away. It is absolutely critical that your location is not given away when getting in position to suprise the host!

The weapons

Whatever suits you best, I mean... this guide doesn't exactly cover direct confrontations.

The spells

Not including the alternative for Young White Branches, there's only one spell that a good trickster truly needs and well... it pains me to say it.


Haha, yes. Laugh at lil' ol' Patches for including a miracle in this guide. As much as I detest Clerics, this particular miracle works wonders at knocking sunlight warriors to their doom. Let's move on shall we?
Best Locations

You could really try any of these in whichever location you desire. However, I have some favourites which are full to the point of bursting with deceitful oportunities.

Irithyll Dungeon

This dreadful labyrinth is full of nasty dangers but my favourite spot would be where the horde of Jailers that drain your health hang about. If you're lucky enough to invade someone going through here blind then they'll be certain to have their max health zapped for you to finish them off.

Even experienced phantoms may take the health drain for granted and will regretfully rush in to get a few hits on you only to retreat in fear of a measly throwing knife being capable of putting them down.

Profaned Capital

The area to the right of the Profaned Capital Bonfire is a ripe hunting ground for invaders, it comes complete with a maze of narrow halls which act as perfect chokepoints. The toxic bog beneath is excellent for causing panic in phantoms and hosts as they flee from the Sewer Centipedes while their health slowly decreases. The rooftops and ladders allow ample oportunities for baiting aswell.

Earthen Peak Ruins

I bet you know why this one is here, bingo. Those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Angels will keep hosts sculling their flasks as they rain down hell on top of them! The last thing they need is a cheeky invader such as yourself pushing them to move out of cover.

Catacombs of Carthus

My absolute favourite of the locations by far. This image included has many different strategic positions all in one place! Because this one is my favourite, I'll be getting into depth with why it's so good.

Here I've highlighted some excellent pre-destroyed bridge spots to fool gankers. First, you've got the trigger at the start of the bridge which causes a horde of skeletons to give chase. Without the bridge and you blocking the only alternate path, they're going to have to fight the horde which will most likely overwhelm them. Second, there's an amazing chokepoint along the alternate path where the host and phantoms will be forced to face you one on one otherwise they'll fall off. This is where you can try using force but honestly, 90% of the time they accidentally roll off the edge. Finally, the bridge itself. If you're using the Obscuring Ring, they won't see you until they're about halfway across which is when you want to destroy the bridge. If all else fails, retreat to the previously mentioned chokepoint to fight them head on.

Once the bridge is destroyed, you now have another option to trick other players and this one by far is the most humiliating.

Here, you can stay on the top of the ladder. This will encourage your foe to try to get some hits in or even knock you off, assuming they go for the good ol' R1 spam, they'll find themselves tripping over you and plummeting to their shameful death. A right jolly good gag.
Well, I hope this guide aids you in your sinister goal to spread misery to others!

If you found this guide helpful and/or enjoyable, please feel free to like it and perhaps even favourite it? Also, if I have made any mistake or you would like to make an addition, please let me know!

P.S Don't point down. Even I have my limits when it comes to being evil and there is no need to make the host feel any worse after falling for your tricks.

Thanks, good compeer. Happy invading!

PhoenixRisen77 7 Apr, 2022 @ 5:51pm 
@Dinguser Head
dandinks 31 Mar, 2022 @ 11:35am 
what would a boss taste biting into a 6 foot tall onion
Judgement Kazzy 5 Sep, 2021 @ 3:38pm 
truly a nice guide Patches but anyway :praisesun:
PhoenixRisen77 5 Aug, 2021 @ 11:19pm 
Wait, what? Patches is actually helping !? What trickery is this??? I will not be tricked by Patches for the tenth time! Well, I lost track after ten times. But still!!

On a more serious note, I really enjoyed this guide! Great job!
Machete the Monkish 25 Nov, 2020 @ 4:19pm 
Patches has enlightened us with this amazing guide. All hail The Unbreakable!
b17&t 23 May, 2020 @ 3:32pm 
Gives them conniptions. 10/10
Patches  [author] 28 Nov, 2019 @ 4:01pm 
Thank you for the kind words, friend!
Grandpa Dinksücker 28 Nov, 2019 @ 7:48am 
I misread the title as "Thickery 101" and seeing your character wearing the Catarina Set. I then saw it said "Trickery 101" and decided to read it anyways. I really like this guide, it's very creative and interesting! Great job, Patches!
Beef 27 Nov, 2019 @ 1:00pm 
simple, kill her!
RevolverBigBosselote 22 Nov, 2019 @ 1:33pm 
Patches how do I trick my ex-wife into thinking I've paid child support?