Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

114 évaluations
Dragon Breath
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Type de contenu: Addon
Type d'addon: Arme
Mots-clés d'addon: Divertissement, Jeu de rôle, Réalisme
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2.137 MB
30 aout 2018 à 13h58
5 sept. 2024 à 9h28
7 notes de changement ( voir )

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Dragon Breath

Dans 2 collections faites par Zelda Fanatic
Hero Life RP
228 objets
Team EviL
69 objets
Complete rework of the dragon fire swep.
** this may not work if you have the vfireflamethrower installed; please ensure this is remove from both our addon list AND the gma removed from your addon cache before saying it doesn't work **

Left Click to burn stuff
Right click to fly

Custom dragon sounds
VFire compatible so the fire looks decent and spreads
Can be found under weapons = Dragon Breath

*server admins might want to download the ulx tool to remove all fire from the map*

Check out mailers dragon models for something to stick the swep to!
28 commentaires
Jaxoon_213 26 juin 2024 à 16h30 
it is creating luna errors
Zelda Fanatic  [créateur] 6 mars 2022 à 10h11 
oh and don't use a wav use an mp3 as it will be unaffected
Zelda Fanatic  [créateur] 6 mars 2022 à 10h10 
because facepunch did something to how wav files are processed. it can be fixed but no one plays gmod anymore. if you wanna fix it yourself just change the sound in the sound folder (Y) it will use the sound on your pc rather than the one tied into the mod
Coping Kobold 4 mars 2022 à 12h29 
Why is the sound a burp with a warble filter
Upuri06 3 sept. 2020 à 9h20 
for me it is an just an error
Zelda Fanatic  [créateur] 5 mai 2020 à 10h12 
if you have vfire flame tthrower remove it and try the swep
Zelda Fanatic  [créateur] 5 mai 2020 à 9h46 
Could you tell me what the error is so i know why its doing it. going to quickly install it now and look
FapeZone 5 mai 2020 à 0h10 
It gives lua errors when i click with it. How im gonna fix that?
Zelda Fanatic  [créateur] 9 aout 2019 à 12h51 
i will look at some point, i'm not 100% but i think there could of been an issue with vfire interaction when i changed it from flamethrower, its just the flamethrower with custom sounds added to it for RP servers
Axel The Vampire Slayer 9 aout 2019 à 12h01 
Damn that sucks. Can't you change the name in the lua for it or something? Anyway thanks.