We Need To Go Deeper

We Need To Go Deeper

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Things I'd like to lend tips about.
By Willy'sHam
Attention: This guide is updated often (generally) so keep checking back for more! Top contributers: Egg Dude, Lunasa, Gerald Man! To top these fine people and get on the list, you'll have to contribute even more than them! In this guide, I will tell you multiple tactics you might, MIGHT, find useful. I don't want people in the comments goin' 'rond sayin', "You'll find useful.' Yuh right I started the gume and instently knew wut to do. U a n00b?" Okay, maybe I am going over the top. Still, though, I don't want none of that. So, check it out of ya like, if ya don't... Then get outta here ya hater. Just kidding. Just a reminder, if you have a tactic you'd like to share about this game, then go ahead and type it in comments. I will put it into my guide acknowledging you for your nerdy knowledge. So, throw your ideas up here by saying @Combattactics (Do this and that for that to happen) or @Shiptactics (Do that and this for this to happen) or any other category just do @(Category): (Tip[s]) simply like that my fellas! Also, new section being added, the Stories Section! That's right, each section will now have a stories section! Everyone has something to be said, but the one with the most humor will be added into the story sec! Just @Combattactics (Stry) for it to be nominated to be added! Have a lovely day/night/evening/whatever!
Basic ship tactics
Congratulations! You have found your team of explorers and are ready to die! So, let's get this over with.
Basics are basics, ship divisions
You will assign your crew members to any of these following, gunner (1 or 2 guns), pilot, and maintenence.
This class is self explanitory, while people are busy shooting and piloting, you are there to fix ALL their mistakes!
This is also self explanitory, you shoot something that moves until it stops and becomes all twitchy, and surrounded by this red stuff.
Do I even need to say it?
Ship Types
Now, depending on your ship is how many gunners you need. 3-4 player ship has 2 guns, 1-2 or 1-3 has 1 gun. For bots, though, if they are what your team is composed of you need to press middle mouse and command them to go to the guns. The correct bot can be selected in the bot selection for whichever you need.
Evasion Tactics
Now, let's say there is this big screamy thingy that is heading towards you and your noob gunner is not shooting it until it becomes twitchy, but allows it to hit your ship. In this case, if you are a pilot, right when the monster is about to hit you switch sides by pressing A or D (These are preset binds I am going off of, if you changed your binds, use the ones that switch you sides). If you did it right you'll dodge, if not though, you will get hit with no consequence except your noob gunner is off even more of their course.
Personell Tactics
Now, if you are the maintenence guy when this happens, get the gunner off that gun and do it yourself! As maintenence guy, though, you also have to give the gunner his torpedos, just be wary you have a finite supply. To get more go into caverns.
Personell tactics stories!
Our first and only submission so far from an excellent person: Egg Man

"so i have a story of trying my hand at using a atomic submarine,i devised the crew into three sections (i found out that this works bets with the atomic so long as your crew is following orders) i was the gunner, there was a captain of course, but the hardest job probably was the person stationed in the engine room, he had to stop any nuclear meltdowns. So what happened was we had just got to infected depths when something happened, we were boarded by something that i didn't see that killed the nuclear technician just before he could prevent a meltdown and during a large battle, so the ship exploded and anyone who tried to fix anything caught on fire and died"
Combat tactics
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH! You found your first civilization, and they have all this great stuff to buy! Wait a second, this is to expensive! Oh well, might aswell steal it behind their backs- and we're dead.
Mutual "Unfriendliness" Between You And A Civilization
Exactly, let's say you find yourself in that situation and you are the only one alive, you fled back to your ship in the hope that they'll go mind their own buisness not minding what you stole fair and square, IT'S YOURS AFTER ALL YOU STOLE IT! IF you do find youself in this case and you are locked in your ship, round up all your enemies in one room, heal in bed, and head out and kill them. "But my guy, they are OP compared to my putrid weapon..." I GOT CHU.
Combat Tactics
All you have to do is, and yes, I did this with only a medkit, you roll and swing when you are rolling past them. I killed 5 of those eel creatures by myeslf and at the same time, just by rolling and swinging.

However, a useful tip from Lunasa:
"medkit does one damage, not very helpful for hitting.
try staying in safety or at a Generous™ distance away from your healing target"

Upon getting up give them a second to stop attacking you can start, that way they don't hit you while you roll. Another tactic, understand what you are getting youself into.
Water Damages
When you are in corrupted depths, when you start taking on water, it will start corrupting your ship spawining in enemies that let these horrendous creatures come in. When in volcanic water, the water hurts you if you get in it. When in prehistoric water, it starts producing plants that spit posion (like posion ivy :3) and start growing on your doors, preventing you from opening them. When they block your doors simply whack it until you can open it.
Cave Combat (Straight forward honestly)
When fighting in caves, have a medic right on top of you constantly hitting the enemy but at the same time hitting you, which heals you. UGH! You know that one frickin' noob, where he/she is just so irritable? Wanna get rid of em'? WELL ISN'T THAT TOO BAD, YOU CAN'T LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND, THE SHIP WON'T MOVE UNTIL EVERYONE IS ON BOARD-EVEN IF ONE OF THEM IS DOWNED.
(Contributed by Happiness Officer!) The Joy of EMPs!
"Basically, if you grab the central lever of the ship's power and crank it up, you eject all of the ship's power to zap everything around you. The catch is that you're without power for about half a minute or so whilst it recharges, but it's brilliant for a ragequit when you have a ton of large, unhappy things playing dodgeball with the ship. Only thing to know is that you push it up . If you push it down, you just shut off the power and the captain gets very very confused as to why everyone suddenly died... True Story"
Another note from Egg Man: "if your on the atomic and you pull the lever up instead of a EMP it will give you a second of invincibility and it will stop the atomic from going Chernobyl mode"

This is about all I have for you, remember, if you have an idea you'd like me to credit you for and put it up here, just type in comments @Combattactics (Hit them as hard as you can) or something like that. Visa versa, @Shiptactics (Plug all holes with your wrench, nothing else works). Have a great day!
Combat tactics stories!
[Nothing yet either... waaaaaaaaaa! Feel free to @Combattactics (stry) to nominate that one story of yours... ya' know, that one!]
Ah, mobs, any NPC in a game. In this game mobs have different attack strategies, and just a grand scheme of different mobs.
Corrupted Depths
Barnicle: Origin: Corrupted Depths, leaking water into ship; Purpose/Ability: Bring in different enemies; Sizes' abilities: Large ones bring in double heads. Medium: Brings in medium evils; Smalls: Bring in smaller ones that are pains in the butt. Two heads: Purpose/Ability; Attack and destroy. This is a Double headed evil, upon dying it splits into two medium evils. Medium evil: A hellish creature from the corrupted depths, it is very energetic. Smaller evil: A smaller evil, they can easily swarm you if you aren't aware of how many are around you. Note: All of the evils I just listed are part of the corrupted depths. Angler (Evil): It is a corrputed angler... it bites you.... nuff said. Pumpkin Grabber: It is a part of halloween, it works as a squid spawning in tenticles inside of the ship. Upon the death of a tenticle, it will spawn into a pumpkin, upon the the death of the pumpkin a bomb will fall down. I personally, DESPISE, this being of horrid death and desctruction. However, I should really get back on track with the first biome,
Open Waters
Shark: Has a hideous smile, showing his teeth. He uses this smile to lure you in (not really) and eat you (Really really). Hammer Head Shark: Purpose/Ability: Just attack/kill. It acts alot like any other monster except to get close and move far, then ram. Swordfish: Come on, it's like any other ramming fish. Pirate ship: Purpose/Ability: To board your ship; Crew composes of generally, 1 boss, 4 lacky's. Blobfish: Purpose/Ability; Board your ship, puke and give you sea sickness. The alternative to open waters is a darkened version, you will find fossils there, and they will be described soon. The darkened open waters though is a difficult place so be wary of your actions-they could be your last. Next Biome, and Corrupted Depths alternative,
The Depths
Angler: It is an angler... it bites you... nuff said. Except they have a little glow, making it easier to spot it. Living Fossils (Or at least what I call em, they also spawn in [darkened] Open Waters as well): Purpose/Ability; they are little shrines, making them appeal to you. You shoot it, they will come out, these fossil like creatures. They eat you... nuff said.
Prehistoric Waters
Prehistoric Water: It will flood your ship and produce butt wrentching plants to fight and spit acid at you. Alligator: Purpose/Ability; Board your ship, eat you......... that's it. You thought I'd say, 'nuff said' didn't you... wait... I said it just now! FRICK. Moving on, Living Fossils are also known to inhabit this biome.
Polar Water
I believe this is an alternate to open waters. Orca: Eat you... what else is there to it? Narwhale: Hides behind ice blocks and will shove them at you.
Volcanic Waters...
Yeah I don't have crap in here except that if the water rises high enough, and you step in it, you get hurt.
Civil NPCs (Each civilization is explained in the last section)
Now, Civie NPCs (Civilization NPC): They sell you stuff, and you can interact with them. However, you swing near them, they attack you and are extrodinarily over powered (See battle tactics to handle that). Doctor: The medical NPC within each civilization talk to them to get some of that good heals maaaaaan. If you also swing near their items, your screwed aswell. I forgot in which biome, but there is also a deep sea crustacean ready to eat your face (it acts like a squid and grapples to your boat).
The Meteor
The enemies are invisible for the most part, you are fubbernucked. I don't really have much info yet... buuuuuuut, here we go anyway! So, we got the, "Clams," of the biome. This version just sends balls of zappy doom at yer face, stunning your ship. Neeeext you've got the illu-I mean totally inconspicuous pyramid that after being shot by your totally helpful gunner, leaves portals-I mean deathly openings that you shouldn't go into like at all...The water, upon entering your ship, is much like volcanic water-IT BUUUUUUUUUUURNS. We also got the usual boarders... good luck! They've got huge claws that'll tear your ship's doors apart in almost, kind of, somewhat, and instant!
Anything I miss out on? OF COURSE THERE IS! Go ahead and help everybody out by contributing in comments of what I forgot, I will soon rectify it!
Bots/NPCs Stories!
[Nothin' @B/N (Stry) to nominate a funny encounter or your team sucking! Or following my instructions which got you killed because your not supposed to trust me! *gasps for breath*
"Listen for ze muzic, yah?" For anyone who saw Bill Burr. Now, when listening for the "muzic," it might be your friend on Discord Mic spamming you. But, back to the basics.
Your ship
It is your best weapon and almost your only weapon. It is your applied ideas that determines the ship's life. There are three starting ships. The Crevetee, The requin, and something else.
The requin
As is stated in it's description, it is more for the battle savvy. Armed with two guns, this beast will destroy alot of your foes, but makes your job as maintenence guy alot harder. It is also armed with, an EMP, two beds, and thats about it. Now when you use battle tactic A, it is to have two on the rotors and one on each gun, and when using battle tactic B it is harder to dodge since you are slower. However one of your guns is at max power, making your fighting stronger. This boat is inevitably going to get holes, since you have no sheild.
This one also has three battle plans I have devised, Plan A, Two on sheild, one on guns, and one on rotors. Plan B, (Which none of these I really had devised, it is just common sense and order, I just give each protocol a name) Two on guns, one on rotors, and one on shields.
There is also tactically finding a better fighting position
But it is colocally known as "RUUUUUUN!" This is when you throw all neccessities to the wind and waste all of your fuel on Shift and put all your power on rotors and guns.
Now, if anyone has other ideas, certainly, tell me! No, seriously, I want the community more involved in this.
Ships stories...?
Items and uses
We all need items right? Yeah, durr, of course we do! Now, for anyone who said we don't... your just a liar, and you don't know how to play games! No, I'm just kidding. But in this game, items are of the upmost priority.
Meet the amazing, MEDKIT
The medkit is probably the best store purchase you can buy. You simply heal your friends BY BEATING THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF EM'. To optimize the combat usage of this item, you can both smack and enemies and your friends while in combat, it will hurt your foe-and help your friend. The Medkit, like anyother, has a biiiig red cross on the front-and it's a white box.
The pump
It's a small box with a pole stickin' through the top. It's literally just pumping out water... nuff said.
You simply aim at your target... then you shoot everywhere destroying all your targets! Don't worry 'bout ammo in this game, you simply have some secret bottomless pit of it in your back pocket. I guess you can call that... butt pulling! Sorry... Anyway! The revolver is a lovely (partly rusty) delectable six chamber pistol that is large in comparison to your adorableness.
Power cell
You use this to sustain one of your machines such as, shields, without using any of the ship's power. This, however, only lasts for one ocean type, so make it count! It is a nice, glowing, dangerous looking oval container! It has a yellow glow to it so keep an eye out!
fuel doesn't affect your ship's overall movement, but is what makes it go faster. With fuel you can use tactical repositioning better! (The one bar with the slightly red liquid in it when in the pilot's HUD)
nuff said.
Looks like a pirates pistol... blows stuff to kingdom come... nuff said.
It is a variation of the Medkit, except it has a chance to hurt you aswell-I suggest to use it only in dire situations. Ya know that one things that Doctors use for shots, that's your seringe!
It both repairs your ship and damages enemies. It looks like a really t h i c c rifle, but instead, it is yellow and bolted all over.
It is perfect for figuring out, "which side do I go to? The left one with the current that will trap me, or the right one with a current that will trap me?" The sonar is also useful for knowing if your friend has lied to you about turning up the power to shields, by looking at the sonar you can see how much power is devoted to each and every single one of your systems. The sonar is a visual display that can be accessed through using the bind that you have in the game's controls.
This is a steampunk gear device that pretty much sums up to a portable EMP and/or PEMP. Using the PEMP you can deal some real gamer damage NOT, it doesn't do gamer damage, and super charge your ship's devices. *Lip smack* N o i c e .
Have any other items to share? Share it in the chat with @IAU (Wrenches are funny lookin') or whatever you have to say.
Items stories!
[If you somehow have a story of how you met the love of your life *cough* medkit *cough* and you can make it seriously funny, then @Items (Stry) to nominate yerself!]
Illnesses and afflictions
ACHOOOOOOO! Sorry, I've come down with something... Hey while we are on the subject! There are sicknessess to be contracted in this game aswell.
Sea Sickness
It is when a blobfish pukes on you. Your screen will be outlined orange and you will puke as well. Condition: Contagious, but non-lethal and non-combat effective.
Blood Illness
Is when you have been struck by the eel civilization! Condition: Non-contagious, redswirls and veins move around your face, slows you in combat.
Condition: non-contagious, Your face changes to a ghostly transperancy and your screen outlines blue, *![CONTRIBUTED BY, JUST A REGULAR WX MAIN: A GHOST SKELETON WILL SPAWN FROM YOUR BODY AFTER DYING WITH THE CURSE]!*
Barnicle Disease
Condition: Your screen will outline purple and you will get barnicles on your face, doesn't help for that girl you've been lookin fir but... Contributed by, Mr_Muffin_1337:
"hey i know a thing the ugly barnacle sickness does

not only does it make you lose girls, but it also grows tier 1 barnacle spiders in your mouth periodically, and then those spiders crawl out of your mouth. now the ladies DEFINITELY wont like you anymore, because you just keep spawning these nasty rodents everyone needs to kill in order to not die.
This is non-contagious but spawns the little buggers said earlier, and can be distracting!
Oil Affliction
Condition: non-contagious, oil covers your face bubbles circle you, affects damage and repair abilities negatively.
Cure for all ailments:
Sleep it off in bed, it cures you. However, sleeping it off may take a while, what a mad hangover!
Illness/affliction stories!
[If somehow you can also muster something in this, like how your whole team spread sea sickness and died from it, and nobody knew what was going on [i]and it was funny[/i] then feel free to @I/A (Stry) to nominate your story to the section!]

A note from our good friend: Totally Bonkers
"heres a great tactic to stealing anything you can in civs:
step one: the host goes to the civ, while everyone else is in the sub
step two: the host sees if theres anything good from the civ (doesnt work with batteries, mostly ship upgrades and mercs)
step three: one crew member starts the ship at any speed
step four: the host quickly grabs anything they need, and then puts themself in the brig
step five: the ship is already away from the civ before anything can be done
NOTES: if its cheap enough, just buy it. only steal the expensive stuff or if you dont have the money for it."

A little note from our contributor: Averttsc
"The civilazations have a healer that will heal you of you illnesses and afflictions, it is really usefull, but alwase go to them before you attack them if you plan to rob, as they will not heal you after you do so, and will instead do the exact opposite."

Defensive rights against our civilization executioners (executioner being everyone in there)
Alright, I'm certain all of you have done this before, correct? Stop lying to me, of course you did! Well, that is if you are a wretchedly cheap loser (like me). Now, if you did the same thing as me and robbed them, your defense must have been the same as mine, you know-the glass "magically" broke... the item "magically" fell into your hands... and you know how you can't "control" your legs so you just started walking, you were framed! The whole world was against you and it wasn't your fault. Now, if you are still reading this thing, it must have meant that they were the first people to not buy your defense, right? Right. Now, enough stalling, here are the civilizations.
Creature legend
[Legend for creature stats: [i]Italics = Ship affects[/i], Underline = Afflictions, Bold = Attack and chase problem is that I don't know most of what these people will do to you, so go ahead and comment what they do to you!]
Whale Carcass
WOAH, you found a wild, dead whale carcass! Time to investigate. You suddenly find it is infested with eels that are surprisingly friendly and offer you gifts and tides n' stuffs. Now, these are the eel stats: Breaks Doors making your own ship un-safe for evasion. Inflict blood sickness upon connecting a bite. Bite you, and can swim. What a good plundering, and hey, speaking a piraty language, there is a:
Congrats, you have encountered a ship that doesn't try to ram up your booty-hole and raid you. Vio la, pirates! Now, if you go under the ship, they will actually hand you free treasure! (I'm not joking they give you free treasure) Pirate stats: N/A, Inflict the curse upon connecting a slash (I believe), Use their swash-bucklers to stabby stabby you. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! You found:
Barnicle Hive
This hive is infested with infected submarine adventurers such as yirselves! Except, they have barnicles and you have greed, but that doesn't matter, you're both bad people either way! Now, Barnicle Thing-of-a-majig stats: N/A, I think the give you the Barnicle Affliction, can someone confirm?, Attack you with broken chemistry kits, as they were also scientists! Wew, it's hot down here, but not as hot as the:
Tiki Hub
Down there, the tiki's statues... Cannot board like everyone else, as they cannot move because they are statues. They cannot give you any afflictions other than a concussion (which concussion isn't even a affliction) but they make enough seismic activity to make boulders fall in fixated spots, and cannot chase, again, AS THE CANNOT MOVE SO STAHP ASKING.
Welp, this is akward... I know, I know... stop telling me, yes I need your help. So why don't you help out by commenting down below with something along the lines of: @Civilizations (Barnicle pple r ugly) or something like that!
Civilizations stories!
[Got any intrepid adventurer tales of destruction, glory and debt? Then type it out in the comments!]
ICECOLDWRXST 8 Jan @ 11:36pm 
Apparently nobody has made a guide on awakened mode
Willy'sHam  [author] 23 Apr, 2022 @ 1:24pm 
Got'cha, this will be implemented
averettsc 22 Apr, 2022 @ 3:36pm 
The civilazations have a healer that will heal you of you illnesses and afflictions, it is really usefull, but alwase go to them before you attack them if you plan to rob, as they will not heal you after you do so, and will instead do the exact opposite.
Willy'sHam  [author] 30 Mar, 2022 @ 11:03pm 
You can also contact me via messages if it is possible, otherwise you can still leave messages on here
Willy'sHam  [author] 30 Mar, 2022 @ 11:01pm 
Unfortunately, due to life and complications for a consistent two years now, I haven't been able to update this guide with the new additions given by the "recent" contributors. So, let me add on what new info I have been given, and you can chuck your ideas at me!

Use this comment section, or my profile comments to add your ideas
ll7809united 28 Mar, 2022 @ 11:52pm 
I have some things I would like to add, how can I contact you
Totally Bonkers 13 Aug, 2021 @ 1:59pm 
heres a great tactic to stealing anything you can in civs:
step one: the host goes to the civ, while everyone else is in the sub
step two: the host sees if theres anything good from the civ (doesnt work with batteries, mostly ship upgrades and mercs)
step three: one crew member starts the ship at any speed
step four: the host quickly grabs anything they need, and then puts themself in the brig
step five: the ship is already away from the civ before anything can be done
NOTES: if its cheap enough, just buy it. only steal the expensive stuff or if you dont have the money for it.
General Failure 27 Mar, 2021 @ 8:00am 
glad i could be of assistence
Willy'sHam  [author] 24 Mar, 2021 @ 9:09pm 
Thanks for your contribution, it shall be implemented ASAP! :FC5_Cheeseburger:
Willy'sHam  [author] 24 Mar, 2021 @ 9:09pm 
@The All Seeing
Frankly, don't know. I just chose it