Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

138 ratings
Ultimate Survival Manual
By 󠀡󠀡Pluschi
My name is, well you can see right there. I have 5,000+ hours playtime and several other high-quality guides. This guide contains the most valuable information that I have learned since I first started playing. Enjoy.

(not finished yet tho, and also like a LOT of the images are missing right now, I'll probably update it one of these days)
Basic Tips
1. After crafting a structure (Campfire or Alchemy Engine, for example), you can right click anywhere on the screen to pre-craft. After doing this, the tab of whatever you crafted the structure in's icon will turn blue. Whenever you're ready to place it, just open up the blue marked tab and click the pre-crafted structure you wanna place, then place it as you normally would.

This has several advantages, such as having an important structure ready-to-deploy (like a Campfire in case you run out of light in the darkness), and conserving inventory space.

Say you had exactly 4 Boards, 2 Cut Stone and 2 Electrical Doodads, and intended to build an Alchemy Engine later. Well, just pre-craft it now to save those 3 Inventory Slots.

2. You can use the Q and E keys to rotate the screen. Rotating will allow you to see some things you may have missed behind a tree, or possibly something smaller, such as a Suspicious Dirt Pile behind a Cactus.

This comes at cost, however. You won't be able to give accurate directions, by not knowing anyone else's rotations. Thankfully this can be solved by both players who wanna find each other disconnecting and joining back. No matter what, joining a game (or entering/exiting a cave) puts you at the default rotation.

3. The Florid Postern will constantly generate Flint, Grass, Saplings and Berry Bushes around itself if it does not detect any. So if you're ever desperate for materials, check back around spawn.

4. Cooking foods will come in handy very often. In general, cooked fruits will give more hunger than raw, and cooked vegetables will give more health, but both will spoil faster. Cooked meats on the other hand will still have the same health and hunger values, but last longer and don't drain sanity when eaten.

Also, cooking any foods will remove half of its current spoilage. That means, if you have some raw food that's gone stale, go ahead and cook it up to make it fresh again.

5. Uncover Suspicious Dirt Piles to find a randomly generated animal. The animal you're supposed to find is a "Koalefant" - or koala-elephant. It's a Beefalo that deals 50 Damage, but drops x8 Meat and its Trunk, which isn't much raw but when cooked gives 40 Health and 75 Hunger.

Pretty good source of meat before you have a pigman / bunnyman farm set up, but the problem is that Koalefants run away when approached, so you can't get their aggro with a melee weapon. To get their attention, attack them while they are asleep at night, or with a boomerang, blow dart, Walter's slingshot, or Wigfrid's Rude Interlude battlesong.

However, instead of a Koalefant, there's also a 5% chance for an Ewecus to appear, or a 2.5% chance for a Varg, and the chances gradually increase until Day 100. This means you should only really hunt in the early game, or else you'll just end up wasting your time spawning ewecus and vargs everywhere.

6. Ham Bats and Football Helmets are the best overall combat setup, until you get access to Shadow Manipulator & Ancient Pseudoscience recipes. Football Helmets absorb 80% of Damage and Have 315 Health, and only take 1 Pig Skin and a Rope to craft. Ham Bats deal 59.5 Damage, but will slowly rot over time, dealing less damage... Meaning they technically have infinite durability during combat if you use them fresh. They take 2 Meat, 1 Pig Skin and a Twigs to craft. Did I also mention they can be put inside Bundling Wrap or Gift Wrap to last forever?

7. Click on the screen to travel to wherever you clicked. The response time is about the same as WASD, but more importantly, this allows you to open and view the map while moving. Basically, if you click where you want to move, then open the map, you will be moving while still looking at the map. However, clicking in darkness usually does not make you start walking there.

8. Insanity is a good thing, if used to your advantage. At 30 Sanity for most characters, or 38 Sanity as Ms. Wickerbottom, or 20 Sanity as Wigfrid, or 15 Sanity as Webber/Wurt, you will become insane.

At this point, "Crawling Horrors" will spawn. Simply hit F to attack one, but while you are in the animation of attacking, walk in the opposite direction of the shadow monster. After it attempts to bite you, just hit F once again but don't cancel the attack. Repeat the process until it dies for a Nightmare Fuel and 15 Sanity back. At 10 Less Sanity from default insane point, Terrorbeaks and possibly more shadows will spawn. They're stronger and faster, but are kited the exact same way.

Just try to keep yourself sane whenever you aren't properly equipped. Two Terrorbeaks can sometimes spawn, which are easily capable of overwhelming you if you're not careful.

Shadow Creatures drop Nightmare Fuel when killed, which is used to craft and maintain a plethora of useful items. This includes, but is not limited to:


Produces light radius similar to a cooking Crock Pot—enough to avoid Charlie, and the insanity aura of total darkness. It is especially useful paired with a Walking Cane, because it allows the wearer to use a Walking Cane in the Darkness, while also wearing a hat such as Tam o' Shanter or Miner Hat.

Thulecite Crown

The best armor in the game, it provides 90% damage resistance and has a chance upon being hit to create a field that makes you immune to all forms of physical damage.

Shadow Thurible

Reanimated Skeletons (excluding Fuelweaver) will be attracted to whoever wields this item. The most common usage of this is to lead a Reanimated Skeleton through fields of trees, as they will instantly topple them.

Dark Sword

Deals 68 Damage. Only has 100 uses, and drains sanity -20 while held, and requires a living log to craft. However, once you get a good source of Wood like a Bearger, Woodie or Maxwell, living logs are so easy to come by that you can basically mass-produce these swords.

Night Armor

Absorbs 95% of physical damage. That menas you'd literally only take 5 damage from the Fuelweaver! It does passively drain 10 Sanity a minute, and transmutes 10% of all damage absorbed into sanity loss, but that's not an issue as even Shadow Monsters will have a hard time killing anyone wearing this.

9. Speaking of fighting multiple shadows at once, you can actually break up enemies. Just walk very close to them, but then quickly walk AWAY from them. This activates their attack animation, and allows you to focus on one enemy at a time, until the other enemy(s) are ready to attack again.

See it in action here. < Click me pls

10. Hammers are useful. There is quite a few natural structures that can be hammered for some free resources.

Pig Heads - spawn in the marsh biome and around touch stones. x2 Pig Skin & Twigs.
Pig House - spawn in forests and sometimes in random locations. x2 Pig Skin, x2 Boards, x2 Cut stone.
Bones & Skeletons - spawn in the desert, or from dead players. x2 Bone Shards.
Thulecite Wall - spawn in the ruins. x1-2 Thulecite Fragments. Broken walls wield none.
Broken Clockworks - spawn in the ruins. Trinkets, gems and gears.

11. Need to work in the dark? Just drop a Twig or Cut Grass on the ground next to the boulder you want to mine/the tree you want to chop, and light it with your torch to produce light.

12. Hold Space and Repeatedly Spam M1 on something to Chop / Mine / Smash it faster.

13. Stay on the move. You should only ever be standing still to adjust your body temperature or to craft, or messing around I guess because it's a video game meant for fun.

1st ever "boss" as it's referred to in the game, is the Treeguard. You just hit it 4 times and dodge. Easiest thing ever bro.


2nd is Deerclops. He spawns on the Night of Day 30. He will try to break your base before your skull... Well, good thing he cannot actually smash structures if he's aggroed onto any living creature! (unless he walks over them...) Well, simply put, kiting him is a waste of time. -400 Sanity a minute, 4000 health, long range. No. Just get away from your base, grab some armor, healing, a good weapon, and put down a campfire. When he spawns, get his attention, then get him as close to the campfire as possible. Tank him to death.



3rd is Moose / Goose... it's better to not fight her, but instead when Frog Rain hits, sit next to her awhile and watch the fight happen. Mosslings'll probably die too, otherwise you can finish them.


Fighting the Mosslings is pretty simple. You just let them all do their spinning thing; that's easy to dodge. Then just chase after 1 and keep hitting it while it regains consciousness.


4th, Bearger. Again, better not to fight him. Instead, smack him in the knee and go on a lovely stroll through the local Forest! He will destroy trees, supplying you logs and rocks if some of the trees have petrified, until he eventually gets killed by Treeguards.



5th... I guess??.. is Antlion. Not sure if normal or raid boss, but whatever. Just kill him up-front as you normally would. As in, after feeding him the Freezing / Burning Thermal Stone, just hit him until he summons some spikes. Then... walk away from the spikes... you know.

If you're too low on health and can't risk anything though, here's a step by step plan to succeed anyway, in more time.

1. Feed hot / freezing Thermal Stone
2. Attack while he summons the Sand Castles
3. Instead of attacking him, just focus on dodging the spikes
4. When the Sand Castles collapse, repeat step 2.


Finally we have Spider Queen.

She's pretty easy if I'll be honest... you just do 3 and a half hits, then kill the spider if she spawns one. Hit her 4 times while she spawns it. To instantly kill the spiders she spawns, you can preemptively drop a few traps down near eachother and lead the spawned spider inside, although it's not necessary.


Raid Bosses
Yeah... maybe hard-to-kill.

First Raid Boss you'll end up coming across is Ancient Guardian. He's a bull combined with a human, with a real temper. Nothing else. Simply just get him stuck on any indestructible structure, such as his own pillar or a gravestone next to the void. Start holding your attack key, but also make sure that you occasionally hit him with a Torch to light him on fire, dealing maximum damage.

This comes at risk, however. He drops his horn on death, which is either eaten for some stats or made into the Houndius Shootius. By doing this strat, the horn can drop into the water.

The horn is kinda useless anyway, especially with Winona's Catapults being a thing, so it doesn't really mean much to lose it...



Next up is Dragonfly, an extremely hard boss, but you can block out half the fight with a few walls... I have a guide on this already, go check it out.

Alternatively, if you are Wolfgang, you can kill her using no walls. Go figure!


And here we have Klaus. His pack of "Eye-less Deer" roam around either the Mosaic or Deciduous Forest biome. In Winter, once it begins snowing, Klaus' Sack has spawned in the biome wherever the Deer were found in. The Deer will also grow horns when it begins snowing. Hit them once, then get them to run into a tree. Their horns will fall off when this happens. Just put their horn into the bag and then Klaus is awoken.

Just put up some walls to trap the Deer minions, then kite Klaus. He'll occasionally try to cast a magic attack, but nothing will happen. Use this time to freely hit him. In stage 2, he will start doing a chomp attack. Just stay reeeally close to him when he's about to chomp, and then quickly walk away. He won't jump, and misses the attack.



Fourth, and my personal favorite, is Bee Queen. Her Gigantic Beehive will spawn in a Birchnut Forest. Just like Dragonfly, she has her own arena. A massive field of flowers, and lots of bees. Make sure to destroy all nearby Bee Hives first, because they will assist the Bee Queen during the battle.

Unfortunately for maybe some of you, the real best method if you have three or more people is to just fight the Bee Queen as you normally would. Bring at least 4 Helmets (Football / Bee Keeper Hat) 200 Health worth of healing, and a Ham Bat or better per person. Most of the Bee Queen's power is in her Grumble Bee's stunlocking and damage capabilities, but if there's more than one person, they can't all be swarmed by bees at once, which is why this strategy is easy.

If you are going solo, all you really need is a crap ton of speedboosts, at least 50%. The Bee Queen is slightly faster than her Grumble Bees, so lure her away from all the other bees. When they're far enough, just tank or kite her as you normally would. When the queen starts screeching and her minions dart at you, just run away. When the queen stops screeching, you can just go fight her again.

This is also another strat for solo, although it's incredibly difficult to get the Bee Queen into the right place. Also expensive.

Raid Bosses - Part 2
Oh, here's Toadstool. He has 3 spawn locations inside the caves. His Cap will only spawn at one. Just chop the Cap with an axe 2 times to wake him up.


Um... Work in progress.


Ancient Fuelweaver

See another guide of mine...
A Thriving Nomad
So, there's another play style in the game, called Nomading. It was coined by Dr. Nomad, who has since deleted all of his guides, so that's pretty unfortunate if you wanted to learn a lot about it.

Basically, it's about living without a base. Sounds stupid, right? Well guess what; it is. Sorta. Without a base you have no extra storage, no magic, no food farms and no reason to live really. It's stated by the author to be a play style about helping people out by finding them in travels and offering assistance, but ironically, just being an actual part of the base and building important things such as Rabbit Hutches and Crock Pots is far more help to everyone.

Looking at the guide for it, it's also not too hard to tell that the author just has some weird thing for Wigfrid.

Not like there's anything wrong with that, of course, but hey... some Wigfrid players are just really weird, I guess I could say.


Then again, having a base does come with its own vices, of course... Maybe if you just really hate having a base, then this playstyle is the best for you. In that case, let's get a brief summary of "Nomading":

-You will pretty much never starve
-No need to worry about griefers
-Giants that you are unprepared to fight can just be ignored
-In servers with multiple players, you can leave and come back whenever you want, without any repercussions you'd otherwise have (items stolen, giant destroyed base etc)
-But, you consume nearly twice as many resources

Consume more resources - how? Well, that's because as a Nomad, you'll still need to craft a few structures, mainly Crock Pots. And the thing about structures is that when you hammer them, you only get half of the resources back that you used to craft it.

This means that when you're a nomad constantly whipping up and destroying your own buildings, you are technically permanently destroying resources. Sounds scary, but thankfully nearly every item in the game naturally grows back with time, thanks to World Regeneration.

Everything considered, if you are going for the "100% completion run" where you basically beat all content in the game within the first year, like what Wolfgang tryhards love to do, then playing the Nomad is worse.

However, if you don't concern yourself with defeating a raid boss every 2 days, just want to get lost in an uncomplicated world that's beautiful and fun to explore, then it's definitely okay if you want to try a different playstyle for once. So, let me give you some advice son.

1. Recipes
You'll be using Crock Pots more often than not, so it definitely helps to know the following recipes.

Trail Mix
x1 Cooked Birchnut, x1 Berries, x2 any Fruit item
Can't include Meat, Veggies, Eggs or Dairy.
30 Health, 12.5 Hunger, 5 Sanity

The easiest way to make this is 1 Cooked Birchnut, 2 Berries, and 1 Twigs. This is just about the best healing you can get your hands on. Super easy to make, and cooks pretty fast as well.

x0.5 Meat, anything else
Can't include Twigs

Basically the best source of hunger, when you lack the advantage of Bunnymen Farms. It's as easy to make as 1 Morsel and 3 Berries, or if you're in Winter/Spring, even a laughable 1 Monster Meat and 3 Ice.

2. Environment
The biomes you walk may seem empty, but there's actually plenty of things to do in all of them.

This is the most rich biome, pretty much. You know, it looks like this?

During the Day, Catcoons, Pigmen and Red Caps will be out and about. Giving a Cat a basic resource makes it follow you for a day, and vomit up a random item (except for equipable items). Pigs are pretty much the same except they don't vomit. Red Caps are very bad to eat, but they can be used as a Veggie in Crock Pots.

During Dusk, Pigmen, Red Caps and most Catcoons will go inside, but now Green Caps are out. Eaten Raw, they take away 50 Sanity, but eaten Cooked they give 15 Sanity. Pretty good for manipulating your mind.

During Night, Green Caps go away and Blue Caps go up. They can be eaten for +20 Health but -15 Sanity, which is pretty decent actually. Fireflies will also appear at night, which can be caught with a Bug Net and used to refuel Miner Hats and Lanterns.

This biome also has Birchnut Trees, which drop the Birchnuts that you'll need for Trail Mix.

Dragonfly Desert

Tumbleweeds spawn here, which can be picked for lots of Grass, Twigs, and sometimes even Blueprints or Gears. Cactus is also here, which when cooked restores 15 Sanity. In Summer, the Cacti will grow flowers, which can be eaten for 8 Health.

Close to the Dragonfly, you will also find Hound Mounds, which spawn Hounds. Next to these hounds will be boulders and gold veins. Isn't that nice!

Oasis Desert

Instead of Tumbleweeds, it has Volt Goats. If you hit them with a Morning Star or Electric Dart, they become charged and can then be killed for Electric Milk, which can be cooked with 2 Ice and a Honey for Ice Cream: a meal that restores 50 Sanity.

It also has Cactus, and Flintless Boulders - LOTS of them. You can thus get tons of rocks from here.


Called Swamp by most players, the Marsh is actually called Marsh. Anyway, this place is full to brimming with Tentacles, so remember to always make sure none of them are nearby before standing still (such as when chatting).

But it's also brimming with Spiders and Merms, who will both fight Tentacles and most of the time die. This means you can pretty much walk around the Marsh and pick up items from dead creatures for free.

There's also ponds here, which you can fish in, but will spawn annoying *ss Mosquitoes at Dusk and Night.

Birchnut Forest

Bright green turf, lots of Birchnut Trees. There is plenty of Grass, Twigs, Berries, Carrots, Trees, Flowers, and occasionally Frog Ponds in this area. Mushrooms will also sometimes spawn here. As a nomad, this is basically the most chill biome.


Dark green turf, lots of Evergeens and some Lumpy Trees. A few spiders and pigs too. As a nomad, this is basically the worst biome, because without a base you don't need actual thousands of logs, so yeah.

There isn't much need for them, because everyone else + all the items you want are on the surface already. You could run to the ruins and grab a Magiluminescence, but this pretty dumb considering the lack of chests means you need as much inventory space as possible (backpacks).
The Haunting
Believe it or not, actually no you have to believe it because it's a fact-

Ghosts are actually useful!

Maybe not as useful as if they were alive, but still.

As a Ghost, you can click on things to haunt them. You can't haunt Bosses, however. Here's a list of the most useful things they can be used for.

1. Gem Farming

Haunting a Hound has a chance to turn it into an Ice Hound or Hell Hound. These hounds will drop Blue and Red Gems, so yeah. Just sit in front of some Hound Mounds in the Dragonfly desert with your ghost friend and watch those gems rack up.

2. Mob Panic

When any mob is haunted, except for bosses, they will start running around in panic, being unable to attack. You can use this to your advantage by haunting enemies that one of your living pals is fighting, making the fight much easier.

This is also especially useful inside the ruins. If a splumonkey is chasing one of your living buddies, just haunt it to throw its attention off.

3. Guaranteed Gland

A spider that is haunted has a 100% chance to drop a Spider Gland. Glands are used to make a Telltale Heart, which is used to revive ghosts, so yeah. Pretty convenient!

4. Werepig

Haunting a Pig has a 25% chance to turn it into a Werepig. A werepig is tougher than a normal pig, but they have a guaranteed chance to drop x2 Meat and x1 Pig Skin. Both meat and pig skin are super useful items, so it can absolutely be worthwhile to haunt pigs for your friends to kill.

5. Agitate Abigail

Okay, not actually useful, but it is pretty funny. Haunting Abigail makes her angry. Because, y'know. You're going inside her.


Well, that got dark fast.
Farming Resources
Woah.. you need a farm to farm? That's wicked crazy, dude.

First off, you should very much use a Shovel to dig up Grass Tufts, Saplings, and Berry Bushes. 20 of the basic 2, and 38 Berry Bushes. Here's a little map I guess.

Okay, maybe that map isn't so good... but you get the idea. The bigger this farm is, the more resources, but the less range Applied Horticulture can cover. This design is just the one that you can make the most out of your book, but also supplying what should be enough mats for a normal base to want every 4 days.

The yellow dot in the middle is the food-that-takes-a-while-to-spoil in the middle is to ensure that Gobblers that spawn from the berry bushes will not steal any berries, because they apparently would rather eat ones off the ground, even if it cannot be reached.

Also if an old person stands inside the fence and reads Applied Horticulture then all the plants grow instantly, so that's good to do.

Speaking of old people, Ms. Wickerbottom is the actual god of Twigs, Grass, Berries and Farmplots, meanwhile Maxwell is the actual god of Logs, Rocks, Gold and I guess also Pine Cones. Of course, if you already seen ECE which you should have, then you'd already know this... anyway. Just a fair reminder that to have these characters is a massive advantage. Neeext.

Tree farms are important for, yeah, Logs. Just plant all the pine cones you've got next into one long line of Pine Cones. 2 Horizontally. 2 Vertically. Just. Keep it going. This is so that when Deerclops comes, you can make him walk through it all, knocking it to the ground, doing all the chopping for you.

As for Rocks, well, YOU CAN'T PLANT ROCKS.

As for Gold, Pig King is great! If you have a Bunnyman farm, which you should, giving the king a Bunny Puff gives back 2 Gold. And if you live in the dfly's desert- which you should- Trinkets from Tumbleweeds are 4-8 gold each. You can also go fishing in an algae pond in the cave for Eels, which can be given for 5 gold each. This is dumb and useless compared to everything else, however. Oh yeah, and any Meat is 1 Gold. Just don't give Meat. Plain and simple.
Farming Food
More advanced.

The #1 Food production method is an old person reading Applied Horticulture in the middle of like 40 Juicy Berry Bushes, but maybe you don't get that luxury. Either way, even without the Wickerbottom, just having Juicy Berries in the world negates any death by starvation, or even coming close.

I mean, with 38 Juicy Berries, just basic addition reveals that you'd get 1,245 hunger for every read of Applied Horticulture.


The second method is Bunnyman farm. In the caves, you go out and find a Bunnyman Village. When you do, drop all your meat, then just hammer their houses down. Once all the houses are done, feed 1 Carrot to a Bunnyman (any one works), then do the good ol' cancel attack on another Bunnyman and watch mayhem break out. Keep singling them out until you're down to your befriended one, and put him out. Trust me, he witnessed his family die from his own self. He wants this.

Any, after smashing about 4 Villages you should have enough mats to build 16 Bunny Hutches. Place a Lightning Rod down, then build the hutches around it. Or if you wanna live on surface during Summer, build a Flingomatic too. Just make sure you don't have any MEAT on you otherwise when dusk hits, the Bunnymen will instantly go after you when they come out of the house.

Anyways, once this is done, just do the cancel attack thing again, and by the end you should have 32 Carrots and some Meat + Bunny Puffs. Make sure you pick up the carrots asap otherwise the Bunnies will eat it. Also don't pick up the meat until everyone's dead otherwise, well, you know. The Bunnymen respawn every 1 day, so that just makes this farm even better.


Here we have... Pig Farm! Like the Bunnyman one but with pigs. More meat, and pig skin instead of bunny puff. No vegetables though... so, worse food source, but Pig Skin is used for combat.

When using, make sure the pig you befriended is up in the face of the pig you wanna fake attack, since pigs run away from each other otherwise.


Method y, Varg farm. It requires some setting up, especially with a Telelocator in the middle, but it will provide you monster meats for days. And gems, depending on the season.

(Winter - Varg spawns Ice Hounds. Summer, Varg spawns Hell Hounds.)


Method x, Automatic Spider Farm. This is an alternative to the Bunnyman farm. Basically just build the Hutches in a sort of ring around the Lightning Rod and Flingo if you want to, then put at least 3 Spider Eggs in the center. More eggs, the better, but no more than 6. This generates a lot of spider loot, however few Monster Meat since spiders try to eat it as soon as they spawn, so that's why I prefer the other one. Also a Bunnyman dies every once in a while so that's an extra 2 carrots.


Finally, we have the classic Metaballs. In Winter, just sit next to the ocean. After a while some Pengulls will jump out of the water. When they do, follow them and break all the ice around their little den, then immediately go store the ice at home. Try to avoid fire because it melts ice fairly quick.

By the end of Winter, you should have 3 entire stacks of Ice in your fridge. This is where the hunger ends. So, by now you should have a Spider Egg planted around somewhere... just go get some Monster Meat from there. Anyways back at home, simply place a Monster Meat and 3 Ice into the Crock Pot and hit cook. It makes... *gasp*

62.5 Hunger and 3 Health. ez gg no re. Also known as Meatballs, well, except now they're Metaballs. You get it, because like, Meta is meat rearranged?
Health Restoration
Keeping your health up is just as important as staying fed. So, how do you do it? Here are the best ways.


While providing no hunger in itself, they provide 120 Health overtime. Gives 2 every second. Jellybeans are the best healing item in the game.

However, that does come with a cost. To make them, you need x1 Royal Jelly and x3 of any ingredient except inedible items and monster meat. Also, don't use x3 Honey as that will make Taffy instead.

See, the problem is that you can only get Royal Jelly from Bee Queen, who happens to be an extremely difficult boss, so yeah...


Recipe: x1 Dragon Fruit. Cannot contain meat, mandrake or asparagus.
40 Health, 75 Hunger, 5 Sanity. 1 Hour until stale.

The best healing food in the game. Bad thing is, to get Dragon Fruit you need to plant Seeds dropped by birds in farmland. It has a 1.4% chance to grow during Autumn, 1.7% during Winter, 2.5% during Spring, and 3.2% during Summer. However, once you finally get them, they're pretty easy to mass produce. But overall, I'd recommend you first get access to Pierogi before trying to grow Dragon Fruits, as it can take quite a bit of time.


Recipe: Any meat, an egg, and a vegetable / mushroom in a Crock Pot. Filler cannot be twigs or mandrake.
40 Health, 37.5 Hunger, 5 Sanity. 1 Hour and 20 Minutes until Stale.

This is the second best healing food in the game. While it is tricky to make, it is well worth the effort in my opinion. The only disadvantage is that it contains meat, which means it takes 1 Second to Eat and Bunnymen will attack you if you carry it in your inventory.

To counter this, simply place your pierogi inside Chester / Hutch / Woby, and when you need to heal, open them up and eat the pierogi from there.

Butterfly Wings

Just punch butterflies for this quick 8 Health and 9.3 Hunger snack. Pretty much your best healing source early game, except when playing as Wigfrid or Warly who cannot eat them.

To get Butterfly Wings very fast, you can plant a bunch of flowers (by catching Butterflies in a bug net placing them) in a Desert biome like so.

Because Butterflies spawn from flowers, and Deserts have no flowers, Butterflies will spawn very quickly here as there aren't any nearby flowers that steal your spawns. An alternative option if your base is not in the desert is to pick all nearby flowers, however the game's World Regeneration will slowly plant more flowers back, so I wouldn't personally recommend spending your time on it.

Blue Cap

20 Health, 12.5 Hunger, -15 Sanity. You'll have to pick these mushrooms inside Deciduous Forests during nighttime, or simply dig them up with a shovel. This means they are perfect healing for fighting bosses early game, but very, very bad as a consistent health supply. Also, thanks to their sanity drain, you have to take some sanity-restoring items with you when using them.

Honey Poultice

1 Papyrus, 2 Honey, Survival Tab > Alchemy Engine. Restores 30 Health. It's not exactly the worst health source, but getting the papyrus for it can take quite a while. However, it can also be used to heal mobs, such as friendly Bunnymen that you may take during boss fights, or to heal your tamed Beefalo.

There is a weaker variation, Healing Salve, which heals 20 Health for 1 Rocks, 2 Ash and 1 Spider Gland - I would very much not recommend you make it, as it requires you to burn useful items for ash and consumes valuable rocks.


In my personal opinion, the worst way to restore Health.

Straw Roll
0 Health, -1 Hunger, +0.67 Sanity /sec
Fur Roll
+1 Health, -1 Hunger, +1 Sanity /sec
+2 Health, -1 Hunger, +1 Sanity /sec

Imagine draining hunger to restore health, couldn't be me. If you have enough food to not worry about hunger, then I'm sure you have enough food to make it into healing foods such as Pierogi and Dragonpie, which you can carry right in your pocket for instant health bonuses.
Sanity Restoration
Keeping your sanity up is very important. If you don't, Shadow Monsters will come after you, which can disrupt you if you're currently fighting something else. Or if you're on a boat, a shadow monster will sometimes appear to sabotage your seafaring equipment, such as by lifting the anchor and opening mast sails.

So how do you stay sane? Unfortunately, it's a bit harder than keeping your health up, but there are still just a few efficient methods.

Cooked Cactus Flesh

Easily the best way to stay sane. In the deserts, you will find cactus. Just pick it while wearing armor to negate its pricking damage, and cook it for a stat bonus of 1 Health, 12.5 Hunger, and 15 Sanity a piece. It goes stale in 5 days, and also can be used as a vegetable in crock pot recipes. The disadvantage to it is if you aren't based in the desert, walking all the way over there just to pick cactus is very time consuming, unless you have a Wanda on your team who can just anchor a backtrek watch there.

Cooked Green Cap

Green Caps can be found growing in deciduous forests, in green mushtree forests in the caves, and rarely in forests. While you may not always have access to these locations, you can make mushroom planters to grow green caps in using 8 Rot, 5 Manure and 2 Living Logs. They can grow 4 mushrooms each thirty minutes, however after being harvested 4 times they need a living log.

But basically, a cooked green cap gives -1 Health, 0 Hunger, and 15 Sanity. They go stale in 5 days, and can be used as a vegetable in crock pot recipes. In other words, Cooked Green Caps are basically just Cooked Cactus Flesh but worse and are harder to get, so take that however you will.

Tam o' Shanter

There's also the tam o', which will supply +6.67 Sanity per minute. It lasts 3.3 Hours, and can be repaired with a sewing kit for 20% durability back. And finally, it also gives 120 insulation against the cold, or half that of a Beefalo Hat. It has a 25% chance of being dropped by the MacTusk, who appears at walrus camps during Winter.

Overall, it's really not that good, to be honest. The main problem is that it gradually restores sanity, instead of providing instant sanity. This is bad because as I said earlier, you generally want to be insane to get nightmare fuel, for powering your powerful items. The only time where you really want to be sane is during boss fights, which you can just eat 5-6 cooked cacti or green caps to return to sanity, rather than have to wait a few days while wearing this thing.

And yes, I know you can just wear the tam o' several days before a boss fight to ensure you're sane during it. The problem here is that you could instead just be insane during these days, and farm nightmare fuel, then just use cooked cacti / shrooms to restore your sanity when you need it.

But, if you don't like having to put up with shadow monsters 24/7, then this may be the perfect hat for you. In my personal experience, it honestly just becomes second nature to fight them all the time, simply because nightmare fuel is so amazing, and I feel like you could definitely feel the same way.

So yeah, if you enjoy extremely powerful items that require nightmare fuel, stay away from the tam o'. Otherwise, it'll be right up your alley.


This is basically the last good way to quickly restore sanity... Just prototype random cheap crap. Each time you prototype, you gain 15 Sanity. The disadvantage to this is that it both consumes materials, and isn't permanent as you can only prototype stuff once. But anyway, here's some random cheap stuff you can prototype for quick sanity:

Mini Sign
Wooden Flooring
Carpeted Flooring
Driftwood Oar
Boat Patch

Character Specific

Some characters have their own unique way to restore sanity that you can use, so long as you're playing them, of course.

Eating Gears as WX-78: +50
Summoning Abigail as Wendy: +15
Planting plants as Wormwood: +10
Shaving Beard as Wilson or Webber: +10
Landing attacks as Wigfrid: +1 /sec

We all knew it'd come down to this. I'm not going to be revealing any ones that just completely break the game because that's against the rules and I also cannot let anyone else know of them.

The first exploit, also my personal favorite- "Out of The Map".

First, find 2 Spots you wish you could just travel across from the Ocean from. Now in those 2 spots, find a nice, smooth spot. In that spot, put down a Potter's wheel and build two Bubble Pipe statues. Then, get 2 fence gates and place them down as close to the ocean as they go. Once that's done, put the 2 statues behind the gates. Make sure there is a tiny gap between the 2 statues. Build this same creation wherever you wanna travel across the ocean too.

Now that they're built, you're all set! Once you want to go into the ocean, open the gates, position yourself inbetween the gap in the statues, then close the gate. You'll glitch around for a bit, then telepoof into the ocean. If you get glitched back onto land, just try again.

Once you get to where you want to go, just get as close to the land as you can, and put in chat "/rescue". It puts you back on land. (And no, you don't have to be an admin to do this.)

The same thing can also be done by using a Wardrobe, and building it as close to yourself as possible, but you can't just constantly be smashing Wardrobes to move around so that's why I prefer the ditto.

Edit: It's patched.


Wigfrid / Krampus Infinite

First, make sure you have a Pan Flute, then spawn Krampus in by murdering the innocent (50 butterflies is the easiest). When he's about to spawn in, make sure there are no items on the ground in the area. Once he finally spawns, put something you don't need (such as a piece of rot) down near him. Let him steal it. Keep repeating this until he finally decides to leave by jumping in his sack.

Now, once he stops for a second and then begins to jump inside his sack, you must play the Pan Flute. If you played it in time, then ta-da! You now have an invincible, immobile Krampus that cannot steal anything.

The main thing you can do with him, is yep, let Wigfrid punch him for as much health and sanity as she wants. You can also whack him with a Torch for light, or better, let Pigs / Bunnymen bite at him all day. This way, you can attack the Pigs and Bunnymen, but they won't help their fellow kind because they're too busy trying to kill Krampus.

Rolling back the server or Reloading the server will set Krampus free from the glitch. Also, exiting his render distance seems like it'd reset him as well, but it actually doesn't.


And here, one that is just laughably stupid...

If you're an Admin, doing the command c_countprefabs("whateverthefrick") shows how many "whateverthefrick"s there are in the entire map. If you're a CLIENT though... doing the command only shows you how many "whateverthefrick"s are in your current render distance.

You can use this to track down certain things, such as Totally Normal Trees or Flint if you don't have any. Basically, keep spamming the command in the console (You can use the up arrow key to paste your previously used command into the console btw) until it says it's found at least 1 or more of what you want, then just search that local area for it.

Lureplants / Meatbulbs / Lureballs / Eyeplanter, whatever you like to call it, is a useful tool for farming any item that naturally grows.

So anyway, here's how it works. They only begin spawning during the first spring. They spawn at a random location in your render distance. This location could even be your base. After 2 days, the Lureplant begins making eyeplants. These eyeplants eat anything in the area, except for irreplacable things. If the eyeplants eat a meat, the Lureplant uses it as a lure. Or if it doesn't get a meat, it just makes its own Leafy Meat to use. The meat lures in piggies, spiders, and you. The thing is, the eyeplants will bite at you. So yeah, just single out the eyeplants and make your way to the Bulb, and break it to get it.

Here's just one way it's incredibly useful:

The Lureplant can also be used in this way to harvest basic resources. Like, put it in a field of Twigs and grass and stuff instead of reeds.

And, at last, the Lureplant can be used to distract Bee Queen's annoying minions. You know, because the eyeplants bite them.

Tl;dr: Lureplants are friends. Not enemies. Or "Lurepants".

External Sources
Yeah it's a pretty terrible place to get advice honestly. If you ask a serious question, you will most certainly get a joke reply because it's Reddit.

Got a burning question? Your answer is probably already on the Don't Starve Wiki. Otherwise, there's still better places to ask questions. Like... seriously. Just ask anywhere else.

Klei Entertainment Forums-
Honestly, most people's advice here (no offense) really sucks, so it's better to only get help for modding on here. You know, since like 90% of the topics on the forum are about modding help anyway.

Honestly a lot of YouTube vids are just blatantly wrong or bad. The only people I'd really recommend you watch their guides are Jazzy's Games, Don Giani, Edgy Rick, and James Bucket. English ones, anyway. I know there's like some russian youtubers, but I don't speak it mkay.
Lag and Compensation.
No one likes it. It hurts you. It sucks. Screw it. So, here's how you can decrease it.

First of all, obviously, avoid joining any servers with 64 Ping or higher. If a server shows "???" as its ping, that means it has such an ungodly high ping that it couldn't be registered.

Settings > Lag Compensation: None.

Predictive Lag Compensation, the default setting, takes note of your actions and immediately tries to do it but only until your actions actually reach the server. So basically, if you're in say a 100 ping server and hold W for 2 seconds, you will instantly walk up for, yeah, 2 seconds. But that's just what you see. For everyone else, you only move when you actually do in the server, but your perspective is different.

Now, when Lag Compensation is None, that isn't a feature in the first place. Your actions will only take affect, not just in your perspective but for everyone else and the server as well, whenever they actually are. Okay, it sounds confusing, I know. I guess I will try to simplify it right now, as well as I can.

Predictive: Everything is predicted to be normal but you are actually behind

None: Your actions are slightly slower but happen when they actually do


Next up, and lastly, your render distance. The more things that are loaded in on your screen, the more laggy you'll be. Basically, if there's 300 items on the ground, usually the result of a spider war, your performance will lower. If there's only about 4 items on the ground, your performance is normal. Make sense? Yes.
After equipping a Lantern, you can left click it in your hand slot. The light of the lantern still shows, and the light bulb inside still runs out of % overtime, but it looks cool I guess.


You can pick up your weapon immediately after it gets knocked out of your hand and continue fighting Bearger or Toadstool using The Lazy Forager.


Did you know it's possible to hit Tallbirds 3 times? It is difficult, but easy with practice. You just need to get in a certain range.

*SAFE distance for 3 hits*

*UNSAFE distance for 3 hits


Remember the mosaic? Cobblestones make you move 25% faster, so it's good to just dig em' up to use in your base later.


Funny way to cheese moonstone event.


That's all. Err, goodbye!
jared 4 Nov, 2021 @ 2:47pm 
󠀡󠀡Pluschi  [author] 4 Nov, 2021 @ 11:54am 
That reminds me, I really need to update this.. Quite a few of these cheeses don't even work anymore or aren't worth the effort
aureliusaugustine 3 Nov, 2021 @ 8:33am 
Stop encouraging cheese! if you just cheese a boss, you're not really even fighting it and practically just get the stuff for free.
jared 25 May, 2021 @ 3:24pm 
why ignore me on discord tbh make me look like a clown :steamsad:
jared 25 May, 2021 @ 3:23pm 
omg you finally responded!!
󠀡󠀡Pluschi  [author] 25 May, 2021 @ 3:18pm 
jared 25 May, 2021 @ 10:26am 
minecraft guide when??
NomViAnom 27 Jan, 2021 @ 12:18pm 
wow nice, tkx, excellent guide
Delcat 19 Jan, 2021 @ 4:55pm 
Thank you for an excellent and comprehensive guide! :DSTchester:
Torres, The Devourer 15 Aug, 2020 @ 2:14pm 
cool and good