Portal 2
Оценок: 85
How to replace bendy with the chell playermodel
От Osspial
So you like the PeTI, but you are sort of annoyed about the replacement playermodel, "Bendy". You want to replace it with the default chell playermodel. However, when you go into the game's files, there is no Bendy model. However, there IS a way to replace the model, and in this tutorial, I will show you how.
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What are ConVars?
If you already know what convars are, you can skip this section

This is actually a rather easy problem to solve, and it can be done through convars (For those of you who don't know, those are variables that modify the way the game behaves). They are also known as cvars. Some of them are restricted by cheats, and some of them aren't. This one is not, so the enable cheat cvar sv_cheats does not have to be enabled.
The Setup
If you want the game to automatically replace bendy with chell, you'll have to create a file in the game's CFG folder. For me, this folder is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2\cfg". I'm running Windows 7 64-bit, so it may be different on your system. On a 32-bit windows system, it should be "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2\cfg". I have no idea where the folder in a mac system is for this, but you can probably find it on google.

The file that I mentioned earlier will (and HAS to be) be called "autoexec.cfg". Create it in the portal 2 cfg folder, and save it. That way, it will automatically execute when portal 2 launches. The contents will be detailed in the next section.
The Contents of autoexec.cfg
The contents are pretty simple; you just need to type this line into the cfg file:

sv_use_bendy_model 0

This will cause portal 2 to never use Bendy, and thus solve our problem.
A little toggling script
There is an alternate method to the above-mensioned method; however, I don't prefer it, as for it to take affect you need to restart the map. The script is below:

bindtoggle ins "sv_use_bendy_model"

That way, you just need to press insert to change the model. To restart the map at the press of a button, you just need to copy this into the console:

bind k "kill"

That way, just press k to die and restart the map. With all of this, it should be easy to replace the bendy with chell, and vice versa.
With that, you should be able play PeTI in the earth where chell was never released! Have fun!

Комментариев: 73
truekinglime10 1 июл в 15:36 
Can i do it backwards?
iafelix209 14 янв в 10:11 
iafelix209 14 янв в 10:11 
copy one of the CFG files and rename it Autoexec.cfg,open with notepad and then paste in sv_use_bendy_model
Cooligan 30 сен. 2022 г. в 15:07 
folder or text document
dfisher92121 6 мая. 2022 г. в 13:36 

Unknown 10 ноя. 2021 г. в 15:19 
it loads the chell model in hammer
sweep 10 июн. 2021 г. в 16:48 
-w- 27 апр. 2021 г. в 14:51 
@Lunchbox54321 you need to create the autoexec.cfg yourself in the cfg folder. there is not already one there
Crazy Owl 6 апр. 2021 г. в 12:15 
how do I make it so in my hammer map it loads the Chell model?
Script1812 20 мар. 2021 г. в 20:54 
I Can't Find The File autoexec.cfg. Help Please?
I Have The Alternate Key Binding Version Working, But Not The File One.