Hearts of Iron IV
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Austro-Hungarian Empire [WIP]
Από Tsukunea
A guide for getting to the Reintegrate the Empire decision without mods using the Monarchist Hungary focus tree. With this you should be able to survive until at least 1942 and amass a formidable army. I'll be updating this as I work further. Most recently updated 9 Nov 2018.
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Spanish Civil War
Because of the way that Waking the Tiger (WTT) changes war support, if the Spanish Civil War starts before Italy conquers Ethiopia, it is almost guaranteed that Republican Spain will win. A Republican win will become very problematic for you as Germany will have two open fronts while fighting the Comintern.
Major Actions 1936-Reintegration
Secret Rearmament and Industrial Revitilization
After completing Invite the Habsburg Prince, it is advisable to complete Secret Rearmament and Reintegrate the Railroads. Use the Industry Tech Boost to grab Construction III in 1937.

Restoration of Austria-Hungary
It is recommended that you Demand a Referendum instead of Take Austria by Force. When your focus completes, there is a 20% chance that the referendum will be outright rejected. There is a 64% chance that the referendum succeeds if you only improve relations when you begin the focus. This is increased to a 76% chance when you Reintegrate the Railroads before you Demand a Referendum.

If the referendum is rejected, fails, or you're just feeling a bit murdery, you can declare war on Austria, but you will only get their units and generals through a successful referendum and any war before 1938 will severely cripple you.

When you sucessfully annex Austria peacefully, you should change its infantry units to your Gyalogdandár template. Doing this should give you sufficient manpower to train two additional infantry units.

Fascist Referendum
You have plenty of time to allow your Fascist Demagogue do to his bidding, so use the Political Discourse option instead of the Civil War option (I usually turn my ruling party to Fascist immediately after reforming Austria-Hungary). Begin justifying against Yugoslavia for Vojvodina once you become fascist.

Temporarily Join the Axis
Once you begin justification against Yugoslavia, the world tension will get dangerously close to 25%. Wait until it's less than 22% (but before they finish Demand Sudetenland) to join the Axis. Being part of the Axis gives you the advantage of keeping the Sudetenland and guaranteeing Germany will side with you during the mediation for Transylvania. !!!DO NOT JOIN THEIR WARS!!!

You can leave the Axis at any time, but be aware that if you control the Sudetenland then Germany will declare war on you when they are next at peace. Germany should lose its wargoal for the Sudetenland by autumn of 1940.

Sudetenland Decision
For the best chance to annex the land, you'll want to begin the Protect Czechoslovakia focus when Germany is slightly more than 3/4 through Army Innovations II. This gives you enough time to complete Reintegrate the Railroads, which is vital to obtaining Czechoslovakia, and the Bled Agreement beforehand (And an additional focus if you chose to declare war on Austria).

If Czechoslovakia decides to merely accept a closer relationship (in other words they choose to become your puppet) and you do not hand over the Sudetenland, Germany WILL declare war on them, pulling you out of the Axis and into the war against Germany.

Transylvanian Mediation
Romania will always refuse your demands at first, but will contact you about mediation for control of Transylvania. If you have joined the Axis, select Germany. If not, your best choice is either Germany or Italy, and you should improve relations with the one you plan to choose when you begin the Demand Transylvania focus. If the mediator sides with Hungary (you), there is an 80% chance Romania will fold and give Transylvania to you.

Annexation of Yugoslavia
Once you become fascist you can immediately begin justifying for the Vojvodina. There is a high risk that the Allies will guarantee Yugoslavian independence if World Tension rises above 25%.

Using half of your Czech units to bolster your Hungarian and Austrian armies, these two groups of about 19 (2 extra from the manpower boost from changing austrian-unit templates) should form a strong frontline that allows you to use the leftover 11 Czech units to help break through enemy lines.

Be sure to avoid capitulating the enemy until you've completed the March to the Shore focus.

During the Peace Conference, after taking the Vojvodina I normally puppet Serbia, give them Montenegro and Macedonia, and annex the rest of Yugoslavia.

Reintegrate the Empire
After you take Yugoslavia, you can gain cores on your new land by using the Reintegrate the Empire decision if you have Waking the Tiger.

If all goes well, these actions should be complete by the time Germany declares war on Poland, or shortly thereafter.
Major Actions Post-Reintegration
This the the boring section of your game. Between conquering Yugoslavia and actually entering the war, this is the time to build and prep your armies to beat The Third Reich at their own game and blitz the Axis.

The Crutch of the Axis
Because you've taken so much of the land that Germany historically built military factories in, you'll need to give them a large lend-lease to allow them to sustain themselves.

From One Faction to Another
Germany will have lost their wargoal against you at the end of June 1940. It is after this time advisable to create a faction with Romania or Bulgaria or both if possible.

You can stay in the Axis for longer, however there is no reason to, and when Germany completes their Integrate War Economies focus, you'll lose your puppets, become a satellite of Germany, and be SOL.

Beat the snot out of the Soviets
Government Modifications
This section is just a list of government modifications that I choose in the AH games that I play:
  1. Silent Workhorse
  2. Materiel Designer - Fegyver- és Gépgyár
  3. Industrial Concern - MÁVAG
  4. Fascist Demagogue
  5. Partial Mobilization
  6. Limited Conscription
Hungary starts with 3 research slots and doesn't get extras until mid-game. Here I list out the first few techs that should be researched with each, because a strong end-game is built on a well-executed beginning.

1st slot:
  1. Support Weapons I
  2. Engineer Company I
  3. 38M Botond (Mot. Infantry I)
  4. Mobile Warfare Doctrine

2nd slot:
  1. Basic Machine Tools
  2. Maintenance Company I
  3. V3/V4 Light Tank
  4. 38M Toldi Light Tank

3rd slot:
  1. Construction I
  2. Excavation I
  3. Construction II
  4. Construction III (Use 50% boost from Industrial Revitalization
  5. Improved Machine Tools
  6. Dispersed Industry I
  7. Dispersed Industry II
23 σχόλια
Tsukunea  [Δημιουργός] 9 Απρ 2020, 13:07 
@el birri Yeah, since MTG the german AI does weird stuff and doesn't field manpower as quickly so it works better to attack italy before they join the axis right after you beat yugo
El Birri 8 Απρ 2020, 12:54 
oh look, i can attack italy with hitler, izi :buzzed:

just create a claim to italy when you are in war with yugoslavia, after finish this war attack italy BEFORE he join the axis, take italy as puppet for use his naval army.
Tsukunea  [Δημιουργός] 26 Οκτ 2018, 19:26 
@crusader The way that the Austrian referendum event works is that there's always a 20% chance Schushnigg will outright refuse to allow it, but there's a 64% chance for the referendum to succeed if the Austrian opinion of Hungary is over 75. If Reintegrate the Railroads was completed in addition to the high Austrian opinion, the chance for the referendum to succeed is 76%. Unfortunately there's no way to reduce the 20% chance of refusal so it's always there.
Jonty 26 Οκτ 2018, 18:43 
@Tsukunea Yeah I ended up doing this

Secret Rearm, Railroad, went down the prince tree while improving the relationship and then even while doing the Referendum I improved relation there and THEN it worked and I was really glad when it did.
Tsukunea  [Δημιουργός] 26 Οκτ 2018, 11:48 
@crusader It's probably just being unlucky. Sometimes it takes a few times
Jonty 25 Οκτ 2018, 18:48 
I have a problem, I've been trying to unite the two countries YET austria always denies me. I've done this three times now. Twice without knowing about this guide and the 3rd time doing everything the guide said and immediately I failed again. Am I just unlucky or am I doing something wrong????
Tsukunea  [Δημιουργός] 26 Σεπ 2018, 17:35 
@silent That's very interesting, I've never had that happen. I'll have to look into it further
Silent 26 Σεπ 2018, 10:00 

Of course I did not leave Axis and Germany not kicking me . I think they kick when i choose "Germany can have war if they dare!" in Sudetenland event .
Tsukunea  [Δημιουργός] 26 Σεπ 2018, 8:28 
@silent, Are you leaving the axis or are Germany kicking you out of the faction? I've never been kicked out of a faction by the AI, and you shouldn't leave the Axis until like 1940
Silent 23 Σεπ 2018, 9:11 
Yes - in Axis with them . And yes - when the Demand Sudetenland event come , i click on "Germany can have war if they dare!" But crazy Germany every time declare me war after few days after this . Game without gameplay mods . Do not know what's wrong .