theHunter: Call of the Wild™

theHunter: Call of the Wild™

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Starting guide based on opinons and expiriences
By Ranch dressing jesus
This might help those who are just starting there adventure of screaming ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ flesh wounds at there pc
Do note these are my opinions and these are based on my experience in this game these are by no means the best option for everyone this just might give you an idea on what to do
Step 1 Hunting
I personally suggest running a bit can help when you start out in finding game just wait for a warning call its best to mainly focus on smaller deer such as whitetail and roe also blacktail seeing you have a call for these when you start out and the 243 can handle them with ease once you hear the call stop running and crouch let out 1-2 calls do keep in mind not every call works for every animal use the bleat call for blacktail and whitetail and the roe deer call for roe deer. It might take a bit but once you have the animal in view wait for it to be broadside place your crosshair behind the shoulder and fire that should hit the lung it wont drop right away but it will go down quickly

*note the sight and sound meter its best to keep those low after you hear a warning call the animal will be attentive for a bit*
Step 2 shot placement
This is not call of duty so head shots don’t get you far for most animals id suggest aiming for the spine or lungs/heart you can also make a gut shot and get lucky but be prepared to track for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Step 3 leveling up quickly
When I start Id focus on roe deer mainly seeing there all over the place in hirshfelden and can be called easy and can be taken with just about everything so long as you don’t mind loosing integrity rabbit and geese are also easy to hunt and are good for leveling
Step 4 caliber choice
All guns have there purpose in this game but if you don’t care about the integrity bonus I like using the 270 as far as rifles go and 12 gauge slugs for big game and birdshot from any shotgun for small game
I welcome your thoughts and opinons and anything you have to bring
I think that’s good enough if you have any criticism or you just want to tell me that this guide sucks and im a dumbass add me on steam I welcome criticism no matter the race or gender

Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching- even when doing the wrong thing is legal
Aldo leopold

Aaron 5 Apr, 2020 @ 1:25pm 
yea basiclly everything i learned in the first two days of playing and asking around, i didnt play thehunter but i played the hunterPrimal religiously, miss that game sadly i lost it on my other account, and still there is no better dino hunting game......i digress, big thing is you dont need to fear for your life after u hit said animal/dino and u dont need to pump it full of lead, this game really teaches the 1 shot 1 kill ideology and trackin.
Chicane 31 Mar, 2020 @ 4:35pm 
Oops, it was the 1st one that came up for me.
Ranch dressing jesus  [author] 31 Mar, 2020 @ 3:39pm 
Yeah man i just threw this together. and its also outdated
Chicane 31 Mar, 2020 @ 2:54pm 
Appreciate the tips, but punctuation is your friend.