Space Engineers

Space Engineers

164 ratings
Nanite Control Facility Tips
By nukeguard
New in v2.0

Welcome to v2.0 of nanites, thanks to Splen, Fank, and the testers on Splens server for the improvements. New to 2.0 is the nanite ore detector finds ore for the nanite facility, and has upgrades to increase it's performance. Many performance improvements that can all be found in the
/nanite changelog
in-game chat. The old factory will have changed to an old rusty factory, you will have to grind down and replace with a new one. There are two separate upgrade module groups, one is for the facility and the other set for the ore detector.

Most importantly, there is now in-game help, type
/nanite help
for in-game help and more commands.


This is large ship block that creates and controls specialized nanites. These nanites can be programmed to perform different actions that can aid a ship and player in various ways. This includes: construction, repair, deconstruction, projection building and floating object cleanup. The default factory allows a limited amount of each function, but can be expanded with attachable upgrades. The factory will use the conveyor system in order to draw or deposit supplies for it's various functions. Nanites do not require components themselves, but do require a lot of power to function.
You WILL need to use the beacons to get the nanites to weld, grind, and mine. The beacons tell the nanites where to go and what to do with that grid.

Edit config.xml in this location:
You can find the config.xml in %AppData%\SpaceEngineers\Saves\steamID\[world save name]\Storage\NaniteConstructionSystem_NaniteConstructionSystem\

To help with fixing bugs and crashes
Nanite Types
There are currently 4 types of nanites. Construction/Repair nanites are the only nanites available with the base factory. In order to gain access to other functions, you must use upgrade modules.

Nanite Type
Default Amount
Upgrade Amount
This nanite finishes constructing and repairing blocks
This nanite converts a projection into a block that can be constructed
This nanite grabs floating objects that are floating around and puts them back into your cargo. The range of the cleanup nanite is 500m from the factory.
This nanite deconstructs blocks. The nanites will deconstruct that have a special deconstruct beacon on them. The range is limited (300m), so it can't really easily be weaponized.
This nanite seeks out ore found by the nanite ore detector on an asteroid or a planet.
This nanite refills all bars on a player when they reach <20%.
When the nanites return from their task, they will sometimes glow a different color to signify if something happened with their task. These colors are as follows:

The task has been completed by the nanites, and all are returning home.
There was an error while performing the task. All nanites are returning home. (Missing components, missing power, block was destroyed, etc)
Factory Upgrades
Upgrade Type
Description Change
Minimum Value
Maximum Value
Constructor Upgrade
This adds more streams to the construction / repair function
+3 Construction Streams
15 Streams
This adds more streams to the deconstruction function
+3 Deconstruction Streams
15 Streams
Cleanup Upgrade
This adds more streams to the cleanup function
+3 Cleanup Streams
15 Streams
Mining Upgrade
This adds more streams to the mining function
+3 Mining Streams
15 Streams
Medical Upgrade
This adds more streams to the medical function
+3 Medical Streams
15 Streams
Speed Upgrade
This increases the speed of the nanites so they reach their target quicker.
+5 m/s in speed. -1 minimum travel time
+40 m/s, -8 minimum travel time
Power Upgrade
This reduces the power requirements per Nanite stream
-2MW per stream
-16MW per stream

Functionality of the factory is augmented via upgrades. There are many upgrades available.

A factory may only have
8 upgrades max
so plan your upgrades wisely.
Automated Component Assembly (Assembler Queueing)
The Nanite Factory can now automatically queue items it requires in assemblers. In order to do this, you must first select the check box in the terminal screen in the factory that reads "Use Assemblers".

In order to assign assemblers to be tasked in component creation, select an assembler in the terminal screen, and you will see a new option "Nanite Factory queuing". Select this checkbox.

The process requires that both the factory and assembler are on the same conveyor network, so be sure they are attached in some way.
Factory Status Indicators
The Factory will glow different colors to notify the owner of the status of the factory. These states include:
The factory is disabled.
All targets and potential targets will be cancelled.
The factory is enabled.
Factory has no targets or potential targets.
Pulsing Green
The factory has some potential targets
Can't convert them to actual targets due to a problem. (Another factory is targetting this block for example)
Pulsing Yellow
Missing Power
Not enough power for queue.
Pulsing Magenta
Missing Parts
Requires more parts or cannot find them. The details screen of the factory will list the components missing.
The factory is active and performing a task

Please note that when the factory is active, the area inside the factory is VERY dangerous, and WILL kill you. Also note that if you're inside the area of a block when nanites are repairing / constructing, they could damage and kill you as well.
Nanite Mining Beacon
The Nanite Mining Beacon tells the nanites where to mine when specific ores are selected.
Just select the Nanite mining beacon in the beacon group and place it near the ore deposit, the beacon detects ore up to 10 meters away from the beacon.
Other Important Stuff
To change settings of the nanite mod, edit the config.xml file found here:
%AppData%\SpaceEngineers\Saves\steamID\[world save name]\Storage\NaniteConstructionSystem_NaniteConstructionSystem\

Check Ownership
In most mods, including this one, ownership is important. "No one" is basically an invalid owner, and if ownership does not match on projectors or the factory, you may run into issues with it working. Please make sure you own both the factory and the projector if you're trying to build projections using this mod.

Area Beacons
This block is used to setup "areas" that Nanites can operate in. These areas can be designated to repair, construct projections, or deconstruct. This allows shipyard like behavior. You can create areas for deconstruction or repair. Or also setup projection areas for ship building without having to worry about attaching beacons or playing around with connections.

Deconstruct Priorities
You may prioritize blocks for deconstruction by nanites. Adding "deconstruct priority" to the name of a block or to the Custom Data of a block will make nanites target that block before the rest of the ship. Please note this may cause huge ship splits if you priotize a block that anchors other blocks.

Mod blocks not appearing in game?
If you're sure the mod has been added properly, and everything looks correct, there may be an issue with the actual mod file itself. Mods download corrupted from steam. You can try deleting your existing mods in *\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\(mod-id-from-steam). Just remove all the .sbm files or mod folder number in there, and it will force the game to redownload the nanite mod. This should hopefully fix the mod not showing up.

Bugs and Reporting
If you have issues post a comment. with a link to your log (use a site like
or post a comment on issues here

Please provide the following logs:
OpaMitPanzer 12 Feb @ 2:57am 
when i download it it dosent work. Can you tell me why???
Ao Yuki 31 Jan @ 3:06pm 
It could be possible, but it was also derpy when it does actually weld things that i can see. I'll do a proper test when i can get back in game
nukeguard  [author] 27 Jan @ 11:27am 
is it building something elsewhere?
Ao Yuki 26 Jan @ 3:31pm 
nanites seem pretty derpy during construction, consuming components but the blocks arent getting welded. i've been feeding it resources for 12 hours and my station doesnt seem to have any progress done
nukeguard  [author] 28 Sep, 2023 @ 1:58pm 
I have an update coming, done by BookBurner who has been updating Nanites, will check it and have an update soon. There will be some changes because the complex nanite mining system was having problems, It's going back to what it was before, a simple beacon where you want it to mine.
Drake Brimstone 21 Sep, 2023 @ 6:21am 
I seem to be having a problem with the small ship nanite facility. It builds things irregardless of if the construction toggles are on or not. The only way to keep it from building is to turn off the entire block. It is almost as if the toggles do nothing. At least it isn't mining with that toggle off. (Or there is no ore in range.)
rasentsume 11 Jul, 2023 @ 10:40pm 
Is it possible to add a small ship ore detector? I'm trying to make a small mining shuttle for extended mining trips, but I suppose the small ship nanite facility needs to be in range of a large ship ore detector to work.
Mike Loeven 11 Jun, 2023 @ 4:23pm 
Has anyone had issues with the nanite factory not being able to build or repair blocks on sub grids attached by rotor or hinge? Is there a way to make the nanite factory see attached sub grids with a config option? wierd thing is the sub grids are well within 500m of the factory so unsure why they cant be seen
BloodAngel099 30 May, 2023 @ 9:11pm 
A friend of mine is using this mod on a server and his nanite facility is trying to repair another friends ship in a safe zone that is between 600 - 700 meters away. There is only one beacon setup and its no where near the safe zone area. Any ideas why it is repairing outside of the beacon area? I have experienced similar occurances in a single player game I am currently playing it, but my beacon area what set so close to where the blocks were I honestly didn't think anything of it.
nukeguard  [author] 30 May, 2023 @ 12:47pm 
no, they only mine the resource node