Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta)

Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta)

68 人が評価
HD Harpy Fix
Content: Enemies
3.205 MB
2018年8月14日 7時07分
2021年3月24日 9時43分
12 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

HD Harpy Fix

Seriously Stupid 作成の 1 件のコレクション
the Stupidly Classic Experience
63 アイテム
Modifies the puppet parameters and character behavior of HD's Harpy to slightly increase base flying speed, reduce projectile use, and increases the flight speed for their RunOverFoe attack by a small bit.

They might still bug out a little if you're running backwards in a straight line, but their melee attacks in flight should now be more responsive. I'm pretty sure the issue where they slightly move to the side instead of using their melee attack is a programming error, beyond my capabilities.

UPDATE: Courtesy of Kommandant Danny, Harpies now use ragdoll death animations and won't always gib.

UPDATE 2: Ragdolls improved and bloodmap added. The bloodmap is not compatible with other mods that edit the Harpy's model (such as Golden Bikini Harpy by Soulmyr) .
24 件のコメント
F0F4N 3月3日 6時53分 
The Level "Gilgamesh courtyards" doesnt load anymore when that mod is on due to Harpy's error(((
Alfeos 2021年4月1日 2時39分 
Harpy's ragdoll is not work anymore
Crogge 2021年2月2日 18時39分 
Levels don't load anymore when this mod is activated, even if this is the only mod.

It can't find FleshMetal.mat and other files, the game and other mods work fine as long as this mod is disabled.
Drag0n 2020年12月3日 17時53分 
Awesome, thanks for the update.
Drag0n 2020年10月7日 0時16分 
I second what Synth asked; could you fix the blood map for the Harpys? This mod does that, but isn't compatible with your mod.
Spaghettacus 2020年10月2日 20時30分 
Thats odd, it doesnt seem to make ragdoll deaths anymore
Wilkespre 2020年9月27日 1時36分 
It's possible, but maybe this mod needs (possibly) all of the Serious Sam games and DLC that are useable with fusion?

Either that, or my re-subscription fixed it.
Seriously Stupid  [作成者] 2020年9月26日 8時21分 
what? that doesn't make sense, this is a replacement file. Check your other workshop packages and if it still persists, open the console and take a screenshot
Wilkespre 2020年9月26日 0時59分 
Seems to cause levels with them to not load at all. (test first or second mission in First Encounter)
Synth 🇺🇦 2020年8月26日 14時10分 
Hey may you add a bloody texture for the Harpy like there is for almost every enemy please?