The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable

Baby Game (Art Ending) AFK Guide
由 Dalkavuk 制作
If you want to see the baby game ending without watching a video from Youtube you can try this solution.
What to do?
After you enabled the console and obviously while you are at the baby map you can use codes below to stop baby and puppy. Then you can go afk. Puppy will show up after two hours, you can type it's code at that time. You need four hours total to get to the ending.
For Baby:
"ent_fire babytrainofdeath stop"

For Puppy:
"ent_fire puppy stop"
2 条留言
Dalkavuk  [作者] 2022 年 4 月 26 日 下午 5:13 
Console is the part of this beautiful art piece.
i duno 2022 年 4 月 26 日 上午 10:09 
but why would you need this it would rurin the art