Metro: Last Light Complete Edition

Metro: Last Light Complete Edition

833 hodnocení
Moral point tasks for the Redemption ending (Good ending)
Vytvořil: Crash
A list of all moral point tasks in the game, A lot of them are needed to unlock the "good" ending.

"Moral Points is a hidden system in Metro game series that follows Artyom's progress and affects the ending. This system is never explained to the player and its mechanics can only be speculated about. As Metro is about Artyom's journey of understanding the world around him, the game rewards the player by guiding Artyom through experiences that help him better understand the metro. It is commonly understood, that every time Artyom gets a moral point, the screen flashes light blue and whispers along with the sound of water dripping can be heard. When Artyom loses a moral point, the screen darkens and an ominous sound can be heard. There are more opportunities to gain moral points than to lose them, but many of them are hidden and require thorough exploration. "
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This guide will help you find all moral point tasks in the game, These moral points are represented by a flash on your screen and a water dripping sound. These are done by good tasks the player does, Finding secret areas and just exploring and other methods.

This guide is split up into levels, Showing all tasks on that level and how you can loose points aswell.
Moral point tasks in the Sparta level:

  • Play the guitar in Artyom's room.

  • Listening to the two Rangers near Artyom's room discussing the significance of D6.

  • Opisite Artyom's room, Listen to the guitar player for a little while.

  • Listen to the two chess players talking about Romanov's squad getting wiped out in the marshes.

  • Play the balalaika in the room with men discussing Romanov.

  • Test out all the weapons at the firing range.

  • Listen to the three Rangers in the cafeteria talking about the Red Line arming and the Nazi Rangers seen near Exhibition Station.

  • Before entering Millers briefing, Listen to the conversation by the group of men to the left.

  • One is earned at the begining of Miller's briefing.
Moral point tasks in Ashes

  • Walk to the back of the train you start the level on.

  • At the ladder, continue past it, further into the tunnel. Burn some cobwebs to get to a corpse that also has the first note in Ashes.

  • Staying near Ana until she begins climbing to her sniping position.

  • Do not shoot anything until you are attacked by the nosalis
  • Release the prisoners.
  • Listen to all of Fuhrer's speech.

It is also possible to lose a point here:

  • Kill the surrendering Nazi at the end of the chase.
  • Complete the level without killing anyone.
  • After Artyom exits the air vent, watch the scene where a Nazi lynches his fellow soldier and calls his mother a ♥♥♥♥♥. Wait until the brutalized soldier leaves the room to receive the moral point.

  • After the lynching scene, listen to the conversation between two Nazis about stashed custom weapon. Follow the Nazi heading back to the locker room and when he opens his locker, knock/kill him and pick up the weapon. This will also earn the "A Present" achievement/trophy. Doing this earns 2 moral points.

  • Go up to the area above where there is an electric circuit that turns off lights. Listen to the conversation between two Nazis close to this circuit.

  • Do not kill said brutalized soldier who is hiding in the meat locker.

  • You get a moral point for entering the vent needed to continue past room #2 (Unkown criteria for this point)

  • Complete the level without killing any humans.

It is also possible to loose a point here too:
  • Kill the Nazi hiding in the meat locker.
  • Just before the elevator at the beginning of the Spider tunnels, look to the left-hand side for a small nook hidden by cobwebs. Burn them away to find a small stash of ammo and a medkit next to two skeletons. Entering this nook earns a point.

  • Entering the elevator with Pavel earns a point.

  • Fending off the Spiders with Artyom's flashlight in the elevator earns a point.

  • Quickly saving Pavel from the Spider attack just after exiting the elevator earns a point.
  • In the beginning of the chapter after sliding down the side of the building and encountering sudden rain, turn left and look for a sewage pipe. Crawl in until you reach a room with a skeleton. The moral point is earned upon reaching the room.

  • After encountering a huge sink hole, go to the crashed blue plane on the left. There's another skeleton lying right in front of it. Reaching the skeleton earns a point.

  • After searching the spider-infested skeleton, look right. There's a small caved-in room with some ammo and filters. Entering it earns a point.

  • Taking the Duplet in the service room earns a point.

  • Letting the Watchmen herd pass by without being spotted earns a point.

  • Seeing all of the hallucinations of the first passenger section on the plane earns a point.

  • Listening to Pavel after saving him earns a point.
  • Right after passing through the first door, listening to the families (arriving by traincarts) trying to convince the guards to let them into the station grants you a moral point.

  • Listening to the two ex-Reich citizens (apparently husband and wife) sitting on the bench gets you a point.

  • Giving the theater critic-turned-beggar a bullet gets you a point. Giving the very same beggar another bullet, after his "speech", will grant you another point.

  • Listening to the two patrons at the bar discussing whether or not theatre is useful in dark times earns a point.

  • Listening to the two men telling Katja that her husband is dead earns a point.

  • Watching Mischa show the children animal impressions with shadows earns a point.

  • Listening and following the two children running back to where you came from earns a point. (You have to watch the whole animal impression show and hear the conversation with Katja first. Afterwards they will come through the passway that leads to the theater)

  • Before entering the theatre there is a guy selling what seems to be drugs, Listen to this conversation.
  • Watching the entire theatre show earns a point, and the "Patron of the Arts" achievement/trophy.

  • Listening to the dancing girls entire conversation (about her make-up and boyfriend) grants you a moral point.

  • After exiting the "make-up room", at the end of the following hallway, to your right, listening to the girl under the shower talking to the girl in the bathtub grants you another point.
  • Listen in on the conversation between Korbut and Moskvin.
  • Get out of the storage room you start in at beginning of this level and go downstairs to listen to the guard reporting in on the intercom.

  • Listen to the two soldiers in the storage area talking about the Frontline mission from Metro 2033.

  • Listen to the crane operators discussing moving radioactive materials.

  • Do not disturb the men doing the service check and keep following them until they finish the checking procedure and talk about a smoke break. (4 checks)

  • After the service check room and going through a big fan, listen to the conversation between two men right after climbing down the ladder.

  • When you get to the area with the machine gun platform, listen to the conversation between the machine gunner and a soldier.

  • Complete the level without killing any humans.

You can also loose a point here by:

  • Kill the civilian crane operator near the armored train.
  • After boarding Regina and exiting Andrew's home, look for the first doorway on the left. Entering the area with the lamp on the desk earns a point.

  • After the previous area, again to the lefthand side of the tunnel, there is a door under a light with a mask and a filter next to it. Behind this door is a Spider nest. Entering it and finding the glowing red room at the end with a light switch earns a point.

  • After the previous area, continue onward for a time before finding another doorway on the left which leads to a partly submerged area. At the end to the right is a room with some ammo, filters and a skeleton. Entering this room earns a point.

  • After opening the airlock doors and entering a gas mask area, get out of Regina and turn the switch on the left to change the rail tracks to continue straight. Use Regina to smash the wooden barricade. Doing so earns a point.

  • After driving into the snowy tunnel, walk into the left hand tunnel to the abandoned metro cars where a Watchmen ambushes you. Keep going all the way to a dead end where a skeleton can be found. Ariving at the end earns a point.

  • Just before arriving at the abandoned metro cars you have to push forward with Regina, go to the right side of the tunnel where a gas mask hangs from the wall with a filter. Enter the passage there to earn a point.

  • While pushing the metro cars forward with Regina, look for a passage on the right side of the tunnel. This area is filled with shadows and ghosts who whisper to Artyom. Reaching the end of this area earns a point.

  • Still while pushing the metro cars forward, on the left side is a sewer area with several Watchmen. Reaching the end near the skeleton wearing a gas mask earns a point.

  • At the very beginning of Bandit, go back behind you and underneath the rubble to get a point.
  • After meeting the refugee caravan, wait and listen to all their conversations. A point is earned after a woman says her husand was drafted and then captured by Nazis.

  • Continuing down the tunnel after the refugee caravan, the first tunnel on the right will lead to a series of abandoned metro cars. A woman is crying for help and about to be raped by two bandits. Kill them to earn a point.

  • Just before arriving at the main bandit camp where they're holding the woman and children, continue down the left-hand tunnel to a carriage with several corpses. Doing to earns a point.

  • Rescue the women and children being held in the bandit camp. The point is earned when the bandit in the final room threatening them is killed.
Dark Water
  • One is earned at the end of the level after escaping the Shrimps.
  • Give a bullet to a beggar near the market alley where two men are trying to push a pig in a crate onto a boat.

  • Give a bullet to a second beggar near the market, this one in the alley where two children are drawing on the wall.

  • Buy and drink the bartender's special, "The Bullet."

  • If you drink a few more you'll blackout. When you come back the bar will be wrecked and the bartender will be pissed, if you pay him for the damage you'll get a moral point.

  • Pay 10 MGR to use the shooting range.

  • There is a child being comforted by his mother since he lost his teddy bear. If Artyom completes all the challenges at the nearby shooting gallery, he will be awarded said teddy bear. Return it to the crying child to receive the moral point.

You can also loose a point here by:

  • Stepping on to the boat of the sleeping fisherman (at the left corner of the dock) and take his 20 MGR.
  • Find the crashed airplane.
  • Just before meeting your friends at the church, on the second floor of the destroyed mall. You encounter the mall after being chased by the giant shrimp. On the second floor, overlooking the swamp, is a large window. Looking out that window gets you the point.
  • Just before entering the catacombs, there's a body near a table with a radio reaching for a tape recorder/player. Play the tape of the Ranger's last words regarding the Reds taking Anna into the catacombs for a point.

  • After entering the catacombs and Artyom's electronics getting mysteriously disabled, there will be a few ghosts in a tunnel walking around. Wait for them to dissapear to earn a point.

  • One is gained as Artyom is lowered deeper into the catacombs on the elevator just before the Nosalises attack.

  • Shortly after being knocked off the elevator, a point is gained as Artyom turns the corner to see a Nosalis pack moving through the tunnels. A second point can be earned if he lets them pass without attack them.

  • A point can be gained by entering the tunnel the pack had emerged from and approaching the small Christian shrine.

  • After descending the small lift and encountering the winged Nosalises, a point can be earned by approaching a skeleton with a custom quadruple-barreled duplet near some spiderwebs.
  • Deal with the two Red Line soldiers executing citizens at the beginning, before the shot man dies.

  • Listen to the shot man's explanation and confusion over the Red's attack.

  • Listen and watch the full execution of the wounded Red soilder who contracted the "disease."

  • If you have not killed anyone or set off any alarm, You will get one as soon as you open the door with Lesnitsky behind it.
  • Remove your mask when Lesnitsky has his knife at Anna's throat, before he counts to five.
  • Listen to the doctor talking to the soldier who got infected trying to comfort infected children before they died.

  • Pick up all four MGR stashes in the abandoned part of the station. One of them is hidden behind the door where Artyom first enters and can only be claimed once he proceeds down the stairs and the door closes. Finding all four also earns the "Forgotten" achievement/trophy.

  • After meeting up with Khan there is a man asking the guard to let him go inside the quarantine zone and take some insulin. After he is refused, go up to him and he should ask you for help. Give him a bullet.

  • In the small market area, listen to the three soldiers gathered around a table with a lamp discussing the Reds and Polis.
  • Answer the phone in the sewers.

  • Reach the river of fate.
The Chase
None discovered
The crossing
  • Listen to the Little Dark One as he expresses his desire to wear clothes like humans, next to the billboard.

  • To the right of the aforementioned billboard up a small path there is a dead Demon surrounded by dead Watchmen. Walking up to the corpse earns a point.
  • Just before the Little Dark One gives a second vision, look to the left. There is a broken ramp leading to a small area beneath the bridge with a few corpses. Going down the ramp earns a point.
  • After exiting the tunnel at the very beginning, stick to the left hand side. There is a garage with two closed doors, one open that has a truck poking out. Continue past this point to an entrance in the wall, then enter it. A building with a collapsed ceiling leads into the garage. Be careful as there is an explosive trap. Entering the garage earns a point.

  • In the area where the Reds first stage an ambush, in the center of the room is a hidden passage that leads beneath the room. Entering it earns a point.

  • In the third area where the Reds are waiting, there is a another hidden passage entered through a circular manhole. There is a dead soldier at the bottom. Entering it earns a point.

  • In the fourth area where the Reds are waiting, there is a hidden passage that can be reached by the catwalks above the metro cars or by stairs at the back of the room. Entering this passage earns a point.

  • Knock Lesnitsky unconscious.

You can also loose a point here:

  • Kill Lesnitsky.
The Dead City
  • Don't kill the Watchmen in the area with the ladder that Artyom must climb. The point is earned at the top of the ladder.

  • Do not kill the Demon on the rooftop protecting her nest, or her baby.

  • See all visions.

You can also loose a point here:

  • Kill the Demon of the rooftop protecting her nest. The Little Dark One will ask Artyom why he killed her.
Red Square
  • At the beginning of the level when the Watchmen are growling from atop the church, don't shoot at them. The point is earned as they begin to go inside. Climbing the staircase into the church to an area full of skeletons earns another point.

  • While following the Little Dark One through the storm, Artyom will come accross a Watchman kneeling over a skeleton. The Little Dark One will say he's simply afraid. Leaving him be will earn a point as soon as Artyom enters the next area.

  • In the ruined sewer area, a group of three Watchmen will slowly aproach, but again the Little Dark One says they won't attack unless provoked. Leaving them be will earn another point.

  • Save Pavel from the damned souls.

You can loose 2 points in this level by:

  • Leave Pavel with the damned souls.

  • Enter the church before the Watchmen go away.
The Garden
  • Near the beginning of the level, there is a path leading towards a hole in the right hand wall, into a flooded store with can alarms and a safe. Entering this area earns a point.

  • There are a group of dead watchmen around some glowing green shrooms. Go towards it and it gives you a point.
  • Kill the Watchmen attacking the Bear after the fight with Artyom. Do so quickly or they'll kill her. (This will also get you a Achievement)

You can also loose a point here:

  • Leave the clearing without harming the Watchmen on the Bear's back.
None discovered
If you managed to get enough of these tasks done the baby Dark One will prompt the Redemption ending, Intern giving you one last moral point.
Počet komentářů: 163
huzehua893 8. led. v 7.27 
Thank you so much
Wehzy 23. čvn. 2024 v 4.10 
@Peter_Void Yeah the AI is pretty bad in both metro games.
Peter_Void 25. lis. 2023 v 15.20 
idk if my game is bugged or not but it's basically IMPOSSIBLE to go through the Train part without killing anyone and listening to all convos, the enemies are too dumb and get startled by literally anythink i do
Nyakuya 19. zář. 2023 v 21.10 
Thank you for this detailed guide. It was very useful.
negative rizz 21. srp. 2023 v 13.26 
I forgot to say that I killed absolutely all enemies at all levels
negative rizz 21. srp. 2023 v 13.23 
You CAN kill Lesnitsky:deadrat: . I killed him and got a good ending. I followed this guide exactly, listened to all the dialogues (from about 3-4 dialogues for the whole game there was no effect of getting points, which bothered me a little, I also missed about 3 rooms that I need to find to get a point)
Umbra 25. čvn. 2023 v 18.46 
is it true if i leave pavel with the souls i automatically get the bad ending?
Hariman 21. čvn. 2023 v 1.27 
Thank you. I missed a decent number of early ones (prior to Revolution and Regina), but I should be able to get enough for the good ending.
Luckye 9. čvn. 2023 v 0.25 
Great Guide! :steamthumbsup:
Ethanol | Gamer 31. kvě. 2023 v 1.52 
i got the good ending first try and i didn't even know it was THAT hard, i thought whenever the screen lit up it didn't give you anything