

29 ratings
Connection Troubleshoot (Host Migration & Strict NAT)
By GrandRiser
A guide for those who suffered "host migration in progress" or disconnects during session (where you got kicked out, or squad-mates left you), strict nat issues, and other connection problems? Here is the guide provided by [DE] Tyrone !

What is Host Migration? Host migrations are due to a synchronization error or loss of connection to the host. Because Warframe is a peer to peer game, there is some sort of connection loss causing the disconnection from other players.


All guides are from Digital Extreme's staff [DE] Tyrone and I did not write any guide/instructions, I just put some comments, alter/place some words so it's easier to understand, and I just merely passing the ticket support I received from DE Tyrone to fellow Tenno.

I, GrandRiser, do not/will not held responsible for ANY problems/crashes/errors/mistakes that are caused by yourself or someone instructed by you, because of altering or changing settings based on this guide I've posted. All responsibility falls into your own hand by reading this guide. Be clear that it is your decision yourself to follow or not follow the guides I posted, and yours to decide whether to continue or stop reading this guide, or trust this guide at all. No one forces you to do anything on the guide, so stop reading this guide if you are UNSURE.

I recommend you to read ahead before doing anything, and stop if you are unsure of the method, or continue if you think it's do-able.

PLEASE DO NOT RANT/COMPLAINT if something happens to your computer because you tried to do it yourself, and/or because you followed this intstructions, and made a mistake on your own. Such comments WILL BE DELETED.



Now back to the guide!

You can try these methods below in order (strongly recommended) but I do not guarantee 100% your problem would be solved if you do not follow these steps in order. If you are tech savvy, you can just follow the method's title and roughly do it on your own. If you're not tech savvy/IT familiar, click each methods and follow the step by step guide.

REMEMBER: There are 5 methods here. You can always undo whatever method you have tried and move to next method. OR you can just try method 1 through method 5 alltogether and see if it all works. For example, you tried method 1 but it did not solve your problems, you can UNDO what has been tried and move to next method, or leave it be and move to next method. Usually I put what I suggest you to do, but that is not always the correct answer. For this, I'm open for suggestion from IT proffesionals or more tech-savvy users.

Method 1: Add Warframe as an Exception to Firewall

Please add an exception to all of your firewall and anti-virus software (including Windows Firewall) for the "Launcher.exe", "Warframe.x64.exe", and "Warframe.exe".

Note from GrandRiser: I couldn't find these items mentioned by them, so I skipped this. Remember, if you don't know how, try to google the problem , such as: "how to add exception to windows firewall"

If you already added them as an exception, try the game and see if you encounter the same problem in the same situation or not. If problem is gone, then congrats, the guide ends here. If not, then please continue to step 2.

In my case, for example: if you get disconnected often in Plains of Eidiolon at minute 5-10 on multiplayer, then the problem is not solved. I recommend that you proceed to the next step, without undoing what you have done here.

Second, please make sure to check your proxy settings: For Windows, Click Start/Windows logo, then type/search or Go to CONTROL PANEL--> search for Internet Options --> click on the “Connections – LAN Settings” tab and make sure that the “use automatic configuration script” and “proxy server” options are UN-checked.

Additional Note:
Third-party programs running in the background can interfere with the normal functioning of Warframe and may even prevent it from running at all. By temporarily disabling these programs from booting, they can be eliminated as the source of the problem. Please try following the steps below:

Note: I have not tried this step 2. I recommend you restart your PC here after you done with Step 2, and go to the game and see if the problem has gone away. If problem is gone, then the guide is over for you. If not, you may proceed to Step 3, or go to directly Method 2. I suggest you don't have to UNDO what you have done on Step 1 and Step 2 on Method 1 (above)

Next, please press Windows key and R key on your keyboard at the same time
In the new Run window popped up, type msconfig, and hit Enter
On the General tab of the System configuration window, click the Selective startup option, and then click to clear the Load startup items check box.m (check pic below)

On the Services tab, click to select the Hide all Microsoft services check box, and then click Disable all.

Note/WARNING/DO THIS WITH CAUTION: This step lets Microsoft services continue to run. These services include Networking, Plug and Play, Event Logging, Error Reporting, and other services. If you disable these services, you may permanently delete all restore points. Do not do this if you want to use the System Restore utility together with existing restore points.
Click OK, and then click Restart.

GrandRiser: I did not do this because I dont have system restore points. You may skip this, this step is to make sure unnecesarry programs are disabled, mentioned below.

Then, when you boot your computer in Selective Startup, you are disabling every application that normally starts up with your computer. This may include firewall and security software that you would normally want to have on. After you are finished testing, you should re-enable your security software in msconfig.exe. Please follow these steps to reset the computer to start normally.

Finally, please press Windows key and R key on your keyboard at the same time
In the new Run window popped up, type msconfig, and hit Enter
On the General tab of the System configuration window, click the Normal Startup option, and then click OK.
When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Restart.

Written by [DE] Tyrone

Note: After you completed this method, now try to re-create the problem in the game (what problems did you encounter, and when? Try to go to the same moment again).

If the problem still there/persists, try the next method (I do not recommend you to undo the solution recommended here, just let it be there and move to the next Method).

If problem has been solved, congratulations. Please rate 5 and favorite!
Method 2: Adjust Port Forwarding settings for Warframe
Note: To properly port forward, please google "how to port forward [insert your router name here] " In this method, we will learn how to port forward your router.

First of all, look on the bottom of your router you will see a sticker that should tell you the company name and product name of the router you are currently using.

Next, with this information, please do a search for your router's User Manual online in Google, e.g. "ROUTERNAME user manual".

Then, once you have this, you should be able to find port forwarding and UPNP in the Table of Contents. If it is a readable document you can also use the Find Command (Ctrl+F) and search for the same terms.

Now, follow the instructions on the user manual on how to login into your router, then how to port forward.

Before the next step, please search for Command Prompt on your computer. This can easily be done by typing in CMD into your Windows Search Bar in the Start Menu.

In Command Prompt please type ipconfig, exactly as you see it. This will tell you the IPv4 which is your machine's Local IP. You will use this information to set the ports to this address. Take note of it.

You should now be able to simply follow the instructions in your User Manual to create the correct port fowarding profile using the ports below. Here is an example of what your router page may look like:

These instructions will include your router's address (e.g., how to logon to your router (user name and password) and where you can find the relevant pages. Usually, to login into your router/modem (by typing in your browser: , you will have to insert your USER NAME and PASSWORD. Please ask your Internet provider customer service for more info on how to login into your router access

Here are the necessary ports:
UDP: 4950, 4955
TCP: 6695 - 6699

Or you can follow data below, try to add new port forward and fill with these:

Name: Warframe (or anything)
Protocol: UDP
WAN Start Port: 4950
WAN End Port: 4955
LAN Host IP Address: your computers IP address
LAN Host Start Port: 4950
LAN Host End Port: 4955

To find your computers IP local IP address:

Open the Start menu on WINDOWS PC:
Type cmd, then press enter
Type ipconfig, then press enter
Your computer's IP address will be under the IPv4 Address.

Next, please ensure that each of these ports is in the correct protocol (i.e. UDP in UDP, TCP in TCP) and also ensure that the ports match, both in your router settings, and in-game under Networking Options.

Now, using the instructions you found earlier, please disable UPnP in your router's settings. After doing this, now is a good time to ensure that you have also disabled the UPnP and NAT-PMP settings in Warframe. This will ensure that our port forwarding settings are free to work as intended.

Finally, when you are done, please restart your computer/console.

Written by [DE] Tyrone

Note from me: After trying this step, try to re-create the same issue that happened in your game. For me, I always disconnect during Hydron (Sedna) mission especially, and was almost always, after wave 5. So after did this step, I launched the game, go to Hydron, tried to recreate the problem (see if it disconnects after wave 5 and chose to stay when asked by Lotus), and the disconnected/host migration error happened to me. So I tried the next method below.

It is not stated by DE Tyrone whether you should undo the steps you tried here if it fails to do any changes or not, so I believe what I did was to left whatever I tried and moved to next step.

If the issue solved on this step, congratulations! Please rate and favorite. If not, please try next method.
Method 2 B : Router Settings
Try these (if you are having issue like how to access router, change port forward settings, please google them. I do not want to stuff everything here it will be a wall of texts here):
1. Login into your ruter as super user / admin (commonly you can access via web browsers and type then type in by default id admin and password admin)
2. Find these settings and turn off these Port forward rules : DMZ / UPNP and Firewall. Save, exit and restart router (you can turn it off and wait 1-5 mins then turn on again) . Try login into Warframe now and see results (Does strict nat popup show? If yes, go to step 4.)
3. If not, try change the port UDP (4950 & 4955) + TCP (6695-6699).
Restart the router, then try again. (Does strict nat popup show? If yes, undo step 2, just to be safe.)

Solved by: AskWhole from INDONESIA WARFRAME (INAWF)
Method 3: Verify and/or Optimize Warframe Cache (not steam verification)
Note from me: This is the method that worked for me. I hope this works for you too!

Host migrations happened due to a synchronization error or loss of connection to the host. Because Warframe is a peer to peer game, there is some sort of connection loss causing the disconnection from other players.

Next, we would recommend doing a verify and optimize on your download cache. You can do this in the Warframe's stand-alone launcher settings menu. After opening the launcher, please follow the steps below:

Click on the little gear in the upper right of the Warframe launcher
Click either verify OR optimize, and after you have done EITHER one of them, please click the other one (I only tried one of them, I recommend you do both.). Please check the link here for the screenshot:

Also, when the game is not running, try going to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Warframe and deleting all the funny named folders (like F36423HGJYG5434000 ) and any .cfg files.

ALERT : Please note, this will delete your key bindings and all the other in-game settings but not any game progress.

Note from GrandRiser: Again, after completing this method, try to reproduce the error/disconnect/host migration in-game. My experience, I tried to play the Hydron,Sedna map above wave 5, to 10, and no HOST MIGRATION/DC AT ALL. Tried Sortie and Void Fissures, no problem encountered unlike before. If problem persists, continue the last method. If solved, please like and favorite!
Method 4: Alternate Solutions

If all fails, I would recommend these:
  • Your problem may have been fixed (i.e no more host migration, or no more disconnect during spesific mission) but the NAT still pop ups. To be honest as per 2019 I still can not solve the pop up NAT warning, BUT I never suffer worse disconnect or major connection problems ever since I solved my problem by following the guide here. So my point is the problem has been solved, yet there is still minor but not a serious issue.
  • Google search your problems, speficically (ex: strict nat problems waframe how to fix)
  • Go to Warframe website, then submit a ticket to Warframe itself (google Warframe Support)
  • Ask fellow friends who have the same ISP, whether they experience same problem or not.
  • Most recommended: Change your ISP. Try new ones. Ask around the local people in your warframe game what ISP they use and whether they have strict NAT issues or not.
  • Try another router. Try to recreate the problem (i.e: does strict NAT still show up? Do you often have same problem after certain waves in a mission, or after 40 minutes in a multiplayer mission? How about other online games?). If problem persists, you can try applying the same solution to the new router.
  • Reinstall warframe (clean install: delete and download)

Usually each person's problem may differ, so last resort is to submit ticket to DE and hope they solved the problem!

Special thanks to [DE] Tyrone for helping me!

Good luck!
Final Conclusions
I strongly believe that my problem is because of my ISP (Internet Service Provider, the one who you subscribe to pay for internet connection) .

True, the method I mentioned worked for me : I did not suffer disconnect / host migration, but the POP UP strict NAT still persists after I logged in to Warframe. Why? I'm guessing because my ISP's setting or something, because most same ISP users like me suffered the same.

My previous other ISP did not have any strict NAT problems at all. So all in all, the final, strongest suggestion I can give is to try another ISP, if possible, and see if the problem persists. Ask your other friends who has the same ISP (I did, and they all had the same ISP with same problem!) and see if the do have same problem.
GrandRiser  [author] 9 May, 2019 @ 2:04am 
@Achelois Thank you ! Glad you solved your problems and I hope you enjoy Warframe!
Glasya 9 May, 2019 @ 2:01am 
Awesome and user friendly guide!
Easy to configure <3
GrandRiser  [author] 4 Mar, 2019 @ 6:38pm 
@Philster You're welcome. I dont want people to suffer nat and want people to enjoy the game. Always test on a mission first. I've tried it all but sometimes the nat popped sometimes the nat did not pop, so I strongly believe it was my ISP. My other ISP did not have any nat issue.
ThePHiLsTeR [¬º-°]¬ 1 Mar, 2019 @ 5:07am 
Hey bud, thanks for writing the guide.

For testing, if I still get the popup for strict NAT, do I still need to test it in mission? Because I followed method 1 and still get the popup.
-Daz_Bone- 26 Feb, 2019 @ 7:46pm 
GrandRiser  [author] 21 Feb, 2019 @ 2:56am 
dont forget to rate and subscribe!
Rhulk, Div's Bitch 21 Feb, 2019 @ 1:03am 
Awesome! :D
GrandRiser  [author] 17 Feb, 2019 @ 8:33pm 
Welcome. Dont forget to rate it!
Oshino Ougi 17 Feb, 2019 @ 8:11pm 
Thank you, this helped me very much :hp_beli: