100% Orange Juice

100% Orange Juice

42 ratings
Character Data for Summer event — Beach Party — [Co-op Character Analysis]
By Chino
[Ayyy, we got a perma Co-op mode now! Hype squad!]
This is mostly a reference guide than a traditional guide. Mostly consists of information of what I and some good players found out so far for each and every playable character available for the new from the 2018's Summer event. This may become obscure after the event is done, so I'll only mention this like once in the Discussion forums. Please do comment and inform me and others if you found anything ground-breaking or like to consider a re-evaluation on a certain character and his/her role.

This will be updated shortly to keep up with some of the new mechanics this Co-op brings us. So stay tuned.
Changelogs (from 2018 Summer Event)
v1.0 July 27, 2018 : This guide was created (yay)

v1.1 August 20(?), 2018 : The most updated this thing has been til my long hiatus. (sorry)
  • changed some ratings and infos on certain characters
  • added an Avenger role section (though untouched)

v2.0 January 21, 2019 : Finally updated to address some changes to the guides.
  • first time I put in this logs
  • reworking the entirety of the character list
  • added characters that haven't even debutted to the Co-op event
  • added Avenger role ratings and (rather small) infos
  • changed some characters that received any buffs or nerfs over the year

v2.0b January 22, 2019 : Rating changes and minor edits.
  • changed Kiriko's Defender rating to 1* as I contemplated whether 5 Rec is justifiable to her lack of recovery methods without a Healer.
  • bolded ^'s symbols to make them more noticable.
  • added edited unit cards for Co-op details.
  • added card gradings for each (confirmed) characters.
  • changed ShifuBot's ratings for Attacker, Defender, and Healer as I reflected on my past games with him and realized I was underwhelming him yet again.
  • changed Fernet and Kyoko's Healer rating to 5*.
  • changed both Poppos and Flying Castle's Defender rating to 5*.
  • changed Kae, Miusaki, and Saki's ratings based on their recent buffs/nerfs.

v2.0c March 16, 2019 : Small rate changes, minor edits, and finally an update to the Recommended section.
  • Alte's Avenger desc altered.
  • Kae's Attacker rating changed to 5* (up from 4) and desc altered.
  • Kae's Healer rating changed to 3* (up from 2) and desc altered.
  • Miusaki's Avenger rating changed to 4* (up from 3*).
  • Peat's Healer rating changed to 4* (up from 3*)
  • ShifuBot's Defender desc altered.
  • Updated the Recommended Attackers, Defenders, and Healers section as well as filled in the Avengers section.

v2.1 May 16, 2019 : Latest update gave us a permanent Co-op mode and have editted the following.
  • Striked unnecessary lines; prone to removal in the near future.
  • Clarified that this contained information from the past event from 2018's Summer event in some sentences.
  • New mechanics will require reworking of almost every character for this to be viable.
  • Created a backup doc for old Character Analysis based on the 2018 Summer Event. You know just in case.
Changelog (current version)
v2.1 May 16, 2019 : Latest update gave us a permanent Co-op mode. This guide will be reworked to fit with the current meta.
  • Striked out sections that is now irrelevant to the current Co-op meta.
  • Start of re-review of all characters.
Before I go down on this, I would like to put this here for those reading from the forums.

This is a database for every playable character in Co-op Mode which were collected from experience gameplay and shown information from back in 2018's Summer event that analyzes how well a character can perform in all 4 roles.

[Note: I have FINALLY come around to doing Avenger role... while the event was already over. Sorry for my incompetence.]

[Note: This is mostly irrelevant until i manage to re-review each and every one of these characters]

If you want to see the most recommended characters for each role, I set up a ToC for it.

Each characters' roles will be graded with Stars (*) to show how much potential they have in their respective roles (Max 5). Star ratings considers individual AND team play as well as how good the character fits in any or a specific type of playstyle.
I will include a character's potential in here as well as other neat and useful info that can be helpful for deciding which characters should be used in which role.
Note: this is all according to data I personally know of so feel free to enlighten me on certain points so I can correct it.
Note2: there are 2 ways to win, either kill Big Jonathan or survive/stall for 50 chapters without having every player dead, but some of the tips will mostly focus on the former way to win but will mention if it's viable to use for the latter way to win.
Note3: Will mention card grades for each character in an upcoming guide update. For now, refer to this guide for card list and grades for each characters. [Thanks to Mr. an Football for this guide]

Feel free to comment on whatever needs to be updated or re-evaluated.

Note4: We now have a new boss, Haruo the Big, so I may need to run new tests depending on stats and type of Events he may possess.

Character List with roles (A)
All characters will be listed regardless of viability, so let's start this off from the top (alphabetically).
Each character will be displayed as this (without brackets):

<name> :
{role} : {card grade} - {* rating} - <info/flavor>

{Note: any name with a ^ symbol means they have yet to be introduced to the Summer Party event from 2018 thus not having a card set for each roles}

~~~~~~ All units:

  • Attacker : C - ** - chance to Evade 6's with decent HP to keep Air Raids in check.
  • Defender : D - ** - decent HP with +1 Def and +1 Eva after 4 normas; has access to "Shield Counter".
  • Healer : B - *** - okay-ish defensive stats and a nice 4 Rec; consider having a good Defender to offset some random encounters.
  • Avenger : C - ** - 7 HP is nice and -1 Def kind of makes it easier to roll lower Defend rolls; having a strong Defender can allow Alte to mitigate major damage mid-game.

  • Attacker : n/a - ** - 7 HP with +2 Atk is nice to allow great survivability; consider having a strong Defender like ShifuBot or Flying Castle.
  • Defender : n/a - ***** - Poppo but with better Atk stat, so he can roll better Atk rolls.
  • Healer : n/a - * - even with 7 HP he ends up with 7 Rec with negative defensive stats doesn't really make Arthur that great as a Healer.
  • Avenger : n/a - **** - 9 HP after 4 normas is really good and Arthur can land up to +8 Atk and the high HP can make him a rather safe choice for using his Hyper.

    Aru & Scramble Aru(same stats and passives):
  • Attacker : D - * - high Eva with +1 Atk after 4 normas is only a slightly better Suguri; has that great low Rec of 3 to revive fast for potential to deal continuous attacks along with access to "Accel Hyper".
  • Defender : D - *** - +1 Def after 4 normas makes her defensive stats of 5/1/2 which is actually not bad and allows better stalling potential especially with access to an extra card.
  • Healer : A - ***** - her great low Rec with 5 HP allows Aru to do her healer job quick and easy; her passive also allows her to carry multiple healing Hypers too.
  • Avenger : D - ** - 7 HP with high Eva can lead to some pretty funny outcomes, but it's nice to offset the -1 Atk and possibly gain more with each HP dropped.
Character List with roles (C)
  • Attacker : C - ** - can damage Big Jonathan with an Evasion but otherwise, same stats as Saki save for Rec.
  • Defender : C - ** - +2 Def and +1 Eva is a better Nanako along with 4 Rec allows consistant survivability as a support.
  • Healer : B - *** - 4 Rec is good enough to make do as a healer; also has no negative stats so it's a nice niche compared to the more popular healers.
  • Avenger : D - * - decent stats of 6/0/0/1 with a niche passive.

    Chicken (or Haruo):
  • Attacker : E - * - only consider if you want to have access to "Accel Hyper"; also has 3 Rec to revive faster.
  • Defender : E - * - low HP with only +1 Def and +1 Eva after 4 normas is really low, but he does has 3 Rec.
  • Healer : C - *** - the nice low Rec allows quick healing potential and has access to "Passionate Research".
  • Avenger : E - * - 5 HP as an Avenger; perfectly balanced.
Character List with roles (F&H)
  • Attacker : D - ** - after 4 normas gives Fernet a 6/1/2/-2 stats for a decent offensive potential and has access to "Accel Hyper", consider having a good Healer with access to "Super All-Out Mode" like Nanako or Mimyuu.
  • Defender : A - ***** - +4 Def after 4 normas is pretty good along with 6 HP makes Fernet a great support to withstand Air Raids and random encounters.
  • Healer : E - ***** - although she has a high 6 Rec, her defensive stats allow her to stay alive long enough to heal or revive everyone consistantly which is an advantage over the prefered healers; has access to "Forced Revival" and an extra "Pudding".
  • Avenger : B - **** - 8 HP with +2 Def is actually really great since she has a safer time with her Hyper along with the ability to retaliate with up to +6 Atk can allow Fernet to be a nice tank and the ability to really put the hurt on Big Jonathan.

    Flying Castle:
  • Attacker : B - ** - +3 Atk after 4 normas is not bad along with 8 HP for decent survival.
  • Defender : C - ***** - +1 Def after 4 normas with 8 HP is actually good along with being able to hurt Big Jonathan; is perfectly okay to use for stalling if paired with a good Healer like Mimyuu or Kyoko.
  • Healer : E - 0 - terrible defending stats holds back the massive HP FC has along with a whopping 9 Rec really hurts it's potential to be a good healer.
  • Avenger : A - ***** - 10 HP can really put the hurt to Big Jonathan if Flying Castle is damaged and can reach +9 Atk after 8 damage is received (thanks to the base +1 Atk); having a Healer is highly recommended so the Castle doesn't stay on the floor too long.

  • Attacker : B - *** - +3 Atk with 5 HP after 4 normas is nice for a decent Attacker; consider having a good Defender like Fernet or 2guri to either compliment a decent wall-breaking potential or double Evasion combo.
  • Defender : C - ** - 5/1/1/1 after 4 normas is nice (Sherry-tier stats) and can retaliate with the ability to dodge 6's and below.
  • Healer : B - ** - okay-ish stats to work with, but has the average 5 Rec which can prevent her from healing certain players in time if KO'ed.
  • Avenger : C - *** - 7 HP is nice along with +1 Atk base makes Hime one of the few characters that can reach +7 Atk without using cards; having strong Defenders can allow Hime to stay alive longer til mid-/late-game which she may need them to drop her HP enough to receive enough Atk buff.
Character List with roles (K)
  • Attacker : B - ***** - her recent buff lets Kae reach to +4 Atk after 4 norma and can make good use of "I'm on Fire" and end up with +6 Atk after 4 normas while also having 3 Rec; consider using another Attacker and a good Healer with access to "Super All-Out Mode" like Miusaki or Tsih to take down Big Jonathan within 19 chapters.
  • Defender : D - * - +1 Def after 4 norma with +1 Eva is barely workable and she drops to -1 Atk after 4 normas.
  • Healer : B - *** - terrible defensive stats but has 3 Rec which is quite nice.
  • Avenger : D - * - 6 HP allows Kae a wee bit of survivability against Big Jonathan, and allow Kae to reach up to +6 Atk.

  • Attacker : B - *** - no negative stats with +3 Atk after 4 normas is not bad.
  • Defender : C - ** - 5/1/2/0 is nice for a decent mid- to late-game support that can retaliate.
  • Healer : D - * - 6 Rec hurts Kai's potential to be a Healer, but has decent stats anyways.
  • Avenger : C - *** - 7 HP with +1 Atk base makes Kai one of few characters who can reach +7 Atk after all but 1 HP is depleted after 4 normas.

  • Attacker : C - * - no healing from Healers really hurts Kiriko to shine as a good team player, but otherwise has massive HP to somewhat survive an attack or two from Big Jonathan mid-game.
  • Defender : D - * - no healing from Healers or Home Panels means Kiriko has to die to refresh her HP which means she needs to rely on a Healer or get lucky with the revive roll to keep Protecting.
  • Healer : D - ** - cannot heal herself, but is sturdy enough to survive random Air Raids and such if you manage to avoid as many Enemy Panels as you can.
  • Avenger : A - *** - can reach 10 HP after 4 normas (not sure if minimum becomes 4 HP after more than 6 battle cards are used, needs testing) which allows Kiriko reach +9 Atk (not sure if using a battle card will count as depleted HP or not, needs testing), Kiriko can use her hyper to bring her HP down with lesser risk thanks to her enormous HP while also boosting her damage output; having a Healer nearby can let them revive Kiriko as soon as she's down.
  • Other notes: Her passive is still in effect, so she can only heal by revivals only.

  • Attacker : C - ** - 6 HP is nice, but is inferior to Sweet Breaker stats wise.
  • Defender : B - *** - 6 HP with +2 Def after 4 normas is nice; can be a psuedo-Fernet with higher Atk to allow some retaliation.
  • Healer : D - * - even with 6 HP, 6 Rec is not a good stat for a Healer.
  • Avenger : B - *** - 8 HP is really nice which can allow Krila to tank more Air Raids/random encounters and retaliate if necessary; having Healers can make sure Krila stays alive and having a Defender can let Krila use her hyper with even less risks.

  • Attacker : D - ** - 5/1/3/x is nice for a good offensive potential with survivability along with the "Accel Hyper" card; consider getting a good Healer with "Super All-Out Mode" like Suguri or Nanako.
  • Defender : A - ***** - +5 Def may seem redundant for some, but it helps late-game especially if you aim for a 50 chapter run. Can combo well with another Kyoko Defender or a good Healer for maximum stalling potential.
  • Healer : E - ***** - even with 6 Rec, +3 Def and access to Forced Revival makes Kyoko a nice Healer to pick; consider having a good Defender to ensure highest possible survivability for Kyoko.
  • Avenger : C - **** - 7 HP with +3 Def makes Kyoko a real pushover to Big Jonathan especially since Kyoko can receive Atk buff after losing some HP and can safely use her hyper against Big Jonathan; consider having a Healer to cover for Kyoko in case of Air Raids, Sealed Guardian, or Gamble comes in effect.

  • Attacker : D - ** - a somewhat inferior Fernet or Kyoko as a defensive Attacker, but has the ability to dodge up to 5's along with the nice 4 Rec.
  • Defender : A - **** - +4 Def with 4 Rec is very nice as well as having the possibility to dodge up to 5's makes Kyousuke a nice Defender.
  • Healer : C - **** - 4 Rec with nice defensive stats makes Kyousuke really nice to have as a Healer as he can survive against random encounters easier.
  • Avenger : C - **** - 7 HP with +2 Def is good along with 4 Rec lets Kyousuke come back for revenge so he can apply pressure.
Character List with roles (M)
    (Store) Manager:
  • Attacker : A - *** - natural +2 Atk turning into +4 Atk after 4 normas is great to have as an Attacker, though his survivability will severely drop as he gains more unusable cards every other turns; consider having a strong Healer like Tsih or Nath to compliment an offensive playstyle.
  • Defender : B - * - inability to use non-Gift cards hurts Manager's ability to shine as a Defender as he has a good stat of 6/2/2/-1 after 4 normas.
  • Healer : D - 0 - inability to use cards that can heal automatically disables the whole team if he is the sole Healer.
  • Avenger : A - *** - 8 HP with base +2 Atk lets Manager reach +9 Atk if hit with 7 damage. And yes, I know it's "Store Manager" but I'd rather have less (S)'s to put in.

  • Attacker : B - **** - +3 Atk after 4 normas with +1 Def allows Marc to land good hits while staying alive early- to mid-game; consider using a secondary Attacker like Star Breaker or Tomomo to make a swift end to Big Jonathan.
  • Defender : B - *** - the +1 Atk allows Marc to retaliate Big Jonathan while keeping up with Protects for the team; consider bringing a strong Healer like Suguri or Nath.
  • Healer : D - * - 7 Rec makes Marc a very low candidate for a Healer, but has the ability to hurt Big Jonathan and survive a little longer with her stats.
  • Avenger : D - *** - 6 HP with +1 Atk and Def base is nice and the extra Def can let Marc have a better time using her hyper against Big Jonathan than most other Avengers; Healers are a must to keep Marc healthy.

  • Attacker : n/a - ** - worse Saki unless she receives a "Red & Blue" card, which she can reach up to +3 Atk with +1 on the other stats; consider having strong Defenders to prevent her from being KO'ed prematurely.
  • Defender : n/a - ** - with "Red & Blue" she'll have 4/1/3/1 stats after 4 normas.
  • Healer : n/a - *** - low defensive stats without "Red & Blue" and 5 Rec makes Mei a rather meh Healer, but you can make use of "Gift Exchange" after receiving a "Red & Blue" to give out free buffs to other teammates and receive another one if you can.
  • Avenger : n/a - ** - 6 HP after 4 normas and can reach +6 Atk with "Red & Blue" card.

  • Attacker : D - ** - Tomato gets +3 Atk while Mimyuu gets +1 Atk after 4 normas, so you'll mostly try to get Tomato out to deal the damage; good potential with the low Rec and instant revival with Mimyuu.
  • Defender : E - ** - low HP means Tomato and Mimyuu's Protect is very limited, but the low Rec somewhat compensates the huge disadvantage.
  • Healer : B - ***** - Tomato with 4 Rec and Mimyuu's instant recovery gives them almost instant revivals; Tomato can retaliate early-game and Mimyuu can Evade up to 6's.
  • Avenger : E - * - 5 HP after 4 normas is quite low, and no positive Def stat discourages use of their hyper.
  • Other notes: Tomato's passive can shut down "Evil Spy Work — Execution" draws and Mimyuu doesn't drop as many stars when KO'ed.

  • Attacker : A - *** - can survive any damage Big Jonathan throws at Miusaki thanks to her passive assuming Miusaki has 3 or 4 HP at the time, and has +3 Atk after 4 normas.
  • Defender : B - *** - same as above comment except that she gets 0 Def after 4 normas, which is nice to be able to reduce some damage to 1 without the risky Evasion roll.
  • Healer : B - ** - has nice survivability with her passive and can easily heal off damage, though her 6 Rec is somewhat high for a Healer.
  • Avenger : B - **** - after 2 normas Miusaki can tank 2 stray hits without KO'ing and with at least 5 HP can guarantee survival after using her hyper and deal major damage with +5 Atk or +3 Atk without hyper; having Healers around can keep Miusaki above 2 HP to keep putting the hurt on Big Jonathan.
  • Other notes: her passive + Protect DOES NOT prevent damage when Defending an attack. Her Protect kicks in before her passive does (ex. [(6 Atk roll - 3 Def roll) - (2) Protection = 1 damage ==passive==> 1 damage]).

    Mixed Poppo:
  • Attacker : D - * - 7 HP is nice but only ends up with +1 Atk after 4 normas which is low for an Attacker; consider having a strong Defender/Healer to allow Mixed Poppo to survive a little longer.
  • Defender : C - ***** - 7 HP with +1 Def after 4 normas makes Poppo pretty sturdy against random encounters and Air Raids; if in a map with lots of Warp Panels Mixed Poppo can take advantage of warping to either regain lost stars or get another card.
  • Healer : D - ** - 7 HP is nice but with -1 on both defensive stat holds her back from being a good Healer, especially with the average 5 Rec.
  • Avenger : A - **** - 9 HP after 4 normas is very nice and can reach +7 Atk.
Character List with roles (N)
  • Attacker : C - *** - 3/2/2/1 with 3 Rec is not too bad for an Attacker, being able to block or dodge all damage early-game and less of a victim to Gamble; consider having a good or strong Defender like Kyousuke or Marc to be able to reduce majority or all damage throughout the match.
  • Defender : A - *** - 3 HP doesn't allow you to give out too many Protects unless you have a good Healer or is constantly at a Home Panel and this becomes even harder to maintain late-game, but is otherwise a really great Defender with that nice low Rec of 3.
  • Healer : B - **** - her defensive stats allows her to stay alive easier and the wonderful 3 Rec lets her come back almost instantly to continue doing her job, still watch out for Air Raids; consider having a good Defender to keep her from being killed from random encounters.
  • Avenger : E - *** - 5 HP with nice defensive stats with 3 Rec is actually not THAT bad makes Nanako a decent Avenger with potential to single-handling take on Big Jonathan.

  • Attacker : C - ** - her base stats gives her +1 Atk after 4 normas, but if you manage to stack some Active Extensions then Nath will become a mighty Marc with 5/4/2/-2 spread; consider having a secondary Attacker and a strong Defender to gain access to more "I'm on Fire"s and "R-bit"s.
  • Defender : C - **** - her base gives her +1 Def after 4 normas, but with 3 Extensions can bump it up to +4 Def with +2 Atk to retaliate against Big Jonathan and 3 Rec allows Nath to recover almost instantly with some Extensions to spare.
  • Healer : C - **** - can revive very fast with 3 Rec and can attack Big Jonathan if you manage to stack some Active Extensions early on; has access to "Passionate Research" for easier card prediction or Hyper farming; can nicely combo with any +2 Attackers for some nice damage mid-game.
  • Avenger : C - *** - 7 HP with max Extensions is crazy good and with full Extensions you can use her Hyper with less worries if you manage to get at least 2 Extensions.

  • Attacker : n/a - ** - 5/1/0/0 is a waifu'd Kai, but her passive can allow her to double role.
  • Defender : n/a - ***** - decent defensive stats and a really neat passive that can heal other players and gain stars can let Natsumi another way to heal herself and teammates.
  • Healer : n/a - ***** - her passive makes her an even better Healer as she can heal without spending stars (but you need to land on the same panel as your teammate) and 4 Rec is really nice as well.
  • Avenger : n/a - *** - 7 HP with the ability to heal allows Natsumi to take more punishments and recover when necessary.

  • Attacker : n/a - ** - Saki but with a neat little passive.
  • Defender : n/a - *** - okay-ish defensive stats with a nice little passive to shut down "Evil Spy Work — Execution" draws and keep star income.
  • Healer : n/a - **** - nice passives and 4 Rec is good and Nico can get extra income from Windy Enchantment/Price of Power though will not receive the card's effect.
  • Avenger : n/a - ** - decent stats with a neat passive.

  • Attacker : B - *** - gets +3 Atk after 4 normas; consider having a secondary Attacker and strong Defender to finish Big Jonathan faster.
  • Defender : C - *** - gets +1 Def after 4 normas and can keep stars from dropping after a KO; consider having a good Healer to revive a dead NoName (Pot).
  • Healer : C - ** - if the Pot form dies you have to deal with the 7 Rec; has access to "Passionate Research".
  • Avenger : B - *** - 7 HP after 4 normas and if hit with 6 damage can reach +7 Atk.
  • Other notes: does not lose stars upon death and can revert back to normal form after reaching a Home Panel. After 30 chapters, you lose access to Home Panels however which makes coming back from Pot to Human(?) form impossible without dying. So if you consider using NoName, go for a blitz tactic.
Character List with roles (P)
  • Attacker : B - *** - except for his HP, has nice base stats with +3 Atk after 4 normas along with the nice 4 Rec.
  • Defender : B - *** - the low HP only allows up to 2 Protects without healing, but has stats of 3/1/3/1 which can allow Peat to retaliate against Big Jonathan and has the good 4 Rec.
  • Healer : B - **** - 4 Rec is nice for a Healer and +1 on all three stats makes Peat a pushover for Big Jonathan; consider having a strong Defender like Tequila or Marc to help mitigate Peat's low HP.
  • Avenger : E - *** - 5 HP with +1 on all stats and 4 Rec after 4 normas is a glorified Sherry.

  • Attacker : D - * - same as Mixed Poppo but with no passives.
  • Defender : C - ***** - same as Mixed Poppo but with no passives.
  • Healer : D - ** - same as Mixed Poppo but with no passives.
  • Avenger : A - **** - same as Mixed Poppo but with no passives; only advantage normal Poppo has against Mixed Poppo is that she is less likely to draw "Evil Spy Work ― Execution" on even normas if it's even in the deck. And I already know her name in-game says 'Marie Poppo', but it's easier to sort it here.
Character List with roles (Q&R)
  • Attacker : C - ** - basically, an inferior Kai but trades a Nice Present for another Big Magnum and lower Rec.
  • Defender : C - ** - no negative stats and average Rec gives QP an advantage to revive faster than the common Defenders.
  • Healer : C - ** - no drawback stats but also no advantageous stats makes QP a jack-of-all-trades kinda Healer, especially with her rather average Rec of 5; has access to "Passionate Research" and "Super All-Out Mode".
  • Avenger : C - ** - 7 HP with no negative stats is nice for extra survivability.

    QP (Dangerous):
  • Attacker : C - ** - basically, an inferior regular QP.
  • Defender : C - ** - has low base stats but with access to "Pudding"s can gain some extra Eva along with the ability to heal; consider having a good Healer with 2 "Pudding"s like Kyoko or Nath.
  • Healer : D - * - has access to 2 "Pudding"s to gain some Eva.
  • Avenger : C - ** - similar to QP with less Eva and Rec.

  • Attacker : E - * - only consider Roboball as an Attacker for the "Accel Hyper" card.
  • Defender : C - ** - has nice Def and low Rec to compensate for the incredibly low HP.
  • Healer : E - ** - 4 Rec with +1 Def is nice for a Healer and has access to "Passionate Research" for quicker Hyper farming.
  • Avenger : E - ** - 5 HP with +1 Def is okay.
Character List with roles (S)
  • Attacker : D - ** - no real drawbacks other than the below average HP, but has 3 Rec to compensate; has access to "Accel Hyper".
  • Defender : D - *** - becomes a decent wall with defensive stats of 4/2/1 with 3 Rec after 4 normas; has access to "Shield Counter".
  • Healer : C - **** - 3 Rec with no negative stats is nice along with access to "Passionate Research"; consider having a good Defender to keep Saki safe from random encounters.
  • Avenger : D - ** - 6 HP after 4 normas with +1 Eva is okay.

    Seagull (Jonathan):
  • Attacker : C - ** - +3 Atk after 4 normas; consider using a good Healer to remedy the high Rec and bad defensive stats.
  • Defender : E - 0 - low HP, +1 Def and -1 Eva after 4 normas, and high Rec of 6 is pretty much a joke as a Defender; consider other options.
  • Healer : E - 0 - same as above comment; only consider if you doing an all Seagull run.
  • Avenger : E - * - you can get up to +5 Atk, but it's a lot less reliable than being an Attacker.

  • Attacker : C - *** - 4/2/1/1 with 4 Rec is a good stat spread for an Attacker; consider having a Healer with "Super All-Out Mode" like ShifuBot or Aru to allow a modest blitz strategy with good longetivity.
  • Defender : B - **** - with defensive stats of 4/3/1 makes Sham a pretty good wall for someone with 4 HP; consider having a good Healer to keep your HP high.
  • Healer : B - **** - nice defensive stats along with 4 Rec makes Sham a very nice Healer which she also has access to "Super All-Out Mode" to help increase your damage output.
  • Avenger : C - *** - 6/0/1/1 after 4 normas is pretty nice defensively and Sham can retaliate easier with the Atk buff.

  • Attacker : B - ** - although she has nice stats to boot, she still goes last against Big Jonathan which can potentially one-shot Sherry if she doesn't have a designated Defender in her team; consider having a strong Defender like 2guri or Nath.
  • Defender : B - ***** - her stats become 5/1/3/1 after 4 normas which allows Sherry to counter Big Jonathan easily; consider having a strong Healer with access to "Super All-Out Mode" like Nath or Suguri to deal damage along with a +2 Attacker to deal immense damage while keeping the defense high.
  • Healer : B - *** - even with blessed stats her 5 Rec is still rather average.
  • Avenger : B - ***** - really nice stats of 7/1/1/1, Sherry can also use her Hyper a little safer than a majority of Avengers and can potentially reach +7 Atk; Healers like Nanako or Natsumi are a must for survivability.

  • Attacker : B - ***** - has a rather slow start but with +3 Atk after 4 normas and 3 Rec allows ShifuBot to deal continuous damage without too much worries; consider having a strong Defender like Marc or 2guri to cover for ShifuBot's moderate defenses to let him heal off weaker hits.
  • Defender : C - **** - even though he can't Protect within the first few turns, mid- to late-game he'll be a great Defender with consistant HP and be able to deal some damage to Big Jonathan.
  • Healer : C - ***** - you can die in the first few turns to roll to revive early-game which at this point you won't lose too much stars, and after reviving you can shrug off damage from Big Jonathan with a decent 5/1/0/-1 spread; one of the best candidates to have access to "Passionate Research".
  • Avenger : B - **** - can reach 7 HP and heal off damage which is nice, and can reach up to +7 Atk.
  • Other notes: The revive rolls allow him to recover all HP unless you failed both rolls which ShifuBot will revive with 1 HP instead, be weary of "Delta Field" in the later matches.

  • Attacker : B - *** - no negative stats and gets +3 Atk after 4 normas.
  • Defender : C - *** - ends with 4/1/2/1 after 4 normas which is nice.
  • Healer : B - ** - even with no negative defensive stats 5 Rec is unimpressive for a Healer.
  • Avenger : D - ** - basically Saki but with higher base Atk and Rec.
Character List with roles (S) p.2
    Sora (Military):
  • Attacker : A - ***** - same as Sora, but with a nice passive that allows her to instantly revive giving her lots of chances to hurt Big Jonathan.
  • Defender : B - *** - same as Sora, but with a nice passive to allow Sora (Military) to continue to Protect her teammates after death; consider having a Healer to allow her to keep her HP constant from Air Raid deaths.
  • Healer : A - *** - even though she can revive instantly from battles, she'll have a hard time dealing with Air Raids or Gambles which will put her in a roll-to-revive state with her average 5 Rec.
  • Avenger : D - ** - The passive of reviving with 2 HP even with additional normas after being KO'ed isn't really desireable for an Avenger.

    Star Breaker (or commonly known as StarBo):
  • Attacker : A - ***** - +4 Atk after 4 normas is insanely good for blitz tactics and an answer to Battlefield events; consider having a secondary Attacker like Tomomo or Marc to finish Big Jonathan quickly.
  • Defender : C - *** - she can surprisingly work well as a tank with 5/2/2/-1 and hurt Big Jonathan while keeping the team safe; consider using a strong Healer like Nath or Tsih so StarBo can keep up Protects; also an option for a no-Attacker team to keep Big Jonathan's HP down while keeping good offensive pressure.
  • Healer : D - 0 - 8 Rec is terribad for a Healer as well as a 5/0/-1 defensive stat to work with doesn't allow StarBo to keep the team alive long enough to consider.
  • Avenger : B - **** - 7/2/0/-1 is a nice spread and can take a good amounts of hits while also dishing out good damage; she can reach +8 Atk if she takes almost the whole blunt of the attack.
  • Other notes: she can do Star normas in this mode.

  • Attacker : B - *** - +3 Atk after 4 normas and 4 Rec is nice to keep a consistant amount of damage output to Big Jonathan.
  • Defender : D - ** - 4/1/1/2 spread is okay for a Defender; has access to "Shield Counter".
  • Healer : A - **** - 4 Rec with nice Atk and Eva stats can let Suguri keep the team alive to take down Big Jonathan.
  • Avenger : D - * - even with 6 HP, Suguri will struggle to survive a hit from Big Jonathan, but the 4 Rec and base +1 Atk is still nice.

    SuguriV2 (some refer to her as 2guri):
  • Attacker : B - *** - same stats as Suguri but with the regeneration passive.
  • Defender : A - ***** - although her stats after 4 normas isn't too bad, it's her passive that makes her one of the greatest Defenders allowing infinite Protects every turn assuming no Air Raids come into effect.
  • Healer : A - *** - even with 4 Rec and regen passive, having only access to 2 cards at a time hurts her potential to be what-could-have-been a great Healer.
  • Avenger : B - ** - just like Suguri, but with a trade-off of passives.

    Sweet Breaker (aka SweeBo):
  • Attacker : C - *** - no negative stats with 6 HP is nice; consider having a good Healer like Nath or Aru.
  • Defender : B - *** - 6 HP with +2 Def is nice and with a good Healer can keep the team living long to take out Big Jonathan or stall.
  • Healer : C - * - even with 6 HP, 6 Rec is not at all appealing for a Healer; has access to "Passionate Research".
  • Avenger : B - *** - 8 HP with no negative stats is nice which can let Sweet Breaker survive more hits and allow Sweet Breaker to retaliate with the ability to reach +7 Atk buff.

  • Attacker : C - ** - even though her stats are subpar, her passive allows her to become a psuedo-Sherry with the extra Atk and Eva which is good for late-game where Big Jonathan starts spamming Star Blasting Fuse or activate Sealed Guardian.
  • Defender : B - ** - same as above comment but can lower her own HP at will while providing Protect to teammates; consider having a good Healer to keep Syura safe from Air Raids.
  • Healer : C - *** - a good passive with 4 Rec lets Syura keep healing her team while being able to counter Big Jonathan if Syura is low on HP.
  • Avenger : D - ** - decent defensive stats and even after hitting 1 HP after battle she will receive a boost in stats til she gets healed up.
Character List with roles (T)
  • Attacker : B - ** - 5/2/1/-3 is okay, but he is unable to take advantage of his passive; highly recommended to bring a Healer.
  • Defender : B - *** - has a nice passive that allows Tequila to retaliate Big Jonathan; highly recommend a good Healer like Nath or Mimyuu.
  • Healer : E - 0 - 9 Rec is automatically a no-go for a Healer; reconsider another character as a healer.
  • Avenger : B - *** - 7 HP is nice, but Tequila's passive and the Avenger role doesn't stack so you can't get busted Atk buffs unfortunately.
  • Other notes: Seagulls will still appear as enemies in Enemy Panels.

  • Attacker : A - ***** - gets +4 Atk after 4 normas which is very nice; consider getting a secondary Attacker like Star Breaker or Kae to go for a blitz tactic.
  • Defender : C - *** - 4/2/2/0 after 4 normas is not too bad as you can still deal good damage to Big Jonathan; consider having a good Healer to cover for her high Rec.
  • Healer : D - 0 - 7 Rec is not good for a Healer and below average defensive stats makes it even less viable.
  • Avenger : D - *** - becomes a slightly weaker pre-nerfed Tomomo after 4 normas with buffed Atk boosts potentially wrecking Big Jonathan.
  • Other notes: she'll have her stats to "campaign" stats in single-player mode, which has different card grades. I won't rate the single-player version since who plays alone outside of campaign? (lol)

    Tomomo (Casual):
  • Attacker : D - * - her -1 Atk is increased to +1 Atk after 4 normas making her 4/1/0/1; has access to "Accel Hyper".
  • Defender : D - ** - after 4 normas her defensive stats become 4/2/1 which is decent along with the nice 3 Rec.
  • Healer : B - *** - 3 Rec is very nice to have for a Healer; consider having a strong Defender.
  • Avenger : D - * - okay-ish defensive stats but lacking in much needed firepower.
  • Other notes: you cannot play as Tomomo (Sweet Eater) since you can't get her "natural" Hyper; she would've been OP as an Attacker.

  • Attacker : C - *** - with 3 Rec and a good Defender, Tsih can deal good consistant damage and even better if she manages to get a Gift card making her Atk to +4; consider having another Attacker or Healer with access to "Nice Present" or "Passionate Research" respectively.
  • Defender : D - ** - while holding a Gift card, Tsih's stats will be 4/2/1/2 after 4 normas which is nice but you have to save space for a Gift card for that +2 Atk; also has access to "Shield Counter".
  • Healer : A - ***** - good passive and can revive very quickly with the 3 Rec lets Tsih be very good at keeping everyone alive while keeping offensive pressure to Big Jonathan can make Tsih an MVP to the team.
  • Avenger : C - ** - somewhat similar to Suguri; the low Rec and passive can still let Tsih deal good constant damage.
Character List with roles (Y)
  • Attacker : A - ***** - almost identical to Star Breaker but with -1 Def; consider having another Attacker like Star Breaker or Tomomo to break Big Jonathan in half.
  • Defender : D - ** - below average defensive stats but she does have access to "Shield Counter" and can deal good damage to Big Jonathan without buffs.
  • Healer : D - 0 - 8 Rec with negative defensive stats make Yuki nowhere close to a good Healer; stick with Attacking if you want to use Yuki.
  • Avenger : B - *** - Star Breaker but with -1 Def.

    Yuki (Dangerous):
  • Attacker : B - * - +3 Atk after 4 normas with a useless and rather crippling passive.
  • Defender : C - * - defensive stats of 5/2/-1 along with 1 less viable way to heal as "Pudding" becomes a Trap card that actually hinders the team instead of helping the team.
  • Healer : D - * - 7 Rec with low defensive stats doesn't equal a viable Healer.
  • Avenger : C - ** - decent defensive stats of 7/0/-1 and can retaliate well against Big Jonathan.
  • Other notes: all "Pudding"s she pulls will become "Tragedy in the Dead of the Night"s.
Recommended Attackers
~~~~~~ Recommended picks for each roles and details(organized by highest star ratings then name order):
^Will also name at most 7 recommended partners, 1 for similar role and 3 for other roles, (in no particular order) for information sake.
Note: most can synergize well with the exact same character [and type] but will not be listed.
You can consider this as the "Smogon" of 100% OJ.


Attackers are the ones who can deal with Big Jonathan with brute force. (Almost) All Attackers have the benefit to attack first in battle. Attackers can gain +1 Atk at norma 2, another +1 Atk at norma 4, and access to hyper at norma 5 without "Price of Power".

What makes a good Attacker is the ability to deal good and consistant amounts of damage to Big Jonathan. Some have factors that give them a higher niche than others like higher HP or ability to revive instantly allows them to deal damage more often.

=~= Attackers:
  • =Kae - ***** - +2 Atk with 3 Rec lets her deal big damage while also recovering fast; she can also use "I'm on Fire" as an alternative and cheaper Big Magnum.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Fernet[Defender], 2guri[Defender], Kyoko[Healer], Sham[Healer], Mixed Poppo[Avenger], Kyoko[Avenger]

  • =ShifuBot - ***** - has a nice passive along with 3 Rec to put the hurt on Big Jonathan with little fear to die in the early part of the game. Available for non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Flying Castle[Defender], Suguri[Healer], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Star Breaker[Avenger]

  • =Sora (Military) - ***** - has instant revival upon defeat so she can start wrecking havoc easily without a Healer.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Marc[Defender], 2guri[Defender], Nath[Healer], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Fernet[Avenger], Flying Castle[Avenger]

  • =Star Breaker - ***** - has high Atk along with 5 HP to keep her somewhat sturdy against random encounters and Air Raids.
    Recommended partners: Tomomo[Attacker], Sherry[Defender], Nath[Defender], Nath[Healer], Aru[Healer], Miusaki[Avenger], Sweet Breaker[Avenger]

  • =Tomomo - ***** - has high Atk and 1 less Rec than StarBo and Yuki and ability to dodge 5's. Available for non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Fernet[Defender], Mixed Poppo[Defender], Nanako[Healer], Nath[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Kyousuke[Avenger]

  • =Yuki - ***** - nearly identical to Star Breaker with the exception to her lower Def. Available for non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Tomomo[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Kyoko[Defender], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Aru[Healer], Sherry[Avenger], Mixed Poppo[Avenger]

  • =Marc - **** - can deal good damage and survive bigger rolls with the +1 Def. Available for non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Tequila[Defender], 2guri[Defender], Suguri[Healer], Nanako[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Star Breaker[Avenger]
Recommended Defenders
The Guardians/Defenders are key for longitivity and protection. They can offer a bubble shield that can effectively block 2 damage at the cost of 1 HP from the Defender. Defenders can gain +1 Def at norma 2, another +1 Def at norma 4, and access to hyper at norma 5 without "Price of Power".

What makes a good Defender is the ability to last long and keep the team Protected. Some niche factors includes, but not limited to, high HP stat, ability to regenerate HP, revive faster, etc..

=~= Defenders:
  • =Arthur - ***** - 7 HP and with +1 Def after 4 normas is really good; the high HP allows Arthur to Protect often.
    Recommended partners: Tomomo[Attacker], Star Breaker[Attacker], Sherry[Defender], Aru[Healer], Saki[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Star Breaker[Avenger]

  • =Fernet - ***** - 6 HP with +4 Def allows Fernet to Protect often and take Delta Fields and Air Raids easier. Available for non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Marc[Attacker], Star Breaker[Attacker], Sherry[Defender], Tsih[Healer], Kyoko[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Arthur[Avenger]

  • =Flying Castle - ***** - passive is disregarded for this mode so FC isn't helpless against Big Jonathan; also has a massive 8 HP with +1 Def after 4 normas to allow great survival and brush off Air Raids. Available for non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Tsih[Healer], Nanako[Healer], Kyoko[Avenger], Fernet[Avenger]

  • =Kyoko - ***** - highest Def with a whopping +5 Def with 5 HP makes Kyoko very hard for Big Jonathan to take down even if Delta Field is activated.
    Recommended partners: Marc[Attacker], Tomomo[Attacker], Sherry[Defender], Nanako[Healer], Nico[Healer], ShifuBot[Avenger], Arthur[Avenger]

  • =Mixed Poppo - **** - 7 HP and +1 Def after 4 normas is nice along with a good (and fun) passive to earn some spare Stars and cards in warp heavy maps or if Random Warp is activated.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Marc[Attacker], Kyoko[Defender], Tsih[Healer], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Sherry[Avenger], Star Breaker[Avenger]

  • =Natsumi - ***** - even with average defensive stats of 5/2/0 Natsumi really sets herself apart with her passive allowing her to heal herself and her teammates and Protecting at once.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Sora(Military)[Attacker], Arthur[Defender], Nico[Healer], Aru[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Mixed Poppo[Avenger]

  • =Poppo - ***** - 7 HP and +1 Def after 4 normas is nice although somewhat inferior to Mixed Poppo. Available for non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Marc[Attacker], Kyoko[Defender], Nico[Healer], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Sherry[Avenger], Star Breaker[Avenger]

  • =Sherry - ***** - great base and buffed stats allows many set-up opportunities at any point of the game.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Tsih[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Mixed Poppo[Avenger]

  • =2guri - ***** - passive allows her to recover from the 1 HP cost to cast Protect and ends with 4/1/1/2 stats after 4 normas for a nice balanced defensive spread along with 4 Rec.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Nath[Defender], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Sham[Healer], Mixed Poppo[Avenger], Kyousuke[Avenger]

  • =Kyousuke - **** - nice defensive stats and ability to revive fast thanks to his low 4 Rec is a nice bonus.
    Recommended partners: Tomomo[Attacker], Marc[Attacker], Nath[Defender], Nanako[Healer], Nath[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Sherry[Avenger]

  • =Nath - **** - allows her to deal damage and take good hits after +2 Def buff with Active Extensions, even without buffs can dodge low rolls early on and has that great 3 Rec to revive very quickly for a Defender.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Marc[Attacker], Kyousuke[Defender], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Nanako[Healer], Sherry[Avenger], Fernet[Avenger]

  • =Sham - **** - good defensive stats and 4 Rec gives Sham ways to survive and come back to the game fast.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Marc[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Kyousuke[Healer], Aru[Healer], Sherry[Avenger], Star Breaker[Avenger]

  • =ShifuBot - **** - 5/2/-1 is okay, but his passive and his 3 Rec makes up for the average defensive stats and the +1 Atk can let it guarantee a hit.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Sora (Military)[Attacker], Kyoko[Defender], Suguri[Healer], Fernet[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Fernet[Avenger]
Recommended Healers
Supporters/Healers are important to keep everyone up from falling or to bring them back up to fight. Healers can heal 1 HP if they touch another player and if the player is knocked out the Healer has the option to revive said player at the cost of some stars. Healers can gain +1 movement at norma 2, another +1 movement at norma 4, and access to hyper at norma 5 without "Price of Power".

What makes a good Healer is the ability to keep his or herself from staying on the ground too long. Some niche that may be helpful to the team would include the ability to revive very quickly or instantly, being able to carry an extra card, has a way to defend against Big Jonathan, among others...

=~= Healers:
  • =Aru (and Scramble Aru) - ***** - 5 HP with 3 Rec is very nice allowing quick revivals and takes Air Raids a little bit better than other top Healers; can also carry 4 cards. Aru is available for non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Mixed Poppo[Defender], Fernet[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Sherry[Avenger]

  • =Fernet - ***** - don't let the high 6 Rec stop you from picking Fernet as a Healer, with access to "Forced Revival" and "Passionate Research" along with great defending stats of 6 HP and +2 Def, Fernet can take Air Raids and random encounters very well throughout the whole match. Available to non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Tomomo[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Kyoko[Defender], Flying Castle[Defender], Aru[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Kyousuke[Avenger]

  • =Kyoko - ***** - same as Fernet, has nice defending stats of 5 HP and +3 Def along with access to "Forced Revival" and "Passionate Research" to take hits especially with a good Defender can pretty much negate damage with that +3 Def.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Fernet[Defender], Mixed Poppo[Defender], Aru[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Kyousuke[Avenger]

  • =Mimyuu/Tomato - ***** - having an instant revive every other death is very nice to keep yourself from staying on the floor too long with Tomato having 4 Rec still allows easy revival rolls back to Mimyuu and continue with your turn; a nice answer to Gamble spamming and shutting down Evil Spy Work.
    Recommended partners: Tomomo[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Fernet[Defender], Kyousuke[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Sherry[Avenger]

  • =Natsumi - ***** - her passive allows her to heal without dropping stars and also has all around good stats for a Healer.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Sora (Military)[Attacker], Flying Castle[Defender], Fernet[Defender], Kyousuke[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Arthur[Avenger]

  • =ShifuBot - ***** - a really neat passive as well as having 3 Rec with +1 Atk can really put the damage on Big Jonathan and allow damage control too. Available for non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Sherry[Defender], Flying Castle[Defender], Fernet[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Fernet[Avenger]

  • =Tsih - ***** - nice passive with +2 Eva and 3 Rec is very good to allow Tsih to recover quickly and a chance to counter Big Jonathan with good damage.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Flying Castle[Defender], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Kyoko[Avenger]

  • =Kyousuke - **** - with defensive stats of 5/2/0 lets Kyousuke survive random encounters and Air Raids better than most Healers along with the nice 4 Rec and access to "Passionate Research".
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Sherry[Defender], Aru[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Kyoko[Avenger]

  • =Nanako - **** - except for HP, has nice defensive stats with 3 Rec makes Nanako a good Healer to rely on.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Mixed Poppo[Defender], Aru[Healer], Sherry[Avenger], Arthur[Avenger]

  • =Nath - **** - nice 3 Rec which doesn't change with passives active and can gain Atk and Def bonus to allow better survivability and retaliation against Big Jonathan along with access to "Passionate Research".
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Marc[Attacker], Kyoko[Defender], 2guri[Defender], Nico[Healer], Sherry[Avenger], Kyousuke[Avenger]

  • =Nico - **** - has a nice 4 Rec along with a nice passive that allows her to gain stars per Gift cards.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Fernet[Defender], 2guri[Defender], Nanako[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Sherry[Avenger]

  • =Peat - **** - +1 stats across the board and 4 Rec is quite nice. Available for non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Tomomo[Attacker], Flying Castle[Defender], Sherry[Defender], Kyousuke[Healer], Sherry[Avenger], Star Breaker[Avenger]

  • =Saki - **** - her 3 Rec is a blessing and has a nice card set to bring along.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Fernet[Defender], Sherry[Defender], Nanako[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Sherry[Avenger]

  • =Sham - **** - +1 on both Def and Eva along with 4 Rec gives Sham nice survivability and easier recoveries to keep the game going.
    Recommended partners: Tomomo[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Fernet[Defender], 2guri[Defender], Tsih[Healer], Sherry[Avenger], Mixed Poppo[Avenger]

  • =Suguri - **** - good Atk and great Eva along with 4 Rec makes Suguri one of the few good offensive Healer available. Available for non-DLC players.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Sherry[Defender], Kyoko[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger], Arthur[Avenger]
Recommended Avengers
Avengers are another mighty force focusing more in countering from punishments. Avengers gain +1 Atk for every damage they received during that battle. Avengers can gain +1 HP at norma 2, another +1 HP at norma 4, and access to hyper at norma 5 without "Price of Power".

What makes a good Avenger is the ability to tank, meaning being able to take damage and counter with even greater damage. Having high base HP is a must and passives that help in battle are usually great for an Avenger.

=~= Avengers:
  • Flying Castle - ***** - 10 HP is a big wow and with that much HP Flying Castle can use his Hyper easier than most and take as much damage as well.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Fernet[Defender], 2guri[Defender], Aru[Healer], Kyoko[Healer], Star Breaker[Avenger]

  • Sherry - ***** - 7/1/1/1 is very nice and has the safest options to maximize her potentials.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Kyoko[Defender], 2guri[Defender], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Kyoko[Healer], ShifuBot[Avenger]

  • Arthur - **** - 9 HP is great and can allow some much needed tanking to survive or to put in some work on Big Jonathan.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Kyoko[Defender], 2guri[Defender], Fernet[Healer], Saki[Healer], Star Breaker[Avenger]

  • Fernet - **** - 8 HP with +2 Def is really good and with the Avenger role allows her to actually give her a better chance of rolling more than 1 damage.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Kyoko[Defender], Tsih[Healer], Nanako[Healer], ShifuBot[Avenger]

  • Kyoko - **** - has a great +3 Def with 7 HP after 4 normas can really make sure she can tank about anything not named "Sealed Guardian".
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], 2guri[Defender], Kyousuke[Defender], Aru[Healer], Kyousuke[Healer], ShifuBot[Avenger]

  • Kyousuke - **** - 7 HP, +2 Def, and 4 Rec is probably one of the best sets you can ask for along with Atk buff per damage received.
    Recommended partners: Tomomo[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Sherry[Defender], Kyoko[Defender], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Saki[Healer], Miusaki[Avenger]

  • Miusaki - **** - her passive allows her to take no more than 2 damage when Defending and after 2 normas she can take 2 full hits without healing and achieve +2 Atk almost everytime.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Marc[Attacker], Kyoko[Defender], 2guri[Defender], Kyoko[Healer], Nanako[Healer], Star Breaker[Avenger]

  • Mixed Poppo - **** - 9 HP after 4 normas and she can really tank hits and mitigate the negative Atk to be able to hit Big Jonathan a little better.
    Recommended partners: Tomomo[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Kyoko[Defender], Sherry[Defender], Aru[Healer], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Star Breaker[Avenger]

  • Poppo - **** - just like Mixed Poppo but without the passives Mixed Poppo has.
    Recommended partners: Tomomo[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Kyoko[Defender], Sherry[Defender], Tsih[Healer], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Star Breaker[Avenger]

  • ShifuBot - **** - 7 HP with regen passive and 3 Rec is real neat and can get nice Atk boost along with it's base +1 Atk.
    Recommended partners: Star Breaker[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Flying Castle[Defender], Sherry[Defender], Tsih[Healer], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Flying Castle[Avenger]

  • Star Breaker - **** - 7 HP with +2 base Atk can lead to ridiculous amounts of Atk in only a few damage while also being able to take said damage compared to the other +2 Atk'ers.
    Recommended partners: Tomomo[Attacker], Kae[Attacker], Fernet[Defender], Mixed Poppo[Defender], Aru[Healer], Mimyuu/Tomato[Healer], Miusaki[Avenger]


This mostly covers all the characters and how they would play out.
I will not be doing a map analyzation as that is even more work to deal with so most of this is samples from random maps. Some characters shine better in warp heavy maps or smaller maps or w/e. I also seemed to have forgotten to mention their base stats, but you can just look at them in-game.
I'm mostly putting this here so that others may use it to see if their "waifu" or main is usable or not or just to smoke through the event quickly. There are some characters I didn't recommend; this doesn't mean that everyone else is not viable, it probably has reasons why it couldn't be 4*s or above like: caters to a certain playstyle or set of characters to work with, outclassed by other characters in that respective role, abilities or gameplay mechanics that may be less helpful than another character's. You may notice some with "0" in their star ratings as it means it would completely not work with the whole team or just be straight up dead-weight, though it does not mean you cannot win still. There are others who may recommend a certain character more than another character or so. Also some of the players I've played with can most of the time be somewhat... incompetent, so testing certain characters can take many trials before seeing some results.

If you want the top 7 most popular picks for each role I'll put them right here.
[this will change almost daily]





If you want some strategies or tips, you can always comment on what works for you as I cannot list every possible strategy or combination. Most recommended strategy is to have 2 Attackers, 1 Defender, and 1 Healer with Super All-Out Mode; basically your most classic "SRPG" set-up to go for the kill. Another good one is 3 Attackers and 1 Healer with SAOM for the blitz tactic. Last I would recommend is a stall team of 2 Defenders—preferably one with 6 or higher HP—, and 2 Healers with 2 Puddings or 3 Dinners.


I already know there are already people gonna be recommending some characters to either be "higher tier" or "lower tier" than the ones I recommended. This is a personal character rating for myself but I'm putting this here so we can alter it overtime for w/e meta we want to go for now and allow people to see if their favorite character shine in the new Co-op mode. If you have any questions or problems with this "guide", then feel free to comment here.

Also feel free to bump the Discussion forum link to here to let more people aware and help allow a better data spreadsheet.

Thanks to the 100% Orange Juice wikia and Google images for the free pictures.
Thanks to the great community of Orange Juice for some unanswered questions.
Thanks to the people I played with, but will not name 'cuz I either don't know if they'll read this or just don't remember their names. :P
Thanks to Orange_Juice and FBF for the allowance of this wonderfully fun game.
And thank you for reading and possibly contributing to this guide.
Chino  [author] 7 Aug, 2018 @ 10:46am 
It seems a new Role is added. I'ma have to update this whenever I get a day off or something. For now I'll put in a filler for this.
Ansam 2 Aug, 2018 @ 12:01pm 
Miusaki's passive is rediculous as an Attacker, definitely better than Marc. Just needs a defender to shield her and she never goes down.
Tromboncino 31 Jul, 2018 @ 1:42pm 
Uhm? No 1/16 star loss on Chicken and Mimyuu? That sounds fishy, I'll test it myself just to be sure. Again, most of the "strange" passives work literally as whatever, so it might be. Like Shifu getting up with 1HP if you fail to revive twice or Sherry still being damaged first even if she takes the Attacker bonus.
sunny 31 Jul, 2018 @ 7:38am 
Mh, you are right. Don't see him as often as we should. I might have been biased since I love using him and as such see him all the time.
Everyone, use Shifu! :lilimok:
Chino  [author] 31 Jul, 2018 @ 7:31am 
As for Chicken and Mimyuu, it seems the more popular discussion for Co-op questions has confirmed that the star loss passive doesn't apply to Chicken and Mimyuu, so I revised that at some point yesterday. I wished they allowed them to have that 1/16 drop though
Chino  [author] 31 Jul, 2018 @ 7:26am 
If you are talking about the last list of top 7 most popular Attackers, then I would've placed him there if I actaully saw more people use him. Honestly, I use him on every role so far and has worked wonders. Thanks for this though.
sunny 30 Jul, 2018 @ 2:55pm 
This is a good reasonable list.
But I have to strongly disagree with Shifu-Robot not being among the Top7 attackers.
Rec 3 and self-heal certainly places him very high.
Tromboncino 29 Jul, 2018 @ 7:07pm 
Chicken as healer, due to the 1/4 star loss in battle and the lowest rec possible. In my opinion as good as Mimyuu and Tomato.
Chino  [author] 29 Jul, 2018 @ 3:27pm 
Will need to re-evaluate certain popular characters to see how well they play out. If you want to know the kind of setting I use, I join a public lobby(not create one) and depending on the host's game plan—willing to hand out roles, completely strategize, starts with 2 or 3 players, or even not caring for roles—play the character in question to see how viable they are.

Please, feel free to suggest a character with role for a re-evaluation.
Chino  [author] 28 Jul, 2018 @ 5:04pm 
That is true, even with low HP the nice Rec would still allow her to attack more often then StarBo or Tomomo could. Will try to re-evaluate and play around with her more. I'm also testing out lesser used characters to see how well they played, and so far Tsih as Attacker and NoName as Healer seems to work really well during my experience and what I've heard from other players. Might revise certain characters by the end of the night.