Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition

Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition

420 vurderinger
UT3 100% Achievement Guide
Av MushaConvoy
This guide is intended for use for those wishing to get the achievements in the game primarily by themselves. If you want to get them legitimately (and by that, I mean against fleshlings, not computer-aided opponents), by all means go ahead. This guide offers suggestions on ways to be more efficient in your hunting.

Very special thanks to: Jolercles and Beeker for providing improved strategies for some of the achievements.
Fjern som favoritt
Online Champion - Win 500 online matches.
As you get any of these achievements, wherever possible do an Internet game, password protected. You won't have many left to go by the end. When you're there, if you're not already sick of it, do Morbias Station with the smallest number of wins. If you are, go for CTF Facing Worlds against a single bot on Normal with one flag win.

If you want to get it without any effort at all, start a password protected Team Deathmatch on a small map like Sentinel. Give it 32 players, filled with Godlike bots with a win limit of 10. Throw in Instagib and Speed Freak for good measure. Go to sleep and you'll probably have it by morning. You'll win 50% of the matches without doing a thing. The match will be over faster than it takes to load.

Get A Life - Get 200 kills in multiplayer on 50 different days.
Not as hard as it sounds, just needs a little commitment. By "multiplayer", just create an internet game, give it a password so no-one can join. Fire up Morbias Station, 15 player limit with bots on Normal, and 100 frag limit. Play twice. You'll have your 200 kills in 15-20 minutes.

While you're at it, go for your 15 kills with the different weapons, you can get 3 weapons per match, two awards per day if you're just doing the two matches and thats it. You'll get all the achievements eventually. Use the Weapon Replacement mutator to swap out the Impact Hammer, Enforcer or Rocket Launcher for which ever weapon you're going for.

Before you get this achievement, you'll get Paint The Town Red.

Let's Get It On - Complete a multiplayer match in every game type.
Just one match, and you don't even need to win. You'll get it on the way to all the others.

Around The World - Win a Multiplayer match on every map.
Go for this one while you go item hunting in Like The Back Of My Hand, just make sure you win. If you're not sure, just check your progress under Awards.
Instant Action
Untouchable - Reach 20 kills against a god-like bot in Instant Action without dying.
There is a dirty little trick to this one. Fire up a Duel on the map Heat Ray, with 20 win limit (or more if you want to play it safe), set the bot to god-like, and use the Weapon Replacement mutator to change everything to Impact Hammers. Sit and hide like the little coward you are until the DarkWalker is dropped in. Jump in and you're invincible. Take your time cutting down the "godlike" bot until your achievement pops.

Bag Of Bones - Deliver 50 skulls in one score in Greed against Adept or higher bots.
Another dirty little trick here. Fire up Facing Worlds with 3-player max and the Friendly Fire mutator. As soon as the match starts, switch teams so you have a bot on your side. Internet games you cannot swap teams with just bots. Now, as soon as the match starts, keep killing your best mate and pick up his skull. He'll respawn right near you so you can just kill him again... and again... and again. You'll probably have 20 by the time the enemy finds you, so kill him too and get his skull. If he happens to kill you, you can respawn and kill him - your mate that you've been killing will even help you out! He's such a nice guy. Go back to killing him again and again. When you have your 50, do the nice thing and kill your mate a few more times and leave his skull on the ground - as bait for the enemy. When you see him come around the base to get you (and the skulls), run in the opposite direction. He'll either go for the skulls or fight your bot friend, leaving you home free to run into his base and drop off the skulls in one hit.

Opprinnelig skrevet av Beeker:
Morbid has a “pit” in each base that you can’t get out of. I found 5 players (3v2) worked best. Tell your bots to defend, if they listen to you that’s great. They’ll either jump into the pit or stand on the edge at the top. Your goal is to get the 2 enemy bots doing the same thing. If you are lucky they’ll spawn like that, if not you’ll have to fight them until they both spawn in their own base pit. Once the 2 enemy bots are trapped in their own base, stand in your own base team killing your bots. They should pick up their own skulls and jump into the pit. There are only 2 difficulties you need to worry about. If the bots have about 10-15 skulls they are carrying they stop picking up new skulls, you have to jump into the pit and get them yourself, and then jump boot back out. Always keep jump boots ready to go. The second difficulty is when your bot disobeys orders. What’s that? Defend? Oh you must mean pick up the jump boots, run to the enemy base, die, and with my last energy throw them my jump boots so they can escape the pit and come kill you? Sure! I can obey *that* order! This turned what should have been a turkey shoot into a fair fight (shudder). I wonder if there is a mutator which turns off power up drops? Anyway this approach is waaaaaaaaaaay easier, I got it in about 15 minutes of trying, whereas all my previous attempts on other maps had failed.

I See How It Is - Complete an Instant Action match in every game mode.
One match, throw it on the lowest possible win setting, then get back to Internet games. Complete the other Instant Action achievements first so you don't waste your time.
Kills, Kills, Kills
Don't Taze Me Bro | Goo God | Pistolero | Shard-o-matic | Hammerhead | Strongest Link | Have A Nice Day | Big Game Hunter - Get awards in 10 matches.
If you're in no rush, pick 3 weapons and replace them on Morbias Station while you're going for your 200 kills a day.

Don't Taze Me Bro - it only counts if they're killed by the explosion. Shoot your alternate fire, then shoot the globe with your regular fire when near an enemy.

Goo God - don't bother with regular fire, just use alternate. A fully charged alternate fire will kill almost any enemy.

Hammerhead - don't use alternate fire (this is used to reflect rockets), charge up primary fire and just run into your enemy for an insta-kill.

Strongest Link - must use alternate fire to make the kill.

Big Game Hunter - you can just kill regular enemies with the weapon, does not need to be in a vehicle.

Brain Surgeon - Get the "Head Hunter" award in 10 matches.
Fire up CTF Facing Worlds with one or two enemy bots on Normal, 3 captures to win, sit at the top of the tower and headshot until the award appears, then steal their flag. Having it set to 3 captures will add each match towards your 100 wins total. You will get Hat Trick during this achievement.

Armadillo - Get the "Roadkill" award in 10 matches.
Pick any fast moving car and get to running down your enemy. Pick a few bots otherwise they'll always get into a vehicle - either that or wait until they have the flag and on their way back to their base. You only need to run over 2 or 3 enemies for the award. Suspense is a good map for this one, and you can go for Ace and Deathwish in the same match.

Ace - Get the "Top Gun" award in 20 matches.
Suspense is a good map for this one. Start VCTF and set it to Easy versus 1 bot, 1 Flag limit. Get into the Raptor and fly over to the enemy base. If the bot is in the Goliath, stay high and kill him from above. If you can't see a Goliath on the way to your base, chances are he's hoverboarding his way over. Sit on your side of the bridge, he'll come out of the tunnel on the right (if you're on red team). Kill him, then proceed to his base. Blow up all ground vehicles if he spawns on the side with the Manta/Hell Bender, and ensure the Goliath is always dead. He'll always choose the Goliath over the Raptor.

With it dead, he should hop into a Raptor so you can earn your Top Gun award. Only one kill is needed for the award, but the enemy vehicle must be piloted. You can get Armadillo and Deathwish in the same match. Once awarded, you must capture the flag and win the round for it to register. Repeat 20 times.

Deathwish - Get "Bullseye" award in 20 matches.
Jump in a fast vehicle, drive towards an enemy and engage boosters (default key: Space). Before impact, eject from the vehicle (default key: E). Only one kill is needed for the award. You can get Armadillo and Deathwish in the same match.

Easiest way to get this is to play Corruption VCTF with one Easy bot, 1 Flag limit. Change team to Blue. On the left side of the base is a Necris Viper, wander over to it and wait - you don't want to engage the enemy bot while he's in a vehicle.

Wait until you hear “blue flag taken” then run out of hiding. The bot will either hoverboard out the right side of the base, in which case hop on the Viper and chase him out the right side until you are right behind him. Otherwise, the bot will hoverboard up the stairs and fly in circles trying to get out of the window in the middle of your base. If he does this, drive around to the front of the window, if he sees you he may find his way out the window. If he doesn’t see you, fire 1 laser at him. It will knock him off his board, he will pick up the flag again and chase you out the window. Reverse the Viper, dodging his rockets until you are around the side of the cliff. Wait. He will forget you are there and hoverboard past you, at which point fly up behind him.

Right, now which ever way he went you should be right behind him in your viper. Hold the space button down so you levitate, wait until you get the on screen prompt to detonate. When you do, hit alt fire making sure you aim in front of him. You eject, viper kills him, Bullseye. Grab your flag, hoverboard to his base, collect his flag, hoverboard back. He’s probably in the goliath and travelling slowly to your base so you wont even see him again. Win. Disconnect, restart map, repeat 20 times, Achievement!

Titanic | Behemoth | Unholy - Become a Titan, Behemoth and get 10 kills with every weapon.
Easy enough to get during your 200 kills a day, just be sure to add the Titan mutator. Can combine it with multiple achievements, though be aware - the stupidity of Normal bots will likely mean you'll die an awful lot.

Arachnophobia - Kill 10 people with Spidermines in deathmatch.
Easy enough to get while you're searching for items. You'll find the spidermines on Eden Inc.

Eradication - Get 100 kills with the Eradicator.
There is an Eradicator on VCTF: Stranded. Load the map with the Friendly Fire mutator and around 20 Normal bot players, and something like 5 flags to win. Order all your teammate bots to attack, then sit back and kill anything that moves. You'll have this in 10-15 minutes.

Jack Of All Trades - Kill an enemy with every vehicle (except hoverboard).
Just get a kill with every vehicle as you're running around looking for items. Some vehicles are only on Warfare matches. The StealthBender can be found on VCTF: Stranded on the blue team, outside of a shipping container.

Serial Killer | Sir Slays-A-Lot - Get "Killing Spree", "Monster Kill" in 20 matches.
You will get this towards your 200 kills or Titan.

Killjoy - End sprees in 20 matches.
While you're item hunting on Deathmatch maps, let the enemy get the first 5 kills as you're looking around, then end his spree and put him down for good.

Off To A Good Start - Get the "First Blood" award in 40 matches.
You'll get this as you play, especially while finding items unless you're real unlucky.
Wins, Wins, Wins

Connect The Dots | Flag Waver | Thirty Minutes Or Less | Paint The Town Red - Complete 100 Warfare, CTF, VCTF matches to at least 3 points, Complete 100 Deathmatch/Duel matches to at least 20 kills.
Complete these while you're running around looking for items. If you're desperate, set the bots to God-Like, one bot, time limit of 5, score limit of 3 (or 20 kills) and go to sleep. This achievement is for completing matches, not necessarily winning.

For the Orbs, you get 2 points for a "Regulation Win" (where the Core is destroyed), 1 point for an "Overtime Win".

Being A Hero - Return 100 Orbs.
Kill an enemy holding/running with an orb and he'll drop it. Run up to the enemy orb and press your action button (default: 'E') and you will jump on the orb, killing yourself (and the orb) unless you have full health and armour. You may not wish to go for this one while you're exploring as you tend to die... A good, small stage for being a hero is Sinkhole.

Hat Trick - Achieve a Hat Trick in 10 CTF or VCTF matches.
Return 3 of the flags in the match. You'll get this looking for items.

Spice Of Life - Play a match with every mutator, using only 1 per match.
As it says, work your way through them one at a time. Mutators like No Orbs or Friendly Fire are only available in Warfare or CTF matches. Check the Awards section if you are missing any.

Skull Collector - Score 500 skulls in Greed.
Just play and win. Use the same trick as Bag Of Bones is the fastest way.

Can't Be Trusted | Avenger - Grab 200 points, 20 successful retributions.
Just play play play. No real easy way for this, but it won't take long at all.

A successful "Retribution" is awarded for getting payback on a fellow team member that has betrayed you, within 30 seconds of the kill.

Like The Back Of My Hand - Collect every powerup on every map.
This is going to take a while. If you press Escape and hop over to the "Game" tab, it will let you know in the bottom left corner if you've found all items on the stage. You also get a pop-up ingame when you pick up the last item on the stage. Just work through the stages one at a time, use the progress in the Awards menu if needs be.

Powerups include: Jump Boots, Keg O Health, Armour Vest, Thighpads, Helmet, Health Vials, DamageAmp, Invisibility, Invincibility, Slow Field, and Rampage.

Having a checklist to cross off as you go is a big help, especially for the groups of Health Vials. Conveniently, I have made one for all the stages here[docs.google.com].
Delivering The Hurt - Have over 20 minutes of "DamageAmp Time".
I refuse to call this powerup UDamage. Sounds like something that happens when you masturbate with a cheese grater. In any case, most maps have a DamageAmp on them, but you can get it at the same time as Seeing Red on the map Carbon Fire - both DamageAmp and Berserk are inside the incinerator. Versus one bot on Normal won't give you any trouble.

Set the time limit to 0 and max players to 1 (you). Stand ontop of where the powerup spawns and go have dinner or watch some TV.

Seeing Red - Have over 20 minutes of "Berserk Time".
A fair few maps have Berserk, but if you're in a hurry, get this at the same time as your 20 minutes of DamageAmp on Carbon Fire.

Set the time limit to 0 and max players to 1 (you). Stand ontop of where the powerup spawns and go have dinner or watch some TV.

Never Saw It Coming - Have over 20 minutes of "Invisibility Time".
Invisibility is easy to get. You can sit on its respawn point and for the most part, the enemy bot won't ever see you. Heat Ray is good, if the enemy bot gets in the DarkWalker, he won't leave and you can sit on the Invisibility spawn point. Turbine is also good as the Invisibility is high up above a lift-jump, the bot will only see you sitting there if you're really unlucky.

Set the time limit to 0 and max players to 1 (you). Stand ontop of where the powerup spawns and go have dinner or watch some TV.

Survival Of The Fittest - Have over 10 minutes of "Invincibility Time".
The only map with an Invincibility power-up is DM: Fearless. You'll find the Invincibility right in the middle of the stage. Small map, and half the time you're invincible. Easy.

Set the time limit to 0 and max players to 1 (you). Stand ontop of where the powerup spawns and go have dinner or watch some TV.

The Slow Lane - Use the "Slow Field" power-up for over 10 minutes total.
You'll find the Slow Field powerup on the Ocean Relic map. No real easy way for this, just replay, pick it up and use it.

Lock And Load | Soldier's Blood | Does Not Compute | Not In Kansas Anymore | I'm Not On A Holy War - Complete the campaign.
Just complete the game on any difficulty including Insane. Side-missions not necessary. Co-op or otherwise.

Just Business | Bag Of Bolts | Open War | Fear The Reaper - Complete the campaign on Insane.
Complete the game on Insane difficulty, co-op highly recommended. Not all stages are required to be completed on Insane - if you play the game on Casual then switch to Insane difficulty before the final stage, you only need to complete this one on Insane for the achievement. Just choose the default ordering for the stages and the 4 stages required to complete on Insane will be:

Torlan Delta (the second time this stage appears) - Warfare
Opprinnelig skrevet av Beeker:
I found adding 2 onto my team was better than taking 2 off their team since they have many vehicles, by having 2 less players that doesn’t stop them all piling into the abundant vehicles. Where as giving yourself 2 more players instead gives you extra dudes to jump in point defences or carry orb etc.
Gateway - Team Deathmatch
Opprinnelig skrevet av Beeker:
Act 3 is hard as hell, I added 2 bots to my team again with a card. I just followed around my bots in a group and kind of tried to hide and let them do all the work. Got through 2nd go.
Deimos - Team Deathmatch
Opprinnelig skrevet av Beeker:
Act 4 you cant use any cards. Easy as piss, just get into the orbital laser and turkey shoot bots for the win.
Sentinel - Team Deathmatch (against Akasha)
Opprinnelig skrevet av Beeker:
Act 5 no cards, but it doesn’t matter. I found delicious Cheeeeeeeese!
Mind bogglingly the last level has a time limit. So you just have to get the first kill on akasha, then you run and hide behind the shield belt between the giant statues, and hold down the crouch key for 15 minutes. Win! Mmmmm sooo cheesey :)
Again, co-op highly recommended. Use your cards strategically - don't reduce enemy players on Team Deathmatch as you're reducing the number of targets to increase your score.

I Need Some Backup | Got Your Back - Complete 10 missions in co-op.
Any 10 missions will do.

Thanks To All The Little People - Complete the campaign in co-op.
This just means the final mission. You do not need to play through all missions in co-op. You'll get this at the same time as completing the campaign on Insane if not before.
80 kommentarer
NRH3CD3OHE3 17. nov. 2023 kl. 12.46 
If you're holding the central node in overtime, their core will tick down faster than yours allowing you to win. Just park the leviathan on the little patch of land just past the central node and blast anything/everyone coming down the canyon. Note that sometimes enemies come from behind so blast those too when it happens. You might need to try a few times since you need a decent health leviathan parked after the central node when overtime begins in order to do it. Reset if, at any point, a bot jumps into the leviathan. For the final mission of act 3, you want DM-Gateway. Add 2 bots to your team and play normally until you die. Then just simply don't respawn and wait. Do this enough times and eventually the bots on your team will win it for you. The final missions of act 4 and 5 are easy, just follow the guide above. I hope this comment helps someone out in the future. Good luck.
NRH3CD3OHE3 17. nov. 2023 kl. 12.46 
The following are some tips/tricks to beating the campaign on insane since the guide is a little vague. First off, remember that you can play through each act on casual and then switch to insane for the final level of each act and still get the insane achievements. Use the internet to figure out which level is the last level and also which mission path to take in order to get both of the cards that allow you to add 2 allies to your team. For the last level of act 2 (WAR-Torlan Delta), use the card to add 2 to your team. You're not trying to destroy their core directly (unless you're pro and can slice through the hard bots). Instead, use the leviathan to take/hold the central node. You're going for a win in overtime on this one.
Takku 12. mai 2023 kl. 11.57 
Also, even though this guide says that there is "No real easy way" for the Slow Field achievement, you can simply create an Internet match with bots disabled and afk on the spot where it respawns, just like with Invisibility etc.
It works for all of those achievements where you just need time to pass while having a "buff powerup".
Takku 12. mai 2023 kl. 11.50 
You can just use openspy by editing the exe (search the guide on steam for it) or using this dll: https://github.com/chc/ut3-proxy
Online play works perfectly fine with it. :)
wida 24. apr. 2023 kl. 15.23 
Has anyone found a good way to farm online champion since the servers went down. The only way I've found to increase the counter is to win on my own dedicated lan server, but it has to be restarted between each round or it stops counting which takes too long
S3M4RiL 28. jan. 2023 kl. 14.25 
Looking for a partner in Co-op achivements. Ready to help with Insane achievemnts except for Akasha. I didn't try to kill her, just used a trick with hiding, but we can try to nail her. All other insane levels were pretty easy for me.
Karl Pilkington 25. jan. 2023 kl. 12.38 
You can boost the "bag of bones" achievement with another player, much faster and easier than the methods in this guide. I wrote a walkthrough for it.
607й 7. jan. 2023 kl. 8.05 
Driv3n``., You can leave after the inscription appears that everything is collected
ZoeyKL 6. jan. 2023 kl. 1.31 
Driv3n``. 5. jan. 2023 kl. 14.03 
Can i leave the map when i found all objects for achievement "Like The Back Of My Hand", or i need to finish the game ?