33 人が評価
How-To: Make Bacon Wrapped, Cheese Stuffed PUBG Approved Burgers From Scratch (RIP Veganboii69)
作者: Sean
For some years now the CS:GO community has been creating and enjoying their Fluffy CS:GO Approved Pancakes From Scratch now it is time for the PUBG community to get some tasty bacon wrapped love*!
* bacon wrapping isn't an effective contraceptive... {リンクが削除されました}
Lets just keep this as simple as possible, because if you were smart you wouldn't be wasting time on computer games. :)

  • 680g (1 ½ pounds for the Amerifats) ground beef
  • 8 pieces of bacon (this is just a suggestion for the normies, just double it)
  • Mozzarella cheese slices (or substitute cheese of your choice)
  • American cheese slices (maybe surprise your partner best friend with some of that new substitute cheese from down there, you filthy plebeian ;) )
  • Salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste (or whatever seasonings you prefer)
  • Hamburger Rolls
  • Toothpicks
  • Preheat the grill on medium for about 10-15min.
  • Divide your ground beef into 4 parts.
  • Take one handful of beef and gently make a hole in the center as you flatten it out into a patty. (you have done well so far, don't stick your duck in it now)
  • Slice the mozzarella cheese into quarters and place it in the patty.
  • Reseal the patty up around the cheese, trying not to leave any holes where the cheese might eventually run out when melted.
  • Season the burger on both sides with salt, pepper, and garlic powder (and your other weird seasonings).
  • Take two slices of bacon and wrap around the burger in a criss-cross with the ends meeting on the bottom. Put a toothpick through the center of the burger and bacon to help keep the bacon from falling off once grilled.
  • Place the burger on the grill (place down some foil first so that the bacon grease wont start a fire and burn down your parents house).
  • Close the lid and let cook for about 15 min on one side. (The grill in question has no temperature gauge, so use your smarts! You may want to flip a few minutes sooner or later).
  • Flip the burger and let cook for another 5 min.
  • Flip one more time, add the slice of American cheese on top, close the lid and let cook for 1min or until cheese is melted.
  • Remove from grill and dress burger however you like.
  • Take a bite and savor the tastes exploding in your mouth!
Event Pass Content - Burger Sauce!
  • ½ cup mayonnaise
  • ¼ cup ketchup (#Trigger Warning# or tomato sauce because its the same ♥♥♥♥ at the end of the day)
  • 2 teaspoons sweet pickle relish
  • 2 teaspoons granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper

  • In a small bowl, whisk together all of the ingredients.
  • Serve immediately, or refrigerate, covered, for up to 1 week.
PC 1.0 Update #1337
  • Grill icon no longer blocks the players inventory once picked up.

Bug Fixes

Thanks everyone,
The PUBG Team
10 件のコメント
SAjAD 2018年7月31日 10時22分 
Mines comes out fluffly why ?
Clinton 2018年7月31日 7時42分 
PUBG: come for the mom rape jokes, stay for the delectable recipes
Anne 2018年7月31日 4時41分 
Nomad 2018年7月30日 22時26分 
Wont the cheese come out when you put the toothpick through?
St0nedYoda 2018年7月30日 21時58分 
Mozzarella is not cheese
joshywoshy 2018年7月30日 17時30分 
looks fucking gr8
joshywoshy 2018年7月30日 17時29分 
ima try to make this
joshywoshy 2018年7月30日 17時09分 
AceEX 2018年7月30日 13時47分 
this makes me hungry while fghting in pecado
Samurai Pizza Cat 2018年7月30日 11時12分 
Nice <3 Hamburgers :D