Agents of Mayhem

Agents of Mayhem

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Legion Tech Guide: All Legion Tech for all Agents of Mayhem
Da Anker
Lists all legion tech (and some Elite Tech) for all Agents, including DLC characters.
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Welcome to the best (only) Agents Of Mayhem guide that not only lists the names of Elite Tech, but actually tells you what all of them do. There are 8 Legion Tech available for all characters, plus one Elite Tech for whatever 3 characters you bring when completing the entire Global Conflict map. I will showcase whatever Elite Legion Tech I have, though it's a lot of work to get Elite Tech and frankly they seem to tend to be only slightly better then regular Legion Tech, with notable exceptions.

Let's get started!
Braddoc is a mid-range damage dealer with high health and medium shields. She doesn't stand very well on her own, and is best used in a team, swapping in when needed.

Note: Braddock fires in 5 round bursts, so this Legion Tech essentially raises her magazine capacity by three shots.

Note: Not recommended. It's better to just Dash and avoid being meleed in general, especially as she's not exceptionally durable.

Daisy is a tank character with low range, high health, and twice the shields of a Medium shields character. (So, at the point a medium shields character would have 8k shields, Daisy would have 14k.) She has two paths she can focus on: Dealing damage with her weapon, or using her Special to body-check enemies to death.

Note: No downsides here. Recommended, if you have the space.

Note: Recomended. Disrupted enemies cannot attack, so it means whoever Daisy is fighting is a sitting duck. It won't help her survive against other enemies she isn't focusing on, though.

Note: Best used with the gadget Quick Pass.

Note: Seems inferior to Concussive Force. And as a Tank, she has low range, and so it seems somewhat counterintuitive to push enemies out of her effective range.
Tracer Fortune is a medium range DPS that dual wields full-auto pistols, with Low-medium health and very low shields. Also, she's a pirate for some reason.

Note: Fortune's passive, Glory, automatically stuns enemies periodiaclly... In theory. In practice, I don't think I've ever seen her stun anything once, ever, outside of her ultimate. I get the feeling it only works at point blank range, which is probably unwise given how low Fortune's durability is.

Note: Not recommended, given how low her shields are.

Note: Her Elite Tech. If I had to pick which, I'd probably slot it into a weapon gadget. Not that I use Fortune, anyway...
Gat is a medium range glass cannon DPS, with high health and medium shields. Gat deals out a lot of pain, but has few defensive options. Pull him out when you need to put the hurt on, but don't be surprised if you have to bench him frequently to recover his health.

Note: The Line Of Attack gadget already reduces special ability cooldowns by 25% whenever he scores a kill with his weapon. Feel free to stack the two, if you really want.

Note: Dying is bad. Don't use a Legion Tech slot that only works when you die.

Note: If his health is low enough for Cheating Death, he's probably about to die anyway. Just pull him out and use someone else.

Note: This won't fix his low survivability, but it should help... A little... Maybe.

Note: Gat's mayhem ability roots him in place and auto-targets enemies, including distant ones you can't actually hit instead of enemies directly in front of him. Use at own risk, particularly as a solid headshot will one-shot most enemies once Gat's maxed out.

Note: All the DLC characters have good Elite Tech, unlike the vanilla ones. Hmm... Anyway, I personally favor Explosive Rounds, because duh.
Hardtack is a tank with a very short range, but high damage... For a tank, anyway. His health is Very High (double that of a regular High health rating), while his shields are medium-high

Note: It's a shotgun. Maybe focus on one enemy at a time.

Note: Not bad, but still maybe avoid getting hits. At high Difficulty levels, tanks tend to die pretty fast if you try to face-tank with them... Which is unfortunate.

Note: Maybe if you're out of ammo... But in general, guns > fisticuffs.

Note: Health packs aren't common enough drops to really build for... Unless you're also fielding Braddock, but that's kind of stretching it.

Note: See Full Circle above.

Note: Not bad for getting the drop on enemies, but doesn't quite work with his Elite special gadget, seen below.

Note: If Hardtacks at 20% health, he's about to die. Pull him out.

Note: The special and weapon options for this Elite Tech are pretty good. Personally, I prefer the Special gadget with Turtle Harpoon, so he can chain kill enemies with ease.
Josh Birk Hollywood is a long range... Character. I'd say DPS, but his damage is kind of lacking, as is his surviviability. I really don't like Hollywood... Anyway, his health is just shy of High, and his shields are just shy of medium.

Note: 15% of medium shields isn't a lot.

Note: Getting hit is bad. This tech doesn't make it a good idea.

Note: Worse then it seems. There's a delay before you can fire after jumping, so the amount of bullets you can actually shoot in midair is very limited, to say nothing of accurately aiming. Only really works with his grenades.

Note: I'd recommend zooming in and nailing headshots intead. Hollywood can generate his Ultimate easily enough by spamming his grenade whenever its off cooldown.

Note: Ugh. These are... Really bad, even for a regular Tech, let alone Elite. Pass.
Joule is something of a special case. Her weapon deals very low damage, but she can deploy a turret that also deals... very low damage. Her damage is just really, really bad. On the other hand, if she double-clicks her Special ability when deploying a turret, she generates twice the Mayhem charge, and can thus farm her Ultimate in about 15 seconds, letting her deny a small zone around her. That does tend to root her in place, though...

Joule has medium health and high shields.

Note: Only works with Accessorize, really.

Note: If her Beamer had a longer range, maybe... But it doesnt really matter how fast she's dancing around if she's dancing around a very small circle. Then again, it does so low damage anyway, so why not.

Note: Joule really, really doesn't need help generating Mayhem charge. That's kind of the one thing she's great at.

Note: Works well with Accessorize or Show Stopper.

Note: Works best with Custom-Made.

Note: Meh. Low damage plus low damage equals... Maybe getting a kill outside her ultimate?
Kingpin seems to specialize in using his Special ability, rather then his regular weapon. I never found a good reason to use him, other then synergizing his Team Ability Cooldown buff with Lazarus or Joule.

Kingpin has high health and better-then-average medium shields.

Note: Works well with Refractory Bonus.

Note: His Mayhem ability doesn't actually seem to deal any damage... It just distracts enemies for a time.

Note: Doesn't seem to work on his Plasma Thrower weapon, due to it reloading after every shot. Best used on his SMG.

Note: Kingpin deals increased damage to enemies who are debuffed, so this is a given.

Note: A Tech to make his Ultimate actually do something.

Lazarus: Long range, great damage over time, she's what Rama wishes she was. While she has a low durability, she deals a heap of damage at solid range, and since she deals damage over time instead of on impact, she's free to tag enemies with her Clusters and hide behide cover while her enemies die while she's safe and sound. She's one of my favorites, and one of the best glass cannons in the game, like a ranged equivilant to Scheherazade's melee.

And she's DLC. Pay to win! She's got lower-then-average high health, and practically nonexistant shields. (Really, they don't do anything at all.)

Note: Hey, remember what I just said? Yeah... Not worth a slot to gain triple digits worth of shields at Super Agent rank 40 when her health is in the 4 digit range.

Note: Her Mayhem is a little odd. It's short range only, automatically taggeting enemies close to her... But she's a longe range character who's squishy and thus shouldnt be up in the mix where she can be shot dead easily. Maybe if you have Safeword, who extends the duration of invisibility on stealth characters like Lazarus.

Note: I'd put this on her default Heal-self special.

Note: Great! But doesn't work well with Steel Dawn, as it reduces her total ammo.

Note: Again, only really works if Safeword is in the squad. But her Clusters continue to do DPS over time even when she's in stealth...

Note: Not a great pick. Her Specials all deal the most damage with multiple clusters, and Lazarus, much as I love her, is something of a specialist: Single targets at a time only, really.

Note: You could, but I'd rather just tag enemies and hide behind cover as they wither to death.

Note: Oh, hell yeah. This is easily one of the best legion tech out there, right up there with Safeword's. Basically all of the options are great. I prefer the Passive gadget version, as it lets you tag an enemy with all your clusters, then hide behind cover and spam her Special until everyone around her is dead. Very powerful, lower risk then normal.

Hanzo Oni is a former Yakuza enforcer, but ultimately elected to slay his own clan when they turned to dishonorable activity. He is also a debuff-master, as all enemies in his passive Aura's radius deal less damage and take more damage. Unfortunately, his damage output isn't that great. His weapon is a silenced pistol, and deals about as much damage as you'd expect a silenced pistol to deal in a battlefield where people bring miniguns and shotguns. He has high health and medium shields.

Note: Better then most specialized-against-one-enemy type of Legion tech, but still not applicible against most enemies.

Note: Probably better for a lower level oni. Later on, five or so headshots will maximize his aura easily. And sadly, there's no way to increase his maximum aura, so Oni has to brawl at low-mid range. Good luck!

Note: Or you could just shoot 'em in the head. Critical shots expand his aura, after all, regardless on if they kill an enemy.

Note: On one hand, Oni has a really small clip size. On the other, 15% is really, really low...

Note: Oni isn't a tank. He doesn't really have the durability to fight in an enemy's face, so I would advise against it.

Note: Oni's special has no cooldown if it kills an enemy. Thus, you should use it to pick off enemies who you know it can kill.

Note: Or, hear me out... You could shoot them in the head.

Note: Good on paper. In practice, you won't usually be eying a single enemy for that long unless you're underequipped to kill them quickly.

Note: Ah, if only that passive increased his max aura size. So close. The Special Gadget version is likely best for double-tapping weakened enemies.
Rama is a long range damage per shot specialist, dealing low DPS but high damage on charged headshots. She's the Archer. The Bow Guy. You know how this archetype goes. For her long range, she has low survivability up close, with medium-high health and virtually nonexistant shields.

Note: Synergizes well with her Upgrade Core passive of her Special dealing more damage and having less cooldown when her Ultimate is ready.

Note: You DO want to keep enemies at long range... But they're disagreeable about it, given how they like to close in on you in general.

Note: With her ultimate charged, her special has a 4 second cooldown. Just shoot another trap.

Note: As with Hardtrack, health kits aren't common enough to waste a legion tech slot on.

Note: I find her charge is too long as it is, but up to you.

Red Card
Red Card is a specialist. Unfortunately, what he specialises in is dying. His special has a short range,and also inflicts up to 5 stacks of Vulnerability on him. He can switch between a mediocre rifle and an okayish shotgun on the fly. He has very high health, and very low shields. (Still in the 4 digit range, barely, but not quite nonexistant.)

Did I mention he's great at dying?

Note: Good, if you're lucky. 15% per shot works fine on a bullet hose like Daisy's minigun. Redcard's substandard rifle, less so.

Note: Maybe this'll keep you alive. Probably not.

Note: Damage taken while you have 5 stacks of vulnerability also generates bonus Red Card Corpses.

Note: Now you too can be a dead man walking for even longer.

Note: His shotgun has a short range. You probably don't want to push enemies out of it's range. And out of the range of his special too, come to think of it.

Note: Bad. Just... Just, no.
Safeword, aka Kinzie Kensington, is a genius-tier hacker with the outlook that privacy is for herself, not other people. She puts the hurt on debuffed enemies, which her Special helps with, as it goes through walls, letting her make enemies weak to her fire before they even see her. She's a DLC character, like Gat, despite being a core part of the saints row universe... Like Gat. Her health is a below average medium, and her shields are between medium and high. She's a mid-range fighter.

Note: Very important to combo with her Elite Tech, see below.

Note: Somewhat irrelevant after her Elite Legion Tech becomes available.

Note: Try not to get meleed. It's really not hard, what with the dash ability.

This is what makes Kinzie... Aside from her passive of longer buffs on allies. Being able to spam her Special every 2 seconds is about as ridiculously OP as you'd expect. Pay to win DLC, again!
Scheherazade is as deadly with a blade as her name is hard to spell. She's one of the better characters in the game, and while she's very fragile, the damage she can deal in a melee burst is quite impressive. But if it doesn't kill whoever she attacks, you better run away, because she's a ninja for a reason: Fight in the open, and you'll be killed easily. Ambush over and over until everyone is dead. She's virtually melee only, as her sole ranged option is slow and clunky, and roots her in place. Don't bother with it.

Scheherazade has lower then average medium health, and higher then average medium shields.

Note: Remember what I said about not using her ranged option? Don't use it.

Note: Could be useful, but you really don't want to brawl. She's all ambush from stealth, all the time.

Note: Nyoom. Very useful, especially for a melee user like herself.

Note: Damage over time is for people who don't kill enemies in three strokes of a sword.

Note: Useful.

Note: Be real careful. She's not meant to fight a lot of enemies at once.

Note: Surprisingly useful. I prefer the Stealth, as it works well with The Unseen Hand.
Yeti, AKA Oleg, is a Cold Warrior. He's the ice man, with an ice gun. He's a tank with a short range weapon that deals little damage normally, but substantial damage when it ices over. It also stuns enemies, but frankly Daisy is better at that with her disrupt legion tech.

Yeti is by far the tankiest character in the game, with a staggering 40k health at max super-agent rank! He has very low shield, though, at 2k at level 40.

Note: See previous notes on 'not getting meleed'.

Note: Low shield and requires a pickup? Doubly useless!

Note: Given how low his shield is, and how high his health, useful.

Note: When his health gets that low, just pull him and use someone else.
And there you have it! All regular Legion Tech available for all characters. I could farm the Elite Legion Tech, but... Well, that's about 5 hours I'd rather be doing literally anything else. Thanks for reading!
6 commenti
Ravenum 28 ago 2020, ore 10:21 
Thanks to this, I FINALLY collected all Legion Tech and assembled a solid team!
jackelhog 11 mar 2020, ore 0:50 
Ah feels good to build a team. Personally I enjoy having my team always consisting of Rama (double trap(elite tech) and always charged ult build), Scheherazade (stealth and damage over time build as teleport is not a immediate "get out of jail card") are on my team all the time.
As for the third character, I usually have Safeword as you can spam her walls for days with the elite tech attached to the weapon slot(85 percent chance or higher to fire a wall with a full charge).

I would love to mod daisy s lines/skins as the coloured, rough humor compiled with her skin selection makes me steer clear of her.

Joule and Redcard are dead to me as characters.
I would mod Joule to have a more "support" or "pet" character build
I would mod Redcard a melee weapon (large hammer or club). Heck just give him his fists because that is better than that pathetic shotgun hybrid.

Happy Grinding!
jeegurda 1 gen 2019, ore 9:04 
Great guide, too bad getting Elite Tech requires ridiculous amount of playtime and Intel farming, so yeah, i also didn't bother collecting them all
CT3LA 7 set 2018, ore 19:38 
Kingpin's Elite Tech:

Rama's Elite Tech:

Also, I think you're selling kingpin a bit short, his flare gun easily stun locks single enemies and I think is the only normal weapon in the game that does AOE.
Doktatorship 29 ago 2018, ore 16:08 
hey, i had the elite tech that this guide was missing for braddock, yeti, joule and daisy, which just leaves kingpin. you should be able to find em on my profile, feel free to copy them and fill em in. its good to have a all rounder guide on all the tech ;3
Dimbhaja 21 lug 2018, ore 8:06 
Appreciate the guide, dude! Nice work!