

290 ratings
Game Sets for Game Collector Showcase
By ♘︎epic and 1 collaborators
This Guide is intended to help you with finding Suitable Games to Display on your Steam Profile to fit its Theme and / or Color.
The purpose of this guide is to help you find suitable games to display on your profile to fit its theme and / or color because extreme profile designers would want their Favorite Game and Game Collector showcase to do so as it looks better and more clean.

So If you are looking for games to display on your profile, then you have come to the right place. We have made a bunch of different game sets that you can display in your Game Collector Showcase. There is also a possibility to use a game from any of the different game sets as your Favorite Game.
Open your Steam Profile in the web browser Google Chrome and then click on Edit Profile
Next, open console (ctrl+shift+j) and paste this code SetShowcaseConfig(2, x, {appid: y})
x is the possition of the game (0,1,2,3) while y is the App ID of the game you want to feature.
Aesthetic Game Sets
Game-ID: 433910
Game-ID: 356570
Game-ID: 352620
Game-ID: 246960

Game-ID: 422650
Game-ID: 438790
Game-ID: 852110
Game-ID: 529900
Anime Game Sets
Game-ID: 423880
Game-ID: 348620
Game-ID: 262240
Game-ID: 402180

Game-ID: 472680
Game-ID: 333250
Game-ID: 265170
Game-ID: 268420

Game-ID: 326480
Game-ID: 844930
Game-ID: 427980
Game-ID: 571550

Game-ID: 689650
Game-ID: 333980
Game-ID: 351640
Game-ID: 602500
Black/Grey Game Sets
Game-ID: 585690
Game-ID: 446560
Game-ID: 382300
Game-ID: 365860

Game-ID: 456440
Game-ID: 384740
Game-ID: 454690
Game-ID: 321920

Game-ID: 524220
Game-ID: 637650
Game-ID: 601520
Game-ID: 223830

Game-ID: 525290
Game-ID: 1093910
Game-ID: 893680
Game-ID: 808360

Game-ID: 97330
Game-ID: 241930
Game-ID: 279440
Game-ID: 351400

Game-ID: 253110
Game-ID: 268990
Game-ID: 803360
Game-ID: 530620

Game-ID: 412290
Game-ID: 22310
Game-ID: 274520
Game-ID: 293220
Blue Game Sets
Game-ID: 448000
Game-ID: 263860
Game-ID: 375420
Game-ID: 241640

Game-ID: 38720
Game-ID: 427020
Game-ID: 586030
Game-ID: 398530

Game-ID: 366090
Game-ID: 760820
Game-ID: 419480
Game-ID: 666960

Game-ID: 544180
Game-ID: 497820
Game-ID: 592240
Game-ID: 711480

Game-ID: 667300
Game-ID: 883390
Game-ID: 795680
Game-ID: 564470

Game-ID: 630
Game-ID: 546610
Game-ID: 448640
Game-ID: 694140

Game-ID: 428270
Game-ID: 411560
Game-ID: 438360
Game-ID: 391550

Game-ID: 200510
Game-ID: 374060
Game-ID: 49540
Game-ID: 270510

Game-ID: 590520
Game-ID: 349840
Game-ID: 392000
Game-ID: 350740

Game-ID: 70300
Game-ID: 351800
Game-ID: 509110
Game-ID: 805570

Game-ID: 250820
Game-ID: 410050
Game-ID: 215080
Game-ID: 593110

Game-ID: 431460
Game-ID: 673980
Game-ID: 312860
Game-ID: 679930

Game-ID: 234080
Game-ID: 676590
Game-ID: 218740
Game-ID: 315920

Game-ID: 244770
Game-ID: 279900
Game-ID: 867790
Game-ID: 351300
Pink/Purple Game Sets
Game-ID: 493670
Game-ID: 217690
Game-ID: 494360
Game-ID: 532670

Game-ID: 567690
Game-ID: 435530
Game-ID: 359060
Game-ID: 268830

Game-ID: 244930
Game-ID: 259530
Game-ID: 533360
Game-ID: 465720
Red Game Sets
Game-ID: 709400
Game-ID: 367040
Game-ID: 392120
Game-ID: 42120

Game-ID: 32740
Game-ID: 225160
Game-ID: 32620
Game-ID: 20530

Game-ID: 456780
Game-ID: 33980
Game-ID: 201810
Game-ID: 360150

Game-ID: 570380
Game-ID: 378660
Game-ID: 328650
Game-ID: 387070

Game-ID: 243120
Game-ID: 685800
Game-ID: 46460
Game-ID: 447960

Game-ID: 342350
Game-ID: 493770
Game-ID: 681000
Game-ID: 596690

Game-ID: 422020
Game-ID: 255370
Game-ID: 289280
Game-ID: 44350

Game-ID: 233130
Game-ID: 383580
Game-ID: 318690
Game-ID: 598440

Game-ID: 273110
Game-ID: 448070
Game-ID: 263140
Game-ID: 422970

Game-ID: 533300
Game-ID: 248170
Game-ID: 834380
Game-ID: 339840

Game-ID: 324110
Game-ID: 667720
Game-ID: 656290
Game-ID: 236390

Game-ID: 497400
Game-ID: 534290
Game-ID: 41000
Game-ID: 341150
White Game Sets
Game-ID: 579640
Game-ID: 415080
Game-ID: 497700
Game-ID: 380140
Bonus Game Sets
Game-ID: 245070
Game-ID: 267420
Game-ID: 335590
Game-ID: 425280
Closing Remarks
This guide has been the most time consuming guide i've ever done on steam so far, so I really hope some of you found it useful. If anyone has any games or any other suggestions for this guide, then feel free to write it in the comment section down below since i'm planning to update this guide from time to time. Also please consider to rate and favorite this guide if it was helpful, I would appreciate it a lot
Niragiです 15 Mar, 2023 @ 7:09am 
how to do this for 2nd Game Collector showcase from Points Shop???
Mino 13 Mar, 2022 @ 7:27pm 
Very useful guide. Thank you for your service.
𝕹𝖎𝖈𝖔𝕮𝖚𝖚 8 Feb, 2022 @ 3:00pm 
AirOne01 8 Dec, 2021 @ 2:52pm 
𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 !
Amirali 26 Oct, 2021 @ 2:04pm 
add orange
Ɗᴿ҃Dee 6 May, 2021 @ 11:58am 
Crowbar-Man 1 May, 2021 @ 2:39am 
every New Blood Interactive games got Red Game Sets. eg: DUSK, AMID EVIL, ULTRAKILL
LiSS 16 Feb, 2021 @ 5:43pm 
javascript:(function(){SetShowcaseConfig(2,0,0,{appid:220});SetShowcaseConfig(2,0,1,{appid:220});SetShowcaseConfig(2,0,2,{appid:220});SetShowcaseConfig(2,0,3,{appid:220})}()); use this,thanks me later :mafiabird:
tweety` 2 Jan, 2021 @ 6:43pm 
Not working :(
Remu 13 Nov, 2020 @ 2:44pm 
not working :(