114 평점
Warframe Weapon Review
Inexorable.Diarrhea 님과 1명의 기여자가 작성
This guide aims to provide people relatively new to the game the information that describes how each weapon in the game works and performs. This guide will only contain, at the moment, weapons that i've personally been able to use. This means that the guide will grow as i get through all the weapons there is(gonna need some luck for the blueprint only weapons). Hope this guide helps people decide what weapon they'd like to use instead of regretting that purchase or that build. This is a guide with no aim to tell you what to do with your game.

UPDATE: a large load of weapons have actually been finished, just pending review. Time is my enemy to write the guide. additionally, I will no longer post weapon images on the guide itself since it makes it longer to load. Just gonna put links to the images found on the warframe wiki.
즐겨찾기 해제
Polarity names crit. chances and crit damages are obtained from The Warframe Wiki[warframe.wikia.com]

An interesting compilation of the weapon stats can be found in this guide by DARKKi. The link to the guide is HERE

As a general weapon modding note, it is advisable to improve your weapon base damage first before adding other "elements" in order to boost the element effect with it. A rule of thumb, most enemies are armored so if you only have enough mod power for damage or armor piercing mods go for the latter else you need to land consistent headshots.

As of Update 8, the polarities mentioned in the guide will now refer to the polarities the weapons start with.

Rank requirements for the weapons will be coming soon.
Primary Weapons
This first section of the guide will tackle the primary weapons in Warframe, namely Shotguns, Rifles and Snipers.
The first thing that comes to mind to most players is that the MK1-BRATON is the first weapon, so it is probably the weakest. The qualities that people usually take note of in a weapon is the damage and the rate. From these stats alone, this weapon would definitely lack-luster since all other weapons would trump the MK1-BRATON in one, if not both, of these qualities. The weapon shines through its other two statistics, namely its accuracy and clip size. Due to its fire rate, the clip size can actually be said to be quite large. As for the accuracy, people might say that "I have NO idea what the number on the accuracy stat mean!", to which I'd reply with "look at the accuracy stat of your melee weapons." Yes, it's 100 for all melee weapons, meaning that they will always hit where you aim them. Below average fire rate, large clip size and great accuracy makes this weapon excellent for inexperienced shooters. The combination of these attributes allows players to:
  • Literally run and gun enemies without worrying about the recoil messing their shots up too much.
  • Allows players to gun down enemies even at extreme ranges without resorting to bursting.
  • Finally, the most precise of players can get consecutive headshots on enemies, effectively doubling their damage and going through enemy armor without worry.
To sum things up for this weapon.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty in Use: Low
The under-appreciated rifle, the GRAKATA is the rifle equivalent of the VIPER. Stadard size clip, miniscule damage, amazing fire rate and excellent crit chance, this weapon will eat through your ammo very quickly while melting enemy faces just as fast. With maximum point strike, half of the time your shots will be critical hits, so that's pretty impressive when coupled with serration and vital sense to make the values more relevant(9 base damage and 200% crit damage). Downfalls would be the high fire rate, causing crazy recoil. Your reticle will bounce around the center even with just a short burst, more so with sustained fire. Additionally, it is fairly weak against shielded enemies since you can't crit on a shield.
  • Weapon of fortune. If you think you are lucky, arm this baby and watch the crits fly. Be wary of shielded enemies.
  • Burst Bursting. You deal burst damage much faster than most weapons, with reasonable sustainability. Its the GORGON of the lucky plus it has no spin-up period.
  • Run and gun. Get up close to the target so that the recoil will not make most of your shots miss. Large target are also fun to gun down, such as Ancients.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: High
On a low weapon rank, the weapon's damage is just sh*t. Admit it. It needs ranks to equip mods to make it the potential killing machine it is. Once it is strong, the problem encountered would be the ammo consumption AND the recoil. Although it has an above-standard max ammo capacity, that capacity is not what you start with(you can exceed 540, but you start with 540 max ammo). Bullet attractor would be a big plus with this weapon.
Most people that have played the tutorial probably didn't notice that it was the BRATON they were using during the tutorial and not the MK1-BRATON. Not really a big deal. Compared to your starting weapon, it looks almost exactly the same save for the fact that it is a bit shorter. Stat wise, you can say that the MK1-BRATON is an assault rifle while the BRATON is an SMG, and it would be a pretty good differentiation between the two. The BRATON features a slightly elevated damage-per-bullet and almost doubled the fire rate at the cost of reduced accuracy and a 25% lower clip size. The following qualities allow players wielding this weapon to:
  • More efficiently deal with enemies at closer ranges due to the obvious increase in damage output.
  • Engage enemies at longer distances via bursting, due to its still adequate accuracy but increased recoil.
  • Damage more enemies in a shorter amount of time with their elemental weakness for a pseudo crowd control.
To sum it up.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
- Difficulties may arise from the rate at which ammunition is consumed and the decrease in accuracy if the last weapon one would be using was the MK1-BRATON.
Taking its position as the intermediate between fully automatic weapons and the semi automatic LATRON the BURSTON fires bullets in bursts of three. The weapon's stats itself, is a little confusing considering the position it was supposed to take. It offers a lower fire rate AND accuracy than either versions of the BRATON. The recoil is comparable to that of the SICARUS, but due to its clip size, reload rate and damage it is more forgiving. The burst itself is actually pretty workable at medium ranges, even when firing from the hip. On a per clip basis, this weapon offers a greater potential damage than even the favored LATRON. Use of this weapon allows players to perform roles such as:
  • Quick dispatch of enemies at close to medium ranges, even while running and gunning.
  • Convenient bursting of enemies at longer distances, albeit with less accuracy than expected from such a weapon.
Polarities: Attack
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
Using this weapon with little modification to it could lead to more ineffeciency. Needing to use more than three bursts on standard mobs is a good sign that an automatic weapon of similar damage profile would perform the task better than the weapon, unless it is possible for additional modding to improve damage output at that time.
LATRON by indomitable13191
If you're looking for accuracy and damage, the LATRON may be just what you need. With a reasonably high damage output at long range, the LATRON is perfect for either sniping enemies or the run-and-gun style of combat. It offers an average fire rate, with a large clip and a fast reload rate, considering it is a semi-automatic rifle. Dealing headshots with this weapon is very crucial to taking out enemies with one shot, since the headshot damage deals 50% more damage. It can be considered as a less accurate and slightly less powerful SNIPETRON. Its stats allows it to:
  • Snipe enemies from afar much like a sniper would.
  • Equipped with the Serration mod and several other damage and chance mods (Point Strike, Piercing Hit, Vital Sense, etc.) allows the run and gun style of combat due to its high damage.
  • Deal high damage in a short amount of time during boss fights (Hyena, Jackal, etc.)

Polarities: Attack
Difficulty: Low - Moderate
The LATRON is only powerful when equipped with enough damage mods, so using it unmodded is a big mistake. Not dealing headshots may also hinder the strength of it because even a 50% damage increase can mean a lot, even with the base damage of the LATRON.
BOLTOR IMAGE[images4.wikia.nocookie.net]
After a long hiatus, finally a weapon review. The BOLTOR is a classic favorite. Fully automatic, standard clip size and reload rate, but below average damage. What makes up for this trait is the fact that these bullets deal pure damage to most enemy types, halved only be a handful elites and bosses. This weapon can rain death upon your enemies at a computable rate due to its damage profile... but it has one very annoying setback. The bullets(bolts) not only have travel time, but they spray(spread) from the center in a seemingly random path. It does not mean it changes direction mid-flight, but it can make it harder to hit enemies at longer distances, espacially if they are on the move. Further compensations of this weapon include the fact that this weapon can stun-lock most enemies it hits, making subsequent bolts either easier or harder to land.
  • Perfect for shredding Grineer since they usually have lower health but compensates for higher armor as compared to other factions of same level.
  • Emergency crowd-control due to its 100% stun on most enemies.
  • Suitable Infested weapon due to full damage output on ancients and runner-explosion cancel.
Polarity: Defense
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
The weapon is pretty simple to use, since the travel time can be compensated for by leading shots. The random spread pattern can be compensated for by the shear number of bolts that can be fired in a given time frame. The only real difficulty is the random movement of the enemy as they are staggered by the bolt impact, which may allow them to uncannily dodge incoming bolts.
HIND IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
Probably the newest addition to the rifles as of update 9.something(the one where they added Phobos), the HIND is one unique weapon to say the least. It combines the burst-fire accuracy we wish the BURSTON had with the corresponding amount of damage per bullet, along with a lesser version of the GORGON's fire rate and capacity. It fires in accurate bursts of five, and reloads much much faster than the GORGON would, meaning this weapon would provide one of the most competitve, non-clan primary weapon damage in the game as of right now. Possible drawbacks would include the fact that it fires in bursts of five, meaninng lesser enemies that take less bullets would waste your shots and enemies that take 6-8 shots to die would be killed "slower" relative to the DPS of other weapons with continuous of single-fire firing modes.
  • Excellent for dealing high damage even at longer ranges.
  • Can be used in assault situations due to its workable hipfire and moderate reload rate.
  • Definitely benefits headhunters, for lining up three to five head shots in a burst is workable with the smaller kick from the burst.
Polarities: Attack
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
The weapon is pretty easy to use save for its firing mode. Burst fire is not really popular, since fully automatic would work in high-adrenaline situations while single fire is controlled, leaving burst like the last one picked in the dodgeball game. To top it off, the burst is in the odd number of five, meaning that you would waste bullets into enemies that are severely weak and take much longer than other firing modes to kill enemies just strong enough to survive a burst.
The GORGON can be said to be the LMG or minigun of the game. Impressive fire fate, above-average damage per bullet and large magazine. Drawbacks to this weapon would include its need to spin up, meaning that the first bullets fired will come out slower than its maximum speed. Its accuracy is not that good either such that even if you fire a single shot at a stable position onto a security camera it would not be a surprise to still miss. This sub-standard accuracy coupled with its impressive fire rate makes recoil a big problem, meaning that focusing your bullets onto distant, fast or small targets can become quite difficult. With that said, the GORGON can be used to fill the following roles:
  • Cryo Rounds, Magazine Warp and Thunderclap equipped can make this weapon at the least suppress an incoming wave of enemies.
  • Equipping damage mods on to the weapon allows it to quickly mow down enemy mobs.
  • Using this in tight, narrow pathways forces mobs to occupy the general space at which your bullets would travel into, improving its chances to hit enemies.
  • Specifically large and tough enemies can be shredded, eating their shields if any and dealing damage to their health before needing to reload.
In summary
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Moderate-High
-The weapon in itself is not easy to use due to its need to spin up. People inexperienced with its use would find themselves low on ammunition with no ammo boxes, forcing them to resort to secondary and melee use. The greatest difficulty is in its inaccuracy, making people that hold down the trigger as opposed to bursting miss more shots and waste ammunition.
The STRUN is a large change from your first weapon because it's a completely different weapon class. It is a shotgun, boasting high total damage at the cost of pretty much everything else. The damage displayed is the maximum amount of damage, should all the pellets hit. The accuracy, i would like to believe, applies on a per pellet basis to make the shot spread nice. Wielding such a weapon allows players to:
  • Rapidly dispatch enemies at close to medium range(Since some enemies are quite large that most pellets will still hit) with health lower than your damage output.
  • Allow players to land hits easier on fast-moving targets such as Rollers.
  • Allow players to kill multiple enemies with one shot without the need for the bullet penetration module(Although this weapon is classified as a shotgun, players should not think that the spread is that extreme)
Final notes.
Polarities: Tactical(Most elements, reload rate, ammo capacity)
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
-Difficulty may arise from players trying to engage enemies from too long a distance, failing to kill their target in one hit.
Arguably the best shotgun in the older versions, the HEK is a force to be dealt with. So much so that they had to make a shotgun damage drop-off just to try and balance this beast. This has the highest damage per shot of all weapons available out there, given that all the pellets hit the target. The chances of that happening is actually pretty good... even up to medium range due to the weapon's tight spread. The spread is your best friend when running and gunning, but might make hitting enemies at closer range problematic since it also makes your attack cone smaller. FInally, there's the ammo capacity to deal with. Four shots in a clip makes reloading a frequent occurence for this weapon, and also makes it less effective when enemy groups you encounter are large.
  • Run and gun, the tight spread makes aiming down the sights pretty much optional.
  • Burst damage can pe performed up to an extent since it can fire fast, but it's clip size really plays against this.
  • Long hauling, since this shotgun is the most efficient of its weapon class.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
This weapon is actually much easier to use than the other shotguns due to its tight spread since enemies encountered at melee range would usually be engaged with melee. Should the player attempt to shoot at a target this close, they might actually miss due to the tight cone and the length of the weapon barrel, making the bullets "spawn" behind the enemy since the tip of the barrel ends behind them.
The newest addition to the shotgun class, the SOBEK is a weapon to fall in love with if not for its relatively hard recipe to complete(needs a load of neurodes as compared to other weapons). This shotgun is fully automatic, relatively high damage-per-shot, and tight spread due to the low number of pellets per shot. That's not even putting the high clip capacity of the weapon of 20, making it a shotgun great for sustained or long gun fights. The only thing, and i repeat only thing that will make this weapon receive some hate is the fact that even WITH reload rate mods it still takes a long time to fill up those shots in the clip. To compensate for this, the weapon has a nice reload animation to go along with it to entertain you during the long reload rate. "Just enjoy the show" -Lenka
  • Sustained damage, can keep those shields down for a longer time before your long reload time allows them to recover it to full.
  • Tight spread, making this weapon very viable up to medium ranges while maintaining efficiency.
  • Rapid fire rate, allowing you to deal with groups of enemies with ease by either debuffing them with frost or outright killing them.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
The weapon is personally the easiest to use in the shotgun class. Good range, decent damage, fully automatic... the reload rate can easily be copensated for by simply reloading in-between fire fights or taking cover during one before coming out guns blazing. The reason I called this weapon making it up to moderate difficulty is due to its nature. It's fully automatic, people will be tempted to hold down the trigger as opposed to controlling their shots. One to three shots(depending on fire rate) can easily be wasted on an enemy corpse, leaving the user with less shots than anyone would be comfortable with.
The BOAR is another shotgun in the list that varies from the STRUN in a number of ways. It has almost just half the damage output of the STRUN, highly elevated firing speed(allowing you to burn a standard clip in just two seconds), an increased clip size with a slightly increased accuracy(making your spread a little tighter). Surprisingly, according to the wiki, the BOAR also boasts the highest crit chance of all current shotgun classes. This variation of a shotgun allows players to perform:
  • Rapidly damaging, if not clearing out, small enemy concentrations given they are clustered.
  • Spreading shot still allows for easier targetting of fast-moving enemies.
  • Rapid fire rate and moderate damage allows for bursting down elites/bosses.
Final words for this weapon.
Polarities: NONE
DIfficulty: Low-Moderate
-Players transitioning from STRUN to BOAR might get off their game when enemies that typically die in one shot live from the BOAR. Inexperienced players may fire shots off rapidly, burning through their ammunition before the mission is completed.
Probably the oddest-sounding weapon in the game, the SNIPETRON fires heavy-damaging rounds at opponents. This weapon has the innate armor piercing damage type, so if one were to look at the enemy damage tables they would see that most enemies receive 100% of the damage while most Grineer cry by receiving double the damage. It WAS the only weapon to offer optical zoom, which meant that when aiming down the sights it would put you in first-person view rather than over-the-shoulder. Decent fire rate, very small clip and the most annoying reload time I've ever encountered(full Fast Hands just doesn't cut it) coupled by the disturbing fact that not all bullets you fire will hit the dot where you aim due to the accuracy factor of the rifle.
  • Engaging long-distance targets with you optical zoom.
  • Picking off tactical targets such as heavies and even reinforced glass to the team's benefit.
  • Skilled players can use this to run and gun due to its potential to 1 hit KO anything short of being an elite/ancient.
Polarities: Attack
Difficulty: Moderate-High
The sniper rifle does not have dead-on aim. SOME shots will miss, and it isn't the player's fault. Some enemies might survive your shot, and that could make this weapon inefficient due to the starting ammo pool of 72 with 4 in the clip. Finally, players might have a hard time tracking the faster moving targets since every shot of this rifle counts.

*SNIPETRON is no longer available in the game unless the player owned it prior to UPDATE 8. Replaced by another sniper with similar stats yet to be reviewed.
Sometime between then and now, the fabled SNIPETRON was removed from the market, making obtaining this weapon very hard afterwards(I think the infiltrator event gave this weapon as a reward, or the vandal version, dunno since I wasn't around for that one). Anyway, it was abruptly replaced by this weapon called the VULKAR. The weapon deals high damage-per-shot, has zoom capabilities for ranged encounters. It performs like a bolt-action sniper, and by that I mean it fires pretty slow, has a small clip size and reloads quite a while. Unlike the phased-out SNIPETRON, however, this weapon does not boast armor penetrating abilities. This means that although it deals more damage-per-shot the the previous sniper in the game, it can only be competitive when you land headshots.
  • Ranged encounters, with the aid of the zoom and the accuracy.
  • Attacks of opportunity, let your buddies whittle down enemy shields then swoop in for the health damage... or you can put frost on this baby and take the shields down yourself. Whatever floats your boat.
  • Weapon of fortune, since the crit chance and rate of this weapon are high enough to be dependable. Full level of point strike gives you a 50% chance just like the GRAKATA
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Moderate-High
This weapon is definitely one that requires some skill on the part of the weilder. Body shots penalize you since the ammo capacity and ammo recovery rate are both low. Every shot counts, so always aim for the head and always go for the enemies that are worth it. Don't even bother thinking about using solely this weapon when fighting the horde-swarm of the Infested, it would be too time-consuming. The more damage-uppers on this weapon the better.
The PARIS is a unique weapon to say the least. it falls under the sniper class of weapons, it can fire arrows that travel in an arc. The speed and arcing of the projectile is dependent on the amount of time spent charging the weapon. Its projectile type allows it to deal its full damage onto all enemy types while impaling killed foes onto surfaces. Currently, the PARIS is capable of damaging multiple enemies should the corpse of the first collide with other enemies or with the newly added mod specifically for the PARIS(no first hand information on said mod as of now). FInally, the PARIS fires in complete silence(at least wrt to the enemy hearing), meaning it is perfect for those who want to avoid enemy detection. This weapon is ideal for the following uses:
  • Dispatching enemies from a distance AND in complete silence(enemies that see the corpse would be alerted, but not enough to make them trigger the alarm).
  • Dealing burst damage onto heavy units due to its full damage capability.
  • Quickly eliminating low-level enemies(This involves firing the bow without charging, which takes great practice due to the different projectile travel speed and arc plus some enemies require headshots to be killed with one, uncharged arrow).
Final remarks for this weapon
Polarities: Tactical
Difficulty: Moderate-High
The PARIS is definitely no easy weapon to use from the onset. I, personally, didn't even know it could be charged until it was rank 20+(although this did help me master the art of uncharged arrow accuracy when i speed run low-level maps). Even a full-charged arrow would not instantly hit a distant target, meaning players need to know to lead their targets.
The trademark weapon of the stalker, the DREAD has been known to cut the unprepared down to size. Thiw weapon is a bow that comes default in its dark colors as it came out at the same time as the black color palette. It can be charged to a damage higher than the preceeding PARIS, it even fires its arrows faster and arcs less... but does not ignore enemy armor. Sure, it staggers enemies on a hit, but if you aren't gonna land headshots it wouldn't matter much if your base damage was higher. On the flip side, light infested are cut down due to its triple damage on them. Doing the math, slapping on the same damage mods(serration, multishot, armor piercing) should allow this weapon to deal more damage than the PARIS, even on armored enemies easily up to 60% damage reduction, but it wouldn't matter at all IF headshots are landed.
  • Infested hunting, just keep those Ancients away since headshots are harder to land on them now.
  • Silent solo, the weapon is completely silent so it may line up head shots on the unaware enemies easily.
  • Heavy damage on enemies, given that the enemy armor does not make your armor laughable.
Polarities: TWO Attack slots
Difficulty: Moderate-High
Arrows are only efficient when charged unless the weapon is heavily modded, so it fires a little slower than most weapons. The arrows are surely devastating on light Infested, but arrow will still be arrows. You have to lead shots, you have to account for arrow arc, and to put icing on top you need to land headshots to deal substantial damage. Hence, it requires even more skill than the PARIS, but is definitely much more rewarding to the skilled.
MITER IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
The most tedious, and probably most disappointing weapon in the game, the MITER is the useable version of the weapon of the new Grineer Eviscerators. THis baby can fire frisbees in the shape of the blade on your common blender at a blazing speed of meh. Seriously, the blade is slow, so don't bet on hitting every target you see on the first use. One more thing, this weapon is a charge-type weapon like the bows in the game, albeit this function is not yet working and the weapon deals full damage regardless of charge duration used. As for the charge rate... it is pitifully slow, please use at least four levels of speed trigger to make this weapon compensate. Although the weapon can deal full damage regardless of charge amount, it requires something in between an eighth and a quarter of the charge completed to be able to fire a shot. To make up for this, the weapon deals serrated blade damage, which means full damage to most enemies aaaand triple damage to light infested, stagger on every hit on most enemies and the potential to hit multiple enemies in one shot. The wiki says the blade bounces only up to thrice, but I've definitely seen it bounce more than that when i used it, especially when i miraculously killed four enemies in one shot(no multishot). Yes, the projectiles of the weapon do bounce off enemies and surfaces... but it takes great mastery of the weapon to be actually use this function in battle efficiently(bouncing it off walls to hit enemies, bouncing off multiple enemies etc). My personal suggestion is to fit this weapon with the mutation mod if you have it, full fire rate and serration and spam those blades away.
  • High clip of 20, the highest among the weapons drawing from the sniper ammo pool.
  • Serrated blade damage with the potential to hit multiple enemies/enemies multiple times.
  • Projectile bounce can be quite tactical in the right hands.
Polarities: Tactical
Difficulty: High
This is no easy weapon to use, as many people might have noticed from the long description. For those players who are considering buying this for platinum, please consider everything there is to consider about the weapon. There was a reason why it took a total of five components which drop randomly from the duo boss at Phobos, and it MAY be to prove that whoever makes it has the skills to use this weapon properly. The weapon takes the most target leading, quick physics calculation of projectile path during bounces and draw from the sniper ammo pool. Please, if you are not ready for this weapon do not purchase/claim it yet. :)


Been a long update past since it was improved, and i was actually personally able to use it after the update. The charge function now works, the blades now bounce off enemies as usual if not fully charged, however charging and firing this baby will allow your blades to cut through the enemies like butter. Is it a game changer for the use of this weapon? That remains to be seen(although personally no one runs around with this weapon out unless its for mastery)
Secondary Weapons
This section of the guide will now begin to cover the sidearms I've personally been able to use. Again, the Warframe Wiki contains the for the crit chance and damage.
Every player starts out with the LATO. Standard damage, clip size, fire rate, fire type and accuracy such that players that play other shooters can find comfort in such a grounded weapon. The drawback for the LATO would probably be the low chance to score a critical hit. The biggest problem in using a single fire weapon is its fire rate. People that can press a little slower than maximum actually get more shots out over time than those that pull the trigger faster than the fire rate of the weapon. Seeing as secondary weapons are typically used only when your primary weapon can't do the job, this weapon fits the following fallback roles:
  • Sniping enemies at a distance, if your primary weapon accuracy is horrible.
  • Finishing enemies off, if your primary weapon has a long reload period and is out of melee reach.
  • Firing at lesser enemies that the player find unworthy to use their primary weapon on(low on ammo, etc.)
Parting words
Polarities: NONE
DIfficulty: Low
-Players with trigger fingers that are slower or faster than the firing rate of the weapon will cause the weapon to underperform.
Some consider the AKLATO to be a step up from the LATO, but that would be subject to the person you are asking. Doubled ammunition capacity, roughly a little over half the accuracy, partially faster firing rate(still dependent on the person's trigger finger and limitations as mentioned in the previous section) and with almost doubled the reloading rate. This slightly modifies its role from filling the role your primary could not to being more assault oriented.
  • Closing the distance between enemies whilst firing at them with a high capacity weapon.
  • A controlled secondary weapon for people armed with low capacity, low fire rate high damage weapons when enemies engage you at closer ranges.
  • Can still be used for the elimination of smaller, less significant enemies.
Final remarks.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
-The moderate difficulty, in my opinion, can arise from a direct transition from LATO to AKLATO due to the accuracy and reload rate change.
Behold, the pistol that i have found to be somewhat disappointing and misleading. The SICARUS is a burst fire pistol with a high crit. chance, slightly elevated damage and accuracy as compared to the first sidearm you come with. It displays a lower DPS, and is therefore classified as a burst damage type of weapon. On paper, nothing seems to be so bad with the weapon, but the problems arise when you first fire the weapon. The recoil generated from the first shot makes the aim of the second and third shot deviate largely from where you first left your crosshair. This makes the SICARUS a poor-man's close range burst weapon.
  • Close ranged enemies with exposed weakspots are vulnerable to the burst damage.
  • Large enemies or enemies with no cover so that firing at the body of the target makes the recoil keep your weapon on target.
Polarities: Attack
Difficulty: Moderate-High
The burst can be worked with in two ways. One, the player can drag their aim down as the weapon kicks up in an attempt to get all three shots dead-center. Second, the player can aim for the torso region of the target such that the remaining two shots will pelt the enemy head. One thing I have also noticed is that playing on a lower-end computer actually lower the burst fire rate enough such that ALL three shots are lined up where you aim it. The difficulty in the weapon is really in getting used to the burst recoil pattern.
One mean burst-firing pistol comparable to the BURSTON in potential, the KRAKEN actually has the potential to be stronger than the LEX. It fires in bursts of two rounds, and kicks after the first shot really hard, but much better than the overall kick by the SICARUS. The rounds are classified as heavy rounds, so they CAN break reinforced glass. Its hipfire accuracy is workable, although players WILL notice that the shots do stray from the center often. Hitting a target afar from behind cover will be challenging, especially if one has the intent of landing both shots.
  • A more mobile run and gun experience as compared to the LEX due to firing two shots with every press of the trigger.
  • Hitting large targets or compensating for the kick can allows for up to two consecutive headshots, or two kills with one press if the bullets are damaginf enough.
  • Rapid bursting of enemies in very cose quarters.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Moderate-High
The burst mechanic in Warframe is overall difficult to work with if you are a first-time user. This, although, develops a kick compensation making these burst weapons a show of skill. DIfficulty may arise when the weapon starts to feel like a LEX but eating through ammo somewhat like a LATO.
The VIPER is the first machine pistol type weapon I get to use in my game, so sorry to those FURIS fans out there. XD It has over double the fire rate of your standard LATO, with 2/3 of the damage and only a little penalty on its accuracy. It fires its clip real fast, such that you would literally spend more time on the reloading phase as opposed to emptying your standard clip. Due to its accuracy, this pistol is still viable for use over longer distances, although bursting is highly recommended for the recoil on this weapon may send half your clip astray. The real kicker when contemplating on even using this weapon is that it has the highest crit chance of all current pistols along with the LEX, a whooping 15% according to the wiki which makes it the weapon ideal for those feeling lucky.
  • Ideal for rapidly and repeatedly bursting down enemy heavy units and bosses.
  • In moderation, the VIPER can be used to dispatch a small group of enemies(lest you spend a clip on just one).
  • Bursting enemies at moerate distance.
Polarities: Tactical
Difficulty: Low-High
The VIPER in itself is by no means hard to use. The difficulty arises from controlling its fire rate. Many shots may miss from continuous fire, while those with heavy trigger fingers might burst a couple of shots more than they'd like. The most pressing concern with the use of this weapon is when using low-end computers, wherein reloading the weapon causes a seemingly-infinite reload loop.
Want to see how fast you can run out of pistol ammo? With the TWIN VIPERS, this will be answered withon the next 7 reloads. A single tap in an attempt to fire a single shot ends up in bursts of 7-2. Getting a single shot off in a tap is difficult, but not impossible. Properly handled, it can crit the bejesus out of most unshielded enemies(can't crit on a shield).Comparing it to a single VIPER, It has a nastier recoil, and empties its clip in the same time, albeit having doubled the capacity. What's disappointingis that it takes a longer time to reload than a single VIPER. This weapon is incredibly enjoyable to use, but for your own sake bring an ammo-efficient primary or loads of ammo boxes if you plan to run these as your main weapon.
  • Burst to damage. It can deal more damage to an enemy at a time, but its reload rate offers a larger window for enemies to actually regenerate shields when compared to a single VIPER.
  • Weapon of fortune. This weapon has a high crit chance coupled by a high fire rate. It will be more efficient on unshielded enemies so that it can inflict these crit hits.
  • Bursting moderately distanced enemies is possible due to the shear number of bullets fired per burst.
  • Run and gun is viable since it can kill most enemies very quickly.
Polarities: Tactical
Difficulty: Moderate to Hard
If you had ammo management issues when running a single VIPER, then more so with two of them. The clip size is doubled, but pretty much so was the fire rate. This means that if you accidentally empty a clip on an enemy, you consume twice as much ammo and this is alot since the base ammo capacity does not change per weapon yet(changes for weapons like the GORGON and the GRAKATA, so i'm hoping it will for other weapons such as this).
An automatic pistol with a large capacity to boot, the FURIS offers functions similar to the VIPER while having a very noticeable difference. It has a high capacity, standard crit chance and high fire rate. Unlike the VIPER, however, this weapon fires a little slower while dealing a little less damage per shot. This translates to being able to easily control the recoil of the weapon even when firing continuously. The aforementioned capacity also allows players more room for error when it comes to missing a few shots in a clip.
  • Large capacity, high fire rate and manageable recoil allows players to perform a combination of sustained and burst damage for draining and keeping enemy shields down.
  • Burst damage with aforementioned recoil allows players to mow down weaker mobs while staying on the move.
Polarities: Tactical
DIfficulty: Low-High
This weapon is definitely easy to use in most situations, but you are your own enemy. The weapon is great for hosing down enemies, but as they fall so too does your ammo stock. Players may find themselves low on ammunition before even making it to the objective.
AFURIS IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
The dual version of the FURIS, the AFURIS double the capacity of the already large capacity pistol, making it have the largest clip size for a non-clan secondary weapon. It deals miniscule damage, but makes up for it in raw quantity of bullets it can spew at the enemy. It is fairly accurate even when firing from the hip considering it is a fully automatic weapon AND that it is an akimbo weapon, given that it is fired in quick, short bursts. Stacking elemental mods on this weapon even without prior hornet strike mods make them scale pretty good given that the base damage on the weapon is low to begon with. It is recommended to run this weapon with means to restore your ammo pool, namely ammo boxes, ammo mutation mods or simply "increasing" the number of bullets you have by slotting in multishot mods.
  • Rapid DPS, Extended shield downtime for enemies.
  • Accurate run and gun, given the weapons fairly good accuracy in bursts even without aiming down the sights.
  • Ammo insufficiency, since ammo pickups do not scale with the clip size of the weapon. Be wary of this fact every time extended use of this weapon is in mind.
Polarities: Tactical
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
The weapon is fairly easy to use, albeit hard to craft in terms of materials. The only problem most players would encounter, especially at low weapon ranks, is the ammo consumption. It is not feasible for extended use without a means to make you weapon more efficient or alternative ways to replenish your ammunition.
VASTO IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
The VASTO is a revolver weapon, making it have an elevated base damage for a pistol while having a much better reload rate than the sluggish LEX. As the model implies, it has six shots in the cylinder(clip), can fire at amazing speeds and reloads almost as quick as those cowboys in the western movies can draw and fire their guns. It is accurate even when firing from the hip, it hits around where the dot of your reticle is... unfortunately this weapon kicks like a horse. Compensation is needed to fire this weapon at its maximum speed while landing most of your shots.
  • Relatively high DPS due to its fire rate, damage per shot and crit hit chance.
  • Get to feel like Rick in The Walking Dead, dropping enemies with one headshot while walking down the path in your cowboy warframe pants.
Polarities: Attack
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
Considering the nature of the weapon, it is definitely more forgiving than its big brother, the LEX. Missing a shot is okay considering the next one can come fairly quickly, and forgetting to reload in-between fire fights is forgiven for you can slip the rounds in the cylinder in a second. The only problem is trying to be a true gunslinger and forgetting to compensate for the large kick. It is recommended to regulate your fire rate to be lower when firing at more distant targets to land those consistent headshots to drop your targets quicker as opposed to blindly raining bullets on them and missing half. The kick is also visually lower when firing from the hip, so players might consider firing from the hip if the enemy is just at short to moderate ranges anyway.
DUAL VASTOS PICTURE[images4.wikia.nocookie.net]
Yeah, showdowns are done with only one gun and one shot, but who wants to be a cowboy when we're space ninjas? Hence, the development of the DUAL VASTOS. A VASTO in each hand, this baby can fire twice the amount of bullets in roughly the same amount of time as the single counterpart. What's horribly sad about this weapon is that for some weird reason... dual weilding the weapon causes it to lose its polarity. Go figure, and AFURIS gains a polarity slot. Getting past this feature... it also reloads much slower, so it might be advised to equip reload mods if previously using the single counterpart. Apart from these differences, it's pretty much the same weapon.
  • Shoot enemies up in style, jump aim and rain bullets. C'mon, one of those bullets will have to hit.
  • Dealing with enemies in less time when 6 rounds of the VASTO just does not do.
  • Fast-paced engagements against enemies, sniping might be more problematic due to the reduced accuracy.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Easy-Moderate
Point-shoot-kill. Does not get any simpler than that. The main problem might be that the weapon reloads a little slower than the VASTO you may have been used to. Difficulty arises when dealing with enemies that come in large groups(Infestation, Survival missions, etc) since your weapon, albeit being able to fire more bullets before reloading, has a long downtime of 2 seconds... time enough to get incapacitated while running around like a headless chicken in the heat of battle.
Every one wants to have that one gun that can one-shot kill those tough enemies, the LEX is definitely part of that list. Using this weapon makes you feel like RIck on The Walking Dead series shooting one zombie at a time with his revolver. High damage, low fire rate, slow reload rate and high crit chance, this is a weapon that has great potential if properly modded. People that judge the weapon based on its initial performance may miss out on the potential strengths of this somewhat "carry" weapon.
  • Can be used as your handheld sniper should you be using a shotgun or a poor-accuracy weapon.
  • Advancing through enemy ranks by shooting those that get in your way as you move to your next tactical position.
  • Killing enemies rapidly(automatic weapons definitely have higher DPS, but if you only have enough time for one shot this weapon will fit the bill)
Polarities: Attack(Multishot, anyone?)
DIfficulty: Low-High
Again, this weapon is not complicated to use, its just that its effects depending on its mods may not match expectations. People that do not add at least armor penetration mods will feel that this weapon underperforms. It is highly recommended that armor piercing, damage and multishot mods be placed onto this weapon to make it the one shot, one kill weapon it was designed to be.
SEER IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
The SEER is yet another weapon that can be farmed from the new and improved Cpt. Vor. Congrats to this boss from graduating to being a tougher flame blade to a more complex boss. ANYWAAAAAAY... The SEER is the weapon this very same boss uses for about 2/3 of the player's battle with him. When used by the players, it can be noted that this weapon has more of a punch than the LEX and can fire these bullets at a much higher rate, but it has to suck somewhere for being better at something than a previous weapon. The weapon's bullets are not hitscan, meaning that the bullets have a travel time(much like a bow or bolt weapon) before hitting the target. Target leading is then necessary for moving, distant targets. Additionally, it takes quite a while to reload the gun, so users must be resilient in remembering to reload when they get a breather. To add confusion as to how this weapon should be used, it comes with superior zoom. Seriously, the weapon is not hitscan and you give it zoom. Either this weapon got drunk from the party last night or this was meant for professional players.
  • Bullets explode on contact, but is purely aesthetic. Makes it easy to tell your teammates if you are hitting your targets or the wall. :))
  • High damage, high fire rate, zoom capability. Drop you enemies from a distance while showing off your skills to your peers.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Moderate-High
The weapon is not hitscan, and the bullets travel sufficiently slow such that even enemies that suddenly change direction at that last second after you lead them can dodge the bullet. This difficulty in use if further bolstered by the fact that the damage of this weapon is harder to raise initially than the lex due to its lack of a polarity slot. This weapon is for the experienced player only.
BRONCO IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
Your cries have been answered! Introducing the hand cannon, BRONCO!!! It shoots, and shoots, then has to reload... wait, what? Yep, it has two shots in the clip. Now, before you go on a rampage for such a ridiculous clip size, please bear in mind that this weapon does deal the most damage in a shot for pistols(excluding the prime version of this baby). Not good enough for you? How about it only take a second to reload. That's right, one second to reload, 105 damage in a shot if all pellets hit, at it draws from the freaking pistol ammo pool. What limits this massive power then? Maybe its HUGE pellet spread, maybe the damage drop-off one of those must make this weapon a little bit more balanced.
  • Quick kill, rapid kills: Made possible by being able to damage hundreds of damage in less than a second, only to be ready to unload after one second.
  • Situational/Compliment weapon. Bringing this as your "primary" weapon is not impossible, but would definitely be harder due to short effective range.
Polarities: NONE( :'( )
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
The weapon is pretty easy to use so long as you fire at practically melee range, at which range you would probably ask yourself whether you should still use this thing or just take a hack at the guy. The answer is of course, yes, but be wary of the strengths of enemies such as Grineer armor making any damage that isn't a headshot or armor piercing like an pinch on your arm. Another thing is the range... please close the distance before attmepting to shower enemies in a hail of pellets from this thing.
DUAL BRONCOS IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
In the event that one BRONCO did not cut it for your shotgun escapades, have them in pairs. The DUAL BRONCOS handle similar to the single version of the weapon, with a few very important distinctions. It has double the firing rate, it has double the clip, but a little over double the reload speed. This means that you can sustain shields for about the same amount of time as the single version, albeit dealing more damage in that time frame, but will allow enemies to recover their shileds for a longer amount of time before being to unload massive amounts of damage again. For those used to the rapid unloading of the single version, they will definitely find the reload speed of this weapon lacking.
  • Double the bullets, twice the fun. Kill more with less clips(but really the same number of shots)
  • Pew pew pew polarized. Take advantage of the attack polarity and slip on a full hornet strike with multishot. Stunning speed would also be nice, thank you.
  • Point blank assault. Run right into enemy lines guns blazing every three seconds or so.
Polarities: Attack
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
Similar handling as the single version, with the exception of having to take more time to reload. Close in the distance nice and short before unloading onto the largest parts of the enemy to make sure all pellets hit. Aiming down the sight helps "squeeze" the pellets into a tighter group, but be wary that there is more mobility and ninja-like feel in firing from the hip.
Most likely the gateway weapon to the favorite secondary weapon before the release of Update 8, the BOLTO is a sidearm that is considered as a direct upgrade from the LATO mainly because its blueprints actually require one. It's stats are fairly similar to that of the LATO with select few differences. First, it is stated to be much more accurate stat-wise, but that is misleading due to the next attribute it has which is its projectiles. As the name implies, it fires bolts instead of bullets, meaning that it does not instantly hit your target upon firing. This projectile also causes accuracy problems as distance increases due to the seemingly unpredictable bolt flight trajectory. Nonetheless, this weapon is a favorite due to its full-damage capability. Additionally, enemies that die from this weapon have the tendency for any loot they drop to be violently thrown far by the physics of the projectiles.
  • Grineer shredder. Grineer usually have lower health as compared to similarly-leveled Infested and Corpus, but make up for it with the increase in armor. Does not matter for thi weapon.
  • Infested control. Runners killed by bolt weapons never explode, ancients take full damage from the weapon and actually get staggered.
  • Crowd Control. Most enemies hit by this weapon will almost certainly be staggered. Observations show that MOA are resistant to this stagger.
Polarities: Defense(Implying to players to add the frost mod which would help a load)
Difficulty: Low-High
The weapon is innately strong, making it easy to use on most enemies. The difficulty arises from learning to lead your shots and knowing the maximum acceptable distance at which this weapon can be fired and be expected to reliably land most of its shots.
AKBOLTO IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
Twin BOLTOS make the AKBOLTO, and quite literally since the blueprint requires two of them. This has double the capacity of the single version, with reduced accuracy and prolonged reload rate. The bullets retain the property of dealing full damage to most enemies it hits, and the fancy ability of pinning dead enemies onto surfaces like dolls. The weapon, statistically speaking, has a moderate accuracy, but don't let that fool you. The bolts seem to have an erratic flight path, and yes it has a flight time to accompany that path. These bolts also have the staggering ability and infested runner neutralization ability.
  • Damage potential. Its damage type allows it to deal great amounts of damage per shot even without the No Return mod.
  • Infested Control, stagger a whole group a prevent runners from exploding even without having to use your blade to kill them.
  • Spray and Pray. The weapon has enough shots in the clip to rain bolts onto more distant enemies with the hopes of killing them with that clip.
Polarities: Defense
Difficulty: Low-High
The weapon is easy to use in the sense that it needs very little to become effective as compared to "carry" weapons that need the mods to become useable. The difficulty arises in actually hitting the enemy, which is a mixture of the player's skill in leading the target and shear luck that the flight path isn't sucky. Additionally, it can get tiring to spam the trigger since it is a semi-automatic weapon.
TWIN FREMLINS IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
The first weapon I've seen to come akimbo without a single version, the TWIN GREMLINS is another weapon that drops from the duo boss on Phobos. It features thirty shots in its standard clip, bolts that deal full damage to most enemies, bolts that have travel time(minus the erratic path of the BOLTO) and yes they spare our fingers by making it fully automatic. The weapon feels much like firing nails at the enemy and this weapon can become quite competitive even without a potato or forma(can hold its own on T3 VOID DEFENSE). The weapon has a good feel with its combination of damage, fire rate, clip and reload speed topped off with its ability to stagger on hit.
  • Armor ripping. Most Grineer fold easy against this weapon espacially with its stagger.
  • Infested control, slow down advancing infested with stagger, amplified by frost mods. Infested runners, additionally, do not explode upon death from this weapon.
Polarities: Attack
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
The weapon is definitely easier to use than the AKBOLTO due to its more predictable firing pattern and fully automatic modality. The armor piercing ability and stagger is nice, but there will always be difficulty in leading more distant targets with weapons like these.
HIKOU IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
The HIKOU belongs to the class of weapons developed in the attmpt to sate the appetite of people wanting more silent weapons. It deals serrated blade damage, which means full damage to most enemies and triple damage to light infested. It fires at an amazingly fast rate of almost 7/sec, which makes you wonder just how fast them Tenno hands are huh? Anyway, at 25 damage per shot with a travel time and travel arc to consider, this weapon requires some skill to use... especially since the weapon isn't even 100% accurate(the arc will be in a tight spread, but there is a notable, seemingly random change in the travel arcs). Finally, the weapon stagger enemies on every hit, which might be both a pro and a con.
  • Cut down light infested and Grineer alike with serrated blade damage.
  • Crowd control, 100% stagger on most enemies coupled with a frost mod will allow you to buy your team some time from a large assault.
  • Silent weapon, prevent alerting enemies on the map with skillful use of this weapon.
Polarities: 2 Attack
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
The weapon is powerful, among one of the most powerful sidearms in the game. It can punch through enemy armor most of the time, it can stagger and it fires in a flurry. The problem lies in its strength. The stagger will cause enemies to "evade" succeding shots that are not properly adjusted for the enemy stagger, especially at larger distances and since enemy movement during stagger can be quite erratic. The shots have a flight time and travel arc, making its use over distances a little bit harder. Finally, it has a lower damage than the other two(currently as of update 9.whatever this update is XD) silent secondaries.
KUNAI IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
The KUNAI was the first silent secondary added onto warframe. When it first came out, people claim that it was the best secondary weapon, and rightfully so back then due to its statistics. It deals a hefty amount of damage with every dagger that hits its mark, with a moderate rate of fire while dealing something being called physics impact damage, meaning it deals full damage to most enemies. It stagger enemies on every hit, and for some reason you can fit ten of these things in both of your hands at a time which serves as your clip size. The weapon is silent, deadly, and doubly polarized for maximum killing potential even without forma.
  • Phys Impact. Make Grineer armor weak with daggers that punch armor.
  • Crowd Control. Your staggering hits will allow you to stun enemies that would otherwise dish out massive amounts of damage.
  • Silent and deadly. FInish off a map without tripping the alarm with greater ease using a silent weapon.
Polarities: 2 Attack
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
The KUNAI deals high DPS especially since it can fit hornet strike with barrel diffusion with half the cost even without forma. The problem lies in having to lead distant targets and accounting for the stagger caused by the shots when needing to fire more than one dagger to eliminate distant targets.
DESPAIR IMAGE[warframe.wikia.com]
One of the weapons used by the sometimes dreaded and apparently mythical STALKER, the DESPAIR is a variation of the KUNAI designed for killing humanoids as opposed to stagger and delay tactics possible with the latter. The weapon deals piercing type damage, dealing more damage onto the medium grineer while dealing half the damage to light infested. It also does not possess the stagger capabilities of the other silent secondaries, and apparantly can penetrate the initial target to damage subsequent enemies in the line(personally, I've yet to observe this phenomenon myself. They just die so quick.). It still travels in an arc and has a flight time to get to its destination, so target leading is necessary.
  • Grineer hatred times two. If it wasn't enough to deal full damage to the armored, relatively lower health Grineer, you just have to deal 50% more damage to them.
Polarities: 2 Attack
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
The weapon is easier to use in hitting distant target due to the lack of stagger, but additional difficulty can arise from the half damage onto light infested. This can usually be countered quite easily with a strong enough hornet strike, barrel diffusion and lethal torrent if you happen to be lucky.
Melee Weapons
Weapons from this section on belong to the melee category of weapons.
The SKANA is the first melee weapon introduced to players and it offers to give players the well-rounded experience. Standard damage, quick charge time, longer reach, standard attack rate, small AoE knockdown on jump attack. Really small. The only weakness of the weapon is that it specializes in completely nothing. the weapon is great for players that want to be effective enough when performing whatever maneuver they wish to perform with decent execution period.
  • Rapid attack rate and triple damage make its normal attack great for killing weak, non-ancient infested.
  • Charged attack is great for dealing pure damage with decent reach onto armored enemies such as the Grineer.
  • Chance to stagger on hit makes it viable for players to use normal attacks on single targets.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
Difficulty will arise if players continue to use this weapon on higher enemy levels, especially if they neglect to add the proper mods to improve its damage output.
The CRONUS is the first blueprint a standard player ought to get, and is the first weapon they would use to replace their SKANA. IT is superior to your first weapon in every single way i've been able to see. The only reasons a player should stick to their first weapon is for mastery and due to the lack of resources to actually craft the CRONUS. The weapon is similar to your first weapon, with similar uses and disadvantages.

Polarities: Attack
Some qualities that would set it apart from the standard SKANA would be that it has a shorter reach than the longsword most players grew up with. Contrary to common sense, it does not attack any faster than the standard. The DUAL SKANA also boasts the ability to hit multiple targets while dealing a slightly larger charged melee damage. It should be noted that the right sword deals less charged damage should it be the only one to connect while being even shorter than the sword on the left hand. It still falls under the slash category, meaning it will deal triple damage to non-ancient infested.
  • More capable of going through hordes of infested due to the multi-hit capability.
  • Charged attack is capable of taking out multiple enemies at once, if properly modded.
  • Jump attack has a small arc of knockdown that can be used with a follow up the grounded attack.
Polarities: NONE
DIfficulty: Low-Moderate
Some players might not notice it, but others might miss the additional range the SKANA had and might very well be have been dependent on it when timigh their charged attacks while advancing on the enemy.
The Ether weapons are popular to some players due to their innate ability to stun-lock enemies that aren't heavies or bosses. The ETHER DAGGERS boast a rapid attack speed with an animation that attack thrice per attack. Controlled correctly, a player can move their character in such a way that up to three enemies are damaged AND stunned in one attack. The daggers show their weakness in their slower charged attack speed, jump attack AoE, and lack of armor ignore properties even on their charged attack. As such, the daggers are used somewhat similarly to the BO
  • Stunning a group of enemies as they meet their doom.
  • Cutting through groups of infested due to the triple damage and stunning capability.
  • Stun-locking Ancients in order for your team mates to eliminate them with more appropriate weaponry.
Polarities: Defense
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
Difficulty may arise from using the daggers on enemies that have high health and armor for it would take a players a long string of attacks before the enemy is dispatched in which time reinforcements may attack the player.
Ever just wanted to burst into enemy lines into a flurry of destruction? If so, then the FANG might be the blades you seek. This, I think, is the first piercing type weapon I will review here, by that I mean it deals half damage to infested and 1.5 times damage on medium grineer(unarmored and heavies dont take bonus damage). On top of this, its damage is relatively pure(except on some enemies that reduce all incoming damage like the grineer commander). It has an amazing attack speed for a melee weapon, very short range and impressive charged damage. For a pair of daggers, it actually has a decent jump attack AoE. Flaws would be the low base damage per attack, which means pressure point scales pretty bad on it at low levels and the fact that the charged attack animation is relatively slow compared to your standard attack animation. Oh, and it staggers not no matter what you do.
  • Pseudo crowd control by equiping elemental mods that make your target dance(fire and electric).
  • Roller patrol, these things will have a hard time to touch you while you are swinging these things repeatedly.
  • Heavy burst, for the charged damage is pretty painful especially when they are taking an extra 50% damage.
  • Ninja speed, performing the sliding attack with the fangs(the more fury mods the better) allows you to cover more ground rapidly and extend the distances of your jumps.
Polarities: Defense
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
The difficulty only arises in the players' wants to just keep swinging this swift weapon even though a charged attack could have finished the job faster. This weapon takes a balance of normal and charged attacks to master the use of this weapon for effective enemy destruction.
One of the most interesting melee weapons I've had the pleasure to use, the FURAX is a hybrid of what the wiki woul call as Slashing and Blunt type of damages. Iss damage completely ignores enemy armor(save for Grineer Commanders, they seem to be a unique case. Must test other blunt weapons on this little bugger). If, and only when charged will it deal its devastating triple damage to non-ancient infested. It has what i would classify as a fast jump attack(when your frame touches the ground, there is no delay to actually perform the attack). Finally, it has one of the strongest charge attack damages I've seen unmodified, a whooping 150. This damage also applies to your downed enemy attack, although divided by five due to that fact that you beat down your enemy for five punches with their own chances to score a crit, which is very likely due to its high crit chance. Now, for the cons. These are gauntlets with rapid attack speed, however it is in this same design that makes its reach VERY short. You'd have to be nearly touching your target to ensure a hit from your melee. Your sliding attack is your frame sweeping the ground with the fist, maybe making a 180 degree arc before ending in an uppercut. This maneuver is very hard to land and a little slow as compared to other melee weapons. Finally, the charge time and the actual attack. Both are gruelingly slow, added to your miniscule range and you get a very pissed Tenno unable to hit his targets. Good news is, these factors are easily counter acted by mods, save for the range. Suggested roles to play with these weapons are:
  • Infested watch. Easy to hit them when you time your charge attack with them running towards you.
  • Armor buster. Grinner armor will save them naught from your fists of fury.
  • Crown control. Bust out a jump attack in a crowd and watch them all fall. Adding frost mods makes this more effective. Beat down the downed heavy unit, if any.
Polarities: NONE (Sad)
Difficulty: Low-High
Some people might enjoy using their fists. Others may get frustrated with the range. This weapon is effective to use as long as the player can cope with the situations such as having to charge your attack if fighting infested to deal the triple damage or simply finishing an enemy with a normal attack should they survive your charged one as opposed to charging up again.
A deceptively weak weapon, the BO is made more for utility and defense rather than attack. It has a slower attack speed than your sword, but compensates for that with its high stagger rate, cleaving attack and longer reach. Due to its attack type, the low damage output is somewhat compensated by the fact that its damage penetrates enemy armor, meaning that you won't ever see those measely five damage per normal attack on a high level Grineer.
  • Stunning groups of enemies with your attacks, elevated by equipping a freeze mod.
  • Sliding attack deals sufficient damage with an elevated attack rate perfect for somewhat bursting enemies(can spin twice with one slide)
  • Pure, sustained damage on groups of armored enemies.
Polarities: Defense
Difficulty: Moderate-High
The BO may not appeal to a large group of people mainly due to its lack of damage applications. The slower attack rate coupled with the weaker damage may make it difficult for enemies to adapt to the weapon. Players should note that although the weapon cleaves, it does not deal its full damage on all targets. Full damage is dealt onto the primary target, all other targets receive a reduced damage.
Seeing as I've been reviewing a load of smaller melee weapons, I thought it was about time to go on ahead and start mastering a few heavy weapons. The powerful water heater on a stick, the FRAGOR lives up to its name of getting the user a load of frags. This weapon, however, is incredibly slow on the swing without any modifications. Each swing can potentially hit multiple targets, while swings that strike the ground produce area damage that can damage even ospreys. The FRAGOR shines, I believe, in its ability to knockdown multiple affected enemies with its jump attack and its ability to ignore a majority of enemy armor and deal full damage on each attack. As such, this weapon is best suited for the following roles:
  • Crowd control with its jump attack, especially effective with a freeze mod.
  • Grineer harassment. A majority of Grineer are susceptible to this weapon since they are usually just heavily armored. This does not apply to the curious case of the Grineer Commander and a handful of bosses.
  • Blitz attacks. The fastest method of attack with this weapon is probably its spin attack, plus chaining at least two consecutive spins allows you to actually move while performing standard melee attacks, which wouldn't normally be the case.
  • Burst damage, with enough mods on charge damage it can deal deal surprising amounts of damage to multiple enemies.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Moderate-High
The large amounts of damage it can deal are not even necessary for lower levels, while the levels it does come in appropriate make it hard to level due to the time it takes to swing for enemies could quickly dispatch you while you ready your charge. Players should take advantage of the knockdown as much as possible when starting out with this weapon, especially since it can be performed rapidly. It is highly suggested that when ranking this weapon that the player be in a group in order to bag shared affinity from allied kills.
The bane of Infested, the SCINDO is the heavy melee weapon that can cut them up nice and easy. It has similar reach to that of the FRAGOR, and similar statistics. They vary in that the SCINDO deals less AoE damage when the standard melee attacks hit the ground. It also has a noticeably smaller jump attack AoE. Its normal attacks DO NOT ignore armor, but it can deal triple damage to non-ancient Infested.
  • Striking multiple enemies with its cleaving attack.
  • Dispatching Infested even with your standard melee attack in one blow.
  • Crowd Control with its jump attack stun, amplified by frost mods.
Polarities: NONE
Difficulty: Moderate-High
Similar to the problems with the FRAGOR, players might be surprised by its slow swing speed. Unmodified, some players might sell the weapon before it reaches its potential to deal more damage than lighter melee weapons. As such, this weapon is heavily mod-dependent.
CERAMIC DAGGER IMAGE[images2.wikia.nocookie.net]
So you decided to grab this Alert-Only weapon and wanted to see if it was worth the wait. I'll tell you that it would depend on how you play. The CERAMIC DAGGER is one of the few dagger weapons available to the players(Only other daggers that aren't alert-only are FANG and its prime version. Unsure about the KAMA and DUAL ICHOR though). This basically means that it can poke holes into Grineer but can't do sh*t on light infested. It looks like the baby version of the CRONUS and even has the same polarity slot.
  • Grineer stealth-nuke. Use that base polarity slot and backstab yourself some Grineer for easy kills.
  • Learn how to fly. Slap on max fury mods and jump-slide-slide attack to extraction.
  • Slide kills. ost damage you can deal is actually with your slide attack.
Polarities: Attack
Difficulty: Low-Moderate
Really. Only problem you can have with this weapon is actually encountering light infested. Even then there are mods that make you damage stronger against them plus fire damage.
댓글 32
walrus 2015년 2월 8일 오전 11시 56분 
One thing thatt would be nice for you to add is a ranking section for each type of weapon. Other then that, great guide!
michael.stanger 2015년 1월 25일 오전 5시 35분 
oh and the small difference in aim for the hikou is beucause you throw one with you left and the other with you right hand same with kunai and despair that is what makes headshots a lot harder since you dont know if you throw with you right or left hand
Inexorable.Diarrhea  [작성자] 2014년 11월 20일 오후 11시 47분 
As I have previously mentioned in an old comment, I can't update this guide anymore. Sadly. Judging from the changes I have read for Warframe, it would seem that I would need to start from the ground up anyway. If any users drop by here, since I dunno if traffic for this guide is heavy or what, maybe just leave comments that will help other people make decisions on their weapons. Thank you. XD
michael.stanger 2014년 11월 17일 오전 3시 54분 
where is the AKLEX yes there is a AKLEX. AKLEX allows you to shot a secound shot before the enemy trigger if you have 100% silence and it has such a slow speed without any mod that it rests again before the next one is fired meaning that you have perfect accurary ever shot and not just the first one (dual vasto)
Bones 2014년 2월 18일 오후 8시 02분 
I don't see Cernos : /
Inexorable.Diarrhea  [작성자] 2014년 1월 30일 오후 5시 08분 
anormos, this guide was made way before the damage system you may be accustomed to was made. the sad thing is that i can't update this guide properly anymore since in light of the update that introduced galatine, the game frequents crashes now. no hardware problem on my end, so i dunno how to get back to playing.
Voidseeker 2014년 1월 30일 오전 7시 22분 
The guide is super and helps a lot, but i would really like to know where i can get the blueprints ;-)
Inexorable.Diarrhea  [작성자] 2013년 8월 11일 오전 7시 25분 
thanks for the continued support. if you guys are wondering why there are so many spaces, those are for weapons i'm about to add to the guide. the net has been so wonky lately that all i've been able to do is to add the sections for the weapon haha. i'll try again after exams are done in a week or so... hopefully. :)
Softis 2013년 8월 6일 오후 3시 24분 
Nice guide, It helped me gain a great deal of useful insight into some of the weapons I've been eyeing, before I decide to buy them. Great job!
Solaire of Astora 2013년 7월 11일 오전 4시 15분 
Bear Grylls approves this guide of survival!