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How 2 kuzenbo s5
Por RichyZ
So u wanna be a pro Kuzenbo in s5? U wanna be like the cool kidz in bronze and dab on the haters? Wanna make the enemy team want to kill themselves? Well you've come to the right place; in this guide you'll be taught how to slap sum ass mastering the Kappa(pride) king himself.
Role in game
So first of all we need to understand Kuzenbo's role in the game to become a nene master such as myself. Its quite simple, as Kuzenbo you are the designated tank-hypercarry-midlaner-shotcaller-automaticbossdeathmachine so you can do whuetever the hell you want.

You wanna be mid? then just do it you cockwanker! Go on random godbuilder who gives a damn ( it doesnt matter because your the nene king himself and the other midlaner is just a hater. Just spam those nenes and you'll outfarm/outpush/outclear/outtestosterone the other mid. You have your own little slave to do your bidding and if you die its your teams fault for being retars and lacking chromosomes.

You wanna solo? Easy: push the enemy solo laner in the tower using the god relic: blink. And again send out your nene armies to do all your farming while you go make beans on bread or something. Doesnt even matter. Just enjoy the salt comig from your opponents tears after you dab on their dead body.

You wanna be a jungler? Well I don't recommend it. Kuzenbo has been outperforming other junglers by a milestone so 99% of the time if you pick Kuzenbo jungler your gonna be called a meta-sucker by your teamates and may, in extreme cases, influence one of them to start feeding. So for your team's sake I don't recommend it. Well if you insist on going jungler, be prepared to eat pentas like Ron Jeremy eats ass cuz its gonna be spicy.

You wanna adc? Let me tell you, Kuzenbo is a born adc: master of the toxic arts. Here's how its done: firstly, you need to make sure you have a laugh spam macro. Secondly if you die, its entirely your supports fault and never was yours so to make sure your supports understands you need to spam [VHH] followed up by saying [VER][VVX] and pinging your support that way he'll know your superior and bow down to you. Also, you need to build like a proper adc but that'll be covered in the build section of the guide

So you wanna support? Then go play candycrush or something you silly 12 yearold.

Guide to laughspamming
Overview of Abilities
So as to be a proper Kuzenbo master you need to understand his strong and stable kit and the synergies/combos that lie within it.

Kuzenbo has a bowl of cereal on his head that keeps his sexual desires restraint. What that means is that as Kuzenbo to regain your sexual prowess you need to go balls deep in the team fight and spill your cereal all over the enemies by takin damage so you can get damage mitigation and not give a damn about anything

First ability- NeNe Kappa (actual name)
Kuzenbo sends out his little NeNe slave to do his bidding. This ability ricochets and deals damage on impact to then summon the kappa boi. This ability is kuzenbo's most op ability since the NeNe Kappa can push towers and farm by himself while the XP and gold goes to Kuzenbo. GG hi-rez

Second ability- Shell Spikes
Ever heard the expression "kill yourself"? Well as Kuzenbo when you use this ability this is what your expressing. This ability acts as thorns so reflects damage back to enemy gods and everytime you reflect damage with your spikes, it shortens the cooldown on your NeNe Kappa and your sumo slam. In the end this ability boosts the power of your already OP kappa by making it possible to send 2 of the memelords at the same time. your 5v5 just became a 7v5. FAIR AND BALANCED.

Third ability- Sumo Slam
Have you ever been violated? No? Well that just means you've never played against Kuzenbo. The kappa king grabs you, doesnt matter if your a guy or a girl, young or old, he'll slam you into the wall or even through minions to make a gangbang. This ability comboed with blink lets you pull off some sick combos by pushing the enemies in your tower or through minions to make them take extra damage.

Ultimate- Watery Grave
Ever seen the hit movie series sharknado? yeah that..

In conclusion Kuzenbo is the reason the show 13 reasons why should be called 14 reasons why.

How to build Kuzenbo
Well you can build Kuzenbo however the heck you want he'll be op anyways but here are a few suggestions and some key items/relics.

Essentiel relic:
Blink.Blink is one of the three superrelics but is even better on Kuzenbo since it lets you push enemies in the tower or through the minions. They also wont be able to run away from your big meaty claws.

Other relic: You can use one of the 2 other superrelics: Thorns or Frenzy
Thorns is especially good to make your opponents kill themselves

Essential Items:

Shoes of focus or of the magi
Necessary to go fast like sonic

Relic daggerA necesseray pairing to the superrelics which allows you to abuse them even more. The health is nice too.

Core Damage Items:
Bancrofts Talon
Rob them of their life since you don't have one

Chronos Pendant
Spam those NeNes

Gem of Isolation
Where do you think you're going ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Slap sum booties or towers
Slap em hard

Hastened Ring
Slap em fast

Gotta pentrate those tanks( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Spear of desolation

Spear of the magus

Items for cowards
Scared of magical damage?
Void Stone

Genjis guard

Scared of physical damage?
Emperor's armor
Gotta do those tower combos

Hide of the nemean lion

Even more damage reflection!

9 comentarios
demo 9 AGO 2018 a las 10:04 a. m. 
you forgot deathbringer. Appropriate for the overlord
Sim4i4 8 AGO 2018 a las 6:56 a. m. 
I am interested in this religion!
mae 27 JUL 2018 a las 8:28 p. m. 
Could use more hentai, take refrence from my 10/10 Nemesis guide.
tombrady69 25 JUL 2018 a las 11:07 a. m. 
You're a legend, had some small errors like mispelling the words "retard," and "coming," but other than that, I would rate this guide a solid 7/2.
poopemanz 20 JUL 2018 a las 3:30 p. m. 
kuzenbo is bad
Recoon 19 JUL 2018 a las 11:37 p. m. 
this gave me aids 42/0
BadrO_RambO 18 JUL 2018 a las 10:33 a. m. 
i am now a pro kuzenbo, ty
Drcipres 18 JUL 2018 a las 10:32 a. m. 
why would you build items, have you not seen his guns ?
Not a satisfying salad 14 JUL 2018 a las 10:31 a. m. 
halp me a l0t