246 평점
How to make some of best QQBangs.
landscape 님이 작성
How to get +15 -9 QQBangs and more.
즐겨찾기 해제
What gear do you need to create some of the best QQBangs?
You can use any lv of gear to get some types of QQBangs but for example t1 and t2 gear
usually dont give enough stats. T3 gives some interesting QQBangs but having stam and
ki +5 or at least +4 is important if you want your char with 7 or more stamina and/or ki bars.
T5 its pretty hard not to get +5 to 3 stats and -5 to 3 stats. The better QQBangs are ones
that give +6 more positive stats then negatives and give you a high amount of stats.

T4 gear is the balence bewteen these 2 factors they can give you the +15 while not
overloading and reducing the flexiblity of the QQBang like t5 gear does.

Generally you want 2 tier 4 gear with +4 to 2 stats each and have them share 1 of the +4
stats so you have 3 stats that get a positive +4


Battle suit (turles) has +4 health and +4 atk, we should combine another tier 4 with
either +4 health and something non +4 atk or we should combine with one thats
+4 atk and something non +4 health.

What you get as a result can be a really good QQBang or a really bad one thanks to the
rng it make take hundreds of tries to get the exact +15 -9 you want but you will get alot
of good stuff including some that are 6 more possitive then negative that are really
interesting. Like -2 health +5 stamina +5 stamina +0 atk -5 strike +3 ki blasts.
A 13 positive to 7 negative and if you were looking for one with very little drawback
-7 negative isnt that bad for the +2 ki and stam bars and still bonus damage.
Cheap easy to get materials for these QQbangs and where to find them.
This part will list the t4 gear that can be bought with zeny or gotten for free from Majin Kids.
Yes there is other t4 gear besides these that you can earn through pqs and tp shop.

Clothing Shop

Battle Suit (Turles) +4 hp, +4 atk, cost 40,000 zeny

Lord Slug's Clothes +4 ki, +4 strikes, cost 20,000 zeny

Mira's Clothes +4 hp, +4 atk, cost 50,000 zeny (negative stats are different then turles)

Towa's Clothes +4 ki, +4 ki blasts, cost 50,000 zeny

Pikkon's clothes +4 stam, +4 atk, cost 30,000 zeny

Goku's Tracksuit +4 ki, +4 stam, cost 24,000 zeny

Ancient Kata's Battle Costume +4 hp, +4 ki, cost 30,000 zeny

Majin Kids

Supreme Kai's Clothes +4 stam, +4 strike

Dabura's Clothes +4 hp, +4 stam

Jaco Suit +4 stam, +4 ki blasts

Now to get to some crafting and some possible results from them.
This section will show some more details about the crafting and results of what QQBangs
can get made from the gear listed above.


You want to make a SS male that buff guy. You might want hp, stam, and atk.

Battle Suit (turles) + Pikkon's Clothes + senzu beansprout =
+5 hp +5 stam +5 atk with 9 negative points bewteen ki, strikes, and blasts.

like these

+5 hp, +0 ki, +5 stam, +5 atk, and either -4 strike, -5 ki blast or -5 strike, -4 ki blast

+5 hp, -2 ki, +5 stam, +5 atk, and either -2 strike, -5 ki blast or -5 strike, -2 ki blast

+5 hp, -5 ki, +5 stam, +5 atk, and either -4 strike, +0 ki blast or -2 strike, -2 ki blast

And there are many other possiblities with that combo alone. Along with all the good
stuff bad ones will come though. To get a good one will probably take at least about 80
tries with the said combo.

new section to define how this works.
to make it simple if you want +5 to A, B, and C you take 2 lv4 gear that are +4 to
A and B and combine it with one thats either A and C or B and C.
D E and F stats remaining will pick 2 to 3 of them being negative bewteen the 9 points.

if you want an exact type of qqbang getting the gear to total 3 different positives bewteen
the 2 gear lets you narrow to most of the time getting those positives.

if you add gear that has 4 positives or more of different types in total bewteen the two then it will make the qqbang have more variety and it will be harder to get the exact qqbang you want.

even with narrowing down the positives, the negatives are still randomized completely
bewteen the other 3.

some people didnt seem to get it so im explaining better.
list of qqbangs and what you need to make them
i was requested to make a more exact list so people would understand better.

negatives and +0's arent shown because those will still be randomized
you can get the qqbang you want as long as you pick the positive +5's from this list
the non +5's will still be randomized but it narrows down the qqbang your looking for.

PS: any places you see instead of a name of gear just stats with +4 that means
gear with those positives.

+5 hp, +5 ki, and +5 stam
any 2 of these 3 Ancient Kata's Battle Costume, Goku's Tracksuit, and Dabura's Clothes

+5 hp, +5 ki, and +5 atk
Ancient Kata's Battle Costume + either Battle Suit (Turles) or Mira's Clothes

+5 hp, +5 ki, and +5 strike
Ancient Kata's Battle Costume + Lord Slug's Clothes

+5 hp, +5 ki, and +5 ki blast
Ancient Kata's Battle Costume + Towa's Clothes

+5 hp, +5 stam, and +5 atk
any 2 of these 3 Dabura's Clothes, Pikkon's clothes, and Battle Suit (Turles) or Mira's Clothes

+5 hp, +5 stam, and +5 strike
Dabura's Clothes + Supreme Kai's Clothes

+5 hp, +5 stam, and +5 ki blast
Dabura's Clothes + Jaco Suit

+5 hp, +5 atk, and +5 strike
Battle Suit (Turles) or Mira's Clothes + either +4 atk and +4 strike or +4 hp and +4 strike

+5 hp, +5 atk, and +5 ki blast
Battle Suit (Turles) or Mira's Clothes + either +4 atk and +4 ki blast or +4 hp and +4 ki blast

+5 hp, +5 strike, and +5 ki blast
any 2 of these 3 +4 hp and +4 strike, +4 strike and +4 ki blast, and +4 hp and +4 ki blast

+5 ki, +5 stam, and +5 atk
Goku's Tracksuit + Pikkon's clothes

+5 ki, +5 stam, and +5 strike
any 2 of these 3 Goku's Tracksuit, Lord Slug's Clothes, and Supreme Kai's Clothes

+5 ki, +5 stam, and +5 ki blast
any 2 of these 3 Goku's Tracksuit, Jaco Suit, and Towa's Clothes

+5 ki, +5 atk, and +5 strike
Lord Slug's Clothes + either +4 ki and +4 atk or +4 atk and +4 strike

+5 ki, +5 atk, and +5 ki blast
Towa's Clothes + either +4 ki and +4 atk or +4 atk and +4 ki blast

+5 ki, +5 strike, and +5 ki blast
Lord Slug's Clothes + Towa's Clothes

+5 stam, +5 atk, and +5 strike
Pikkon's clothes + Supreme Kai's Clothes

+5 stam, +5 atk, and +5 ki blast
Pikkon's clothes + Jaco Suit

+5 stam, +5 strike, and +5 ki blast
Supreme Kai's Clothes + Jaco Suit

+5 atk, +5 strike, and +5 ki blast
any 2 of these 3 +4 atk and +4 strike, +4 atk and +4 ki blast, and +4 strike and +4 ki blast
Good Luck and Have Fun
I hope this guide helps alot to people wanting to make good QQBangs. Decided to make one
of these cause i didnt see anyone going into full detail about how to get these +15 -9 QQBangs.
I saw another guide meantion the t4 gear but not go into detail like this guide.

Good Luck and Have Fun all.
댓글 50
Smile` 2024년 4월 5일 오전 10시 52분 
I cant get Super Mix Z :(
kav 2023년 9월 2일 오전 7시 19분 
what has
LawoftheJelly 2021년 11월 4일 오전 12시 41분 
lol... I accidentally made some epic Lv6QQ bangs with using Beerus + Bardok + sup mix Z ... sadly this was before I knew what I was doing and didnt take note of the recipe since I made 6 high level bangs at once...
Shachaf sh 2021년 10월 26일 오전 6시 00분 
Kevin Starwaster 2021년 6월 19일 오전 5시 05분 
Time Patroller Logo + Time Patroller Logo + super mix capsule z gives good results with no negatives. (your RNG may vary)
Caiograal 2021년 3월 15일 오후 4시 07분 
HOW can I get some Super mix Capsule Z? The missions just don't drop it for me:steamfacepalm:
GorillaBBQ 2021년 2월 26일 오후 10시 44분 
I got an insane QQ Bang out of 2 Light Heart Suits and a Super Mix Capsule Z.

5+ Health, 5+ Ki, 5+ Stamina, 2+ Basic Attack, 0+ Strike Super, 4+ Ki Super.
LopFlopSlop 2021년 2월 22일 오후 9시 22분 
Using a Super Mix Capsule Z, i was able to get some really good QQbangs like a +5 Health +5 Ki +5 Stamina +0 Basic Attack -1 Strike Super +3 Ki Blast, I farmed for a lot of them and bought as many Beerus and Bardock clothes that i could, and just spam made them, frankly some of them are op af
Bluehaze 2020년 12월 3일 오전 9시 52분 
making a good qq bang needs super caplsule mix Z with beerus top and bardock top, it does not matter what goes first, note: you msut use super capsule Z to get 6 star qq bang with REALLY REALLY great outcomes, i have one right now and its amazing, i have 8 bars of ki already. i dont need medtation because 8 bar is alot and i have alot of stm, and health on to light green. all 5 stats for my qq bang is health, ki, stm, and super ki blast, BUT, minus 1 basic attack AND 2 minus on super strike, i love my qq bang because i get to stay at my royal blue really long.
the_Pokeman_52 2020년 5월 11일 오전 9시 55분 
honestly first time i made a pretty good qq bang was +5 to Ki, Stam, and Blasts, and then -5 for HP, Basic, and Strikes (which was good for my build anyway). 2 beerus clothes and a beansprout