Jurassic World Evolution

Jurassic World Evolution

58 ratings
5 Stars on Isla Pena
By Not Hans
This guide is an easy walkthrough on how to achive a 5 star raiting on Isla Pena (The hardest island in the game so they say)
What you NEED
These are things you will NEED to be able to achive this 5 star raiting.

  • Indominus, Spionsaurus, Carnatorus/Baryonyx unlocked and 100% DNA (you can also use a T-Rex)

  • All above mentioned dinosaurs should have the highest possible raiting you can get

Simple Enough right?
How to Start
So starting out on Isla Pena you should use the same formula you use in every other island, start small work your way up.

The easiest way I have found to do this is get the island going and make it as profitable as possible till you have a money pool of about 100-120million.

Once you reach that money pool you're going to close your park and start removing your dinosaurs once your dinos are sold off start clearing the island till there is nothing left and you have a big deforested landmass ready to rock.

We need a clean sheet to work from.
What and Where to Build
This part is tricky please understand that a 5 star raiting is not exclusive to the dinosaurs you have (although it helps a LOT) you also have to make sure your Guest comfort is as high as possible.

  • Powa Time I found that you can use Medium or Large Power stations either one will get the job done the very top of Isla Pena where the entrance is is the best place for these stations. (Make sure the stations are using the Power Output and Outage Protection mods)

  • Your Research, Dig Teams, Labs, ACU, Ranger, will be located in the small pocket below the entrance of the park.

Pen's n Stuff
So after hours and hours of fiddling expanding and subtracting (and several guest deaths) I have found this to be the best combo/design to achive the 5 star raiting.

  • Herbivores
Any Combo of large pop herbivores is good for this section so long as they have the highest possible genetic ratings you can get them too, also make sure you can attach the hatchery to start cooking dinosaurs.


So for guest comfort add a Resturant, Arcade, Bar, Cloth's Shop, Hotel, Bowling Ally and a Shelter.

Please be sure when you're adding your vieing stations the fence is made so the towers can provide you with the most visability over the pen this is critical!

The monorail can be placed generally any where in that area as long as its int he middle to provide transportation satisfaction.

  • Carnivores

So this is the fun part! you will need 3 pens both decen sized but nothing to crazy (I know this explination is so informative right?)

Your guest comforts will be exactly the same as the Herbivores.

Avoid narrow sections while attempting to make the pens as square as possible. (The spino pen is a great example of how to piss off your Apex Predators but giving them lots of goats to eat helps)
Dino's and Tips
So if you're still following this crazy train i applaud you and your effort!

  • Indominus Rex

Look at this cute little murder machine! this guy should be LAST on your list for Carno's to Bake because plot.

Be sure when ever a storm warning is issued he is Tranqed ASAP to avoid fellow dino casualties.

  • Spino "mother lov'en" Sauras

So as you can see in the screen cap its not digging the enclosure due to the choke points but as i said in the previous section adding 2 goat feeders will pull em away long enough to keep em happy.

Feel free to try and make a better enclosure I've yet to have Spike break out but if it helps you sleep better at night go for it!

  • Carnotaurus sastrei

Youre going to want 2 of these bad girls? boys? pronouns? Lizzards... we will go with Lizzards in the enclosure they are chill as all get out and dont get too upset when they realise they are stuck in a small concreat pen for Human enjoyment.

Lots of Goats keep the ACU away!

  • Herbivores

As I said earlier nothing specific here other then high populatiry Dino's

Brachiosaurus - 2
Diplodocus - 3 or 4
Archies - 4
Stego's (careful of populations)
Gallies - 2 or 4
Para - 4-6

Just to name a few

  • Profit boi

I am considering making a guide on how to make the most money out of your guest comforts let me know maybe if you want it?
SpaceCayde 3 Jan, 2022 @ 6:56pm 
Nice job dude:steamthumbsup:
Not Hans  [author] 31 Dec, 2021 @ 5:08pm 
@danysaurus That's awesome! some times you get lucky with the right guest to dino ratio and get a quick 5 star.
buckstag 20 Dec, 2021 @ 7:46am 
Was following this guide and somehow got 5 stars with only the herbivore pen no stegos?
SpaceCayde 29 Nov, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
Nice bro good job ;)
utaggie08 6 Jun, 2021 @ 12:24pm 
a good tip is to use herbivores
herbivores are way better then carnivores
for example a small herd of triceratops can all be max out to have a rating comparable to a indom
they don't eat people and will rarely break out
and this is just triceratops imagine adding edmontos and Apatosaurus to the mix
JacsGX_TTV 4 Apr, 2021 @ 6:15am 
i've been stuck on 4.5 stars for a while thanks
Not Hans  [author] 11 Sep, 2020 @ 4:30pm 
@AlphaPredator10 You don't really need to use Indo or Indom to max out, but yeah this works as well boosting dino scores from letting it kill other dinos.
Control_Yeet_Delete 10 Sep, 2020 @ 2:31pm 
Oh 1 more thing - have your indom kill things like trikes. Really ups their rating. let em out 1 at a time tho, he can get fiesty and be at a disadvantage if he just came out of a fight.... I lost 1 of them that way.
Control_Yeet_Delete 10 Sep, 2020 @ 2:27pm 
ALWAYS HAVE AN ACU RIGHT NEXT TO INDORAPTOR OR INDOMINUS. I let out my Indoraptor and then literally 45 secs later i got a storm warning. I was all "Oh sh-t." oh fyi you can use sucho (if you have deluxe pack), barry or even cerato in place of carno. T-Rex/Indominus in place of Spino, (only use indominus for this if you have an indoraptor) Tip: the social upgrades are really great for piling up high rating dinos, as you can have more than 1 in the same pen without all hell breaking loose. In my experince, 3 or 4 ceratos are often even better than a trex, rating wise. Oh and MONORAILS ARE KEY. 1 station by entrance, 1 by middle, and 1 at the bottom gives 100% transit rating, and it only cost about 400k so you can get it right at the start.
Regnier575 8 Sep, 2020 @ 2:22pm 
Thanks for this, I hate this island and i literally got mine to 3 stars just to get away from it lol