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New User Guide(Under Construction)
Oleh kolaborator JoshP dan 1
This guide walks you through the Modes, Settings and Options available in Aim Lab. Currently only covers settings/options until we finish revamping menus. This guide will be updated as new features are implemented into Aim Lab!
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Accessing the Settings Menu
You can access the Settings Menu from two locations:

Main Lobby
  • When you're not playing a task you will be in the main lobby.
  • Press the Settings button (gear icon) in the top-right corner.

Pause Menu
  • When you're playing a task, press the ESC key to pause the game.
  • Press the Settings button from the list.
Crosshair Settings
The Crosshair section allows you to customize the appearance of your crosshair:

Crosshair Settings:
  • Type: Specifies whether the crosshair is an image or is created using sliders.
  • Length: Adjusts the length (in pixels) of the lines that make up the crosshair.
  • Thickness: Controls the thickness (in pixels) of the lines that make up the crosshair.
  • Center Gap: Sets the distance (in pixels) between the center of the screen and the lines that make up the crosshair.
  • Dot Size: Sets the radius (in pixels) of the filled-in central dot.
  • Circle Radius: Controls the radius (in pixels) of the hollow circle surrounding the crosshair.
  • Outline Opacity: Adjusts the opacity (8-bit color scale) of the crosshair's black outline.

Color Settings:
  • R: Controls the Red (8-bit color scale) of the crosshair.
  • G: Controls the Green (8-bit color scale) of the crosshair.
  • B: Controls the Blue (8-bit color scale) of the crosshair.
  • A: Controls the Alpha (8-bit color scale), which changes the opacity/transparency of the crosshair.
Targets Settings
The Targets section allows you to customize how the targets appear in tasks.

Targets Settings:
  • Model: Specifies which model is used for spherical targets.
  • Target Color: Controls the color of the target; allowing presets or full control over every individual color slider.
  • Target Hit Color: Controls the color of tracking targets when the crosshair is on them.
  • Target Miss Color: Controls the color of tracking targets when the crosshair is not on them.
    • R: Adjusts the Red (8-bit color scale).
    • G: Adjusts the Green (8-bit color scale).
    • B: Adjusts the Blue (8-bit color scale).
    • A: Adjusts the Alpha (8-bit color scale), controlling the opacity/transparency of the target.
Audio Settings
The Audio section allows you to manage the volumes and sounds used in the main lobby and when playing tasks:

Volume Settings:
  • Music Choice: Specifies which background music track is used in the lobby and when playing tasks.
  • Master Volume: Controls the overall sound volume of the entire game.
  • Lobby Music Volume: Adjusts the background music volume when in the lobby.
  • Task Music Volume: Adjusts the background music volume when playing tasks.
  • Weapon Volume: Controls the volume of the sound when firing your own weapon.
  • Enemy Weapon Volume: Controls the volume of the sound when enemies fire their weapons.

Custom Sounds:
  • Toggle Hit/Kill/Spawn Sound: Enables or disables a sound for the Hit, Kill, or Spawn event.
  • Hit/Kill/Spawn Sound: Specifies which sound file is used for the Hit, Kill, or Spawn event.
  • Hit/Kill/Spawn Sound Volume: Controls the volume for the sound played for the Hit, Kill, or Spawn event.
  • Hit Sound Cooldown: Sets a cooldown (milliseconds) for how frequently a Hit sound can be played.
  • Pace Based Hit Sound Pitch: Enables or disables the feature of the Hit sound pitch adjusting based on how quickly you are hitting targets per second.
  • Import: Allows you to import a sound file (.ogg, .wav) for Hit, Kill, or Spawn events.

  • Begin with the Master Volume set to 50.
  • Reduce sounds that you find distracting, such as weapon fire and music.
  • For target sounds; begin by enabling Hit sounds and disabling Kill and Spawn sounds.
    • Hit sounds is the most versatile as it will work for all tasks, acting as a kill sound when a target is destroyed in a single hit, and you will still get feedback when the target has more health.
    • Kill sounds are only needed if the targets have lots of health.
    • Spawn sounds are only needed if targets are spawning out of view. You may also hear the spawn sounds of targets that aren't supposed to be shot at.
  • Play a tracking task that involves shooting a high RPM weapon, such as a ranked season 1 or 2 tracking task to calibrate the Hit Sound Cooldown value.
  • Enable the Pace Based Hit Sound Pitch if you want to practice killing targets at a constant pace, which requires flicking at different speeds depending on the distance between targets, or set a goal of hearing the highest pitch by killing targets as fast as possible.

Graphics Settings
The Graphics section allows you to set resolution, frame rate limits, and toggle various graphics effects.

Display Settings:
  • Display Mode: Choose between Fullscreen Exclusive, Fullscreen Windowed (borderless), or Windowed mode.
  • Selected Display: Select which monitor is used for Aimlabs. Each display remembers its own resolution and refresh rate settings.
  • Display Resolution: Choose which resolution Aimlabs will render at.
  • Display Refresh Rate: Choose which refresh rate (Hz) is used when Display Mode is set to Fullscreen Exclusive. Note: NVIDIA Control Panel will override this if it's set to Prefer Maximum Refresh Rate.
  • Display Stretching Ratio: Stretches the field of view, emulating a stretched resolution. The game will stretch from the chosen aspect ratio to the display resolution.
  • Max Queued Frames: Restricts how many frames can be pre-rendered. The more frames, the higher the performance but also higher the input lag.
  • Frame Rate Limiter: Restricts how many frames can be rendered, allowing for smoother performance, less power draw, or for staying within Adaptive Refresh Rate range (FreeSync, GSYNC).

Graphics Settings:
  • Graphics Quality: Select the overall graphics quality preset, affecting shadow distance, anti-aliasing, and post-processing quality.
  • Post-Processing FX: Toggles the post-processing effect to enhance graphics.
  • Muzzle Flash FX: Toggles the flash effect when firing weapons.
  • Shell Casing FX: Toggles the bullet shells emitting from your weapon when firing.
  • Bullet Impact FX: Toggles the bullet hole effect left when your bullets hit objects.
  • Player Damage FX: Toggles the red screen effect when you take damage.
  • Target Destruction FX: Toggles the destructed fragments effect when destroying targets.

  • Disable all of the distracting visual FX before reducing the Graphics Quality.
  • The lowest Graphics Quality option can cause distracting visual issues where it's clear and blurry at the same time. Try one of the more balanced values instead.
  • If you are using a stretched resolution, opt for using the Display Stretching Ratio option instead. This will allow an identical experience with better image quality. The only difference is the menus and mouse cursor movement won't be stretched.
  • You can enable VSYNC through your graphics card control panel.
  • If you are playing without VSYNC, try to avoid setting the Frame Rate Limiter to exact multiples of the refresh rate, as this will make screen tearing in the middle of the screen more common.
Visuals Settings
The Visuals section controls the textures and lighting of the task environments.

Visual Settings:
  • Graybox Preset: Choose between various presets. Changing any of the sliders will automatically set this to Custom.
  • Color Mode: Controls whether the various other elements (besides Main element) are managed automatically using a specific color theory, or if you have full control over every element.
  • Element: Shows all of the options for the specified element.
  • Texture: Sets the texture for the selected element.
  • Override Workshop: Determines if your visual settings overwrite the lighting and shadow settings in the workshop scenario.
  • Shadows: Toggles shadows on and off.
  • Tint Red: Controls the Red color intensity for the selected element.
  • Tint Green: Controls the Green color intensity for the selected element.
  • Tint Blue: Controls the Blue color intensity for the selected element.
  • Tiling: Sets the size of the texture for the selected element. Note: In workshop scenarios the scale of the object also scales the size.
  • Reflections: Determines how reflective the surfaces are.
  • Smoothness: Determines the smoothness of the lighting on the surface.
Controls Settings
The Controls section allows you to configure all options that affect your camera movement, such as field of view, sensitivity, and what game is used as a reference for your sensitivity settings.

Game Settings:
  • Game Profile: Allows you to use the field of view and sensitivity options from another game.
    • Game Release: If the chosen game profile is a series, this is essentially another game profile dropdown allowing you to choose a game profile from within that series.
    • Game Units: If the chosen game has different ways to set field of view and sensitivity, this will allow you to choose the one you want to use, such as in-game or config file values.

Hipfire Settings:
  • Sensitivity: Specifies the amount of camera rotation there is for each mouse movement. The amount depends on the game profile that is selected as every game has a different scale for sensitivity.
  • Field of View: Determines how zoomed in the camera is by specifying how many degrees are fit onto the display. The amount depends on the game profile that is selected as every game has a different scale for field of view.

Aim Down Sight Settings:
  • ADS Profile: Allows you to use a specific Aim Down Sight preset for the chosen game profile. This will usually take control of the ADS Field of View option.
  • ADS Sensitivity: Specifies the sensitivity specifically when aiming (default right-click).
    If this is greyed out, it will be managed by the chosen ADS profile.
  • ADS Field of View: Specifies the field of view specifically when aiming (default right-click). If this is greyed out, it will be managed by the chosen ADS profile.

Input Settings:
  • Y-Axis Sensitivity Ratio: Manages the vertical sensitivity. This can automatically adjust the vertical sensitivity to be 1:1 (or a custom ratio) with your horizontal sensitivity.
    • Y-Axis Sensitivity Gain: Controls the custom vertical to horizontal sensitivity ratio, or shows the ratio of your current settings.
  • Y-Axis Invert: Determines if vertical movements are inverted, where moving the mouse down moves the camera up and vice versa.
  • Controller Deadzone: Allows you to use a controller joystick deadzone preset or a custom percentage.
  • Controller Curve: Determines the sensitivity acceleration when using a controller joystick.
  • Controller Aim Assist: Controls whether aim assist is enabled.
  • Input Source: Determines whether the Windows desktop cursor sensitivity is applied to your sensitivity or not.

Other Settings:
  • Game Profile Filter: Determines what games appear in the Game Profile dropdown.
  • Sensitivity Options: Toggles the visibility of advanced sensitivity options, such as 360° Distance, Sensitivity Randomizer, and Scaling Settings.
  • Field of View Options: Toggles the visibility of advanced field of view options, such as Angle of View.

Advanced Settings:
  • 360° Distance: If the Advanced Sensitivity options are enabled, this will allow you to set the sensitivity by specifying how far the mouse has to move across the mousepad to rotate the camera 360 degrees. This can be used to manually convert your settings between games.
  • Angle of View: If the Advanced Field of View options are enabled, this will allow you to set the field of view using either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal degrees. This can be used to manually convert your settings between games.

    Scaling Settings:
    • Hipfire / ADS Scaling: Automatically manages your Hipfire or ADS sensitivity for you, generating a new 360 Distance for your current FOV by scaling from a specified 360 Distance and FOV combination.
    • Monitor Distance %: Controls how the sensitivity is scaled from your 360 Distance and FOV combination to your current FOV. This value determines the distance away from the crosshair where the difference in FOV is measured, and that difference is used to scale the 360 Distance to your current FOV.

    Sensitivity Randomizer Settings:
    • Sensitivity Randomizer: Toggles the feature on and off. Randomizes your sensitivity when playing tasks by multiplying it by chosen values.
    • Spread: Controls the maximum variance that can happen per interval. This will limit the randomness range per interval, preventing the possibility of going from the minimum to the maximum possible sensitivity within a single interval.
    • Min Multiplier: The smallest multiplier that can be applied to your sensitivity. This limits how low the sensitivity can get.
    • Max Multiplier: The largest multiplier that can be applied to your sensitivity. This limits how high the sensitivity can get.
    • Interval: Determines how frequent (seconds) the sensitivity is changed.
    • Smoothing: Determines if the sensitivity is changed instantly at each interval, or if it interpolates from the current sensitivity to the next sensitivity over the duration of the interval.

  • You can convert your sensitivity between games, allowing you to have comfortable aim in all of your games and to reduce the negative impact that playing other games may have on your aim. To convert sensitivity between games, it's best to use the scaling options:
    1. Set up the profile for your main competitive game.
    2. Enable the advanced sensitivity options.
    3. Set the Mouse CPI (Aimlabs can't detect this from the mouse), so the 360 Distance is correct.
    4. Enable the Hipfire Scaling option. This will load your current 360 Distance and FOV into the Scaling option.
    5. Configure the monitor distance:
      • 0% will compare the FOV directly under the crosshair, technically comparing the tangents. This will give you a constant tracking speed no matter what FOV you have.
      • ~99999% (the highest value possible) will give you a constant mouse distance to rotate 360 degrees, which is't useful for aiming but it's useful if you want to have a consistent mouse swipe to turn corners or to look behind you.
      • Smaller percentages will be a constant mouse distance to flick to a location on the screen. 100% on the H value will result in a constant mouse distance to flick to the horizontal edge of the screen, no matter what FOV you have.
    6. After the Scaling has been set up, you can switch the Game Profile or FOV and the sensitivity will be automatically converted for you.
    7. When a sensitivity has been converted, you just need to write it down and then use it in the other game.
Game Settings
The Game section allows you to set various gameplay settings; such as Language, HUD visibility, weapon visibility, and weapon recoil.

Interface Settings:
  • Language: Sets the language of the text in the game.
  • Head-Up Display: Toggles the visibility of the HUD, allowing you to hide the score and timer.
  • Countdown Duration: Determines the countdown duration until a task begins.

3D Character Settings:
  • Player Avatar: Sets the model or skin of the third-person player model.
  • Player Appearance: Sets the appearance to normal or holographic.

Gameplay Settings:
  • Default Camera Mode: Sets the default camera mode (First-Person or Third-Person) when starting a task.
  • Weapon Visibility: Toggles the visibility of the weapon and arms.
  • Weapon Perspective: Controls whether the weapon and arms appear right-handed or left-handed.
  • Weapon Recoil: Toggles optional weapon recoil. Note: This doesn't affect custom weapons or Rainbow Six Siege weapons.
  • Weapon Sway: Toggles idle weapon sway.
Keybinding Settings
The Keybinding section allows you to set keybinds for keyboard, mouse, and controller, and set hold or toggle states.

  • Go to the relevant page depending on if you are rebinding Keyboard, Mouse, or Controller.
  • Press the Change button.
  • Press the Unbind button, Assign button, or Back button.
  • Assign will listen for another key or button press.

  • Crouch Bind Mode: Determines whether the crouch key (or mouse button) needs to be held down or toggled.
  • Lean Bind Mode: Determines whether the lean keys (or mouse buttons) need to be held down or toggled.

  • Zoom Bind Mode: Determines whether the zoom mouse button (or keyboard key) needs to be held down or toggled.
Unchecked the "Practice Only" option before playing the task, so your scorecard and leaderboards will be updated after playing the task.

Training Frequency By Day
The training frequency by day is tracked by the number of tasks you've played. They are stacked in weeks. 7 dots per week. Some new tasks will not count towards it as those tasks have not been set up yet.
The custom section allows you to create custom tasks, weapons, maps, playlists, etc.
Creator Studio
Custom Tasks
Custom Weapons
  1. New Weapon
  2. New Recoil Pattern
  3. Select
(1) New Weapon
(2) New Recoil Pattern
You can create ideal recoil patterns here and apply them to your custom weapons. This recoil patterns can be re-edited at any time.
(3) Select
Here you can select and further edit weapons and recoil patterns that have been created.
Custom Playlists
You can easily create your own playlists for training/warm-up. Create a name for the playlist, and add the tasks you want, then use the drop-down menu to switch the weapons, click SAVE to preserve your playlists!
Graybox Maps Editor

Sandbox >> Miscellaneous
  1. Pentakill:
    5 orbs will float from either left to right or right to left and you only have exactly 5 bullets to take out all orbs before they pass by and re no longer able to be shot. This continues, 5 orbs floating by until either time runs out or your health runs out which, you lose based on how many targets you missed. Click here[] to learn more about Pentakill task.
  2. Spidershot Warmup:
    Under the warmup mode, the task is timeless and also it won't save any stats. Click here[] to learn more about Spidershot task.
  3. Freeplay:
    50 AI enemies spread across a giant map. Eliminate them all with whatever weapons you have at your disposal!
Sandbox >> Longterm AI

Longterm AI(s) are the same tasks you are used to but with a key difference, these tasks take into account how well you have played in the past and make adjustments to target size/speed in each screen position separately based on your past performance with targets in that position ex. Will give you more targets in the top left if you tend to miss targets in that area more often than others.
Result Screen
New Ranking System

Requirements for each rank

The leaderboards will be sorted by weapon and map. It includes details such as RT, KPS, accuracy... etc.

After logging in with your Statespace account and played the tasks recommended by the system, your score and ranking will be updated to the leaderboards in time. If you choose to play offline, your score and ranking will not be updated here.
Data Profile
Manage/ Download Data
*Currently, these options are for advanced users only.
Bug Reporter
You can access the Bug Reporter in 1 of 2 ways:
  1. In the main menu lobby:
    Click on the bug icon in the lower right corner, this will bring up the in-game Bug Report window.

  2. In the mid of playing

    Press F1 will bring up the in-game Bug Report window from anywhere in Aim Lab.

To learn more about how to submit a bug, please click here.

32 Komentar
syaqlaoxwad 8 Mar 2023 @ 11:33am 
rate my guide pls
ATROM 25 Agu 2021 @ 4:26pm 
Mini UwU 9 Jul 2021 @ 1:24am 
love u bro
քօօȶʐɛӄɛȶʐɨ123 26 Apr 2021 @ 6:18pm 
Why are you cheating on detection in aimlab
Chester B. 3 Nov 2020 @ 5:04am 
@ Budget KennyS -iwnl-
Hi there!

To redo the tutorial that shows at the beginning of the game, please refer to the following steps:

1. Click the【Profile】tab on the upper toolbar.
2. After the screen jumps to the next page, click【Skills】on the left side of the screen.
3. On the next page, click the【Manage Data】tab on the left side of the screen.
4. In the pop-up window, click 【Wipe Player Prefs】.

After doing this, the game should automatically close. After restarting the game, you will be guided to go through the tutorial again.

We hope this information is helpful to you. Let us know if you have any other questions or suggestions, we will be glad to hear from you. Cheers! :steamhappy:
Ghostie Boy -iwnl- 2 Nov 2020 @ 11:02pm 
Is there anyway to redo the training mode you do when you first launch the game? I guess the best thing to call it is the benchmark part of it
♚luzio✅ 8 Sep 2020 @ 12:58am 
Am I blind or something I cant find out how to turn on toggle lean
VinnyGames 28 Jun 2020 @ 5:47pm 
Good stuff!
zenkou 23 Mei 2020 @ 12:48pm 
Chester B. 4 Mei 2020 @ 6:53am 
@ Face_De_Ace
Hi! You can select your custom weapons after selecting the task. There's a dropdown 【Select Weapon】on the screen for you to choose different weapons. Please refer to the following screenshot:

Let us know if you have any questions. Cheers! :steamhappy: