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Raider Faction: Rogue XCOM Operatives
531.939 MB
2018年7月7日 15時23分
2022年2月24日 13時00分
15 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
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Raider Faction: Rogue XCOM Operatives

RealityMachina 作成の 1 件のコレクション
RealityMachina's War of the Chosen Mods
97 アイテム
"Commander, we're getting some weird signals from the upcoming drop point. It's using frequencies and encryptions I haven't seen since the old days, yet it's not the one us and the Resistance have been using. I don't know if we're going meet friends or foes down there..." - Bradford

Meet EU/EW remmants that just can't seem to trust the Commander anymore. They fight everybody like the other factions, but they have a bias against targeting XCOM if there are other, viable targets on the field. They can be a useful assistance, but are also pretty strong compared to the other factions you can face.

They start at squad size 4, and move up to five, and then six with the default settings, with equipment upgrading from standard conventional, to EU/EW era ballistics, to magnetic weaponry. They appear on missions with the Unknown Agents Incursion sitrep. Squads consist of balanced, one of each squads consisting of:

Supports - they carry a rifle, a smoke grenade and a medikit with two charges. As they upgrade, their smoke grenade and medikits get more powerful, as the support gains Suppression and Sentinel, enabling them to take two overwatch shots instead of just one.

Assaults - they carry a shotgun and a grenade. They start with Run And Gun. As they upgrade, they gain Close Combat Specialist, enabling an automatic reaction shot at close range with their shotgun, Tactical Sense, granting them more defence the more enemies they see, Rapid Fire, and Lightning Reflexes.

Heavies - they carry a cannon, a grenade, and a wrist mounted rocket launcher. As they upgrade, they gain Marauder, letting them shoot first without ending their turn. and improvements to their rocket launcher and the number of grenades they can carry.

Snipers - they carry a sniper and a pistol. They start with the ability to snapshot their rifle. As they upgrade, they gain Cool Under Pressure, enabling them better overwatch shots, Low Profile, letting them use any piece of cover and treat it as full cover, and Marauder.

When the transition to EU/EW firearms happen, the squad gains:

SHIV - your standard robot mini tank that carries a big gun. Has the standard robot immunities and Suppression. When they upgrade to Alloy SHIVs, they gain Close Combat Specialist, Sentinel Regen, and the ability to act as low cover for their allies.

When the transition to magnetic firearms happen, the squad gains:

MEC Trooper - worn out but not out of the fight, these remnants of XCOM's desperate effort to turn the war around are still around. With their autocannon, and the abilities of Marauder, Absorption Fields, reducing any incoming damage by 33%, and Collateral Damage, they can be an effective force multiplier for these rogue elements.

The game froze when it went to the Rogue XCOM turn!
You didn't have the highlander installed. Please install it.

The mission ended when there were still some of these enemies left?
Unfortunately the nature of how XCOM's backend works means I would need to replace every single mission kismet in order to make them properly count as enemies for the game to track when it comes to mission completion. For now you can assume enemies just retreat once XCOM has eliminated all threats and is able to start focusing on them.

Why in gods name would this ever happen
This is basically a semi-joke mod after realizing I have made a ton of mods where you either shoot other human beings or recruit non-human soldiers.

Other Mod Support
If you have Iridar's Rocket Launchers 2.0 mod, Rogue Heavies will carry EU/EW era rocket launchers instead of wrist mounted ones.

Mana, for providing the crucial head assets for MEC troopers. (And working on another in-progress project with me)

Musashi, for helping me figure out how additive animations work so MEC troopers would have working eyes in their animations.

Fireborn, for porting and polishing the original EU SHIV assets.

MrK, for porting and polishing the original EU conventional weapon assets.

Dor, for porting and polishing the MEC armour assets.

The CreativeXenos team that worked on the EU Plasma Weapon Pack, for letting me use their assets.

人気スレッド 全て表示 (5)
2018年7月12日 4時44分
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2024年8月27日 12時25分
Russian Translation
2021年8月17日 10時33分
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270 件のコメント
lichen93 2024年10月17日 17時27分 
Can they be capture like mocx ?
RakkoHug~<3 2024年10月5日 23時59分 
It seems that MEC troopers are undersized.
LA MUERTE 2024年9月14日 10時38分 
Is there a way to setup specific voicepacks to the faction? I have tried to use function SetVoice(name CharacterTemplateName, name CountryName) but to no effect.
ArcticJack 2024年5月17日 2時24分 
@Riojoriginal Not a bug/glitch, but a baked in feature. All Raiders (with the exception of rebelious MOCX and the rulers/rebelious rulers, which aren't raider factions) spawn on the same team. The only way to avoid them fighting together is to garuntee that those sitreps never spawn on the same mission, using another mod as a tool. The 'Raider Bases' and the follow-up 'raider relations' might be what you want, or you can mess with the sitreps in 'Multiple Sitreps 2.0' or its follow-up 'Truly Guaranteed Sitreps and Multiple Sitreps'.
Mejiro 2024年3月4日 7時56分 
Are these raider faction mods safe to add mid campaign?
Riojoriginal 2024年2月19日 15時35分 
idk if this mod is still supported/maintained but there's a bug/glitch with all the raider faction mods: They all are spawned on the same team, e.g Xcom renegates fight alongside the Collectors, they never target each other and the enemy preview even shows their icons with same colors. Is there something i can do on the ini files(on the launcher) to fix this?
Kinsect 2023年11月28日 13時32分 
Can they use the Enemy within Mec weapons if we have them installed?
Tommy 2023年11月26日 7時08分 
Why they can not move, only be attacked.
Endermarke 2023年9月18日 2時12分 
Can these guys have more shred except that rocket? I saw them have a bad end when fight with MOCX and can't kill even one of MOCX(3 armor 18 hp soldier).
LockeEdwards 2023年8月7日 21時24分 
Well, I found a funny. If you have an invisible head mod to enable non-monstrosity Mass Effect soldiers in your crew, these rogue XCOM elements will sometimes autogenerate with... you guessed it, an invisible head. Any way to restrict the customization pool they pull from?