Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

364 ratings
Advanced TF2 Console Commands
By Paste
You've heard of console commands but you've never heard of ADVANCED console
This command enables you to create a entity to the position you're aiming at.

Example: ent_create merasmus < This will spawn merasmus.

Now let's say you're unhappy about merasmus's size and you would like to modify it. You can change that by adding a simple command called modelscale.

Example: ent_create merasmus modelscale 5.0 > This is will spawn merasmus and make him huge.
ent_create merasmus modescale 0.5 > This will spawn a very tiny but harmful merasmus.

You can also be creative with this command and spawn a animated entity,

This command will spawn an engineer in a never ending looping taunt:
ent_create prop_dynamic solid 6 model models/player/engineer.mdl defaultanim taunt01

This command will spawn a running dr.breen:
ent_create prop_dynamic solid 6 model models/breen.mdl defaultanim sprint_all

You can also find other animations/models to use by digging in the TF2 files.

For a list of TF2 entities you can refer to this website

This command will spawn sounds for the whole server to hear.

ent_create ambient_generic health 25 message sounds/[sound dir here]


Example: ent_create ambient_generic health 25 message ambient/bird1.wav

You can find all the sounds you can spawn from the following files:

You can also change the pitch by adding: pitch 1-255 at the end of ent_create command.

You can change preset by adding: preset (-1)-28 at the end of ent_create command:
1=Huge Machine
2=Big Machine
4=Slow Fade in
5=Fade in
6=Quick Fade in
7=Slow Pulse
9=Quick Pulse
10=Slow Oscillator
12=Quick Oscillator
13=Grunge pitch
14=Very low pitch
15=Low pitch
16=High pitch
18=Very high pitch
19=Screaming pitch
20=Oscillate spinup/down
21=Pulse spinup/down
22=Random pitch
23=Random pitch fast
24=Incremental Spinup
27=Planet X

You can also change radius by adding: radius 1-1250 at the end of ent_create command
Bot Commands
bot_mirror all - Makes bots mirror everything you do and including your hats and weapons.
bot_changeteams - Makes bots switch teams.
bot_kill all - Unleash death upon all bots.
bot_whack all - Unleash more death upon bots.
bot_teleport [botname] - Teleport a bot to your position.
bot_command all taunt - Dance.
bot_command all voicemenu 1 4 - Need a....?
bot_command all autoteam - Autobalance?
tf_testrr and tf_testvcd
This command will allow you to force the player under your crosshair to speak.

tf_testrr <command> or tf_testrr <player name> <command>

Example: tf_testrr TLK_PLAYER_MEDIC

Other commands you can use:


For more information where you can find more responses please refer to this website:

Now that we've cleared tf_testrr, let's go to tf_testvcd:

This command will enable you to force vcd scripts on players. Also note that this command might crash you or the server so don't overuse it.

Command: tf_testvcd script

tf_testvcd scenes/player/spy/low/conga.vcd -plays conga spy sounds on player you aim.
tf_testvcd scenes/player/heavy/low/taunt_russian
tf_testvcd scenes/player/scout/low/taunt_hi5_start
This command will spawn a killable model that will spawn a custom TF2 particle once it has been killed.

Command: ent_create tf_generic_bomb model models/[model] sound [gamesound] explode_particle [particle]

To find the gamesounds you can type in console: playgamesound

To find a list of TF2 particles you can refer to this website: [TF2 List only]
This command will allow you to spawn ANY prop in the game, you name it!

Command: prop_dynamic_create propfile


prop_dynamic_create props_gameplay/cap_point_base - Will spawn a cap point.
prop_dynamic_create props_2fort\cow001_reference - Cow?
prop_dynamic_create props_gameplay\resupply_locker - Resupply locker.

Here's a HUGE list of all TF2 props in the game:
Fun commands:
test_dispatcheffect explosion
test_dispatcheffect glassimpact
test_dispatcheffect watersplash
test_dispatcheffect teslazap
test_dispatcheffect smoke
test_dispatcheffect HelicopterMegaBomb
test_dispatcheffect bloodimpact
test_dispatcheffect ManhackSparks
test_dispatcheffect watersplash 1 1 1 1 (troll)
addcond 108;removecond 108 -{playername} has escaped the underground
ghost_spawn - spawns a ghost
createhairball - uh?
ent_create npc_handgrenade - Spawns a grenade
ent_create func_door model *5 spawnflags 1024 noise1 music/hl2_song3.mp3 - Weird box that plays music.
ent_create obj_sentrygun teamnum 2 defaultupgrade 2 - spawn level 3 RED sentry
ent_create obj_sentrygun teamnum 1 defaultupgrade 2 - spawn level 3 BLU sentry
ent_create obj_dispenser teamnum 2 defaultupgrade 2 - spawn level 3 RED dispenser
ent_create obj_dispenser teamnum 1 defaultupgrade 2 - spawn level 3 BLU dispenser
ent_create tank_boss speed 9999 - Creates a sonic tank.
prop_physics_create props_c17/oildrum001_explosive - Assplosive Barrels.

MvM Commands:
tf_mvm_force_victory -forces victory
tf_mvm_jump_to_wave [number] -changes the wave
tf_mvm_nextmission -changes to next mission
tf_mvm_tank_kill -kills all tank bosses
tf_mvm_tank_health -sets tank's health?

Here's a list of useful addcond commands for your character:

addcond 5 - Gives you uber.
addcond 11 - Crits
addcond 19 - Mini-crits
addcond 85 - Makes you tiny.
addcond 86 - Jarate?
addcond 90 - Gives "Stregnth" powerup
addcond 91 - Gives "Haste" powerup
addcond 92 - Gives "Regeneration" powerup
addcond 93 - Gives "Defense" powerup
addcond 94 - Gives "Vampire" powerup
addcond 95 - Gives "Reflect" powerup
addcond 96 - Gives "Precision" powerup
addcond 97 - Gives "Agility" powerup
addcond 33 - More crits.
addcond 66 - Immune to bots?
addcond 72 - Boosts everything and infinite double-jump.
addcond 73 - Gives the user a quick-fix ubercharge effect with the stock medi-gun overheal.
addcond 74 - Your health and size is increased.
addcond 75 - You're tiny again.
addcond 77 - Become a ghost...
addcond 82 - Mario kart?
addcond 83 - Oh god my head is huge!
addcond 103 - Gives you "Knockout" powerup
addcond 106 - Get bonked.
addcond 107 - Low Gravity
addcond 109 - Gives you "King" powerup
addcond 110 - Gives you "Plague" powerup
addcond 111 - Gives you "Supernova" powerup
addcond 113 - Boosts your firing speed and reload rate
Ear Rape...
Use this command to amplify sounds by 9999x.
Use with have been warned.

Command: ent_create env_microphone speakername one2 targetname one1; ent_create env_microphone target one1 targetname one2

Thank you for reading.
Please don't forget to favorite and rate this guide. <3

Helper: Intresless
bands 9 Jun, 2023 @ 4:11pm 
wdym precached?
Paste  [author] 24 May, 2023 @ 12:28pm 
The model is models/headcrabclassic.mdl although I think the model might need to be precached or else it will spawn as a error model.
bands 24 May, 2023 @ 9:58am 
is there a way to spawn a headcrab zombie from half life 2?
or is that a community server only thing
bands 13 Nov, 2022 @ 4:06pm 
hey, real quick; ent_create bot_npc_archer targetname engi; ent_fire engi setmodel models/player/engineer.mdl, spawns a walker engi that SOMETIMES shoots on maps, best used on turbine, im sharing this with ya cuz you helped meh make it, thanks m8
bands 13 Nov, 2022 @ 3:33pm 
thanks m8 helped me a ton
bands 13 Nov, 2022 @ 10:05am 
alright, could you give me a command example? soz for asking to much, im just a command fanatic xD
bands 13 Nov, 2022 @ 9:01am 
or just make a command that COULD do that if its possible
bands 13 Nov, 2022 @ 8:58am 
ok my brain is very smol could you simplify that and just tell me if its possible to do that?
bands 12 Nov, 2022 @ 7:02pm 
because it doesnt work when i try it
bands 12 Nov, 2022 @ 7:02pm 
is it possible to give another entity a model? like for example ent_create tf_zombie model models/breen.mdl defaultanim sprint_all