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Avali Chandlier
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4 jul, 2018 @ 15:31
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Avali Chandlier


Thank you!
9 kommentarer
Snarily  [skapare] 4 jul, 2018 @ 23:59 
soft swordsman summer 4 jul, 2018 @ 17:55 
i think this looks really nice :sfsmile: keep up the good work!
Wakazu 4 jul, 2018 @ 17:13 
Heh, believe me, it is)) Supporting one mod and supporting a hundred of mods scattered all over the workshop is a huge difference. Keeping one file, even a huge one, saves a lot of nerves and confusion from both sides, aka you, the creator, and us, the users. This way everyone knows where to post and discuss ideas, and if someone gets prickly, it's a lot easier to kick them out of one thread than to chase down through all hundred.
Snarily  [skapare] 4 jul, 2018 @ 17:09 
Sounds like a good idea.
Wakazu 4 jul, 2018 @ 17:08 
You'd better merge it into one mod with your single HG then. This way it would be easier for you to update, and easier for us to track, comment, and use (cause SB gets more and more laggy the more mods there are, no mater how small those mods are, it might not be a big deal on topdeck machines, but for potatoes like mine - it's a HELL of a deal)
Snarily  [skapare] 4 jul, 2018 @ 17:03 
Noted. If you don't like it you don't have to use it man. There's more coming and someone wanted something kinda like this, I'm working on more right now.
Wakazu 4 jul, 2018 @ 16:53 
Um, no, it's not because of that.
You see, when you made that single light, that was briliant. A smal and subtile detail, that add ATMOSPHERE (sorry for caps, just wanted to make an accent on how much it actualy means when you deal with race mod). It was smal, stylish and briliant.
But this also set, like, a meter of how much cool the stuff from you can be.
And seing this... which is basicly the ctrl+c/ctrl+v all over the place... it's just... just... WHY DOES THIS EVEN NEEDS TO EXIST?! We already have you HG-single light, so basicly anyone wanting so can make a structure like this ingame with multiple of those. And it would be even better, considering the size issues.
Kind of hard to describe what I'm feeling looking at this, you know. It's just... no. It's too many of those shards in the same place. It was just ok for a single light, but THIS is for sure way too many.
Snarily  [skapare] 4 jul, 2018 @ 16:43 
I guess you don't like fairy lights either?
Wakazu 4 jul, 2018 @ 16:30 
Uhmmmm... now THAT is certaintly too much ctrl+c and ctrl+v