Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Elena Falls
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29 Thg06, 2018 @ 9:13am
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Elena Falls

Mô tả
Elena Falls

My new map is another one in typical Black Fire style. Again I spent a lot of effort in creating a breath taking scenery for your cities.

What is special about this map?
* two breathtaking beautiful waterfalls
* great bridges thanks to “petersonyip” and “Jerenable”
* in-/outgoing ship route on high ground
* possibility to create a huge dam / artificial lake
* default road system with 43 highway and 13 railroad bridges

Of course you also have the "Black Fire standard features" on this map.
- map can be played with 9 tiles, but is optimized for 25 tiles
- basic road- and railroad-system to get started
- maximum number of in/outgoing connections available (4x road, 4x train, 3x ship, 2x plane)
- all resources available
- intermediate map
- lots of nice places with a breathtaking view on your city

This time I tried to create a map which is almost vanilla, and nevertheless beautiful. You only need five extra assets for this map!

Thanks to “rattusprat”! Your version of my map “A New Hope” gave me some great inspirations for this new map.
Also thanks to “petersonyip”, “Jerenable”, “CrushyCrux”, “SamsamTS”; “Destroyer”, "Timboh", "agusingnavy", "MrMaison“ and of course “BloodyPenguin”. Your mods and assets have been very helpful creating this map!
Thanks to ALL modders which do an essential part to make Cities Skylines such a great game!

Have fun playing!
Your Black Fire

********************************** UPDATE **********************************

If you are looking for a nice map theme for this map, you could use

or check out my update of this map "Elena Falls 2"
131 bình luận
Metro_7777 19 Thg01 @ 6:08am 
Ships don't enter my harbor on this map, but overall my favourite map so far
Black Fire  [tác giả] 17 Thg07, 2023 @ 9:18am 
bobert 23 Thg03, 2023 @ 5:06pm 
i cant figure out the bridges, they dont spawn in and i have the bridges installed
HDSam! 18 Thg04, 2022 @ 4:13pm 
make my pc go boom
Black Fire  [tác giả] 31 Thg10, 2021 @ 1:33pm 
@Kaivian: you can replace the "old" version by "Aonei Bridge (Fixed for Parklife DLC)" from J108560 ;-) In this version the asset category was changed.
Kaivian 29 Thg10, 2021 @ 7:47pm 
Why are my bridges complaining they don't have electricity? lol

Great map, btw.
Erick WALLKER 26 Thg08, 2021 @ 5:28am 
My favorite map in this game! Great job, congratulations!
AVOX 13 Thg05, 2021 @ 2:31am 
Great map. Most fun so far! 5 Stars! Took me a while to find out you made another Aonei bridge that doesn't bug out the park maintenance cars.
bythunder99 30 Thg03, 2021 @ 4:43am 
One of the best maps I ever played. The bridges are outstanding. Sooooo well done!
MatteCosta 1 Thg03, 2021 @ 5:31am 
Thank you, great work