Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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Perk Builds | Survivor
Tekijä Your Mum ja 1 osanottajaa
Hello, everyone !

I have spent over 1200 (Almost 3000 at this point) hours on this game and I think it would be pretty cool for me to create the list of potential builds for the survivors. I know that a lot of people have already done it, but I think I can bring a little bit of strategy towards every build you can potentially run on this game. Please excuse my English, not a native speaker. So let's start !
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Feel free to check out the perk builds for Killer as well. Post your builds in the comments and we'll add them to the list along with the others.

Perk Builds | Killer Link:
Made by: Rescultir
Co-contributor: Your Mum

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Your Mum's Optimal Build:
First thing you need to do, run to the place where you can use the Balanced Landing. It can be a hill, a tractor. At various maps it will just be a place, where u can have a free fall. Killers never expect it and you will be able to create just enough space for your maneuver. Try not to be found first or you will be pretty much running with two perks, as your We'll Make It and We're Gonna Live Forever are all about saving people. As soon as you see the person getting git, run towards the area of the heart beat and stay there crouching or, which will be more helpful for the team, doing the gen. But be in the area of the potential danger because as soon as the person gets hooked, you are safe from Barbecue & Chilli effect and 99% can get a free safe, resulting in tokens for the points and We'll Make It activation. Yes, I am lame and I use self-care in almost every game I play, but what can I do, it just gives you the freedom from your teammates help in order to heal. Why I take it with 1k+ hours ? I play solo and if the teammates do not know anything about strategy, I will be taken in second without it. Quick summary: Balanced Landing is bold and unexpected move, with Self-Care you are independent and with We'll Make it and We're Gonna Live Forever you can end almost every match with 20-40 points in your pocket (not counting the offerings).

Rescultir's Most Used Build:
Same idea as the Ghost build but gives you an easier time if you're a little new to the game. Since we are not using No Mither we can make a few more mistakes or stay in areas a bit longer but once you're hit you will need to start to open chests which also gives you some blood points for doing so and that's always a bonus. Iron Will doesn't cause grunt noises, Urban Evasion will help you evade the killer much faster combined with Mind Tricks that you will develop as you play (or learn from YouTube) it will make it harder for you to be tracked down. Calm Spirit provides an extra bit of stealth for you but if you find that you're not being matched up to use it as much you may switch it out for self-care or another perk of your choice. Dead Hard can help you get a second chance of escaping when needed or you can use Sprint Burst and stay on gens and such a bit longer but this is not a build you want to be chased with.

Starter's Pack:
Saying, in advance, that's a debatable build, but, in my opinion, that's what you should have in order to start the game properly. This build will teach you how to lose the killer and how to be stealthy, which is, essentially, the goal of the game. Premonition will give you the warning of the killer coming to get you, but this is where your Urban Evasion kicks in and you can easily slide from the upcoming battlefield. Yes, there is Spine Chill which gives you quicker repair speed but when you start this game you should think only about how not to be found and how to hide safely as soon as possible. In this build, Lightweight is the first "second-chance" perk. In the situation where you, against all odds, were found by the killer, you can run and keep in mind that the footsteps are disappearing at a quicker rate, giving you time to stop running and use your Urban Evasion to hide in the nearest blind spot. Iron Will, second "second chance" perk in this build, pretty much scratches the fact that you got injured as you make no noise and from that point we use the same strategy: run with lightweight, stop, hide with Urban Evasion. Quick summary: Premonion in order to avoid the contact with unpleasant killer, you failed with this, run with Lightweight and hide with Urban Evasion, you failed even with this and got hit, you run again with Lightweight and hide with Urban Evasion. As simple as that.

Starter's Pack, no teachables version:
You have just bought dbd and have no idea what to do? We all started there, so you might as well get a small advice for the perks to aim from the begining here. Since the choice isn't that wide, the goal for you is rather simple, to get the most helpful perks at your disposal. First of all, Dejavu, which does a good job at teaching you that, yes, these are 3 generators you are seeing, and yes, you need to do them. Also gives you an idea of where said generators are located, since you may have some issues, especially on some indoor maps. Second perk, Spine Chill, will alert your in case the killer is looking in your direction, so you at least shouldn't feel scared 24/7 at the start. Just, look at the perk for a few moments, to see if it lights up, in which case, hide or run. The third perk is Kindred. You should understand with this perk one straight fact - everyone in your team is as scared as you. Being aware of everyone's position might be crucial, and it also increases the chances that you won't be forgotten on the hook to just die. Last perk, We'll Make It, helps you understand the importance of healing, and even if it doesn't really help you understand when to heal and when not to, it gives you a general idea.

Gen jockey:
This is a build for people who prefer engineer class instead of those dangerous chases, or you have a "Do x generators" challenge. Your one and only thing is doing gens, and you are well prepared to repair them as fast as you can. The king of gen perks, Prove Thyself, provides the extra speed for doing gens with someone else as well as extra bloodpoints, though you will probably have your Objective category maxed anyway. Stake out to increase the progress from skill checks as well as trigger Fast Track, to not let those precious stacks provided by your teammates on hooks remain unused. Finally, Sprint Burst, to waste no time getting to the generators. This goes without saying, but you will have extremely "fun" experience playing.

Repairing generators grants me POWAAAAAR
Repairing generators is the sole goal for survivors, so why not try to benefit even more from progressing the game? For that, you will need these bad boys, giving you some sort of benefits if you do generators for some time. First one, Dejavu, just to be safe and not to get too invested in doing generators as to leave a 3 gen opportunity for your opponent. Then, two new perks, Flashbang and Blast Mine. First one allows you to create a, well, flashbang, which you can carry and use whenever you see fit. The second one is more demanding, you have to time it right or the value will not be guaranteed. Probably gotta be really agressive even if the killer is close. And the last one is Repressed Alliance. This one is quite good against Pop goes the weasel and ruin, to prevent the big swing regression, ooor to use the mine, and while the killer is stunned, quickly come and block the generator, the amazing wombo combo to be extremely annoying

You're a Lucky Man:
This is all about the chests, about the loot boxes that you will be able to open at a rapid speed. As soon as you start, just run across the map looking for the chests and you may be able to get very decent items from it, which you can use in the match and stock it on your main character's inventory. Sometimes you will die, but this build does not imply gaming for the win only, more about the bants and potential profits. Quick summary: Plunderer's will help you see the chest's auras, Pharmacy will make you faster and quiter at it, Ace in the Hole will give you the chance to get the decent addon with the iteam and Up the Ante will increase the chance of this happening. So equip this build for fun and enjoy your loot in case you survive !

I Can Open Chests... Slightly Faster:
This build I have formed is interesting, it's also a lot of fun getting Ultra's from chests or when you need to farm some items. Self-Care and Botany Knowledge is used since you get a Green Medical Kit for your first chests you search through which can be used quite a bit for yourself or your team. Pharmacy is the perk to open chests slightly faster and I use plunder's Instinct to find chests and get better items/add-on's with it.

*If you don't get the referance I am making, skip to 0:50 if you don't want to watch the entire thing most people should/will know this:
I also did not make this video and if the person that owns it wishes for it to be removed I will do so.

(Unfortunately after the grand rework of perks this build no longer makes any sense but will still be left here as memory)

Ultimate looter:
Who needs to get items in the bloodweb when you can just loot em from chests! The whole deal of this build is to get items, and get LOTS of them. Maybe you will even share them, who knows... Anyway, the build is rather simple to the previous one, the "You're a lucky man", but instead of Up the Ante, you should use Appraisal, which is same as adding 3 extra chests in the game.

Crazy Stuff:
At this point you are literally fed up with all op perks, you are on your unique build that even the killers respect a lot. No Mither, the star of the show, will "let" you be injured all game, not being able to heal. Bold move, I agree, and your groans are not even 100% reduced, so you still make noise, but you have all other perks active at all times, giving you additional repair speed, with bigger skill-checks. Dead Hard is the one and only tool you can use in the killer's chase, giving you a dash in the moment you should have died. You should mostly do the gens, as you are as vulnerable as possible to the killers and even the one-hit killers sometimes won't be ashamed to M1 you. But you will Dead Hard out of them and give yourself another chance, which you deserve with such a build. However, try to concentrate on the gens. Quick summary: No Mither brings you to a constant injured state, alowwing you Dead Hard at any time, and repair gens faster with the bigger skillchecks.

Totem Runner:
Unlike most people, you care about one thing more than generators. Totems. Without them, the killer is practically powerless. You leave the generators to the other survivors, only focusing on generators once you are sure all the totems are gone. Occasionally during your search, though, you will stumble across the killer, get chased, injured, and sometimes hooked. If you escape before getting hooked, but can't avoid getting injured, that's where Self Care comes in. You can't afford to have others try to find you, spending their precious time away from a generator. While looking for totems, Urban Evasion, Calm Spirit and Small Game help find them and avoid alerting the killer to your location, whomever the killer may be.

Totems are my №1 priority
Doing gens and escaping is all good and cool, but why not provide some attention to those lovely 5 pieces of bones scattered all around the map. With the addition of new dlc, Resident evil, you have a pretty big help in cleansing all of them rather quickly. Of course, the king of totem tracking perks, small game, is an auto include, it's just too good to ignore. You also get a neat info about the amount of totems remaining, just in case your teammate touched one. Sprint burst will help you traverse the map quicker to waste no time. And then, the new perk, Counterforce, will speed up the cleansing time, as well as show you the furthest totem, juts for the future, so you know the area it should be in. Unfortunately, 4th perk is yet to be found, since most of them don't really help this build, so pick whatever you want, I myself would probably go with we are gonna live forever, just for the blood points.

80% of the match you will stay on the ground in order to really experience this build, It is a very good build in the SWF game, because as soon as you are getting downed, other person from your team needs to take the killer's attention, and you can crawl like animal from the danger, always getting up thanks to No Mither, getting that enormous recovery speed from Unbreakable and No mither, and the best thing - you can do this all at once thanks to Tenacity, looking for your saviors - pallets, which Windows of Opportunity will be more than happy to show. This build is all about getting the killer on you, but also for your teammates to cover you as soon as you get down. Quick summary: crawl this game, just crawl, you will crawl fast due to Tenacity, quickly recovering and getting up by No Mither and Unbreakable and you will know where to crawl thanks to Windows of Opportunity.

Jake main sabo brain:
You hate hooks, all your homies hate them! And you will do everything to destroy as many as possible! With the help of Saboteur, you will be able to quickly destroy a hook once per minute, and see the auras of them to prevent the killer from hooking your teammate. And while you are at it, why not complement it with a Breakout? That ought to do the trick! Just in case Saboteur isn't enough, you should equip a toolbox to do the extra work, and Built to Last, to use it for as long as possible. But what if you are the one who gets chased and hooked? Doesn't matter, you will still sabo the damn hook with Breakdown.

We will never get hooked!
This is a pretty one-sided fun build which should work only if you use it in a full swf team. Ofc, it's not completely broken and has it's own counters, but if you face an inexperienced killer they will have some trouble with it. The two perks that are a must have, Flip Flop and Power Struggle, will enable you to save your precious self with a pallet, as long as you get at least 50% recovery. Other two perks aren't a must but can provide you some extra advantages, namely the higher recovery speed thanks to Unbreakable, and the ability to move during recovery thanks to Tenacity. Again, these two are not a must, and you can replace them with something more suitable for yourself. So, the strategy of this - a full swf team all 4 having this perk build must ensure that they always get downed in the pallet, so they can use that pallet to save themselves, while other 2 are always nearby to prevent the killer from picking you up. This creates a scenario where killer, no matter what he does, is at a disadvantage, they can't pick up, therefore they can't hook the person and progress the game for themselves, all the while your 4th is doing generators, and they can't slug either, since you are a swf and you have Unbreakable. Sounds fair, right?

Constant info:
The idea is to always know precisely what is going on in the game. The base of this build, Open Handed, provides an extra range to all other perks used in this build, and increases their value greatly. First of all, Windows of Opportunity, to start gathering the info about pallets/windows location in the area, as well as keep track of what is already used. Then Bond, to know where you team is and what they are doing in the spare time of not being chased. Might be as useful to avoid leading the killer to your team doing a gen. The third perk is Kindred, for obvious benefit of showing where everyone is when you are hooked, as well as JUICY 32m of showing killer's aura next to hooked person.

Run, Forrest:
Start your game normally, until you are getting in a chase, because you will have every single opportunity to spped away from the killer. It can be a window, can be a hill or, if the things are getting bad, dash it out of the killer's lunge with Dead Hard. The main point of this build - you decide where you are going to sprint. Why there is no Spring Burst ? It will ruin everything as it will activate as soon as you are done with Exhaustion Status. Vigil is helpful here as you recover much faster from the Exhaustion status. It may be replaced on Adrenaline, but it is a matter of taste. Quick summary: Balanced Landing will help you on the height, Lithe on the windows and pallets and Dead Hard - on the injured state with Vigil making it sooner available. Once again, you decide on the activation moment.

*With the upcoming patch, if the implement the new Exhaustion technique, it will be impossible to run and recover, so be aware and be stealthy when needed.

Last, but not Least:
Everyone got sacrificed, but you are that kinda guy, who actually wanted it. Now it is only on you whether to escape or die. Hide in the lockers, as you may escape unnoticed from it due to Dance with Me. Do those gens, make it 20-30%, hide in the locker and quickly get out of the there, and run to another. The killer will investigate that area and you will be able to do other gens at a higher speed with Left Behind and can even miss the skillchecks with no potential harm to the gen as the Technician will take action. Quick summary: just be stealthy, but productive, you have all perks, which oriented towards your "invisibility" by killer's tracking abilities and do the gens at a safe and quick rate.

Altruist Main:
Just bring offerings for the Altruism points buff, as that's going to be the one and only thing you do in the match. Unhook people, heal injured people on the map and do every altruistic-autistic part of the game. Botany Knowledge and We'll Make It will help you with the unhooking, because even if the killer is coming, it takes you seconds to fully heal a person, who is mostly vulnerable. Just check the map at a times, be stealthy and be that supportive person, to whom the team can rely on. Quick summary: Empathy shows you the injured survivors who need healing, We'll Make It will help you with the healing of unhooked survivors (only by you) and botany increases the healing speed even more, as a cover to We'll Make it. No One Left Behind gives you points buff after the exit gates are powered.

Altruist Main 2.0:
With the update that has come out you will now be able to gather bloodpoints more easily once you have these perks. We're going to live forever will give you the most points and because of that I decided to throw on Borrowed Time with this build since you will want your 4 stacks. Prove Thyself has been updated to give you bloodpoints when doing co-op actions and bond will help you find others to do so. You could also throw on Plunder's Instinct to get some points from chests instead of Bond or Prove Thyself but most of the time the chests are pretty easy to see. You can switch out Borrowed Time for Self-Care as well.

Infinite medkit:
Okay, this one is pretty funny, and you may sacrifice one of the perks I will name later and replace it with MoM if you wanna have fun taking those protection hits for the team. First of all, this build must involve taking a medkit with you, since all the perks improve the value you get from said item. Now, onto the build. Self-care, Botany Knowledge, Streetwise and Built to Last. First 3 perks are used solely to let your medkit last forever, and grant a small boost to your healing speed with Botany. Then, even if infinite is not enough, Built to Last comes in handy, and grants you 50% more of that sweet infinity. But being honest, I have yet to get full use out of this build, it's just too much healing. You can replace either Streewise or Buld to Last with MoM if you wanna try and go protect your team and get the legendary achievement, proc MoM, twice.

Another Ghost build? Ya darn right! This build will allow you to lose the killer in chase (hopefully) making them look like a fool even though you're still around or maybe you're long gone... Who knows? Iron Will allows you to continue doing gens, looking for someone to heal you or search chests without the killer knowing where you took off too or even hide when the killer is getting closer to you. Lithe, Quick and Quiet, Dance with Me allow you to get away from the killer in a chase if the killer has lost sight of you when you're vaulting. You could also trade out Dance With Me for Urban Evasion to use your red stains for a mind game.

Ghost 2.0:
You leave no grunts , no blood, no foot steps and no noise. That's an even stealthier build than the first one, but with its own charm. Do the gens, but as soon as you hear the heartbeat, hide in a locker without alerting the killer, thanks to Quick & Quiet, No Mither hides your blood so the killer won't be able to track you with that, you will be able to hide behind every rock possible and be a complete "ghost" with Iron Will, but if the killer insists on the successful chase, run to the nearest window and hop up in the locker as a true ninja. Quick summary: No Mither takes the blood from you, Iron Will takes the grunts, Quick & Quiet takes the noise and Dance with Me takes the footsteps. All-in-one deal.

Silent Ninja:
Ninja must be sneaky, and make as little noise as possible during the job. With this build, you will do exactly that. Iron Will will remove your grunts of pain, if the killer doesn't use Stridor of course. Calm Spirit to never scream from attacks or other abilities that force you to do so. Quick and Quiet to grant you the soundless vault, only once at a time however. And finally, Balanced Landing, as a nice sprint perk and to prevent you from making noise while falling. Overall, you should reduce the amount of sound you produce by about 99%.

Scratchmarks? You mean Nomarks?
Don't you think that killers seeing scratchmarks all the time is just too comfortable for them? Well, thanks to this build, you will make chases more "Interesting" for the killer, that's for sure. With the new change to the Lucky Break, you will leave NOTHING, neither scratch marks nor blood for killer to follow once you are injured. Sure, it lasts for about 1 chase only, but it will be worth it. Another perk to get rid of scrath marks, even if it's just for 3 seconds, is Deception. A pretty good perk for distracting the killer anyway, and it fits in nicely. Then, we have Poised, and it's rather a tricky one, you will have to time it well when generator gets repaired and quickly lose sight of killer. As for the last perk, Dance With Me, you will leave no scratch marks after vaulting, and sure, it's not as good without lithe, but it might still confuse the killer for a short time.

You are a Claudette main, and you feel like you need a little more than merging with the environment on 90% of the maps. Well, the build shouldn't be surprising, especially if you saw your classic Claudette teammates in action, becoming one, with the bush. First perk, best friend of all stealth players, Urban Evasion, great perk to move quickly and make yourself less visible over objects (How do they even train their legs to move this quickly). Then Spine Chill, to be aware of killer coming even if they have no terror radius, and Calm Spirit to prevent crows from alerting the killer from where we are, as well as fully help us facing Doctor and his shock. Last but not least, Iron Will, in case the impossible happens and you get found and injured.

Helping your bros in the match is essential, but here we are taking it to another level. For yourself, you are pretty much going with 0 perks, but for others you got that repairing speed with Leader, consuming items slower with Streetwise, getting that luck with Up the Ante and recovering from Exhaustion faster with Vigil. Just run and find other survivors. You need them to actually be something in this game. Otherwise, you are naked against the killer 1v1. Quick Summary: you help you survivors by sharing your auras with them with all your 4 perks.

For those who like to be chased, to show those jukes, but who is getting camped by that nervous killer. Pretty much, the main two perks here are Slippery meat, they give you additional tries in unhooking yourself with a higher success rate thanks to Up the Ante. But let's image you got free and the killer is right nearby. Here is where we will need Dead Hard to get off him for a tiny bit and Resilience, as you vault the window, the pallet faster. Quick summary: you are getting camped, but you want to get away. The plan - unhook yourself, Dead Hard from the lunge and use the nearest pallet/window possible.

I am a (BA)BOON King!
Not really much to explain, you pick 3 currently available Boon totem perks and a Small game on top of it to find all the totems quickly. Aaaaand that's pretty much it, don't know if it's really worth it, probably not. Yeah I am kinda running out of ideas

Exit Power:
Bold move, you like to wait till the last second in order to obtain the full power of the build. You get quicker, heal instantly, see the killer and the gates, what else do you need in the end of the game ?

No Breaks:
This build is all about being all over the place, you do gens, you save, you run from the killer. True team-player. A good 'go to' build, vigil and sprint burst allows you to run around more freely since you will recover quickly from exhaustion meaning you can collect some blood points from dull/hex totems and chests once you're satisfied with your gen points. Borrowed Time comes in handy since you'll be around the map more often than others so you can save a lot easier. Self-Care is needed since you'll need to be 'healthy' as much as possible since you will most likely be found more than others. There is nothing impossible in this game with this build, as you are covered by these perks in any aspect.

*You will need to stop running to recover your exhaustion, this build is still viable but not as good as it once was.*

This is brain tester for the survivor, because you will be on the edge of insanity with your perks triggering everywhere aand you don't know how to deal with. Everything will drive you crazy, totems, killer. It is a great build to optimize your concentration and stay focused even though every perk can be triggered at any time. Just stay cautious and be prepared ! But on a real, this is the build where you will know what's around you, and what's happening at the moment. Premonition, Spine Chill and Alert will give you the sense of the killer's activity on the map. Small Game will give you the chance to take the most precious thing away from the killer: totems !

I saw this build on reddit, so props to the one who created it !

Piece by Piece:
You are a perfectionist as you want the points in each category and as much as possible, this gives you the opportunity to get the pip almost every game and reach Rank 1 in days. You are smart, but it is not about the interactions with the killer, it is about your strategical placement on the map. Prove Thyself helps to get the gen faster if you have someone nearby, so here is your Objective ! Want some Survival points ? No worries, Self-Care got your back. Small Game is all about Boldness and Borrowed Time will give an advantage for the person unhooked with the combination of juicy unhook points. With this build, you are set to be as diversified as possible.

A Farming MoM:
One of the best farming build in DBD. Mettle of Man allows for an extra hit when injured, if you took the damage protecting your homies, fully healed, that's 3 hits right there. We're Gonna Live Forever will give you more blood points for saving and taking hits, up to 4 stacks. Borrowed Time will give the person you saved a chance to get away if they don't try anything stupid or don't allow the killer to hit them to trigger Borrowed Time. Self-Care, cause who doesn't want 3 hits? If you're in a SWF group, I would use No One Left Behind for more bloodpoints BECAUSE WHY NOT!?

Ultimate Solo Build:
This build will/should help most solo players out there. I have been playing this for a few days now and I believe it works great, since I am also a solo player. Iron Will can make it harder for you to be found, it is also really good against a nurse and most other killers since players rely on sound more than anything to find you. Kindred, I believe, is probably the best solo perk to have and should be included in any solo build, this will allow others to see 1) where the killer is, the direction he went after hooking you, if you are being camped. 2) where the other survivors are to see if they should be staying on their gen, if someone is being chased, or if someone is close enough to rescue you. This perk provides a ton of information to your team. I use Dead Hard just because I really like it and I can play around using it to its full potential but you can use any other exhaustion perk you like. Lastly, I use Self-care since I do not want my team to worry about healing me and I don't really want to waste time opening chests to find a med kit.

You are quite evil and want to show this to everone. Save your soul at all costs. If you establish an eye contact with the killer, using Object of Obsession, you can freely bring him to the nearest survivor with the help of Bond, that guy will get the anger and you can cover up in the corner of the map and heal yourself. The goal here is to get just 2 generators, you don't need more as you want to be the only one escaping. Here is where you will combine Sole Survivor with Object of Obsession. You will double your efforts by checking the killer location in the process of the hatch search. If it is going to be a hatch stand-off, just wait till the end because this build comes with the combination of the giant ego.

Anti-Teamwork 2:
Nothing brings you more joy than getting that salt from your teammates, and with this build, you will definitely have a lot of opportunities to open the deepest mines. To start off, Red Herring, you use it on a generator with someone to attract the killer to the location while staying safe within the locker. Then, a combination of Diversion and Bond, to have a rock ready and see your teammates to throw the pebble at their exact location, in order to help the killer find them. Works especially well against those who try to hide. And the last one, probably the biggest middle finger to your team, Repressed Alliance. When to use? On the last 99% generator of course! But beware, you can only use it if you are the only one repairing the generator, so gotta hurry!

The Entity Betrays You:
Night after Night you have survived countless times, proven to be the best of the best but the Entity is now fighting along side the killer... for once. After countless times watching you T-bag the killer and escape, the Entity has decided to weaken you by taking away your perks, forcing you to use cunning and quick wits to survive the trials. Knowing you can not stop the Entity, you continue and now hear whispers calling out to you, torturing you as you try to survive each trial. It is only a matter of time before you collapse and fall in defeat, can you survive or will you be Dead by Daylight?
This build is for the most op survs, who can rely on themselves under every, I repeat, EVERY situation in the game !

The Hunger Grows:
After witnessing you escape multiple times with no perks, The Entity has begun to starve. It whispers to you; "I am growing weak, so shall you." The Entity has broken you and has given you the ability to see the killer which at the time you thought would be a good thing but the entity always has a trick up its sleeve... or those tentacles things that you've been seeing on gens. Either way, you will not make it out so easily, only by knowledge and quick wit will you even have a slight chance to survive... Good luck!

I prefer... Alternative ways of healing:
This is more of a challenge than a legitimate build, and the challenge is simple, you are not allowed to heal yourself with medkit or let others heal you. In exchange, your perks will provide the healing necessary. First of them, Inner healing, to convert totems cleansed into healing with a 1:1 ratio. Another one is Renewal, a perk that will heal you when you get unhooked, but you need to heal another person before that to make it work (Nobody said you can't heal others). Then, Solidatiry, to heal yourself once you heal two other survivors. Last but not least, the king of instant heal, the one and only, Aaaaaaadrenaline! Well, you do get a heal off of it, but first repair 5 generators please.

Do I even have perks?
This is another one of the "challenge" ones rather than a real build. And the challenge is quite simple - you have 4 perks with such miniscule effect it feels like you don't have any perks at all. First one on the list is Self Preservation, a perk which prevents you from leaving marks, blood, and rendering your grunts silent after a killer hits... You? Ha, no, of course not, the other person. Honestly, I don't even know what's the idea of this perk, but good luck getting any use out of it. Second, Camaraderie, a one time use only perk which, if the killer doesn't camp, will do absolutely nothing for you, and even if it does, it might just prolong the inevitable. Another perk is a new one from Resident Evil, Resurgence. It... saves you about 10 seconds of heal after you get unhooked. Yeah, not a great advantage, and I don't know if it will ever come in clutch. Finally, the ultimate perk, the absolute king of utter garbaj effects, theeeeee, Buckle Up! Seriously, this perk does nothing, like at all, I am not even sure it helps you in any scenario ever, even if the planets come in one line once every 5000 years

Four Eyes:
Those four eyes on you will look extremely cool, but even more useless. There can be no strategy, no interaction between the perks. Just equip this build, make a couple of screenshots and never come back to this build.

Aren't you getting tired of contantly hitting thise pesky skillchecks? Well, no problem, just don't! And with this build, you will also avoid making a sound while you decide to skip a check or two. First, Techinician, obviously, to avoid bombing the generator. Then, Bite the bullet, to also avoid making a fuss over missing a skillcheck while healing your teammate, you even get a lesser reduction in progress as a neat bonus. Being such a generous spirit, you also got your team covered if they feel too tired just like you, with Corrective action. If they wanna skip two checks, you can help em with that! And last but not least, what if you just remove the skillchecks completely? Well, just equip Camaraderie, or whatever it's called nowadays, and go make a tea while you struggle on hook. You only have 34 seconds though so gotta go fast!

146 kommenttia
Sadie 1.5.2022 klo 12.47 
While I was getting teachables, I discovered a decent build for being self-reliant and staying hidden during solo que.
Lightweight, Self-Aware, Self-Care, Spine Chill
Kribaca117 29.10.2020 klo 23.10 
Great job, man.
bibop 7.8.2020 klo 11.44 
not bad :cozydbd:
GG EZ 12.7.2020 klo 7.09 
nice build. im going with the anti-teamwork.
HomoDrill 29.8.2019 klo 6.33 
GalaNexus 1.7.2019 klo 22.22 
We're gonna heal forever
This build is aimed at focusing on "only healing yourself" throughout the trial. There are three mandatory perks for this build which are Botany Knowledge, Streetwise and Self-care. Depending on your final perk chosen, this can affect your play style with this build. The top 3 perks of choice are: Spine Chill (know when you should heal and have higher awareness, can soft counter Nurses Calling), Pharmacy (if you don't want to use your own med kit, this can still give around 4 heals) or Mettle of Man (get stacks by body blocking, then run off for a quick heal). For an item it will be a rare med kit with a gel dressing and a gauze roll (for an extra 28 charges on top of you 24 charge and moderately efficient med kit and 78% efficiency bonus). I have not tested how many possible heals it can give you but I will when I can (I estimate up to 8).
Rescultir 21.4.2019 klo 20.41 
After a few days of thinking it over, I will start to tweak the builds listed. If anyone would also like to help with this, all you have to do is take the 4 perks listed in any build, play them for a few hours while trying out different perks you think will work with that build and I will make/keep a list and play them to see which one would have the best outcome overall. I thank you all for staying and being a part of this community/guide and may the Fog be with you <3

P.S Looking forward to seeing the different builds y'all have =)
Rescultir 15.4.2019 klo 9.46 
Two new builds added "I'm the Tank, A Farming MoM" I base builds on Solo players and recommend other perks for people that like to play SWF.
Rescultir 7.4.2019 klo 13.26 
@Adam Rose

I have been looking at this for a bit now, I am also thinking of what else it could be paired with. I think it would be good for end-game builds too as survivor.
CptAdamRose 7.4.2019 klo 12.37 
There's also a new BP farming build that includes Mettle of Man with Borrowed Time and We're Gonna Live Forever. The last perk could be We'll Make It for fast heals if killer isn't there, Sprint Burst if you need to get there fast, or Self Care if you just care about saving your own skin. Just thought I would throw this out there.