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How To Play Evie - Hints & Tips - The Ultimate Guide (Paladins Guides)
Bởi Creeves
This will be the third of our Champion Guide series, on the Paladins Champion Evie.

We will, as usual, be doing a video guide with more information to go along with it! Which you can find here:

(Maeve Guide)

(Cassie Guide)

(Ying Guide)

(Guides Playlist)

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Evie - The Ultimate Guide
Introduction: (What makes Evie special, who are her main targets for killing/damaging?)

Evie; arguably the biggest pest of the realm. Recently, I have been playing a lot of her, and although I am not an Evie ‘pro’, there are still a load of tips I have for those of you looking to learn. I have recently got the Winter Witch to level 35, and will continue to grind my way to victory!

By the way, I'd like to say a massive thankyou to all of you who are reading the guides and all of you who have subscribed to my YouTube channel! Means a lot.
Ability Overview
Ability Overview: (A run through of Evie’s abilities, when to use them, and how to maximize their impact.)

(Ice Staff) (LMB) (Area)
A staff shooting AOE projectiles dealing 850 Damage on a Direct Hit. This weapon has a very slow firing rate of 1 Shot / Second, and a very slow projectile speed compared to most other weapons. The weapon has a clip of 6, and a reload time of 1 second. If used correctly, the ice staff can pack some pretty nifty damage, it is most effective at close ranges, due to the inaccuracy of an incredibly slow projectile, however with good pre-aim it can be used at long ranges due to its lack of damage falloff. The blast-like nature of it means that it isn’t as punishing when you miss a shot, and unless you have a BK/Drogoz you won’t be losing damage due to Haven. If you play Drogoz, then it will definitely give you an advantage with the ice staff, as they are very similar in nature. (Note: Ice Staff does not suffer from aerial inaccuracy.)

(Ice Block) (RMB) (Defense) - [14S]
Now comes the fun parts, Evie’s list of abilities allowing her to slip away from the toughest of situations. Ice Block makes Evie immune for 3 seconds, however she can not move or attack in this time. The Ice Block can be cancelled by activating the ability again. The Ice Block will also clear all Status Effects, such as slows. There is a lot you can do with the Ice Block ability, but more often than not you will not want to stay in it for it’s full duration - more on that in the Hints and Tips section.

(Blink) (Q) - [4/3S]
Evie’s bread and butter. Paired with the wormhole talent, this is really what makes Evie strong. In this guide, I am going to be treating Evie as if wormhole is default, because in my eyes, none of the other talents make her viable. There are a couple of ways I like to use Blink:
  • When going after a single target, such as the Enemies Support or a peskie damage, you can use Blink to evade the enemy Frontlines and get easy hits on them. When trying to secure a kill it’s a good idea to blink, shoot, then Soar for 1 second then shoot again. This will allow for some hefty damage, and can often finish a target.
  • Otherwise, Evie absolutely excels in poking out the enemy team. Choose a nice spot where you can blink from, take a shot and immediately blink back. Often you can blink over objects or from behind pillars etc.. This method is great for sometimes getting a pick, or just causing a calamity and distracting the enemy team from your allies.

(Soar) (F) (Movement) - [10S]
Gives Evie a highly maneuverable fly for 2 seconds. You’re mainly going to want to use Soar to:
  • An extra shot, to finish a target
  • To reposition for a better blink spot
  • To escape a dire situation
When using Soar to escape, I would recommend sporadically moving your mouse in your general direction of motion. This makes hitting you 10x harder, even for Hitscans. I would also recommend including Swift Witch card at a level no higher than 3, just to allow for that extra mobility.

(Ice Storm) (E) (Ultimate)
Evie’s ultimate can be seen as a much more skillful Drogoz ult. I like to use it to pick a Support, a Flank who relies on mobility such as Maeve/Evie, or a damage. It’s not great against Frontlines, due to high CC Reduction and immunity. I like to shoot, ult, then blink back, then go in for another blink or long ranged shot to finish them. However, you do have to remember, that the enemies can still fight back during the ultimate, so it is definitely best used on a Support.

Well, for this section, I can’t lie. There’s no way of going back from Wormhole to any other legendary. The others are just to weak. For her to be viable in a useful manner, Wormhole is needed. Of course there are some who can still play with the other Talents and do extremely well, but I feel ultimately doing so puts you at a disadvantage. The only reason I can see people wanting to pick another talent, is that they haven’t unlocked Wormhole, or they want to be more unpredictable.

I don't want to constrict you to only playing Wormhole, but if you're going another talent - go Reprieve or Over The Moon. As for Snow Globe; just no. Just no.

Over The Moon can be paired with a selection of cards that allow Evie to be a different kind of Flank, with arguably more mobility and better DPS. Try it out, it might just fit your playstyle.

Most of the information about Wormhole can be found in the blink section. Not only does Wormhole give that much needed blink back, but it also reduces the cooldown; making the Winter Witch the ultimate annoyance.

This section is to show you some good Items to buy on Evie, obviously these are subjective and can change depending on the situation!

What You Should Buy For Evie In a General Game -

1 - Attack/Defense - Cauterize, I recommend buying Cauterize up to 3 in most situations. Depending on your team, a blue item can also be helpful if Cauterize is not needed, just analyze which one will be the best for your situation.

2 - Healing / Utitlity - After thinking about the other items, you can pick up these, I like Kill To Heal (especially when my support is lacking), it allows you to get those top plays and can save you many a time throughout a game. Rejuvenate is always an idea if you have a Jenos who is healing you a lot, just for that extra edge in 1v1’s. For Utility, well if the game is lasting long enough go for a Yellow of your choice. Master Riding is pretty useful on some maps to pull of some nifty flanks, or maybe morale boost if you're ults are often landing you successful frags.

Blink / Wormhole -
The only real loadout I use for Evie, is her very popular Blink loadout. For me, this gives the perfect balance of cards. Things like extra ammo from Ice Block can be extremely useful to finish off fights, more on that in hints and tips. The Swift Witch card also allows you to perform Aerial dodges, and of course the fundamental Teleport and Flicker cards act as a direct buff to Evie’s blink, making her the effective pest she is.

Soar / Over The Moon -
This loadout is excellent for being as spammy as possible, and quick as possible with the Soar ability - it basically replaces Blink with Soar in terms of usage. However, I have only used this loadout once or twice, it just doesn't fit my playstyle as much. Feel free to give it a try, and remember you can import all loadouts from 'Creeves'.

Hints & Tips
Hints and Tips: (Tips on how to use Evie, special circumstances, etc.)

As mentioned in the Ice Block section, there are some important tips for using Ice Block. The main tip is, to never stay in Ice Block for it’s full Duration - you need to be smart with it.

  • Attacking: When in a fight (normally a 1v1), you can use Ice Block in a number of ways to
    give you the edge. For example, say a slow projectile such as a Zhin heavy swing is heading
    straight for you, simply Ice Block to avoid the damage. You can also use Ice Block paired with the Biting Cold card, to get that much needed last shot, when you are out of Ammo.
  • Defending: If you’re in an extremely bad situation, for example when you’re caught with no abilities, I recommend Ice Blocking up. Wait for a Blink or Soar to pop back up, and make the escape, blinking then soaring. If people camp your Ice Block, more often than not you’ll die; this is why you should come out of the Block slightly sooner than when it ends. This could throw the enemy off and give you the opportunity to escape unscathed. You can also look out for enemy reloads, or distractions.

There are also many areas on maps you can blink over/around, make sure to have good Map Knowledge. It’s also important to remember that Evie is a blaster, so being above your enemy is
greatly beneficial; you can use Blinks and Soars midair to land easy 850 damage shots. When in a close range duel, it’s definitely a good idea to shoot the enemy’s feet - this will make it much easier to outdamage them and not miss crucial shots.

As for maps, maps with lots of Aerial space are ideal. Some maps Evie excels on are Timber Mill, Splitstone, and Jaguar/Serpent.

Also, I guess a self explanatory tip: don’t shoot yourself, it will damage you. And fun fact, (please don’t try this in game), you can actually achieve quicker fire rate by purchasing deft hands 2-3 and reloading after each shot - not that it would be practical or helpful in game.
Ranked: (Evie in ranked, when she is banned, who she might counter.)

In ranked, Evie is a solid pick. If there’s a good player behind the wheel, they can pull out some big stunts and fulfill the flank role easily, or in extreme cases totally carry. She’s not normally banned (unless someone really has a grudge), so it’s quite easy to pick her up. Just remember to know who you are targeting and hit those shots. It's also important to remember you can pick her on pretty much any maps, since she has all kinds of movement.

Thank You For Reading
Thanks for reading the comprehensive Evie guide, good luck on getting more wins, and please leave a favourite and a comment telling us what Champion you would like to see next.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

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17 bình luận
yoink 8 Thg10, 2020 @ 4:08am 
Pretty decent overall, but I don't really agree with the burner cards, pretty much at all
Torunn 5 Thg09, 2019 @ 7:16pm 
Good guide! I just recently got into Evie and this was one of the first guides I read when I started. It helped me a lot - I used to hate playing her until now. I 100% agree with you on the "once you go wormhole you'll never go back". Thank you for the help xoxo
CaoCao 28 Thg04, 2019 @ 6:36pm 
resil is #1 item vs ANY AMOUNT of CC , her movement is #1
SebbyM 26 Thg04, 2019 @ 2:15pm 
wasnt made by BubbleFishHK so its not that good
FireQuiz 14 Thg07, 2018 @ 10:37pm 
He's already admited to being subjective on the itemization OffPH.wnr he wrote that at the start. Why rub it in, and not be constructive?
OffPH.wnr 14 Thg07, 2018 @ 5:22pm 
That itemization is wholly wrong
FireQuiz 13 Thg07, 2018 @ 8:52am 
Not to hugely hate on Wormhole I love bunging my self into a horad and then Ice Storming to get the kills set, or just bungie jumping into everyone to get thier attention, but I just don't get those kinda moments that offten and would rather have + 1000 damage shots to finish off targets that I need to take down like healers
FireQuiz 13 Thg07, 2018 @ 8:48am 
Sorry for the wall of text I've played Evie for hours in beta and got use to her, but I can find one other champ that I like more (other then Furia) Oh and if you plan on doing her for any guide let me know I have a spreadsheet I would Like to show you
FireQuiz 13 Thg07, 2018 @ 8:46am 
Nice Guide :) another good one as always, but I would like to see a bit more for Over The Moon since I've found it to be more reliable because of server side lag that makes Evie's hitbox be the place of casting not where she is. This has been the bane of my existence as a Evie main that she gets hit at her casting location rather then where she is, but that is one of the big downsides I've had with Wormhole aside from being a bit more predictable. Also I think it might be nessary to just mention how low her health is since that plays the biggest role in how you NEED to play Evie. Also I remember in your Meave guide you gave her the ok for Liferip but not here when Evie does alot more damage, any reason why, or you just don't play it that often? I get why Kill to heal since that at max gives Evie basicaly half her health back, but after playing Over the Moon for hours I've loved doing massive damge with massive heals.
Creeves  [tác giả] 4 Thg07, 2018 @ 5:50pm 
Thanks lghtr! What champion would you like to see next?