Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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World of Alternatives
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20. juni 2018 kl. 12:54
4. juni 2019 kl. 7:46
15 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
World of Alternatives


Now, if you turn off the historical AI focus, all AI will perform alternative tricks. Civil war in Germany and Japan, independent India, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Minors at the first opportunity political focuses for communism / fascism.

The mod is activated when the historical focus is off

I will gladly accept donations.

Yandex.Money - https://money.yandex.ru/to/410011587243240

PayPal - https://paypal.me/greatemperor

  • Australia will primarily choose the focuses "Never Another Gallipoli", "Abandon the Westminster System" and "Support the Centre Party" / "Empower the Workers"

  • Canada will primarily choose the focuses "Patriation", "Swastika Clubs" / "Burn the Royal Portraits"

  • Czechoslovakia will primarily choose the focuses "Political Direction", "Go Left" / "Go Right", "Communist Support" / "Czech Fascism"

  • France will primarily choose the focuses "Government Reform", "Revise Versailles", "Support The Left" / "Support The Right", "Leftist Rhetoric" / "Right Wing Rhetoric"

  • Germany will primarily choose the focuses "Oppose Hitler", "Secure the New State", "Revive the Kaiserreich" / "Re-establish Free Elections". Does not take focuses "Plan Z" and "U-Boat Effort"

  • Hungary will first of all choose the focuses "Balanced Budget", "Strengthen of Monarchists", "Elect a King", "Invite the Habsburg Prince" (95%) / "Elect a Democratic King" (5%), "Demand a Referendum", "Restoration of Austria-Hungary", "Protect Czechoslovakia"
    The chance of a successful referendum changed by 100%
    The chance of annexation of Czechoslovakia was changed to 100%

  • India will primarily choose the focuses "Provincial Elections", "Swaraj", "Quit India Movement", "All India Forward Bloc", "Seek help from Soviet" / "Seek help from Germany"

  • Italy in development

  • Japan will primarily choose the focuses "The Unthinkable Option" / "Support the Kodoha Faction" / "Strengthen Civilian Government"

  • Manchukuo will primarily choose the focuses "Pacify the Countryside", "Trade Delegation", "Assertiveness"

  • New Zealand will primarily choose the focuses "The First Labour Government", "Statute of Westminster", "In the Darkness" / "The Lee Affair", "Empower the Working Class"

  • Poland will primarily choose the focuses "Strengthen of Polish State", "Defensive Focus", "Polish Militarism", "Internationalism", "Authoritarianism", "Go left" / "Go right"

  • Romania will primarily choose the focuses "Balkans Dominance", "Puppet Bulgaria", "Secure Greece", "Secure the Bosporus", "Divide Yugoslavia", "Institute Royal Dictatorship", "Revise the Constitution", "Flexible Foreign Policy", "Appoint Pro-Soviet Government" / "Appoint Pro-Axis Government", "Securitate" / "Iron Guard", "Force Abdication"

  • South Africa will primarily choose the focuses "Abandon Westminster", "Support the Afrikaner Brotherhood" / "Empower the Workers", (Fascism) "Support Ossewabrandwag", "Celebrate the Great Track", "Support the Nazification of South-West Africa" / "South Africa First", "Support the German coup", (Communism) "Repeal the Native Representation Act"," Burn the King's Portraits"

  • The Soviet Union will primarily takes the minister either on fascism or on democracy, does not take the focus "Great Purge"

  • United Kingdom will primarily choose the focuses "A Change in Course", "The King's Party" / "Oranize the Blackshirts" / "Concessions to the Trade Unions"

  • United States in development

  • Yugoslavia will primarily choose the focuses "Recognize the Soviet Union", "Form Peasant Councils", "Mutual Economic Aid", "Abolish the Monarchy", "Join Comintern" (10%) / "Yugoslavian Path to Communism" (90%), "Form the Federal Republic"

  • Netherlands will primarily chose the focuses "Form New Goverment", "Gateway to Europe", "Cave to the Germans"

  • Mexico will primarily chose the focuses "Plan of Agua Prieta", "Legacy of Revolution", "The Gold Shirts" / "The Red Shirts"

  • All minors will primarily choose the focuses "Political Effort", "Collectivist Ethos", "Nationalism Focus" / "Internationalism Focus". If the original ruling party is democratic, then instead of the focus "Liberty Ethos", "Spirit of Freedom" and "Interventionism Focus" will be chosen

  • The chance of Hilter appearing in Argentina is 100%

  • The "Hindenburg" will not explode, the chance is 100%

  • Chance "Zogu abides" is 100%
231 kommentarer
Aethynator 2. juni 2024 kl. 13:45 
"The German empire joined the Comintern"
Haskacz 7. maj 2024 kl. 10:29 
But in vanilla you cant change how much you want of alternative
SuperMaker 7. maj 2024 kl. 7:30 
Это выглядит многообещающе
whldsg 28. apr. 2024 kl. 1:51 
Возрождение центральных держав:steamthumbsup:
Dokkar 30. jan. 2024 kl. 5:18 
You can now do all this in vanilla you doofuses
xNeptune 12. okt. 2023 kl. 18:28 
is there any updated mod that does the same thing as this?
Grushnak 23. aug. 2023 kl. 3:43 
Hey I can tip if you get me a communist Italy :))
Faster 6. aug. 2023 kl. 19:26 
wish this awesome mod was stayed up to date
Rebellis_@uitum 19. feb. 2023 kl. 12:27 
rip another good mod gone
ascampbell05 12. mar. 2022 kl. 12:51 
update to 1.11.9