Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr

154 avaliações
Maximum Burnination
Por The Midnight Animal
How to effectively bring the blessed promethium to the enemies of the Imperium of Man.

Now with pictures of the skills! Huzzah! Praise be to the Emperor and his blessed tools of purification!
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Overview of Blessed Burninating
This Class Guide will show you how to run a Crusader that utilizes a Heavy Flamer in every occassion.

The whole point is to PURGE the UNLEAN as the Emperor intended. With fire. Lots of HOT BURNY FIRE!
Gear Selection
The vestments of your soon to be death machine are found within this section.
Here we go!

Weapon 1
Heavy Flamer
What did you expect? This is the tool you will use to bring the punishment of the Imperium to Heretics, Mutants and Xeno Filth.

Weapon 2
Multi Melta. Its basically a flame thrower pretending to be a laser gun. This has good armor penetration and when bathing them in the cleansing fire of our blessed Emperor just wont do... Penetrating them with our super hot load will.

Demolition Armor
Cyclon Missle Launcher is good for raining death far outside your effective range.

Personal Teleporter
You will be slow. But thats ok, because this gets you up close, so close you can make them smell your BLESSED PROMETHIUM!

Get a R/R/G/G or any combination thereof that allows you to equip 2 reds and 2 greens to your innoculator. Here is how you will set it up:
Red 1: Invigorator. 60% Health Boost, good for emergency healing.
Red 2: Blood Balm. 20% Health for 20 Seconds gives you powerful healing for an entire engagement. If you fight is lasting longer than 20 seconds outside the Endless Cathedral, you are doing it wrong.
Green 1 and 2: Extract. Gives your precious innoculator more uses. Pretty easy decision in my book.

Everything Else
Make sure you are stacking Critical Chance and Strength. Get HP on hit, not kill, hit. This will be important to maintaining your fragile body of flesh. I mean. You aren't really fragile, but you aren't invincible either. Damage deflects and reductions are useful as well. But your priority will be Critical Chance and Strength and then HP on HIT. Dealing HOT FIREY DEATH is thirst provoking, so you need to have a way of drinking some of that tasty smoked blood back in.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As pointed out by Lt. Trog and many others, HP on Hit is bugged for channelled skills, such the primary method of bringing the Emperor's Justice! It will still benefit from the other non-channelled skills, but until they fix this, you may consider checking out other more benficial enchants for your war gear! I personally feel as if I use different skills enough that I am still getting some decent mileage out of it, but it is stunting my health regen a little bit.

Perk and Attribute Point Allocation
Perks in any order you choose:

Survival Instinct Override
10% Critical Hit Strength at the cost of 3% Damage Reduction.
We are ok with this, as SANCTIFIED MURDER has a price we must pay.

Frenzon Dispenser
10% Critical Hit Chance at the cost of 10% Hit Points.
This is fine. Everything is fine. Don't worry about it. Shut up.

Augmented Body 2
Supression NEVER decreases, but you lose all health regen.
This is perfect, as we don't care about passive healing by standing around. ♥♥♥♥ that. We got heretics to purge son. Can't purge heretics on your back! You filthy animal.

This combination makes you a non-stop killing machine. Deal death without breaks. Only those ♥♥♥♥ Lemon Rust fart boxes and the Ogryns who spent too much time raw dogging nast Slaneeshi ♥♥♥♥♥♥ can knock you over. And you have a plan for them. The Traitors will BURN, the mutants will be IMMOLATED by the HOLY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ PROMETHIUM SON! DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!


Warfare. All points to Warfare. You need at LEAST 20 Warfare for that tasty 5% Crit Chance. You need it. You want it. You DESERVE it.

Your Skills and You
Ranged Combat, 6 Points
Top Right, Buy up all the Crit Chance. That Urban Warfare is necessary, but you won't be using it, as cover is for the weak and cowardly! Also pick up the cooldown buff too.
Area Effect, 5 Points
Bottom, get to Enhanced Range, adds an extra meter to your FLAME CONE! You need it. Just take it, it is yours now.
Critical Hits, 17 Points
Take it all but Cold Blood and Retaliation. We just don't need them. Waste nothing in the name of the Emperor. The best one is currently bugged. Take it or leave it, I have it in so hopefully they fix it soon, otherwise feel free to spend that else where.
Damage Over Time, 6 Points
Take 1 Left, take 1 Right, and then from the Bottom 3 to the top. This makes your BLESSED FIRE burn HARDER! It also stops that pesky HP regen that the enemies of mankind will surely have. Blood cannot coagulate if its on fire. Taking the enhanced metabolism perk is optional, but nobody likes being sick forever so it is a nice buff to surviving against those pesky DoT effects.
Heat Attacks, 11 Points
Take them all. This enhances every aspect of the only tool that matters. Your beauitiful Heavy Flamer.
Hit Points, 4 Points
Top Left, make sure to get to Field Surgery, this elimates waiting on your innoculator to come off cooldown so you can reattach any missing limbs you may have dropped somewhere.
Defense, 7 Points
Bottom Right, 2 points, to get Skeletal Padding. Because your BONES are THICK BOY. Enhances Armor, this is good. Bottom Center, 5 points, get to the Defensive Stance, since your suppression never depletes, this is a huge buff to your survivability.

Please, do me a solid, rate this guide. Tell it to your pals and if you are a Crusader, I might have relics you need! Feel free to hit me up in game for trades or group!

This message is brought to you, courtesy of the greatest of cabals, the MURDERPATROL.
49 comentários
The Midnight Animal  [autor] 29 mai. 2022 às 19:29 
@Morphine Cat, this guide is pretty severely outdated at this point. It was put together before the psalm doctrines came out I do believe. Shoark has used this guide as a starting point and rewritten it to their own specifications and it looks pretty good. You ought to check that out.
Morphine Cat 28 mai. 2022 às 16:06 
Don't forget to put the right psalm combinations in every possible bit of gear. By using heat damage boosters in every slot I got up to almost 600% heat damage. It turns flame throwers, melta/inferno, lasers and plasma into super weapons.

Also very handy for Pyromancer builds with the Psyker. You can make the Inferno skill into an almost insta-kill tool for everything but bosses, and even they don't last very long under that kind of punishment.

It makes Void Crusades where you're taking on +8 levels a whole lot easier. You can kill everything before it gets more than the first shot off so you don't have to worry about that +300% incoming damage so much.
Saphirius 7 jun. 2021 às 15:24 
I have no clue why, but I cant access your new guide on Burnination II. It says that the object is either hidden or I dont have the rights to access it.
Shoark 25 mai. 2021 às 8:33 
and the New updated Guide is online Maximum Burnination II
The Midnight Animal  [autor] 14 fev. 2021 às 19:35 
Hey Korn, been a long time since I played, however each normal flamer hit can crit. DoTs however cannot o believe. This build is actually pretty tanky as you are regenning health on kill, which you are able to do quickly. Well, when this guide was written many moons ago.
Delendar 13 fev. 2021 às 16:54 
Hello, i'm getting a wee bit confused here, do i not want any of the "attrition" perks, like the one that blinds? How does crit with the heavy flamer work? Does it have a chance of crit on tick? if so, is the damage actually higher than just going for more DoT damage? Also, im used to a very tanky nearly-invulnerable crusader build, how much of a suicidal is this one with the no-regen perk? Thanks!
The Midnight Animal  [autor] 2 nov. 2020 às 14:46 
@Shoark Absolutely man, thanks for checking in first!
Shoark 2 nov. 2020 às 5:58 
May i use your guide and update it to the current patch ?
Cara misses her pc 27 out. 2020 às 4:51 
Hey this is legit thanks for the guide
fluppi 10 jul. 2020 às 2:01 
yup, unlocked one of them yesterday, and even though your guide might be a bit old, I am still melting through the enemy like through butter