Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

87 évaluations
Ydwin, Vampire Queen (Striker/Support) - POTD Build Guide
De Lost Sinner
★ Rogue / Cipher (Mindstalker) - Build Guide for Ydwin

★ Main role: Striker, Support

✎ Team comp: recommended to have a Chanter to paralyze enemies for more crits & boost her attacks with Aefyllath.

✎ Powerspike: build powerplay once Ydwin is geared up.

✖ Artwork by: Penett Penett
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★ Showcase Video
✎ Leveling Progression
♦ Leveling:
  • Level 2: Valorous Echoes
  • Level 3: Lingering Echoes
  • Level 4: Blinding Strike & Biting Whip
  • Level 5: Recall Agony
  • Level 6: Two-Handed Style
  • Level 7: Confounding Blind & Secret Horrors
  • Level 8: Dirty Fighting
  • Level 9: Hammering Thoughts

  • Level 10: Deep Pockets & Pain Block
  • Level 11: Body Attunement
  • Level 12: Psychic Backlash
  • Level 13: Deep Wounds & Borrowed Instict
  • Level 14: Ringleader
  • Level 15: Rapid Casting

  • Level 16: Ucanny Luck & The Empty Soul
  • Level 17: Improved Critical
  • Level 18: Greater Focus
  • Level 19: Deathblows & The Complete Self
  • Level 20: Echoing Horror


♦ Civil skills:
  • Active: Alchemy
  • Passive: Metaphysics

♦ Weapon Proficiency:
  • Warbow - Blunderbuss
✎ Equipment / Gear
✦ Gear:
  • Heaven's Cacophony (Head): +2 Intellect, Grants Avenging Storm

  • Strand of Favor (Neck): +1 Intellect, +10% Beneficial effect duration, -10% Hostile effect duration.

  • Spider Silk Robe: +3 Slash Armor Rating, Immunity to Dexterity Afflictions.

  • Chameleon's Touch (Ring): +1 Perception (Cipher), +1 Dexterity (Rogue)

  • Ring of the Marksman: +4 Ranged Accuracy, +1 Ranged Penetration

  • Boosts of Stone: +1 Dexterity, +1 Resolve, Resistance to Might afflictions.

  • Instant Potion Belt: +2 Alchemy

  • Apothecary Gloves: +1 Dexterity, +2 Alchemy

  • Ajamuut's Stalking Cloak: +1 Perception, ....


✦ Weapon:
  • Frostseeker (War Bow): +10% Damage as Freeze, Shoot mutiple projectiles, each crit proc a Freezing/Slash AoE damage at target location, Grants Garland's Breath.


✦ Alchemy:
  • Taru Turu Chew: +X Might, +X Dexterity, +X Constitution
  • Potion of Ascension: +X All Power Levels
  • Potion of Perfect Aim: % Missses to Grazes / Grazes to Hits / Hits to Crits conversion
  • Razorgrill Dust: +X Raw Damage per 3s, +5% Damage taken
  • Obsidian Lamp (Figurine): Summon 3 Shades
  • Effigy Doll (Figurine): Summon Effigy of Skaen
    Figurines are not core items, anything else would do.
✎ Abilities Preview
♦ As a Rogue/Cipher:
  • Ydwin has really good damage despite having low Might, when properly built with the right gear and abilities, she can still dish out serious damage with her attacks thanks to the nature of Rogue spike damage and Cipher utilities.

  • Powerful buffs & long lasting debuffs: with good base INT/PER, she can inspire her allies to improve their striking power and defense while giving enemies endless nightmare of debuffs or even charm enemies into one of her minions, turning them against their friends.


✦ Active Abilities:
  • Biting Whip: +30% Damage with weapons.

  • Sneak Attack & Deathblows: +% scaling damage with power levels for weapons against enemy with atleast 1 affliction (30% Base). Ydwin can reach to +85% Damage at end game with consumables for this build.

  • Deep Wounds: +20% Slash/Pierce/Crush as Raw Damage, overtime.

  • Deathblows: +50% Damage with weapons when target is affected with atleast 2 afflictions. With these passives, allow Ydwin to have high spike damage attack even with low Might, and as Rogue/Cipher you would be swimming in enough afflictions to proc these conditions by default.

  • Confounding Blind: Full Attack with +10 bonus accuracy and +25% bonus damage with Blinded affliction along with a stacking penalty debuff on target when upgraded.

  • Frostseeker Warbow: Shoot multiple projectiles, each crit proc an AoE dealing Freeze/Slash damage on target location. With multiple projectiles shot guarantee Blinded status on target, while lowering their Deflection further with each hits they take. And as they take more hits, the more vulnerable they are to critical strikes, allow you to proc the special effect on the bow itself, adding up even more damage.

  • Avenging Storm: granted by Heaven's Cacophony head, a per rest buff that gives Ydwin an addtional Shock damage attack each hits made with weapon attacks, adding up more damage, more attacks, synergizes well with what is already on the table (Frostseeker, Confouding Blind).

  • Garland's Breath: granted by Frooseeker, a powerful per rest AoE dealing Freeze damage and can Paralyze enemies.

  • Borrowed Instict: target an enemy, applying a penalty of -8 Intellect, -8 Perception on his enemy and give herself a boost of +20 Accuracy, +20 All Defenses buff. Keep this up at all times.

  • Secret Horrors: reducing enemies defenses, rendering them useless by disabling their offensive attacks on you (Frightened). While also Sicken them, lowering -5 Constitution and -25% healings, allow you to quickly maul them to death.

  • Recall Agony: a Mark ability for Cipher, target marked will have each incoming attacks reapplied 30% part of their intial damage as Raw damage. A powerful skill to put on someone you really wanted dead quickly.

  • Body Attunement: +2 armor rating to self and -2 armor rating to target, mainly used to reduce enemy armor rating further on tanky target so allies attack can sink in their flesh.

  • Valorous Echoes: a cheap cost available early on to provide an ally two offense inspirations: Strong and Insightful which +5 Might and +5 Perception.

  • Pain Block: provide an ally a powerful defensive buff that grants +5 Constitution, +2 Armor Rating and +10 HP (scaling) per 3s.

  • Ringleader: a powerful charming ability that Dominated the target and Charm foe AoE nearby, turning enemies against their friends for a time.

  • Deep Pockets: give Ydwin 2 more quickslots to put in any figurines you like, giving her even more minions, fitting for a Fampyr queen.

✦ AI Behavior Script:
4 commentaires
Matroska 10 déc. 2019 à 8h03 
Would you change anything here for turn-based? And I thought Draining Whip was seen as universally better than Biting Whip?
Dr. Henry Killinger 30 mai 2019 à 2h05 

It's there in the YT, but not in the description. He responded to a comment with the link. See above to save you a few clicks.
leroy jenkems 2 mai 2019 à 20h30 
Been playing with Ydwin for a while and this build is incredible. Thanks
Pompus 9 aout 2018 à 4h07 
Great as always, thank you very much. Anyway you could provide a link for the AI Script?