Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

228 hodnocení
Stream - Network
Přidat do oblíbených
Odebrat z oblíbených
Assets: Road
Velikost souboru
3.938 MB
12. čvn. 2018 v 19.31
Poznámky ke změnám (1) – zobrazit

Klikněte na „Odebírat“ pro stažení položky
Stream - Network

V 3 kolekcích od uživatele Czardus
Roads by Czardus
28 položek
Beliford - Networks Assets Collection
21 položek
Tangaroa Map Collection
48 položek
This is a non-functional stream that can be placed as a network. In other words, this does not use the actual water in the game and is for looks only.

This utilizes Ronyx's outstanding stream decal, which is listed as a required item. Special thanks to Ronyx for creating that asset.

The base of this asset is a pedestrian path, and it can be found in the menu under pedestrian paths. However, I've disabled the pedestrian functions, so no pedestrians will be walking in the stream.
Počet komentářů: 20
Erke 30. dub. 2022 v 10.01 
I've been trying to accomplish the tiniest water stream for ages. This right here might be the potential answer... Too bad it doesn't function as water and I'm assuming it's not animated hence the decals... But networking a stream is the asnwer!
Thank you for creating this.
datstank 17. led. 2021 v 9.42 
Ah for anybody else getting this as a Missing asset using the Loading Screen Mod , just ignore it and look in your pedestrian paths and it is indeed there and works as intended !
Czardus  [autor] 17. led. 2021 v 9.22 
@datstank - Do you have the required mod and asset enabled?
datstank 17. led. 2021 v 8.45 
Keeps saying on my loading screen that Stream - Network is missing yet i am subscribed and have every asset enabled , any thoughts?
Czardus  [autor] 8. pro. 2020 v 3.32 
@otrwalter - This is smaller than any stream possible through that method.
otrwalter 7. pro. 2020 v 20.39 

just dig a trench of random length and direction, put a water source at the top and you have a river.
Czardus  [autor] 30. čvc. 2020 v 11.36 
Do you have the required items shown in the right side of this page? You need those to get the stream decal to show.
lostintwilight 30. čvc. 2020 v 8.25 
Why does mine look like just a dirt road?
Captain Toof 8. kvě. 2020 v 15.43 
Need half width base, this gonna be some creeks.
Allystrya 4. dub. 2020 v 21.32 
I thought I lost this, I wanted to cry as I was afraid you had taken it down! But it turns out I was just a dork and for whatever reason unsubbed. I love this for in my city. IF you do it just right, you can plop swans in game so they look like they are on water :) My favorite thing!