Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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TF2 Stereotypes
Por Chicken Nugget e 1 colaborador(es)
This is a guide explaining most stereotypes in TF2 so let's begin.

  • All artwork does NOT belong to us.

  • If you think that we're attempting to copy SoundSmith's stereotype videos, we didn't even think about it beforehand. These are just stereotypes off the top of our heads. Please don't kill us lol

  • If you spot grammar mistakes let us know so we may fix them instead of crying about the misspelling and bad grammar.
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Hoovy and Pootis
Honestly mistaken for Pootis the Hooovy unlike the pootis give you a sandvich for being friendly to them/him/her so if you end up being given a sandvich by one of these guys don't attempt to attack them since they will then they well get angry because of this and make it their mission to kill you.

Location:Casual Servers, Rarely Community Servers
The Try-Hard where to begin. THERE EVERYWHERE! it's difficult no to be in a game someone is trying to kill every body like maybe EVERY FRIENDLY. If you see one or maybe three in your game start prayin' boy

Population: Too Common
Location:Anywhere and Everywhere
Battle Medics
The Battle Medics are pretty annoying to deal with. First they never do their intended purpose, TO HEAL. The Second is they take health packs now i don't think you know this, but the Medic's health regenerates over time so they can get annoying quick you better hope they soon learn the have a medi-gun.

Location:Casual Servers
Are you seeing somebody who is critting every shot or always knowing where a cloaked spy is well he might be a hacker! Now a days not many hackers are on TF2 so if you find on, you found a legendary stereotype! The reson he is so hard to find is they have started flooding other more popular games (i.e. Fortnite, Counter Strike) and the rest where just banned.

Location:Casual and Competitive
Spy Crab
Back to the good ol' days where the spy crabs were very populated until one day gaben destroyed the peace with one wave of an upload the pyro update this made all the spy crabs start to fear for their lives and were foced out of the game by the devilish Pyro's, but it is rumored one day the spy crabs will one day return to the game and the peace will be restored.

it''s actually really easy to do it all you have to dois take out your disguise kit look up croutch and walk. they are usually very nice so if some how they return do not kill them in order to keep the peace.

Pyro Shark
This Pyro is a very patient fellow and most commonly found in 2 Fort under the bridge the carry the Neon Annihilator he attacks whoever falls in.

Location:2 Fort, Map with Water
Box-Trot Spies
These Spies are utterly friendly NEVER KILL ONE. The spy likes to hide in an area for most of the game or walk around, slowly. Rarely will he ever come out to kill anyone like never.

Location:Casual and Community Servers
The Pro
This person is great at the game, I mean server clearing greatness.They make it there goal to be MVP(and always are). He easily mows down enemys and can easilly escape a fight
The Memer
Here we have the "Memer"

These people standardly use really bad weapons, or super situational weapons (Sun on a stick, The Hot Hand, The Holiday Punch, e.t.c.).
Most don't take the game seriously, and just want to play for the fun of it, but some may play it seriously, or are striving for a specific goal in a serious fashion.
These people can be your best dream, or your worst nightmare.

The Salty 3 Year Old
If you have played TF2 for long enough you've at least ran into one of these. The Salty Three yr old usually can be identified by their abusive typing in chat(or voice chat). They think they are so great and after enough deaths they explode with rage in chat. Some people find it funny, and others will just get concerned for the persons mental well-being. If someone freaks out in the chat, tell them
"It is just a game".
The New and Confused Player
I'm sure that if you at least have over 2 hours on TF2, you've probably seen the player that has 0 idea of what they're doing. Usually, people will confront them as F2Ps (Free to Plays), Noobs, or New Players.
You can normally find them doing things such as:
  • Bumping into walls
  • Trying to shoot through glass
  • Standing still in the middle of enemy area
  • Missing almost EVERY shot (Unless they have experience with First Person Shooters)

These people also have generally no knowledge of the games engine's exploits, or strategies.
If you see a new player, always try to give them advice, and a nudge in the right direction.

The Youtuber
What could be worse then a Try Hard, Oh I know an idiot with a camera. If you see this person on your team not only are you talking to someone "popular"(*cough cough* me) but the enemy team will most likely target him/her. So protecting them is going to end poorly(again me). Tho in some situations they are a little TOO good at the game, too the point it makes everyone look clueless.
The Deaf Medic (Pocket Medic)
The Medic who does nothing but heal the one person on the team with the flashy cosmetics, and COMEPLETELY forgets about his teammates is not a fun person to play with.
These medics pop up all too often in casual and community servers. Don't try to even reason with them, because they won't even hear you. You're best option is to either go to an engineer instead, or be a good person, and go Medic for your other teammates that need healing.
And please, PLEASE don't be this kind of person.

This person is hard to find, but trust me there are a lot of them. These people usually are found bind spamming(lenny face, abusive messages, etc), but some do mic spam. If you run into one of these people make sure to call a kick on them for spamming.The only exception in this is for chat spamming if they but 4 or less DO NOT call a kick on them since it isn't considered spam yet.
3 comentário(s)
Chicken Nugget  [autor(a)] 16/dez./2018 às 17:37 
I'm sorry if some of the grammar is wrong I just was rushing to get as many in my head down as fast as possible so most if the grammar is wrong
Dailyyy 9/jun./2018 às 3:30 
response to both of these questions:
you spelled grammar wrong.
he didn't copy soundsmith, he was probably inspired.
Splug 9/jun./2018 às 3:07 
I like this except check the grammer, some of it is totally wrong.