Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

255 ratings
By Power Guido
If you are unlucky and/or have no friends to boost, this is the guide for you!
In this guide I will show you how to unlock some of the most difficult/trickier achievements of L4D2. All of them will be done in the 'Forever Alone' way, a good alternative for people who don't have a pal to farm/boost achievements. You will also need to use Bots and install some addons from Steam Workshop.

Yeah, I know. "This is cheating!!!" and blah blah blah. If you are a pro player with +1000 hours on L4D2 who doesn't need cheats to unlock achievements you shoundn't have even opened this guide in the first place :D
How to enable Console
The first thing you need to know is how to enable the Developer Console:

1) Go to Settings.
2) Select "Keyboard/Mouse".
3) Select "Activate Developer Console" and mark "Activated".
4) To open the Console press ' (apostrophe is the default button).
"Heartwarmer" Achievement
HEARTWARMER In a Versus round, leave the saferoom to defibrillate a dead teammate.

To unlock the heartwarmer achievement in singleplayer with bots do this:

1) Download the "Improved Bots (Advanced)" addon and activate it. This will let the bots be controlled by A.I. allowing you to play versus singleplayer.
2) Open the console and type map c4m1_milltown_a versus
This will start a versus game in the first chapter of the Hard Rain campaign. This is the map of choice for this achievement because of two reasons: it has a saferoom pretty close to a wide open dangerous area filled with special infected (pretty good to get the bot killed by zombies. Yes, THE ACHIEVEMENT ONLY COUNTS IF THE BOT IS KILLED BY ZOMBIES, NOT YOU) and generally has a defibrillator in the ambulance (or in one of the houses near the road).

3) For this achievement you need to be on the SURVIVORS TEAM. If you started the game on the infected side, use the code above again until you get in the survivors team.

4) Find a defibrillator and take it. Generally, the defibrillator spawns in the ambulance. If you didn't find one, restart the level using the code above in console until you do.

5) Progress throught the level until you reach the saferoom. Now you just need to stay outside, near the saferoom. Let the bots fight the zombies until one of the bots dies. You can shoot the bots to weaken them, but DO NOT KILL THE BOT YOURSELF or it won't count, let it be killed by zombies.

6) When the bot is killed, rush to the saferoom. GET IN THE SAFEROOM and immediately LEAVE THE SAFEROOM. Do this quickly or the remaining bots will follow you and the level will finish.

7) On the outside, run to the dead bot and use the defibrillator on it. If you followed all the steps correctly, the achievement is yours!
"Barrel Rolled" Achievement
BARREL ROLLED Kill a Special Infected with an exploding barrel.

To unlock Barrel Rolled achievement with bots do this:

1) Select Mutation "Hunting Party" and start a private server in "The Sacrfice" campaign's first chapter (The Docks). This mutation will turn all the special infected into hunters, which are more easy to lure to the barrels.

2) Search for a barrel. The beginning of the level has an alley with some. Go there.

3) Wait for the hunters to come closer to a barrel.

4) Shoot the barrel!!!

5) The hunter died? Congratz...
"Sacrifizzle" Achievement
SACRIFIZZLE As a Special Infected, incap someone who is trying to sacrifice themselves.

To unlock the Sacrifizzle achievement with bots do this:

1) First, you need to download "Admin Menu" and "Admin System" addons and activate them. These mods will allow you to: change the game timescale to final rescue, teleport the bots to any place you want and turn yourself in any special infected you need. Make sure to deactivate any mod that interfers with them (like the bot mods from the previous achievements).


2) Start the game. Open the Console and type bind i "show_menu menu"
This will bind to the letter "I" the Admin Menu, that you will use to activate some of the commands of the Admin System necessary to farm the achievement.

3) Open the Console and type map c7m3_port versus
This will iniciate a versus game in the final map of "The Sacrifice" campaign.

4) You need to be on INFECTED TEAM. If you aren't, use the code above until you do.

5) Walk to the bridge.

6) Now, you are going to use the Admin Menu. Press "I" to activate it. Press 7 (Extra Commands). Press 5 (Activate Final Rescue). After that, the bridge will start to come down, like it does after all generators are on.
Sequence: I 7 5

7) Climb the ladder. Now upstairs, you will: Press "I". Press "5" (Warp Commands). Press "1" (Warp to me). Press "5" (All).
This will teleport all the survivors bots, who will activate the bridge.
Sequence: I 5 1 5

8) After that, the bridge will start to lift up. Then the survivors will go downstairs.

9) Now, you just have to turn into a infected able to incap a survivor. Press "I". Press "4" (Infected Commands). Press "1" (Spawn Infected). Press "1" (Spawn Tank). This will make you spawn as a Tank. Incap one of the bots and it's done.
Sequence: I 4 1 1

"Wedding Crasher" Achievement
WEDDING CRASHER As the Charger, grab a Survivor and crash them through 8 chairs at the wedding.

To unlock Wedding Crasher achievement with bots do this:

1) Install the "Admin System" and "Admin Menu" addons and enable them. They will let you spawn as a Charger, the special infected you need for this. You will need the "Improved Bots (Simple)" addon too. This will give the bot enough A.I. to be able to progress trought the level.


2) Open the Console and type: map c6m1_riverbank teamscavenge
This will start a Team Scavange in the first map of "The Passing" campaign.

3) You need to be on INFECTED TEAM. If you aren't, use the code above until you do.

4) After that, you will need to let ONLY ONE SURVIVOR in the server. Kick the other three using the Admin Menu: Press "I". Press "2" (Survivor Commands). Press "2" (Kick/Ban Player). Press "1" (Kick Player). Press "1" or "2" or "3" or "4" (Kick Nick or Ellis or Coach or Rochelle).
Sequence: I 2 2 1 1/2/3/4

5) Now, to assure no special infected kills the survivor you are targeting, you need a way to eliminate all of the special infected from your game. For this you will need to disable A.I. Director.
Press "I". Press "7" (Extra Commands). Press "4" (Director Stop). After that, you will be the only special infected in the map.
Sequence: I 7 4

6) Now you need to become a Charger: Press "I" to activate Admin Menu. Press "4" (Infected Commands). Press "1" (Spawn Infected). Press "3" (Spawn Charger).
Sequence: I 4 1 3

7) Now you need to make your own strategy to crash the survivor into the 8 chairs! This will take some tries. I recommend that you spawn before the stairs or hide in some bushes. When the survivor gets in front of the chairs you CHARGE! My strategy was to wait for the survivor to interact with the radio, then I spawned before the stairs. After the music starts to play, he will pass in front of the chairs... time to CHARGE!!!!!! Sometimes this doesn't happen. Sometimes the common infected screws up with the chairs. Sometimes the survivor passes trought the wedding very fast. YOU WILL NEED TO TRY AGAIN!

An easier way is using Admin Menu's Warp Commands: Press "I". Press "5" (Warp Commands). Press "2" (Warp to Crosshair). This will make the remaining bot teleport in the direction you are facing. Make sure to warp the survivor in front of the chairs in the left. It has 3 rows of chairs, so there is a higher chance of crashing the bot on 8 chairs.
Sequence: I 5 2

8) If you need to try again (you will!), press "Esc" and select "Call a Vote". Click on "Start a new campaign" and Select "Riverbank" from The Passing campaign. This will restart the level with you on the same team as previously (Infected Team). Time for another try!

9) Charged him? Congratz...

Wrap Up
If this guide helped you with any of these annoying achievements, consider favoriting it and giving it a "thumbs up".

Special thanks to:
Belladonna (For reviewing my text)
Pesta (For his awesome tips on Wedding Crasher).

Leave your feedback! Any Suggestions or Questions? Comment below :D

KuranKun 5 May @ 4:38am 
worked like a charm, thanks!! for SACRIFIZZLE achievement i used @BloodyRo '15/jul./2023' method. tossed the survivors in the direction of the street, after two got near it, the achievemet popped
Diabolic 22 Nov, 2023 @ 2:00am 
As I can see the SACRIFIZZLE achievement has been patched, it no longer obtainable with this method
Rei Hoshimiya 9 Sep, 2023 @ 10:03am 
I really need help for the SACRIFIZZLE achievement. If anybody wants to help me, feel free to do so.
Avalon 8 Sep, 2023 @ 4:05pm 
Power Guido  [author] 5 Sep, 2023 @ 4:44pm 
@Avalon Many thanks for the video tutorials! They are very helpful!!
Avalon 2 Aug, 2023 @ 1:46pm 
Hello! (I know this may sound like spam, but it's not...) I made two tutorials for the "Heartwarmer" and "Sacrifizzle" achievements following the steps shown in the guide, no more to add, I hope this can be helpful ...

"Heartwarmer": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr2KaTQFlm8&t=25s
"Sacrifizzle": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyiStcHKlNU&t=22s
BloodyRo 15 Jul, 2023 @ 3:55pm 
For Sacrifizzle this is the definitive correct way.

Get up on the bridge near the control panel

Now do: I 7 5 - don't do it if you're not near the control panel because the survivors won't activate the switch otherwise

Then do: I 5 1 5 quick

Survivors should now climb lower on the bridge (not on the street below), bridge shouldn't be all the way down yet

Now do I 4 1 1

And hit them towards the street, get one of them as far towards the street as possible, I don't think it works if they're near the bridge.

And that's about it, tried every method but only this one worked.
Corgi Goldman 13 Oct, 2022 @ 4:59am 
thanks so much dude, worked a charm
morpheushk2000 1 Jun, 2021 @ 10:53am 
@chu77 ran into group who was doing heartwarmer by chance. Thanks for the offer mate
fivemagics18 25 May, 2021 @ 8:45am 
I can be your friend if you need help