Risen 3 - Titan Lords

Risen 3 - Titan Lords

40 ratings
Simple Fix to Enhanced Edition FPS issues
By Yes, Your Grace
What's this about?
I myself, alongside with many other people, noticed that after EE update there were microstuttering and microfreezing and/or big fps loss.

What was the problem?
I had ~40 fps with ultra settings. Setting the game to lowest settings didn't improve fps not even by 1. Alongside with that there were microlags, which made 'smooth' experience stutter.

I even created a discussion with the solution I found, and over the years people kept bumping that one, so I'm re-creating that discussion as a guide for more people to see.
The Fix itself
Here's the one thing that helped me, and it doesn't involve hardware/drivers tuning.
  • 1. Find ConfigDefault.xml in Steam\SteamApps\common\Risen 3\data\ini\
  • 2. Find this line:
    <Window Top="0" SafetyFramePercentage="0.0" Right="1024" RefreshRate="0" Name="Risen 3 - Titan Lords" Left="0" FullScreen="false" FPSLimitToRefreshRate="true" FPSLimit="0" Center="false" CaptureCursor="true" Bottom="768" AdapterNumber="0"> </Window> (just search word 'fps')
  • 3. Change this:
    into this:

That solved the problem for me. Now on my midrange (i5 4430, GTX 770 2gb, 8gb ram) rig I get 70+ fps.
Increasing FPS even more
In the discussion, one of the guys wrote:
For me, the problem seems to be the shadows. If I turn it down to medium, the framerate because nice and smooth. The problem is that the shadows on medium look awful.
That's actually fixable as well. My friend also came across this problem, where high and ultra shadow settings were causing fps loss, and on medium everything was perfect, except the thing that shadows looked awful.
So, a bit lower than fps stuff we changed earlier, find this line:
<Medium TerrainShadowMapSize="512" TerrainShadowMapMaxDistance="30000.0" SoftShadows="false" SSAOQuality="3" StaticTerrainShadows="true" EnableShadows="true" DetailShadowMapViewRange="70000.0" DetailShadowMapSplitFactor="0.1" DetailShadowMapSize="512" DetailShadowMapCount="2" PerspectiveShadows="false" SmallObjectThreshold="0.100000" SmallObjectFadeRange="0.050000" ShadowDepthBias="2.0" FogShadows="false"> </Medium>
and change it into:
<Medium TerrainShadowMapSize="1024" TerrainShadowMapMaxDistance="30000.0" SoftShadows="false" SSAOQuality="0" StaticTerrainShadows="true" EnableShadows="true" DetailShadowMapViewRange="10000.0" DetailShadowMapSplitFactor="0.1" DetailShadowMapSize="1024" DetailShadowMapCount="3" PerspectiveShadows="false" SmallObjectThreshold="0.100000" SmallObjectFadeRange="0.050000" ShadowDepthBias="2.0" FogShadows="false"> </Medium>
All I did is changed the TerrainShadowMapSize from 512 to 1024 (that's why you were getting the ugly shadows), and disabled SSAO, which consumed a lot of GPU power, but didn't give any strong visual effect.
Thanks everyone for the support, rate this and upvote if the guide helped you.
Sass Drake 13 Nov, 2023 @ 8:17am 
I can confirm that setting FPSLimitToRefreshRate to false fixed stuttering and 30-40 FPS on Ryzen 5800X and GeForce RTX 3070 while both CPU and GPU usage were low. Now FPS is at constant 60 with vsync active. :D
Nur Ab Sal 30 May, 2023 @ 11:48am 
Thanks,from 33-55 fps to 78-90 only doing the change "true" for "false"
furbleburble 2 Dec, 2022 @ 5:49am 
I'm not sure what's confusing. This guide tells you what to look for, where to find it, and what to edit it to. It's pretty much the most basic stuff there is. On top of that, the file to be edited actually comes with the game itself. Nvidia Profile Inspector is a 3rd-party program, and that is a fair bit more complicated if you're not familiar with it, though it is a nice and useful program..
mojave_wastelander 19 Sep, 2022 @ 1:26pm 
In my case it worked only after adding the option to ConfigUser.xml and adding `FPSLimit="0"` as well. Another thing initially the game ran around 35-40 FPS no matter graphic settings and around 100-120 after change on ultra 2K, this has a bad side effect of putting graphics card to max without any real need, so is highly recommended to limit fps with respective tool, e.g. in AMD Adrenalin there is Radeon Chill.
furbleburble 12 Apr, 2022 @ 6:34am 

The name of the file to be edited is the first thing listed under the heading "The Fix Itself."
Polansky 11 Apr, 2022 @ 12:10pm 
Awsome! They really messed up with the shadow settings, especially since the game actually looks just as well with your fix as it does with ultra shadows.

One small issue, you forgot to mention the name of the file to edit
furbleburble 6 Mar, 2022 @ 1:23am 
This solved my problems. Thank you.
CrackSmokingWarlock 12 Apr, 2020 @ 6:12am 
Thank you so much, I was having the same issue where Medium Shadows had this weird, awful looking grid effect and this fixed it.
HYPE 19 Oct, 2019 @ 4:59am 
Thanks!!!! so much, i had big problem with this shadows. <3
BDK 3 Jul, 2019 @ 2:53pm 
Thanks! I'll be sure to share this instead of bumping the original thread :lunar2019coolpig: