Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

240 ratings
How to be a decent teammate
By These stairs go up!
This guide is aimed at basic skills you should have for the Champion and Legend difficulties for Vermintide 2. IT IS MAINLY TO DISCUSS TEAMWORK AND COMMON SENSE BEHAVIOURS . It is not a guide of how to be the best player or how to play any particular class. Even more lightly edited for the latest patch. Such fancy. Much incoherent dwarf noise. Wow!
Why I am making this guide
I have a good 2300+ hours into this game already. I enjoy the game and want to keep the game running smoothly.

Far too many times I run into teammates who play like greedy little sh*ts instead of playing the objective and paying attention to the team. Running ahead and wondering why they died as their team got caught by a horde. Taking items they don't need or wasting items. Not healing and dying because they are "saving it for a better time to heal". Passing up items that would take 2 seconds to pick up because "we will just find more". Not communicating or listening to teammates whatsoever.

The list goes on. This is to just be a basic guide to make your life and your teammates lives much easier.

If you don't play like a decent human being well.....

Basic Communication

You kind of have to communicate with each other to get to the end of the level, especially if you want to get all the books and get that Red Weapon you're drooling over. Now not everyone has a microphone so that they can talk and that's fine. Sometimes typing takes too long and you are in a bad situation, that is also fine.

Just try to listen to your team.

If someone is on the microphone asking you to take a healing potion, just listen, If someone types into chat that there's a special sneaking up, just listen. If someone is trying to suggest a place to hold against a horde, just listen.


You would be surprised how far a team can go with even a bare minimum of communication. You don't have to go nuts and explain your life story, but just communicate with the team. If you communicate well and are friendly, you may find people who will friend you and have more games with you in the future.

A great way to communicate without a microphone and without typing is T. In this game T marks elites, specials, bosses, and items with a bright blue outline and makes a loud ding noise so that the team can hear it. As well, your character will call out and say "blahbitty blah items here" or "holy sh*t a stormvermin!" making everyone around know that whatever it is you are trying to point out exists, so long as they are paying attention. By doing this you make sure you are communicating and the team should know what's going on, making your life that much easier for bashing ratty heads in.

Oh boy oh boy. Just when you thought the amazing product "T" was the best thing on the market fattyshats gives you the lovely "T+" product. Now when you hold down T it brings up a chat wheel so you can force text into chat such as PATROL, MONSTER, TAKE THIS D*MN HEALING YOU GREEDY STUBBORN ELF. Such lovely sayings are yours to master and up your communication by quite a bit.
11/10 good product

Know your role
Ok this one might be a surprise...
You can't fill every role as just one of the 17 classes with one particular loadout for that class.

I know. It's a shocker. But maybe. Just maybe.
Bounty hunter is meant to be a ranged class.
Iron Breaker is a tanky melee class.
Huntsman is an elite and boss killing class.
Such and such so and so.
Hybrids exist but usually a class excels in a particular area.

Know what you should be doing as a particular class and with the weapons and talents you are using for that class. Don't try to play for those pretty green circles at the end of a game so you can feel good about yourself. If you die because you were trying to bash a Chaos Warriors head in with a non-armor piercing weapon as the ranged class just to get one more kill under melee, you may not get to the end of the level and thereby lose that sense of accomplishment you would have had from those circles.

This is not to say you have to strictly stick to a particular playstyle. It is to say that you have a role you perform best. Instead of trying to snipe a slave rat out from under your Foot Knight, just let him bash its head in. It's not worth the friendly fire or frustration.

Leave strength and concentration potions to classes that benefit the most from them, typically the damage dealing classes. A Pyromancer with benefit much more from a concentration potion than say a Handmaiden. Dont just use a potion to dive into a pile of rats when you have a teammate that can handle that role.

Know your weapon limitations. A single target weapon such as daggers or dual axes don't work well for hordes. Weapons such as the halberd, glaive, or two handed hammer work very well at horde clearing. Try to support your teammates that are clearing the horde by picking off stragglers that have got around to the sides or back.
Be prepared
Don't be the guy who queues up for a match and doesn't have his gear ready.

Don't be the guy who doesn't have any of the gear or traits or properties you need to make a class work.

Don't be the guy who queues for a match and then sits idle because you walked away when it takes 30 seconds for the game to load.

Don't be the guy who sees the team needs a tank and goes 3rd elite sniper.
Just know what you need ahead of time and get ready for the match.

There's a lobby for a reason.

Wasn't sure if I wanted to add this part but decided it's for the best.

Please don't join a difficulty you aren't prepared for.
Levels under about 15 don't really belong in Champion.
Levels under 25 don't really belong in Legend.
Dont just assume because you invited your friend to play legend at level 1 that literally anyone else wants to deal with that. Please.... just dont.

Of course certain players can make this work better. But this is a general guideline.

At level 30 you get your final talent. Making life much easier on Legendary.
You should probably have orange items for Legend as then you get traits. Traits really make a world of difference on the higher levels of difficulty.

This is of course not a requirement to join these difficulty levels, but is a good general guideline.

Dont let the idea of Champion or Legend scare you. You have to play them and make mistakes to get better. Thats how getting better at a game works. Even the best of players sucked at this game at one point or another. Most players are totally fine with showing you the ropes or teaching you a quick lesson about whatever it is you need to know. But dont be discouraged when the minority of people get mad or if you make mistakes. Keep practicing, keep at it, and youll get better.
Be aware of what is going on around you

Wow! It's almost like this game gives heavy audio clues as to what's going on around you.
Patrols, Special spawns, Bosses, Hordes. All of them have an audio clue that tells you they are there and going to do a thing and stuff.

Pay attention. Look around. Listen to the game.

Check up on your teammates. Are they falling behind, are they low on health or ammo, do they need items that you are passing by, are they being mauled by the 17th Gutter Runner in a row? Just be aware of what's going on around you. Nobody wants to babysit you and nobody wants to be ignored while you run after your green circles for the end of the game.

As far as tomes and grims go, ask the team if they want to get all of them. Most of the time its yes, but maybe you need to make a call because the game is going very poorly. Its ok to not get a tome or grim if it means you get to actually finish the level and win.

For the love of Sigmar and the ravaged bodies he has blessed...

Can you see your ranged class trying to pick off units in the distance?
Don't walk in front of them.
Can you see your melee classes trying to close in for a kill?
Don't shoot the damn target unless it's clear.

So many people do this and it's so simple to avoid. Friendly fire damage is fairly low.
But when a huntsman, a bounty hunter, even a ranger is dishing out damage and you step in the way, it hurts a lot.
As for you ranged heroes, don't be greedy and burn or shoot peoples arses because you want to get just a few more kills.
Friendly fire happens, but just be smart. The health lost from friendly fire can add up and cost the game.
Dont be greedy

Maybe you need to not chase a Loot Rat across the known universe.
Maybe you can sneak past the patrol.
Maybe you should not try to kill every living thing you can see when you can just walk by them and not have to fight.
You should definitely share the items and not try to shoot enemies out from under your teammates when it risks friendly fire.



You could try carrying Medkits instead of healing potions to help the team instead of just heal yourself. Don't think you need a healing item? Ask the team if they need it. Perhaps just carry it for later if you or your team needs it. Certain traits allow you to be a group medic. Carrying any health item is beneficial for these people and they should TYPICALLY not be forced to carry tomes but can carry them and swap quickly upon finding health items. Try to use all health you come across to top off the team. However, you should not horde the health items. Sometimes its better for a player to heal themselves. Natural bond players are kind of iffy, as you could get away with group healing to clear the wound and keep them moving, but they may just need a healthkit used on them. Play it smart and according to the situation.

Same goes for potions, if you don't need it carry it and pass it off or ask someone else if they would like to have it. Bombs are a bit different, my advice is to figure out who has shrapnel and pass them to that person it the event of a boss. Otherwise they are fairly free game. Just be conscious of friendly fire from bombs, firebombs however do not cause substantial friendly fire but they do actually do a very small amount of damage that can down or kill someone at catastrophically low health.

Be careful with barrels. They are very useful to stagger a boss or help clear a horde. However dont just chuck them into the pile when teammates are around. They cause heavy friendly fire damage. Same goes for the fire barrels, the fire also causes friendly fire damage. Its not worth your teammates life to get a few more kills.
Dont Be That Guy
This section may be redundant to bits a pieces from other parts of the guide but it needs its own section.

That guy is a man of many hats. He fills so many rolls of annoyance he gets his own section.

Don’t be the guy:
That runs ahead and dies then rage quits, either play true solo or play as a team
That hosts and has no business hosting, check your connection first
That hosts and then leaves cancelling the game, it's a huge waste of everyone's time
Who kicks people for no reason whatsoever, you're just a d**k
That kicks people because he wants to invite a friend, finish the game or set it up beforehand
That hosts a public game but kicks so he can have a private game, just host private.
That mic spams, just turn off always on mic
That never listens to the team, just f***ing listen
That thinks quickplay is true solo…it's not
Who thinks he's the boss of the team, it's annoying
That rushes the team through the level, pacing and items are important
That friendly fires to get people's attention, that’s why there's a social wheel and chat and mic and also you're a d**k
That refuses to heal, take items, help the team with items, that’s just selfish and foolish
That only uses range or melee, you will die and your team will be mad
The List goes on so feel free to leave suggestions in the comments.

Overall, it's like I'm trying to get across that this is a team game and you should play like a team. Whodathunkit.
Zoggin stuff Happens

The most important thing to remember is that zoggin stuff happens. You can do all the right things and still lose or you can make mistakes all game and still win.
Friendly fire happens.
Accidental deaths happen
Regular deaths happen
Running ahead or falling behind happens
Zoggin stuff happens lads.

Even the best players have games or whole days where they screw up for seemingly no reason. Sigmar knows I do. The important thing is to just try your best and try to be kind to the people you play with. Some people will never be happy no matter what you do and others will appreciate you. At the end of the day just try to have fun and be decent.
You're ready to go into the game and be a decent human being. The long story short here is just be smart and play for the team.
It's a great game and it makes it more enjoyable when people have fun and get to have just a few less frustrations.
Teammates make all the difference in this game. So be a good teammate and kill some rats in the name of the Empire and Karl Franz.

Dr. Sinclair 20 Jun @ 11:37pm 
I know this is old, but it really needs more attention, and as per the comment below, should be mandatory to read for everyone imho. While not as common on cataclysm, a lot of these behaviors are very frequent on legend.
There is one i'd like to point out tho, that being "Who thinks he's the boss of the team, it's annoying"
I do feel it is better for a team if someone assumes leadership. Not in an angry bossy way, that one is hella annoying, but if you're the most experienced player in the group, it can greatly increase chances of survival to be calling the shots, eg "fight the horde here" "lets retreat and fight the boss in a more open space" and things like that.
Sadly you will still end up with clueless people doing their own thing and dying. *shrug*
Elandil Aurelius 12 Sep, 2022 @ 6:20am 
No good sir
That damned Sack Rat dared dodge my first shot
This shan't stand!
Pure 3 Apr, 2022 @ 2:19pm 
Because of the players on this list, my blacklist adds at least 5 people every session. People who do not care about the others will not read such guides there is nothing to do. T won't help you. You can stand there and ping this damn potion to a particular character and he won't care. You can lie 3 meters away from an ally while being hit by a couple of enemies and he won't care. But for some reason people who play solo don't want to play with bots and that's a big mystery to me.
Sero 23 Oct, 2021 @ 11:47am 
Someone needs to explain people that natural bond and no curse protection doesn't pair well.
Anthonino [SP] 22 Oct, 2021 @ 7:35pm 
Just started with the game and willing to learn, hoping I ever share a game with chivalrous heroes such as youself, friend. (I will only go melee though; you know why) :steamhappy:
monke 29 Aug, 2021 @ 4:43am 
i have met so many people that could use this guide, nice job dude!
PinkJake 5 Jun, 2021 @ 7:30pm 
Thank you for this.... it should be required that new players are required to read this post.
Hampton Wick 11 May, 2021 @ 4:57pm 
This poetry needs to be pinned on the forums. :chug:
Levan Shprota 9 Jan, 2021 @ 11:50am 
Guides like this should be necessary to read for any player before they are so much as allowed to join lobbies or games. Even if they're not dicks, there's just some honest mistakes that they can make without knowing, and this guide does a good job at pointing them out.

Janfon1 21 Aug, 2020 @ 6:46am 
Thank you, bE MoRe cArefUl GoreksSoN, I shall heed your advice