Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How kicking works in TF2
By James Trifolium
Welcome! In this short guide i will provide info on how the kicking system works and how to properly use it.
How it works
The kicking/voting system was added with the hatless update on April 4th, 2011. And it has improved a bit since then. The way it works is that you go into the pause menu, you press the voting button, then select the kick option. After that you select which player you want to kick and then your team will be able to vote whether they want to kick that player or not, if enought votes say yes, the player will be kicked from the game.
Who you should kick
It might seem a little strange, but kicking the idle/cheating/scamming players are not the right way to go. Below this is a list of what not to and what to kick, please read it carefully.

What you shouldn't kick:
-Pocket Medics
-Battle Medics

What you should kick:
-People who carry the team
-People who are actually doing something
-Normal medics
-Fat Scouts
-Just literally anyone who isnt the things you shouldnt kick.

(Give me suggestions, im out of things to put here)
Thank you for reading this guide!
Alright, you can go now.

I said you can go now!

What are you still doing here?! GET OUT!
roseswashere | INACTIVE 1 Jun, 2018 @ 2:40am 
Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in power supply.

ConfectionaryCanine83 24 May, 2018 @ 12:00pm 
vampire irl 22 May, 2018 @ 3:41am 
oh perfect