Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

69 ratings
Deadfire Performance Increase
Tweaking configuration settings to improve FPS and stability.
This guide is for Windows OS. Llinux, and Mac, you're on your own. And, like all performance guides you find online, Your Mileage May Vary.
After changing the settings that I will explain to you in a second, I went from a 25-30 fps with heavy stuttering in towns, to 45-60 (with vsync) in towns. So with that being said, first thing's first, install this on an SSD. While it didn't grant me a huge FPS boost, (less than 5) it helped stablize my gameplay. Less freezing / stuttering especially in towns.

Surprised by how terribly this game ran on my meager machine, and the lack of graphical configuration options in-game, I decided to try tweaking some of the settings to see what I could do. No config files or .ini files were found in my search, so after searching through google a bit, I found that the settings are actually set through the registry, which I found odd.
The Registry
If you're not familiar with windows registry it can be daunting at first glance, the fastest way to get there is to access the "Run" command. Windows Key + R
Type in

This will open the registry editor. Obviously. Here in this window, clear everything in the address bar up top and paste this:

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity II

Press enter to browse to that registry entry.

In the window panel on the right of the Registry Editor, you should see a metric f*ckton of items, thankfully, they are in alphabetical order. Search the for the item labeled


Or, in the events that this option was changed, something along the lines of MultiSample. Once the item has been found, double click it, and change the Value Data to zero. The number 0, not the word. This will effectively disable the Multisampling and give you (hopefully) a decent FPS boost.

You can also mess around with the value labeled
If you absolutely cannot stand a bit of jaggies, but chances are, if you aren't new to this type of game then you wont mind the lack of antialiasing.
Disable multisampling in the registry.
Like I stated earlier this also cleared up the general stuttering as well as the freezing I had when heavy FX were being played. (Summons, AoE spells, etc.) Although I should probably clarify that i'm not sure if it was moving it to an SSD or the registry tweak that fixed the stuttering...

Anyway, I hope this also works for you, as it did for me, and I hope that obsidian sees and takes note of this issue and can maybe allow us a little more control over the graphical settings in the future.

I'll update this guide if I find anything else useful. Like and favorite this guide so others can see it, even if it didn't work for you, it could work for someone else!

Also, if anyone were curious about my specs, while not great, they are:
CPU AMD FX-6300 RAM 8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 665MHz Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980TI Storage 111GB ADATA SU650 (SSD)
GNAR  [author] 13 Feb, 2023 @ 10:19am 
Thanks man! I'm glad it's still useful after all this time :D
Seigar 12 Feb, 2023 @ 2:06am 
The difference is nigh and day with this fix. Thank you!
Irenicus 23 Sep, 2022 @ 5:38pm 
This is the only thing i found online that was helpful so i figured I'd ask you here. Long story short my awesome pc got water damaged and i now play on a on board intel graphics abomination. With your tweaks and the lowest resolution it will let me set it to the game runs at probably 20fps. Just enough for my love of the game to keep me going. But i really need just a few more fps to not make playing it torture. Is there anything else i can tweak in the file to make it function better? Ive looked myself but im not very knowledgeable on such things and no settings i saw actually seemed to change graphics. Help if possible please and thank you
Norn 25 May, 2021 @ 6:02am 
@Addam, the issue fixes itself if you just open and close the map. I have the same issue at 4K windowed mode.
Addam 8 Jan, 2021 @ 1:21pm 
Fullscreen, windowed 1920x1080, and windowed 1280x720 all have invisible circles and selection upon loading into a save with no MSAA. I don't have any mods that affect selection circles either so I'm unsure of what's causing it.
GNAR  [author] 8 Jan, 2021 @ 9:48am 
@addam That's odd, does it still happen if you play in windowed mode? it sounds like a resolution problem, i can't imagine disabling AA would affect that at all
Addam 8 Jan, 2021 @ 1:07am 
This does increase my performance a bit but it also introduces a bug where my selection circles and spell aoe circles disappear upon loading a save and only fix themselves when entering a new area. Guess I'll just keep MSAA at 1 =/
Rage 4 Oct, 2020 @ 3:24pm 
NVME may not do much more than the SSD but may be worth a shot, just make sure its not mounted to a pcie raid card and is actaully mounted to the board itself.

I personally built a brand new gaming rig in prep for cyberpunk 2077, I have not delved back into this game as of yet but being this thread is still being fallowed and commented in, I may just....
GNAR  [author] 4 Oct, 2020 @ 1:39pm 
@Keith it's long even on my SSD i don't think there's anything that can be done about that unfortunately. Perhaps one of those NVME's would help it load faster
Keith 3 Oct, 2020 @ 6:26pm 
The game runs fine for me but holy COW the load times - is there any way to fix that?