866 人が評価
[WOTC] Sectoid Abductor
50.670 MB
2018年5月14日 10時59分
2021年1月30日 13時35分
15 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

[WOTC] Sectoid Abductor

MrShadow 作成の 1 件のコレクション
CreativeXenos WOTC mod collection.
56 アイテム
-- Mod by Team CreativeXenos --
-- Blender, SDK and Rigging : Super awsome totally not fat just big boned : ObelixDk --
-- Maya, PhotoShop and textures: HulkCX --
-- VFX, SDK: .vhs --
-- Coding, art and conceptual idea : Shadow79 --

-- Special thanks to Robojumper for helping with bug fixes --

What is the Sectoid Abductor?

The Sectoid Abductor is a play on the classic abduction stories of old. They came for me, and beamed me up to their ship, stories. The Abductor has had a bit of a texture redesign to look somewhat more like the classic Grey but with added "stuff". Why? Just because we think it looks cool. The scary human teeth are gone and back is the more classic looking Sectoid mouth. The Abductor is still weak vs Melee. It can still do everything the base game Sectoid can. The changes are...

. Its reanimated Zombies do not die when it dies.

. 3 to 5 more HP than the base Sectoid (depending on Diff level)

. Its weapon is a bit more powerful. 1 more damage early game but there is also a late game version with stronger weapoon.

. Is immune to Mental attacks

. Has a Stun shot with its beam weapon. If it can stun a soldier or in any way find a stunned soldier in its line of sight...it will make that soldier a priority. If 2 or more are in play, one will try and stun and the next will try and abduct your soldier. This abduction is not set to turns like the Chosen's kidnap. If you have a stunned soldier and you see Sectoid Abductors, you need to kill, stasis or in some way shut them down. Stand blade storm soldiers next to your vulnerable soldiers to protect them. the Abductors will try and snacth them ASAP. They are not interested in long drawn out fights. They are there to grab a soldier and run.

. Being the stun shot is just that and does not do damage, it can still stun a Templar who tries to parry.

The Sectoid Abductor will first start to show up at Force Level 5 and throughout the game.

Have fun and protect your vulnerable soldiers. This mod is not meant for the casual player so please no complaining that you did not know your soldiers would be taken if left alone lol.

Sectoid Abductors can show up in greater numbers in an Abduction SitRep and can also be summoned in by chosen.

UFO MISSIONS= Can now have a full mission of Sectoids in their UFO.

PLEASE DONT FORGET to rate this mod :)
人気スレッド 全て表示 (4)
2021年7月20日 16時54分
8月27日 14時48分
Russian translation
2018年7月11日 4時02分
235 件のコメント
AviYanK 8月26日 23時44分 
I love mods that feels like vanilla. simply good mod. i like it
Cekseiro 3月27日 19時26分 
This guy with beta strike active be like: 'I likes ya, and I wants ya. Now we can do things the easy way or the hard way, the choice is yours.'
Lord Gecko 1月5日 23時11分 
can i recuit these with console commands?
cowardlykings 2023年12月26日 5時32分 
I've had a ton of fun with this guy, feels like base game.
Ghost13 2023年12月7日 21時01分 
Did not know it worked of the will check, just like mind control. Played with the mind shields on all frontline solders and though that abductor was somehow broken.
Martial.Lore 2023年4月27日 11時19分 
Update to Dec.5, 2022 post: After a number of months (IRL and in-game) I finally received a council mission to extract a VIP, who happened to be a soldier: my abducted soldier. After completion she was back in my roster AND with the gear that had been lost with her. So, that was it, in this instance: a council mission rather than a covert op location discovery. Phew!
zin 2023年4月3日 3時11分 
Also, anyone with the know-how, any idea how to reduce spawn rates by 10–20%?
zin 2023年4月3日 2時47分 
Love the mod! Is it compatible with LWotC and Mod Jam?
BottomScorer 2023年1月6日 6時43分 
One Steam tag should be sufficient!

War of the Chosen

NOT war of the chosen!
Martial.Lore 2022年12月5日 13時09分 
I haven't played in a long time and just had a soldier abducted (forgot about the mod mechanic). Trouble is not so much the soldier but the unique Chosen weapon that was lost too. I haven't had a rescue mission pop up yet but I sure hope I can get that weapon back!