Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - Single Player

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - Single Player

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Console Command List
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RO2 console command list
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Player Commands / Bot Controls
Add bots (number) - Add X number of bots
Killbots - Eliminates bots
Suicide - Kill player
Behindview 1 - Switches to 3rd person view
Behindview 0 - Switches to 1st person view
Quit - Quits game
Exit - Closes game
Switchteam - Changes players team
Playersonly - Freezes bots
QuickLoad - Load the save game created by the QuickSave exec function.
QuickSave - Create a save game for the game in progress.
RestartLevel - Restarts the current level.
Switchlevel (mapname) - Changes to level named
Open (mapname) - Opens named map
    German Campaign
  • open SP-1_Spartanovka_Ger;
    open SP-2_Barracks_Ger;
    open SP-3_Station_Ger;
    open SP-4_GrainElevator_Ger;
    open SP-5_Spartanovka_Ger;
    open SP-6_Apartments_Ger;
    open SP-7_Apartments_Ger;
    open SP-8_PavlovsHouse_Ger;
    open SP-9_CommissarsHouse_Ger;
    open SP-10_CommissarsHouse_Ger;
    open SP-11_Gumrak_Ger;
    open SP-12_RedOctoberFactory_Ger.
    Training mission
  • open SP-BasicTraining;
    open SP-CommanderTraining;
    open SP-SquadLeaderTraining;
    open SP-SupportTraining;
    open SP-TankTraining.
    Soviet Campaign
  • open SP-1_Spartanovka_Sov;
    open SP-2_Barracks_sov;
    open SP-3_Station_sov;
    open SP-4_GrainElevator_Sov;
    open SP-5_Spartanovka_Sov;
    open SP-6_Apartments_sov;
    open SP-7_PavlovsHouse_sov;
    open SP-8_CommissarsHouse_sov;
    open SP-9_Gumrak_Sov;
    open SP-10_RedOctoberFactory_sov;
    open SP-11_RedOctoberFactory_sov;
    open SP-12_FallenFighters_sov.
  • AffectedByHitEffects – Makes the player immune to all hit effects (i.e., momentum, hit effects, etc.).
  • AllAmmo – Sets ammo counts to maximum on all weapons
  • AllWeapons – Gives the player all the weapons available in the game.
  • Amphibious - Causes the player to be able to stay underwater virtually indefinitely (sets Paw.UnderwaterTime = 999999.0).
  • EnableCheats - Enables cheats within the game
  • Fly - Causes the player to be able to fly in place of walking.
  • FreezeFrame [delay] - Force the game to pause for the specified delay time.
  • Ghost - Puts the player into a ‘ghostly’ state where they can fly, pass through geometry, and are not affected by damage.
  • GiveWeapon [weaponclass] - Give an instance of the specified weaponclass to the player.
  • God - Puts the player into a state where they are no longer affected by damage.
  • KillAll [class] - Kills or destroys all instances of the specified class in the level.
  • KillPawns - Kills all pawns within the level.
  • KillViewActor - Kills or destroys the actor that is currently set as the ViewTarget.
  • Loaded - Gives the player all the weapons available and full ammo on those weapons. This is identical to calling AllWeapons and then AllAmmo.
  • PlayersOnly - Set the world to only update players, ignoring all other actors.
  • SetGravity [amount] - Set the gravity in the Z axis to the specified amount.
  • SetJumpZ [height] - Set the vertical distance a the player can jump to the given height.
  • SetSpeed [multiplier] - Multiply the player’s default ground and water speed by the given multiplier.
  • Slomo 1 -Sets game speed to normal
  • Slomo 2 - Sets game speed to double - Increase number to go faster
  • Slomo .5 - Sets game speed to half - Decrease number to go slower
  • Summon [classname] - Summon or spawn an instance of the specified classname (this is a package.class string).
  • Teleport - Teleports the player to the surface they are look at.
  • Walk - Sets the player back to the default walking state.
  • Invisible - Turn invisibility on or off (true / false)
  • Teleport - Teleport to where your crosshair is pointing
  • Loaded - Give all weapons and full ammo on them (combo of allammo and allweapons
  • SkipMatch - Win the current match and advance on the ladder
  • JumpMatch - Jump to a specific match on the ladder, where is a number. For example 43 for ladder 4, rung 3
  • ChangeSize - Change the player size by factor # (i.e. 0.25 or 2.0)
  • LockCamera - Toggle locking the camera in its current position
  • FreeCamera - D-link the camera rotation from the actor
  • ViewSelf - Reset the camera to view the player (true to be quiet, false to have sound)
  • ViewBot - Cycle the camera through the viewable bots
  • ViewFlag - View the actor current carrying the flag
  • ViewPlayer - Change the camera view to the given player
  • ViewActor - Change the camera view to the given actor
  • ViewClass - Change the camera view to the given class
  • KillViewedActor - Kill the actor the camera is currently viewing. Do NOT kill yourself! (Game will get stuck)
  • Avatar - Possess a pawn of the given class
  • Summon - Summon the given object
  • SetCameraDist - Set the distance the camera has from its target
  • SetGravity - Change gravitational pull
  • SetJumpZ - Change Jump height
  • SetSpeed - Multiply the Player water and ground speed with the given value
  • ListDynamicActors - Output all dynamic actors to the log file
  • FreezeFrame - Pause the game for the given duration
  • SetFogR - Set red colour component of fog
  • SetFogG - Set green colour component of fog
  • SetFogB - Set blue colour component of fog
  • SetFlash - Set the duration a screen flash takes to fade away
  • CauseEvent - Trigger the given event
  • LogSciptedSequences - Toggle logging for all scripted sequences
  • PlayersOnly - Toggle the level to a players only level
  • CheatView - Toggle to view to the given actor
  • WriteToLog - Write the string 'NOW!' to the game log
  • ReviewJumpSpots - Test jumping, the parameter can be 'Transloc', 'Jump', 'Combo' or 'LowGrav'
Inventory / HUD
  • NextWeapon - Switch the player’s weapon to the next weapon in the inventory.
  • PrevWeapon - Switch the player’s weapon to the previous weapon in the inventory.
  • StartFire [firemode] - Fire the player’s currently selected weapon with the optional firemode.
  • StartAltFire [firemode] - Fire the player’s currently selected weapon using the alternate fire mode.
  • StopFire [firemode] - Stop firing the player’s currently selected weapon with the optional firemode.
  • StopAltFire [firemode] - Stop firing the player’s currently selected weapon using the alternate fire mode.
  • SwitchToBestWeapon [bForceNewWeapon] - Attempts to change the player’s weapon to the best weapon in the player’s inventory. If bForceNewWeapon is true, the new weapon will be a different weapon than the one currently being used, assuming the player has more than one weapon at the time (this is optional and defaults to False).
  • ThrowWeapon - Throw the player’s current weapon and switch to a new weapon.
  • Use - Cause the player to interact, or attempt to interact, with any level objects the player is touching.
  • ToggleHUD - Toggles the visibility of all HUD items.
  • ShowHUD - Toggles the visibility of all HUD items.
  • ShowScores - Toggle the visibility of the scoreboard.
  • GrowHUD - Add missing elements to the HUD.
  • ShrinkHUD - remove elements from the HUD.
  • ReleaseShowScores - Toggle displaying the scoreboard.
  • SetShowScores [bShowScores] - Show or hide the scoreboard based on the value of bShowScores.
  • ShowAllAI - Toggle the display of AI overlays in the HUD.
  • ShowSquadRoutes - Toggle display of squad routes.
  • ToggleMinimap - Toggles the display of the minimap on the HUD.
  • ToggleScreenShotMode - Toggles the display of all HUD elements for taking screenshots.
  • Demorec (demoname) - Records a demo (n/a until patch)
  • Demoplay (demoname) - Plays a demo (n/a until patch)
  • Stopdemo - Stops playing a demo (n/a until patch)
  • Showhud - Shows the HUD toggled on/off - added by Dudeguy
  • Brightness (number) - Increases/Decreases brightness based on number
  • Contrast (number) - Increases/Decreases contrast based on number - added by MacNiel
  • Gamma (number) - Changes gamma level to certain number - added by MacNiel
  • Cdtrack (number) - Plays named CD track number
  • Confighash - Shows configuration information
  • Contrast (number) - Increases/Decreases contrast based on number
  • Debug crash - Test crash the game with an error
  • Debug eatmem - Tests memory allocation until filled
  • Debug GPF - Produces a general protection fault error
  • Debug recurse - Test crash via infinite recursion
  • Exec (filename) - Runs a file in the UT2003/system directory
  • Flush - Cleans all caches and relights
  • FOV (number) - Changes field of view to certain number
  • Dumpcache - Clears memory cache contents
  • Getcolodepths - Displays maximum colour depth supported by hardware
  • Getcurrentcolordepths - Displays current colour depth
  • Getcurrentres - Displays current resolution
  • Getcurrenttickrate - Displays current tick rate
  • Getmaxtickrate - Displays maximum tick rate
  • Musicorder (number) - Changes to certain track in the song (0=ambient 1=action 2=suspense)
  • Netspeed (number) - Set net speed (default=10000)
  • Obj classes - Displays a list of object classes
  • Obj garbage - Collects and purges objects not in use
  • Obj hash - Displays object hashing stats
  • Obj linkers - Displays list of active linkers
  • Pausesounds - Pauses all sounds
  • Unpausesounds - Unpauses all sounds
  • Preferences - Opens advanced settings (Disabled in Retail Game)
  • Relaunch - Copies report of current game to clipboard
  • Set (class variable value) - Sets specified class and variable with named value
  • Setsensitivity (number) - Sets mouse sensitivity to X
  • Setres (WidthxHeightxColordepth) - Sets screen resolution to specific width/height/colour depth
  • Sockets - Displays the list of in use sockets
  • Togglefullscreen - Changes full screen mode (in Windows hit ALT + ENTER as well)
  • Type (text) - Displays specified text in console
  • Mem stat - Show Windows memory usage
  • Stat all - Displays all stats
  • Stat audio - Shows audio stats
  • Stat fps - Shows average and current frames per second
  • Stat game - Displays game stats
  • Stat hardware - Shows hardware stats
  • Stat net - Displays net stats (ping etc)
  • Stat none - Removes stat displays
  • Stat render - Displays rendering stats
5 Yorum
GaroK 11 May 2023 @ 10:53 
Godmode doesn't work, because in this game it's really a spawn protection. It stops working after you shoot or aim.
Dusty Gozongas 30 Nis 2022 @ 12:05 
None of these codes work
Microsoft Excel 11 Ara 2021 @ 2:12 
god mode isnt working
La grosse bite au miel 24 Tem 2019 @ 12:01 
How do I use the GiveWeapon command ? It doesnt work even when I'm in a workshop map.
DrAdalwin 26 Haz 2019 @ 1:57 
why doesn't god mode work?